***Online Dating Support Thread***

I joined POF a little while ago. So far it's ok...I got my fair share of weirdos but I also got an okay mix of what seems to be normal guys.

I actually went on a date with a guy I met on POF Sunday. He was great! Smelled nice, dressed nice, cute face, great personality, nice biceps, lol. The only thing is that he was a bit shorter than what I'm used to. Since that's the only thing I didn't really care for, I'm willing to over look that, though it may be hard for me to do at first... I'll just have to wear flats for our dates, lol.

We plan to go out again this weekend so we'll see how things go :)
Dude has contacted me 3x. And I still give the same reply. I told him you sent me a message yesterday. He said he just trying to make sure he got somebody to do on the weekend.:perplexed
Called this dude last week sometime, he didn't answer and I didn't leave a message. I instead messaged him on POF, he asks who area code, I tell him. Dude waits at least 3 or 4 days to call me, BUT WAIT he SENDS ME A TEXT AT 2:49am this morning. AWW HECK NAW SON.

This dude is his thirties (33 I think). Sad. 65% chance I tell me what I think of this 2:49am text.
Called this dude last week sometime, he didn't answer and I didn't leave a message. I instead messaged him on POF, he asks who area code, I tell him. Dude waits at least 3 or 4 days to call me, BUT WAIT he SENDS ME A TEXT AT 2:49am this morning. AWW HECK NAW SON.

This dude is his thirties (33 I think). Sad. 65% chance I tell me what I think of this 2:49am text.

I just don't get these men.

Profiles saying how much they want a good woman then they pull that foolishness....

The hell you textin' someone at 2:49 AM for...those are booty call hours...smh
Uh..? me.

ETA: I didn't post my story in an attempt to brag, I sincerely hope no one took it that way. :ohwell: Will this become a blooming relationship with flowers and rainbows? I don't really know, I wasn't looking for a relationship and I'm not sure I still am but I found someone to get to know who actually seems to be on my level. Things could change, of course, but I've learned from too many relationships that the way to avoid heartbreak or feeling disappointed is to take things a day at a time.

Honestly, I wasn't expecting much, if anything, out of trying online dating. But I met some cool people and had a really great time yesterday, just wanted to share.

LOL. Thanks for the clairfication. I thought he was telling you that he found a good fish on there other than you, I was like WTF!
Took a restroom break from my POF date to talk to the ladies of LHCF... He is not what I expected..*sigh*

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oh no... that sucks. Is there a window in the bathroom? Perhaps you could climb out. Did you take your purse with you?
i swear i am a magnet for freaks and weirdos. this guy i recently met on pof who seemed decent enough, we've been talking and texting throughout the day. we are scheduled to go out on our 1st date tomorrow dinner and movies, which i was looking forward to since he seemed decent and nice enough until......

he asked me for a picture today from my phone. i told him no, and he told me thats ok, i already saved your picture on my wallpaper and caller id. i told him bye, i'm going to sleep, and he's been sending me msgs back to back about why i won't send him pictures, and he see's how i am.... i am sooo frustrated b/c all i seem to meet are these weirdos. him saving my pic on his phone as the wallpaper and caller id really freaked me out, and reinforced why i don't like sending pics. i swear for some reason i attract these freaks and weirdos.
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You know it's a sad life when grown people sit up and make fake profiles for fun. :nono: One dude admitted he and friends did that on POF. They went as far as setting up dates with chicks in different cities to never show up. I just blocked him too.. POF is nothing nice...
Oh no! So is it bad? @SuchMagnificance

oh no... that sucks. Is there a window in the bathroom? Perhaps you could climb out. Did you take your purse with you?


His online picture did not accurately portray him in person..I was disappointed to say the least..I wont go into details..but you know how women know within the first few minutes if you could see yourself sleeping with a guy? Yeeeaaaa, I wouldnt let him near me..And the funny thing about it was, he looked like his picture, but at the same time he didnt look like his picture..
LOL. Thanks for the clairfication. I thought he was telling you that he found a good fish on there other than you, I was like WTF!

