***Online Dating Support Thread***

Everytime things fall through with a guy, I can't help but wonder of there was something I did to scare him away.

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I'm sorry to hear you're having a less than stellar time. :bighug:

I'm not sure which is worse talking about not talking or disappearing. I've been wondering the same thing today. I think that maybe this guy disappeared... but I don't know yet. It's kind of frustrating.

People disappear for many possible reasons, so I wouldn't assume it's you. I disappeared on a couple of guys. Not b/c anything was "wrong" with them, but another guy I'd met who'd asked to spend more time with me wanted to get serious. I did tell the other guys I met someone... after I disappeared a bit. It's easy to get wrapped up

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@ EtherealEnigma - He actually told me we couldn't talk anymore. Which is understandable given his reason.

On another note. If I give you my number, I want you to take the initiative and call me. Don't tell me to call you.

I'm about ready to toss in my towel on this online stuff
So I am hiding/deactivating my POF profile for now and taking a break from meeting new men. Decided I am going to enjoy the two that I got now :grin:

Man #1: met thru POF, 33, Middle Eastern, gainfully employed with the government with a lovely home; have great chemistry with him :blush: and we are very similar in personalities (i feel he is like me to the 10th deg.....introverted, organized, tidy, loves sports just to name a few)

Man #2: met thru Zoosk, 36, Mexican American, also with a great job in politics and owns a nice condo, also with good chemistry and I enjoy hanging out with him. He is much more extroverted and so full of energy (always on the go!) which is different from me (I am extremely laid back).

Both are fun but very different and bring different perspectives to the table. I am not ready to commit to anyone today. Just having fun and enjoying dating. We'll see if any one of these guys becomes the Last Man Standing or none at all. Just enjoying the ride:yep:
I got this message today, mind you the first message this dude has sent to me: How many kids do you want?

I really want to respond with something snarky.
Need help asap!

I'm so nervous about meeting someone off line. * Math.com*
Should I skype with him before the actual date? I already had phone conversations with him and responded through messages for three weeks.
Need help asap!

I'm so nervous about meeting someone off line. * Math.com*
Should I skype with him before the actual date? I already had phone conversations with him and responded through messages for three weeks.

Are you nervous b/c he is weirding you out or b/c this is the first time y'all are meeting? If the later, I'd just go for it sans Skype. But I'm a biased Skype hater

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Are you nervous b/c he is weirding you out or b/c this is the first time y'all are meeting? If the later, I'd just go for it sans Skype. But I'm a biased Skype hater

Sent from my T-Mobile G2 using T-Mobile G2

LOL, he's not weird but he seems so "perfect" and I do want to make sure
he looks like his "current pictures". Cause I have read too many posts where women were like :perplexed:ohwell:
when they met the guy in person.
This will be my first time meeting someone this way and I am
just nervous overall.
LOL, he's not weird but he seems so "perfect" and I do want to make sure
he looks like his "current pictures". Cause I have read too many posts where women were like :perplexed:ohwell:
when they met the guy in person.
This will be my first time meeting someone this way and I am
just nervous overall.

I went out with someone online for the first time about 2 weeks ago. I was a bit nervous too and this is so out of my character but I went for it. I will say that it was him in his pictures yet he still looked different..... but you need to just go for it. That way if this one doesn't work out the next one will be easier.
tropical-punch;14482909[B said:
On another note. If I give you my number, I want you to take the initiative and call me. Don't tell me to call you. [/B]

I'm about ready to toss in my towel on this online stuff

I don't like when they just blatanly give me their phone number and tell ME to call THEM if interested.

He gave me his number on the 2nd message. HE DOESN'T EVEN KNOW MY NAME!! Who gives out their number to folks all willy nilly like that when we havent even exchanged more than 1 message?

I just came across 2 profiles of guys from my neighborhood/old classmates...They both have viewed my profile..I need to hurry up and meet someone and delete my profile..Knowing that they read my profile or viewed my pics creates an awkward feeling, especially since I just saw one of them 2 weeks ago.

