***Online Dating Support Thread***

I met this amazing guy and I thought, "Maybe this is it." Sweet, intelligent, masculine, a philanthropist decision-maker. So many things were right and the connection was strong. But... he's bisexual. For me, it just doesn't work. He's such a great, amazing person; I hope he finds the connection he's seeking. And I hope we'll remain good friends.

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i cant get down with the misspelled words. i'd have to let him go.
Should had listened to you but I was giving ole boy a chance because he was attractive. Well he sent me his photo (which by the way didn't look like the online photo) then he is like where is mine? I told him I don't do that. Then he won't answer any of my questions because he wants a photo first. I refuse of course, then he says " I see u bout games just like every other woman"
Me: pictures distorte how people look
ole boy: naw cuz you actin sneaky, im startin to think is dat even u

I decided at that point he didn't deserve a response from me. Dating shouldn't make me want to be violent to men right?
You don't have a pic up already? If you do, is it face only and he is asking for a full body shot?

I have 1-2 two face shots and one full body shot with all of my profiles. I want them to know exactly what they're getting. I like when they send me additional pictures and they ask me for more. I have 1 more that I send and that is it. People do play so more pictures help.
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You don't have a pic up already? If you do, is it face only and he is asking for a full body shot?

I have 1-2 two face shots and one full body shot with all of my profiles. I want them to know exactly what they're getting. I like when they send me additional pictures and they ask me for more. I have 1 more that I send and that is it. People do play so more pictures help.

I have up 4 or 5 photos, two are body shots, I have up a closer face one that I just took on the 1st of Oct and I labeled it as so. All are from this year which I also labeled.
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Guys only ask for more pics because they assume your lying about the pics on your page. I also have 5 pics, 2 full body, and 3 up close face shots. *shrugs* Every guy usually ask me to text a right now pic to see if Im lying and I hate doing it bc now my picture is in the hand of some stranger. Guys are really dumb.

In other news...

How long do you all wait before meeting someone offline? In the past (Ive met 3 ppl from online) I've waited at least 3 months now ppl want to meet tomorrow before we ever even speak on the phone. Are most ppl doing that now? It's been awhile since Ive met someone from online.
How long do you all wait before meeting someone offline? In the past (Ive met 3 ppl from online) I've waited at least 3 months now ppl want to meet tomorrow before we ever even speak on the phone. Are most ppl doing that now? It's been awhile since Ive met someone from online.
I like a week, a month at tops, too bad these guys haven't caught on. I hate to really like a guy over the phone and he is so so in person.

For instance this guy I am kinda feeling now just put up new photos and he looks wayy older than 28 (maybe he is lying, uh oh!). But all this could be solved if I could just meet this dude now instead of questioning my attraction. haha.
EtherealEnigma whoa. I couldn't get down with that either. How did you find out? Did he just outright tell you he was Bi? Or did you inquire?

He told me in vivid detail. -_- He actually told me a few weeks ago, but I was kind of sad and avoiding this thread. We talked for an hour last night so I think we'll still be able to be friends.

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In other personal news... Another great date with a guy I really like! For like, a long term relationship. :) This was our 4th date. The only issue is that he's probably as thin as I am with less muscle tone. Uncharted territories for me. But, I like him so much and I think we share the same kind of vision. And when I talk about my dreams, he seems to think they're possible. I'd decided that I might like him more than the bi guy and then bi guy dropped the bi bomb on me. Problem solved. Still, I was saddish.

Date on Sunday and the 23rd (2 different guys). Sunday date should be nice, but I'm wondering if I shouldn't have made plans since I like the first guy so much... but his profile is still up, so he's probably dating around.

Another guy has asked for a date, so that might be Saturday. Plans with an ex tomorrow, but it's strictly platonic. I did a happy dance inside when I turned him down. Prick....

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Guys only ask for more pics because they assume your lying about the pics on your page. I also have 5 pics, 2 full body, and 3 up close face shots. *shrugs* Every guy usually ask me to text a right now pic to see if Im lying and I hate doing it bc now my picture is in the hand of some stranger. Guys are really dumb.

In other news...