LOL that would've been the end of our date had he been referencing his meeting other interesting fish, :lol:

We hung out again yesterday, I saw his apartment which was very bachelor paddish.. you could definitely tell a guy lives there. We watched the Five Heartbeats, which I got laughed at for never seeing, and then he got laughed at because he quoted every. single. line. from the movie. It was cute. We talked for awhile and then I left because I had work in the morning.

Tomorrow we're going to see Laugh at My Pain and maybe dinner. :yep:

So far so good.
I want to keep my head up but online dating is getting discouraging. Its already hard enough to meet men in real life :(

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I just think that about 80% of all the weird, broke, ugly and total loser men in the US know about online dating and since it's free they gravitate towards it. If there were a dating site that screened people before they joined that would weed out all the losers.
I joined POF and a tranvestite/crossdresser messaged me. He asked me to go to his drag show and he said he needs someone to appreciate his masculine and feminine side. Sigh....

And he asked if I would help with his make up. Extra long sigh........

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So today I'm on facebook, facebooking around and I look to the left where it says people you may know...Why is the crazy Algerian there?!!!!!! I mean, I don't have his email address. We had only messaged on POf twice before I gave him my number. We have ZERO friends in common and he lives no where near me.

I'm confused ladies!!!

I've snooped his profile and I definately made the right decision not meeting up with him. He's big on gaming. and really negative.

Someone tell me how this is possible!!
Went on an impromptu date with the POF guy yesterday. During that date, I thought to myself that I must have gone through probably 300 messages since joining POF, talked to about 10 and met 5 and out of all that I got 1 good one. But, it took a lot less time than meeting strangers on the street or gym! LOL!
a little update. so i met this guy on match before i deleted the account. he was a sergeant in the military. about 6ft, about to go to medical school to be a surgeon. he was funny and nice, etc. we met up once and hung out at the bookstore. that was our first time and we had fun, he was cool to hang out with. so we then planned another date and we decided to go dancing downtown. this is where things just got kind of =/

soo, i took my time getting ready and looking nice for him right? tell me why when i went downstairs to meet him he had on this ugly, ill fitting button down shirt with another white shirt underneath, that clearly wasn't supposed to be an undershirt bc it had writing on it, these ugly tight khaki pants and some dress shoes. it looks like something a boy would wear when his mom is forcing him to go to church. like, he wasn't even TRYING.

anyway that was the first major strike of the night. the next one was that we were going to take a taxi from my apt to go downtown. but tell me why he didnt even call the taxi service before hand? so we're just standing outside and i ask him when was the taxi coming and he told me he didnt even CALL them yet. so it wasnt til he came that he tried to get a taxi, tho he already decided he wanted to take a taxi there awhile ago. we were also going to drink before hand but couldnt bc there was a cop patrolling outside and he didnt want to go in his car. (i didnt invite him inside bc i had a male visitor [who i used to date] staying with me for awhile, and that would just be awkward). plus i didnt even know the guy so i didnt want him in my home.

anyhow i had already decided before we even went on the date that that was the last time i'd go out with him. also i was very turned off with how long it took him to find my house. i cant stand a man who can't follow directions.

so anyway the cab finally arrived and we went dt. we randomly stop at a club neither of us has been too. it turned out to be pretty cool so we're just dancing and hanging out. i go to the bathroom and ran into someone i used to know. we havent seen each other in a very long time and we decided to hang out and dance together. so the three of us just start dancing and having a good time. i'm one of those girls who dont mind dancing with other girls bc is nothing sexual in it for me. it's just dancing. but obviously not everyone sees it that way. i over heard someone saying something about the two of us (me and my gf) and insinuating some type of threesome or girl on girl action. he hi-fived this like it's actually going to happen. GAME.OVER. i was too thru with him at that point.

also he became really touchy feely also and just made me uncomfortable. i couldnt stand it anymore so told him that i felt like going home. we caught a cab home and we talked all the way back. i told him the back story on the girl i was dancing with and about other things, etc. when we got out the cab he tried to kiss me but i stopped him. i told him that i dont kiss on the first date and he pointed out this was the second date. i told him it was really like a "date-date" and the times we went out were more like hang outs. he said okay and said we'd have to plan for a real date next time. i agreed, and felt really bad bc i knew i would never go out with him again.

