***Online Dating Support Thread***

And pause,... somehow my IM got turned on, and some dude just sent me an IM, but they don't want to take a second to send a quick message about something they read on my profile? I swear to God these dudes are so lame. *turns IM back off*
When do you ladies give your real name out?

I honestly give my name out when I meet someone who I think is worth conversing with. My first name is so common that unless you have my entire government you're not going to get very far with it.

Plus, I don't know... I guess IMO I feel like if you're willing to try online dating, then you have to be comfortable with the idea of opening up with people you don't really know. Isn't that the whole point? I couldn't imagine meeting someone saying my name is Samantha and then once we meet I'm all "Oh, by the way... ask for Nancy." :lol:
If I'm chatting back and forth with someone that I'm interested in meeting, I don't have a problem telling them my shortened first name. I guess I'm approaching this the same way I would approach a guy trying to talk to me in person. I mean they're basically a stranger too.

I talked on the phone with this guy from match for like 3 hours last night... We're supposed to meet tomorrow. I don't get worked up over good conversation... It can be a send off!
[FONT=&quot]I just joined okcupid...I'm not really feeling it. Maybe I'm not using it right...maybe I'm just annoyed because I answered 200+ questions and getting crappy *** matches....:perplexed
Okay so I joined plenty of fish and oh my damn. I'm not a grammar nazi...but damn, I just get so turned off reading some of these messages. I am also sick of the one word messages :perplexed
Hey ladies!

Updates (I refer to their nationalities):

Cancelled a date with an Algerian from POF. Glad I did. He was too abrupt, dismissive and wouldn't discuss anything about himself. Had a bad feeling about him. After I cancelled he proceeded to tell me all black women were corrupt and he thought we had ethics...

Frenchie is off to NewYork but has booked tickets for us to the philharmonic orchestra next friday. This will be our 3rd date. I'll have to kiss him to see if there's anything there.

I have a date with the Polish on Thursday. He lives in Brighton and will be coming up for dinner. He seems ok.

My friend has introduced me to this hottie a few hours ago. Well he saw my picture on her phone and asked to be introduced. At the minute we're just talking on blackberry which isn't too good for me as I find it difficult to keep up convo. I'd rather it be face-to-face. I think I'm coming across as snobbish lol. whoops. He's 6ft 3, fine,28, no kids, Nigerian and works as a civil engineer.

Dun Dun Dunnnnnnnnn. So Brazilian and I have yet to go on our first date. We've arranged for next week friday (Overlap! What to do?!). He plays rugby and has a match on sunday. He suggested I come watch him play. I asked where, he said Location x. Now, I know the rugby team in location x because my EX used to play for that team!!!!!
Not just any ex, THE EX. He doesn't play for them anymore but he pretty much knows everyone there. I had even visited the grounds when we were younger. I went on the team website just to make sure I hadn't got it wrong and lo and behold, Brazilian is in the front row of a picture. My ex is a few pages back. *Face Palm.*
Here is a gem that I received yesterday

i cant lie u is pretty im going to value your time but not waste it i promise once we talk and hang out from me pickin u up one day or maybe bring u to my crib or i come to yours to watch good dvds holding u in a good romance way causing u to really love it if u tired of being bluff on lied to or cheated upon then im the right one for stop wasting time on here im the right one for u baby life to short for pain when u can just be with some one thats down with your heart are u down my name is J and u is

:lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen:
Here is a gem that I received yesterday

i cant lie u is pretty im going to value your time but not waste it i promise once we talk and hang out from me pickin u up one day or maybe bring u to my crib or i come to yours to watch good dvds holding u in a good romance way causing u to really love it if u tired of being bluff on lied to or cheated upon then im the right one for stop wasting time on here im the right one for u baby life to short for pain when u can just be with some one thats down with your heart are u down my name is J and u is

:lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen:

Wtf?? Has he heard of periods? >>> ((( . ))) Damn shame grown men walking around with no grasp of how to form a sentence. Stop worrying about hooking up and enroll yourself in a basic English course..lawd have mercy!!
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I had a REALLY great date with Guy #1 from POF today. :yep:

Getting there, was a bit though.

We've been speaking consistently since we exchanged numbers, and this week originally we were supposed to get together Thursday night for dinner. I was too tired and he had an important meeting so we decided to push it back to breakfast Friday morning because we were both off.

Sounds good.. but this morning rolls around and I don't hear from him. I immediately start getting pretty ticked off because my biggest pet peeve is feeling like my time is being wasted. Spoke with my boss [long story, but in short my boss is the one who persuaded me to try online dating and we're REALLY close so we tell each other everything] who tells me to give it some time, something might've come up and he's been pretty spot on with staying true to his word.