Sent from my Sprint HTC Evo using Long Hair Care Forum App
I just came across 2 profiles of guys from my neighborhood/old classmates...They both have viewed my profile..I need to hurry up and meet someone and delete my profile..Knowing that they read my profile or viewed my pics creates an awkward feeling, especially since I just saw one of them 2 weeks ago.

Sent from my Sprint HTC Evo using Long Hair Care Forum App

Why though? Ya'll both on there lookin' for someone...next time you see him...give him the wink and the gun and keep on pushin' :yep:
So, Merrill is a little clingy. :ohwell: That may work for some girls, but I'm really not the overly affectionate, emotional, say sweet stuff all the time kind of girl. I really hope Friday goes well, but what my best friend said to me this morning really hit home.. "You're looking at Friday as two friends hanging out, whereas he's looking at it as a romantic date." le sigh.

In other news, the guy I met from POF that was all super mysterious totally killed my buzz. Being 'mysterious' sparks interest for me, but if you're going to keep up the mysterious facade as a means of 'keeping me interested and looking for more', you WILL lose my interest. Guaranteed.

Hope everyone else's fishing is going well. :yep:
:love: I changed my location since I was traveling.The best thing I could have done.:yep:

I just wanna tell yall I had SUCH a great date in NY. I'm in Brooklyn until tonight and will see him before I go. Last night we met for coffee, then he took me to a take out place. Yoooooooooooo this take out Chinese food was the best:lick: It's on Franklin and Myrtle.
So this guy keeps viewing me on Match. I sent him a message before and he never responded. Yet this is like his 3rd or 4th time viewing me. I think he's trying to decide if I'm good enough for him,lol. I've had little to no luck on Match.
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I decided to give match.com a try out curiosity. I completed everything on my profile except adding a picture because I wanted to take a new one. The next day I notice in my email that I already have a wink and the guy in the pic looked very familiar. Turns out he's the manager at the gym that I go to, who has hinted in the past that he wanted to take me out but I would completely change the subject everytime. I ended up deleting my profile and hopefully he didn't somehow guess that it was me. Ugh, I hate living in a small town.
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Did he really just ask me how I come to know the Lord? On Plenty of Fish????

Sent from my Sprint HTC Evo using Long Hair Care Forum App
This guy has a laundry list's worth of expectations but he looks like a baby.. So much so that his character limit got cut off, :lol:

If your one of the following please don't hit me up at all:
1. Women that claim they on their grown and sexy independent sh*tand need no man to take care of them, but still live home with their mom and dad moochin (STAY AWAY)

2. Two plus kids AND under the age of 25.


4. If your not working or going to schoool!

5. Women who are highly concited who think they are the best thing to ever happen in this world and who is really stuck up.

6. Dont hit me up saying I look really young and then ask how old i'am. I know I look young, profile says my age so stop asking.

7. Dont hit me up if you have no more than two words to say.

8. Dont hit me up if your a man-basher. (meaning you women think yall women are superior to men and so called special, and say all men are dogs and they all cheat. if thats the case get the hell up on out of my page and go lesbian if yall cant stand us.)

9. Dont hit me up every single minute asking me what am i doing. I HATE Clingy DESPERATE WOMEN!!!

10. Dont hit me up if you try to force me to do something that I think is meaningless then get mad at me. (i.e. if you are hispanic and you tell me i need to learn spanish so you can speak it with me. I'am not spanish and I live in America a English speanking country! Call me Ignorant or stubborn or whatever. I dont give a DAMN what u think. My favorite i'm an atheist; dont come up to me saying you like me and everything but i can't connect with you spirtually or i need to go to church. If ya do then i'm gonna tell you to F off. I'll respect your religion so please dont force yours on me thinking that your gonna save me.)

11. PAY CLOSE ATTENTION TO THIS BEFORE YALL COME OFF SOUNDING IGNORANT!!! Dont hit me up IF you are attracted to any other ethnicity more than african-american. I understand thats your prefence and I do not care. I've had a few individuals come up to me and try to talk to me and end up stop talking to me because they are more attracted to white or hispanic or asian men more and just wanted to talk to me to see how it was. I'am not a racist. We can be friends but it wont never pass that.

