***Online Dating Support Thread***

I believe she really really likes this guy, but she feels like she is with a teenager because he is very thin= not so manly. But everything else is on point.

Can't say I blame her, I just can't get with a thin man.

Thanks! You nailed that right on the head.

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Nah I moved to Orlando almost a year ago

I just moved back to the Orlando area and the guys from POF are just as terrible as my old city lol. Better looking and more in abundant but geez its hit or miss. You lucked up!
Wow this is interesting thread, I'm have to join pof it hard out there for us single women not looking to share men.
Oh girls, how I've missed you. So many updates to give!

Ozz (a.k.a Vanilla Faced White Boy)- So we exchanged numbers on POF and then things shortly fizzled out afterwards. I'm starting to believe in the notion that yt boys try to see if they have what it takes to hang with us melanin rich folks, :lol:. In all seriousness, we had a lot in common but a few things he said later on during convo threw me off and then it just irritated me.

At one point in our convo, he goes "So do I have to get hurt just to come to the hospital to meet you?" and I said "Not unless you want our first hang out to be in a hospital bed. We'll have to configure our schedules to set something up."

He goes, "Yeah, two busy people with hectic schedules, we'll see what happens - LOL." ...In my mind, I took this to mean that we probably won't hang out and our schedules will be the excuse. So then why bring up wanting to meet?

Then we got to talking about POF and I asked him how long he had been on there, etc.. He said "Not long, I'm very picky lol." I said "So I guess I should feel good that I caught your eye then! ;)" Nothing too brash or forward, but he goes..

"Um, I guess - I didn't quite mean it like that but okay, lol."

:huh: So WTF are you trying to say? So if I didn't catch your eye, then WTF are you talking to me for? I stopped responding and then he tried to make small talk. Stop it, you killed it. Thanks, buh bye.

Merrill from POF- So yesterday was our first date... and boy oh boy, what a 'special' date it was.

First off, I told you guys earlier in the week that he was starting to creep me out because he was getting very clingy and emotional before we even met.. Well yesterday, we had reservations for Spice Market at 5:30pm, and Wicked was at 8. My best friend drives me into the city because I didn't want to pay for parking so I gave him my car..

This **** texts me at 5:15 to let me know that he's going to be about 15-30 minutes late. One of my biggest pet peeves is being late, but I tried to breathe and just relax...

This idiot doesn't show up until 6 f'n 40. I was PISSED, and had it not been for the fact that I was so excited to see Wicked, I would've taken my butt home. We wind up missing Spice Market altogether, and instead we meet at Europa Cafe because we only have about 30 minutes before the show.

I walk into the cafe, and immediately spot him. My first impression was :nono::nono::nono: because for one, he looks nothing like his photos and for two, I'm annoyed at having wasted the earlier part of my day. Our 'dinner' then consists of him having fruit (His reasoning, "The fruits look good!" Uhh, okay. :rolleyes:) and our convo winds up consisting of him talking to me about accounting and trying to get into doing my own taxes.

...I would've much preferred to have watched grass grow.

We get on to the theater and he proceeds to tell me how he plans on deleting his profile (To which I responded, "Why?") and he winked and looked at me. The show was fantastic, which really and truly was the only highlight of my night.

He, of course, wants to go back out next weekend. :nono: I, want him to lose my number. :yep:

My best friend came back to pick me up, and dropped him at Penn Station to get back to Jersey. I gave him an awkward goodbye and when I got back in the car, my best friend said "Wow, that was painful to watch just as an outsider. You had an awful time didn't you?", LOL. Aside from the show, I would've much rather stayed home.

Brazil from POF- We just met the other day on POF from an email he sent me, but we wound up exchanging a slew of emails back and forth and have plans to meet up next Saturday. He's 27, a Management Consultant, from Brazil, no kids, and has a personality exactly like mine, so that's a plus. I reeeeally like funny guys with a touch of sarcasm because that's what I'm like, and he's like that too... So we'll see.