How long do you all wait before meeting someone offline? In the past (Ive met 3 ppl from online) I've waited at least 3 months now ppl want to meet tomorrow before we ever even speak on the phone. Are most ppl doing that now? It's been awhile since Ive met someone from online.

I had someone want to meet the same night as soon as we talked for about 15mins. I said NOPE!
How long do you all wait before meeting someone offline? In the past (Ive met 3 ppl from online) I've waited at least 3 months now ppl want to meet tomorrow before we ever even speak on the phone. Are most ppl doing that now? It's been awhile since Ive met someone from online.

I usually do it within a few days/week. If our schedules conflict, then up to a month. I rather meet them as a stranger, just like someone I met by chancr at a bookstore. No expectations, no preconceived notions, just getting to know each other.

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How long do you all wait before meeting someone offline? In the past (Ive met 3 ppl from online) I've waited at least 3 months now ppl want to meet tomorrow before we ever even speak on the phone. Are most ppl doing that now? It's been awhile since Ive met someone from online.

I wait about a week if the conversation is going well. This way, if he doesn't meet your expectations physically, it's not like you wasted a lot of time getting to know him. Once, I waited longer, about 3 weeks before meeting up with this other guy and was HIGHLY disappointed when I saw him :nono:
Ok so deleted okcupid the black men on there for atl were lame and the white guys were not checking for black women, or not me at least.


So frenchie invited me to his for dinner yesterday. He cooked Salmon, with stuff and popped champagne. We started talking about his work and I remembered- I didn't know the firm he worked for. So I asked. He said a firm in the city. I said what is the name of the firm. He mumbled for a second and said Simpsons. Almost like when you want to lie but don't have the time to think of a lie so you tell the truth....Noted
After dinner we sat on the sofa watching Coming to America eating strawberries and ice cream. He started kissing me...AWKWaRD! I was not feeling it at allll. I excused myself and came home.

Soooo today he's texting me blah blah blah. I remember his law firm and google Simpsons.
LADIES!!! As I'm searching the associates I come across a name that is very similar to his. Eg instead of Pierre LeBlanc I see Peter LeFranc.
I click on it and lo and behold it's frenchie!!!!
I google this idiot and his pic comes up on Linkedin with the NEW NAME. I click on his facebook and he's all up in the club and his favourite music has nothing to do with classical.

I sent him this text message:

Hey; Hope you're having a good time with your friend's brother! Just wanted to say how much fun I've had with you. However i won't be able to see you anymore. All the best with whatever you're looking for *insert real name*

Red flag was raised. And that's it for me. I'm not sticking around to find out whether his last 3 girlfriends are currently missing.

Please be careful ladies. And trust your gut!
I think I may close my profile, not because I met someone but because these guys are just not hitting it with me. I am like eh with 90% of the guys who contact me, and even the ones that I have maybe 20% interest in I don't feel like responding to. I am over the tell me about blah blah, I feel like I am writing the same message 10 million times. haha.
Ok I guess I like to take my time before meeting up. Just "met" this one guy yesterday and he's already asking to meet but we've never even had a conversation before. So far he's ok but hasn't really held my attention long enough to make me want to meet him. I dont know...I also put 3 new pictures up and my traffic increased like crazy along with my messages. I guess guys really are visual creatures smdh. BTW I also want to add I have no booty shots, naked shots, bent over shots, or anything of the sort. Just regular pics.
Soooo...I went on my very first OK Cupid date last Friday. I actually went out of my way for the first time on that site and sent out a message to a really handsome red headed actor. He responded and asked me out.

We ended up meeting at this really nice restaurant in Santa Monica and had a fabulous time...or so I thought. He had me cracking up throughout the whole date. My cheeks literally hurt from smiling and laughing so much. I'd like to think that I amused him as well with all the laughing and snorting that he was doing. On that date I realized that he was 42 (Much older than I initially thought he was for some reason) had been married twice (but absolutely wants to do it again) and was on a semi popular TV show for 2 years. Throughout the date he mentioned taking me riding on his motorcycle to one of his favorite places. Which I would think is a good sign that the date is going great.