So I text him and say, "Hey, I tried to call you but it went to voicemail (I didn't call him, just lied to make it sound like I was concerned, lol), clearly you're busy so I'm going to go ahead and start my day. Have a good one."

He texts me back saying, "I'm REALLY sorry, I had to come into work for a meeting I will call you soon."

So by now I'm flipping because I could've started my day so much earlier, etc. etc... when about 10 minutes later he calls me. The convo goes:

Him: I'm really really sorry, I had to come into work because there was an emergency and my administrator told me to come meet with her.

Me: Un huh.

Him: ...Are you busy now or can we still get together?

Me: Un huh. I'm busy right now, so I don't know if I can get up anymore.

Him: ..Oh, okay. Well, where are you?

Me: Brooklyn.

Him: Where in BK?

Me: A neighborhood. Near BK Heights.

Him: ...Okay.. Umm, well, I'm near you if you have some time.

So eventually we meet and go to lunch at this spot. We spoke for a majority of the lunch and it was definitely very refreshing and nice to be with someone attractive and intelligent. :yep: Our convo eventually led to us discussing our POF profiles, he plans on deleting his because he 'found a good fish he wants to get to know better.' I thought that was really cute.

Oh, funny tidbit. I told him that he has my boss to thank because had it not been for her trying to be optimistic, I would've deleted him the minute I didn't hear from him. He then tells me to call my boss and he speaks to her! He started off with "I hear I have you to thank for being my advocate..." and they hit it off with speaking for a little bit. When my boss came back on the phone, she just laughed and said "Ooh, I like him." LOL.

After lunch we walked around and talked and then eventually he took me to my car... We hugged before saying goodbye, and kissed goodbye. VERY good kisser, at that. :lick:

All in all, it was really nice. :)
I have my second date with POF guy this weekend. We talk everyday sometimes more than once. I'm thinking of deleting my OkCupid account after 4-5 days because its not looking good over there at all.....maybe I should wait but meh.
Dude who pulled the disappearing act sends me this bogus text message, I guess it was a way to relieve himself of whatever guilt/see if I were still interested...whatever. He got no response.
Refreshing story vivEz daNs lamouR, I've been on POF for two days and I'm disgusted :ohwell:

Thanks! Let's just hope it lasts.

I will say that he's always been a gentleman but today it really showed. He opened the car door for me all the time, made sure I always walk on the inside of the street (which I'm definitely always oblivious about), and even got a little insulted when I offered to go dutch on lunch.

All I could explain was, you don't know what us women usually deal with. :lol:
Why yall make me go over POF :nono:. I mean dudes are still acting HUNGRY. I've gotten cussed at and called fat because I didn't respond fast enough.
The one dude I did call was really looking for a home....
Im changing my location to NYC. I can afford airfare.:lol:
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Is that good fish you or someone else?

Uh..? me.

ETA: I didn't post my story in an attempt to brag, I sincerely hope no one took it that way. :ohwell: Will this become a blooming relationship with flowers and rainbows? I don't really know, I wasn't looking for a relationship and I'm not sure I still am but I found someone to get to know who actually seems to be on my level. Things could change, of course, but I've learned from too many relationships that the way to avoid heartbreak or feeling disappointed is to take things a day at a time.

Honestly, I wasn't expecting much, if anything, out of trying online dating. But I met some cool people and had a really great time yesterday, just wanted to share.
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For some reason whenever I log on to OKC, they randomly turn my IM on, and some random fool IMs me. I don't know why this keeps happening when I have my settings set to keeping my IMs off.
I've been some decent dudes on match.com and POF, but they haven't gone any where (so far). I've even met some on blackpeoplemeet. I'm not giving up though.
ETA: Created the POF profile. I don't like the way the site looks. It doesn't seem as organized and polished as OKC. I found typos in official communication ("to" instead of "too"). :ohwell: Let's hope the men are decent. I'm about to filter the heck out of my mail settings based on the few stupid things I received while in the middle of filling out my profile...

This. That site has the ugliest UI I've ever seen, and the mobile app is bleh too.
Deleted my account.

Made my own dummy account and my dot is green. It was yellow before. I get less messages now. I added "if you know the difference between there, their and they're" to my "message me if" section and I got better quality messages (just guessing that was the cause), so I responded to em. Now I have a green dot and no messages.
Went on my second date with the last guy from POF....so far he's still a winner. He's very attentive to my needs and a gracious gentleman....I must say he's easy to like!
Took a restroom break from my POF date to talk to the ladies of LHCF... He is not what I expected..*sigh*

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