So there you have it girls!
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So I just signed up for POF about 3 days ago and me and this one guy sent me a message Thursday night. We've been going back and forth and he seems like a great guy. Only think I'm worried about is his nonreligious religious identification that everyone on POF seems to have (what does that MEAN? I guess I'll find out later). Anyway, we already have a tentative Friday date scheduled. I'm wondering if I should suggest that we exchange numbers though...it'd be easier to deal with than back and forth email or maybe we should just move to chatting via the POF messenger. Not sure....
vivEz daNs lamouR

Whaaaaaat!? He messed up, then wanted another date! And he wasn't charismatic? Ordered fruit? *sigh* I'm annoyed with him and I wasn't even there! I might be a little biased b/c Spice Market is a fave. I think that if a woman enjoys Thai food, a man can't go wrong with a first or second date at Spice Market or Kittichai.

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vivEz daNs lamouR

Whaaaaaat!? He messed up, then wanted another date! And he wasn't charismatic? Ordered fruit? *sigh* I'm annoyed with him and I wasn't even there! I might be a little biased b/c Spice Market is a fave. I think that if a woman enjoys Thai food, a man can't go wrong with a first or second date at Spice Market or Kittichai.

Sent from my T-Mobile G2 using T-Mobile G2

Girl, yes!

Now, when we got there he wound up telling me that he got into a car accident on the way to meet me. But when I asked him if he was alright, was there any damage, etc.. he goes, "Oh yeah, everything is fine. It wasn't bad at all."

...So then wtf were you so late??

I REALLY wanted to do Spice Market too but I may just go with my best friend instead. :lol:
^^^^^ He should have been limping! I wanna see some damage! Lol Strolling in the cafe all late and okay. No, negro, nooo.

If you and your friend do go, I'd try the coconut rice in banana leaves. My date at the time (very good looking, Italian Exec Dir @ Goldman I met via Craigslist) and I ordered a smorgasbord and that rice. It complimented everything and stood out to me. Months later, the guy turned out to be an emotional wreck :( ...but the food was good!

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Here read this book not note I got today.....

I won't mix words. I am a good man, a real and sincere, fit and healthy focused romantic. If you are ready for a good man, send me a message and let's talk or CALL ME! I have no problem getting dates but quantity is not quality and I deserve quality. Yes I am 110% straight. And its a test of character for a woman who responds to a man for who he is, not just for what he looks like.

Please read my profile. Most people are conditioned to go by the physical and I have learned not to do that so much anymore, esp after dating a model with an awful attitude but a Beyonce body. We don't even realize that we have been conditioned. I don't ignore the physical, I just put it in it's proper place. And there are thousands of fine, sexy women in Atlanta (now 20 to 1 officially) but I need a woman who wants to go to the top with me, side by side. Not just a fine one who is good in bed. I deserve more than that.

A woman with a great body or a man with a great face does not mean a great relationship, great sex, trustworthiness or commitment. We keep having to learn that the hard way then we go out and pick based on the same mistakes again and again.
Everything that glitters is not gold and everything that looks good is not good for us. When will we pick based on caliber, character and the things that can build something real, something solid and something lasting?

And even though the icing on the cake is nice to have, you have to date the actual cake. We need to realize this now! Shallow and superficial women are immature. TOO MANY WOUNDED WOMEN ARE HAVING A PROBLEM WITH THEIR FEELINGS AND PERCEPTIONS AND RESPECT TOWARDS MEN. I hope you are not one of them. And if I encounter one more low self-esteem black woman who blames black men (even though she chose them), I will be sick. Everybody should be looking in the mirror, not at faces and butts and bank accounts and sex organs. I am just being real.

Anyway, I would like to know you and my name is Michael.
Call me if you want a good man and if you know how to treat one.

funny story,

I was wondering why I kept on getting strange messages despite being very clear that I would prefer a traditional Christian man.

Went on my profile and could not believe the typo on my profile!!!! Guys! I wrote that I wanted a traditional bi man on there....OMG!!!! I can't believe that typo!!!!
funny story,

I was wondering why I kept on getting strange messages despite being very clear that I would prefer a traditional Christian man.