12. Dont hit me up if you made a commintment on having no kids or having no more kids then expect me to get serious with you. I have no kids myself and wanna have some one day. We can be friends and thats it

13. Dont hit me up if your kids are in their teens.

14. This may come off wrong and i'm sorry. NO BIG GIRLS!!! I know big girls need love too but I dont want no chick looking like PRECIOUS OR RESPUTIA (AKA NORBITS WIFE) sitting on my lap and crushing my pelvis. ALSO if you know your a big girl and you put on your profile average or a few extra pounds imma laugh at you word up. Just be honest i can see the pics.

15. Dont hit me up with you having a pic either containing a group of ppl and you tell me guess which one you are, a pic of
This guy has a laundry list's worth of expectations but he looks like a baby.. So much so that his character limit got cut off, :lol:

If your one of the following please don't hit me up at all:
1. Women that claim they on their grown and sexy independent sh*tand need no man to take care of them, but still live home with their mom and dad moochin (STAY AWAY)

2. Two plus kids AND under the age of 25.


4. If your not working or going to schoool!

5. Women who are highly concited who think they are the best thing to ever happen in this world and who is really stuck up.

6. Dont hit me up saying I look really young and then ask how old i'am. I know I look young, profile says my age so stop asking.

7. Dont hit me up if you have no more than two words to say.

8. Dont hit me up if your a man-basher. (meaning you women think yall women are superior to men and so called special, and say all men are dogs and they all cheat. if thats the case get the hell up on out of my page and go lesbian if yall cant stand us.)

9. Dont hit me up every single minute asking me what am i doing. I HATE Clingy DESPERATE WOMEN!!!

10. Dont hit me up if you try to force me to do something that I think is meaningless then get mad at me. (i.e. if you are hispanic and you tell me i need to learn spanish so you can speak it with me. I'am not spanish and I live in America a English speanking country! Call me Ignorant or stubborn or whatever. I dont give a DAMN what u think. My favorite i'm an atheist; dont come up to me saying you like me and everything but i can't connect with you spirtually or i need to go to church. If ya do then i'm gonna tell you to F off. I'll respect your religion so please dont force yours on me thinking that your gonna save me.)

11. PAY CLOSE ATTENTION TO THIS BEFORE YALL COME OFF SOUNDING IGNORANT!!! Dont hit me up IF you are attracted to any other ethnicity more than african-american. I understand thats your prefence and I do not care. I've had a few individuals come up to me and try to talk to me and end up stop talking to me because they are more attracted to white or hispanic or asian men more and just wanted to talk to me to see how it was. I'am not a racist. We can be friends but it wont never pass that.

12. Dont hit me up if you made a commintment on having no kids or having no more kids then expect me to get serious with you. I have no kids myself and wanna have some one day. We can be friends and thats it

13. Dont hit me up if your kids are in their teens.

14. This may come off wrong and i'm sorry. NO BIG GIRLS!!! I know big girls need love too but I dont want no chick looking like PRECIOUS OR RESPUTIA (AKA NORBITS WIFE) sitting on my lap and crushing my pelvis. ALSO if you know your a big girl and you put on your profile average or a few extra pounds imma laugh at you word up. Just be honest i can see the pics.

15. Dont hit me up with you having a pic either containing a group of ppl and you tell me guess which one you are, a pic of

:rofl: :rofl:
I deleted all my profiles a few weeks ago... I figured if the ones that I've been talking to don't blossom into anything oh well... I have to say that things have been going well with the last guy that I met from POF. I really like him but, I'm playing it cool (well as cool as I can). There are sparks all over the place and we have a comfort level with each other that is super natural! He's expressed his interest in being exclusive but, I'm not sure if I'm ready for that yet, it just seems too soon. I haven't told him this, I just laugh it off when he tells me I'm not single or that I'm taken... But he's so what I'm looking for...