After we finished our meal we sat at the table for a total of 3 hours straight just talking and laughing. Once we left I maneuvered us to the parking garage because it was getting a little late. This man made every excuse to keep the date going by asking me if I wanted to walk a little more or visit some stores in the area. As we said our good nights we thumb wrestled (Silly I know!) and he kissed me. He even asked me to let him know when I'm available since I'm the one that has a set schedule (He has his own business and gets acting jobs, so his schedule is a little more flexible than mine). I parked on the 3rd level of the garage and took the stairs up. As I was walking up the stairs I saw him walking backwards down the street with his hands in his pockets looking up at me with a dreamy smile on his face. I sighed as I realized that I must have this one in the bag this time. Not even close.

Since that date I've talked to him only once on Tuesday...By text. A text that I had to send him. I have no clue of what could be the issue. I go on these wonderful dates and then nada. I'm going to leave this dude alone because chasing a guy is not the business right now. I want to go out with this guy again, but I'm not comfortable being the one to make the first move. Even though he wanted me to let him know what my schedule is like after our date, I would feel silly texting or even calling him again. Hopefully I hear from him soon, but if not oh well....
He may have been acting because that sounds extremely odd. Has he hit you up yet? I remember going on a date from OKC and guy was cool we got along and he hit me up and asked about seeing each other again then days later was like there was no spark. Keep in mind I was not hitting him up and still had other dates planned with other men so was like.....ok...no problem.:perplexed
^^ i would be upset about that too. i met up with someone from pof and he suggested we meet at the mall, so we meet up there and having a good conversation. he mentions that he's really hungry because he didnt have time to eat breakfast. so, he suggests we go to a wrap/smoothie restaurant, and asks if i want anything. i order something, and as soon as they start making the food, he starts talking about how its mortgage/car note/bill time and money is tight. he then says that he knows how women are and he doesn't want to offend me by paying for my food, since its not officially a "date" i told him, you won't offend me, i prefer you pay for it, then he starts talking more about his bills.... i said if you want me to pay for my own food, i can and will, but don't not pay because you think i'll be upset. i was LIVID. how do you invite me out, then suggest we get food, then ask me if i want food, only to make me pay for my own meal. uggghhh!!! i mean, the meal was only $6, how are you that hard up for money? :nono:

Ugh. Then he'll be back on the site talking about how women dont want real men and he doesnt want a gold-digger. Call it old-fashioned but I liked dates where the man who asked me out paid for my time. I could take myself out if I wanted to pay for myself.
Should had listened to you but I was giving ole boy a chance because he was attractive. Well he sent me his photo (which by the way didn't look like the online photo) then he is like where is mine? I told him I don't do that. Then he won't answer any of my questions because he wants a photo first. I refuse of course, then he says " I see u bout games just like every other woman"
Me: pictures distorte how people look
ole boy: naw cuz you actin sneaky, im startin to think is dat even u

I decided at that point he didn't deserve a response from me. Dating shouldn't make me want to be violent to men right?

I havent been online dating in almost a year but this thread has been entertaining. Good and bad.:yep:
Sorry to hear about what happened @cocomochaa

You're right, though. Trust your gut!

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It's alright...I liked him as a person but physically he was not cutting it. After the kiss I was thinking I'd let him down and was feeling really bad for not liking him more. :lachen:G-d brought forward a reason so I could walk away guilt free without thinking "What have I done?! He really liked me!! I would have had the most comfortable life!!"

He text me back last night saying:

"OK, I fully understand;FYI I was going to tell you. I was just scared of the stalkers. All the best!"


Soooo you're scared of stalkers but invited me to your house?? hmmmmmmmm...You're a 4/10 who is stalking you?!

Whilst we were emailing back and forth I told him that Jennifer (name on eharmony) was a fake name and told him my real name. We even made a joke about it. Why couldn't he have told me then? Because he had no intention of telling me. I'm even questioning if that was his real apartment.

From here on out, I'm checking ID.:look::look:

After the Age thread and my experience, I recommend you ladies check ID's too. If a man doesn't produce, he's hiding something and it's not a bad picture.
check out this gem...

Him: hey how u doing love? im not here to run any games, just looking for someone to relate with, and it seems like your the only one who caught my attention
Me: But im not white.
Him: thats my best preferences is white... like everyone has a expectations but 90% it doesnt meet all of it.. so yeah
but the name is sam and yours? and what u getting into for ur day

REALLY DUDE.........