Went on my profile and could not believe the typo on my profile!!!! Guys! I wrote that I wanted a traditional bi man on there....OMG!!!! I can't believe that typo!!!!

:lol: But now im curious what were the men saying.....
SuperSweet he wrote a whole novel....what's with these guys writing one word messages?
Hi...what the.....
is that supposed to start conversation?
the next day. I'm not answering that ish, my 8 year old can start a conversation better than that......
Anyone on BlackSingles.com ?? Any success?

I got messages that I can't even read cause I'm too cheap to pay the fee.

Why we gotta pay anyway? The MEN should have to pay the subscription fee.
SuperSweet he wrote a whole novel....what's with these guys writing one word messages?
Hi...what the.....
is that supposed to start conversation?
the next day. I'm not answering that ish, my 8 year old can start a conversation better than that......

THIS! I had to change my settings on POF...really helped, it forces people to write although I do get the "Hi......................." from dudes so that they reach their character requirement :lol:
So I finally had my first date from POF. It started a bit early than we planned but we hung out for almost 6 hours. I had a great time, he looked slightly different from his pictures but still attractive. I wore heeled boots just to make sure this dude was 5'11." lol. And I checked his ID to make sure it was really him. haha, he thought I was crazy.

He did have a few drinks though, but he seems to handle his alcohol well. Not sure if he was nervous, but I would like to meet him again. I haven't smiled so hard in a LONG time. So we will see.
Merrill from POF-

I walk into the cafe, and immediately spot him. My first impression was :nono::nono::nono: because for one, he looks nothing like his photos and for two, I'm annoyed at having wasted the earlier part of my day. Our 'dinner' then consists of him having fruit (His reasoning, "The fruits look good!" Uhh, okay. :rolleyes:)

:lachen::lachen::lachen:So in other words, he was a tightwad.
Met my POF guy....all I can say is mmh. He was funny and attractive. I'm usually the talker but he took that over which I liked. I can tell he's very outgoing and I'm sure his social circle is huge since his phone was blowing up basically the whole time. Not sure if I'll see him again. A plus was that he's completely opposite from me. I'm more reserved and it takes me awhile to warm up, he just got real comfortable right away.
Met my POF guy....all I can say is mmh. He was funny and attractive. I'm usually the talker but he took that over which I liked. I can tell he's very outgoing and I'm sure his social circle is huge since his phone was blowing up basically the whole time. Not sure if I'll see him again. A plus was that he's completely opposite from me. I'm more reserved and it takes me awhile to warm up, he just got real comfortable right away.

Would you like to see him again?
Ugh. I tried, I really tried to give this thing a try but being drunk and high the first time you meet someone :( all I was looking for was a good guy.

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Ugh. I tried, I really tried to give this thing a try but being drunk and high the first time you meet someone :( all I was looking for was a good guy.

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Aww I'm sorry, please tell me you gave him the deuces when you realized?
Im going on a lunch date in 1hr with a dude 5 years younger :look: We will see.....he's been cool on the phone so far.

Lunch is good cause it's daylight and I can fully see him.Last lunchtime date :nono:that picture lied. Pics aren't always a true reflection. Some men look wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy better on film.
So I havent been updating you guys like I should..I mentioned upthread that I was chatting with a guy who I thought was pretty nice and the only "setback" was that he had a daughter..Yea.....Im no longer tallking to him...We had a talk about expectations that we would like our significant others to meet..and he said some things I just cant agree with regarding his lifestyle..

Around that same time I received a message from a guy on POF who Ive had my eye on for awhile..Secretly wishing he would email me..lol..He finally did...He's really cute, smart and no kids...We met up last week and have been hanging out since then...I was suprised because he looks exactly like his pictures..lol..He meets the inital requirements...I hit him with the "what Im looking for speech" on the first night and he has expressed his interest in a long term relationship..Now, is he being for real about that? I dont know, time will tell..But Im open to getting to know him and I hope it can lead into something serious..

I use the questions from this thread when I meet new guys:
If you could interview potentional dates