he continued to call and msg me and i just ignored it, thinking he'd get the hint. he didn't so after he called me for the millionth time i told him that i didn't see it working out with us and if he could stop calling. he said okay and that was that.
another little story. its more about trusting your instincts. i'm at the point in my life where i dont take crap from guys, especially at the beginning. and i'm quick to cut a ninja off if he doesn't play his cards right. no matter HOW cute he may be. anyway, i was talking to this guy on pof http://www.pof.com/viewprofile.aspx?profile_id=29873582
i thought he was cute, tho i knew it wouldnt go far bc he only had a hs education and was a baggage handler. we talked a bit but i was really slow in responding and thats bc im hardly on pof like that. so i asked if there was another mode of communication that he would prefer. he then gives me his number, saying i've earned it. MAJOR side eye on that one. what does he mean i've earned it? who the hell is he?! ANYway, i was very annoyed by this so it took me awhile to decide to contact him. i shot him a msg yesterday just letting him kno who i was. and there was like 2 msgs worth of actual convo b4 dude demands i send him another pic. im like *screwface* wtf?! i mean, the way i see it, he already saw pix of me online and right now i would think he'd care more about getting to know me. i cant stand guys who keep asking for a bunch of pictures. seriously... wtf? so i tell him that there's pix of me up on pof and then i tried to change the conversation. he then goes "so what? i want to make sure its really you" that did it for me. i was done with him. idc how cute he is, there will always be other guys out there. i told him i didnt accept guys talking to me like that and that i was done talking to him. he said ok and then an hr later sent a msg asking me if that was it then. i told him yes bc i didnt allow ppl speaking to me like that. we went back and forth for awhile and he decided it was appropriate to call me names like "confused, crazy and weirdo" and let me know just how much he didn't care. i'm just sitting here thinking.. "what's that saying about protesting too much" anyhow i didnt engage in name calling. thats just silly to me and i have no time for it. plus by him reacting that way it was clear i made the right decision. guys will let you know what type of person they are very early on.

lol, idk whats up w. me and hispanic men but we just dont mix it seems.
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Yeah I don't understand the demanding of pics. Like I have plenty pics up why do u want or need more?? Its a turnoff especially when its like the first thing they ask after what's your name? Lol
I thought I was the only one! Before I deleted my pof and okc account I had two guys from each site asking me for pics, before I had a damn conversation w/ them. The pof guy was a cutie too, but like runwaydream it takes more than these days. I basically just ignored his txt and never talked to him again.

Then there was the guy from OKC, who was NOT cute btw, i mean I was basically taking a chance on his a$$, looking like a middle eastern Tom Green..smh. He starts demanding pics too. I told him no, and we go back and forth about the issue "I just want to make sure its you" blah, blah, I was like look...my profile pic is 2 weeks old, take it or leave. He keeps pushing so I told him nevermind on the Sat nite date then. 4 hrs later he txt me talking about "I thought it over and still want to meet you".

How did YOU think it over, when I said I dont wanna meet your pushy a$$ anymore?

Le sigh....I'll be chillin for the winter, no time for this online foolishness.

Keep going ladies, I'm rooting for ya!
Yeah I don't understand the demanding of pics. Like I have plenty pics up why do u want or need more?? Its a turnoff especially when its like the first thing they ask after what's your name? Lol

There's was a thread about this a while ago, and a lot of posters were okay with this. :perplexed It's a sign of kang membership to me.
Here's a message I got from POF today...:lachen:
an you even spot a good man? Duh. I see you peaked but didnt respond. You don’t want a good man or you drag your feet. In any case, I don’t need a woman who does not know how to step up. That’s a lazy woman who will always miss out and make excuses when she does or say she cant find a good man.

With the stats now showing 20 women for every man in Atlanta, esp a good man like me, I don't have to wait for a woman who drags her feet. Get off your *** and seek a good man or stop pretending you are ready for one.

Predictably, I expect you will send a nasty or ignorant message to me then block me. Typical low quality female. Prove my point for me. Thanks.

greatlover2011 go look at em'
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