***Online Dating Support Thread***

Whats up with these fuzzy/blurry *** pics on some of the profiles Ive been seeing. Im on POF and this guy sends me a message and the pics are terrible...Im like dang, do I have to ask you to send me new/better pics?:nono: Ugghh..
Yeah i don't know why they do that. Or something thats annoying to me post pics with other people in it. Like im not trying to date them im trying to date you. If the pic is bad and im interested i ask them to send me another photo. My pictures are clear as day so should be yours and if i see you in person you should look like your picture.......ohh and no pics from like 10 years ago either......geese people.....
So i decided to join e-harmony why not they had a sale. After my whole match.com thing where the freaks came out i was scared to try again. But i said let me try. E-harmony has ironic and strange ways cause even though i set my profile to come up with matches in a 30 mile radius......why in the heezy did they send me the most perfect profile a man.....that lived in chicago.......im just mad why can't he live in nyc? Any way still looking......
Yeah i don't know why they do that. Or something thats annoying to me post pics with other people in it. Like im not trying to date them im trying to date you. If the pic is bad and im interested i ask them to send me another photo. My pictures are clear as day so should be yours and if i see you in person you should look like your picture.......ohh and no pics from like 10 years ago either......geese people.....

ITA with all of this especially the bolded. Worse yet is when the pic is of them all hugged up on a girl. I'm like...dude, really? :perplexed
ITA with all of this especially the bolded. Worse yet is when the pic is of them all hugged up on a girl. I'm like...dude, really? :perplexed
Yes in my head im thinking "who dat" and if your on-line dating why would you do that. Some of them look like they had a "history" with that girl.......I don't like it....
So I'm meeting my first online person ever for dinner 2moro afterwork. We've been emailing for about 2 weeks...he's very smart, funny, successful (I googled him to confirm lol).....but 5'11 (I'm 5'10") and white. I'm actually happy that I'm not physically attracted to him (he's not ugly at all...just COMPLETELY opposite to my normal type). But I'm keeping an open mind, and looking at it as meeting a new friend.

eta: went out, def NOT a love connection! he was nice and all, but we had zero chemistry. In the future, I'm keeping email back and forths very short and will meet in person sooner..things can be very different when you actually talk/meet face to face.

...on to the next one i suppose.
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cinnespice I wonder if we're getting sent the same matches lol! They did the same thing...I'm like why am I getting CA?

How's eharm going for you in general? I did the 3 month deal, but I feel like cancelling already!
cinnespice I wonder if we're getting sent the same matches lol! They did the same thing...I'm like why am I getting CA?

How's eharm going for you in general? I did the 3 month deal, but I feel like cancelling already!
OMG me too:lachen::lachen:
Seriously the only real match that i saw that i like was the guy from chicago. It's only been a week and im frustrated. Im six feet tall why they keep sending me short men. I mean.....really short like 5'4" short. Im want to write them and tell them nobody under 5'10".....im not being picky i just really dont want to have to look over you head i rather see eye to eye or look up. Im really trying to hang in there its only been a week:drunk:. Sorry the date didn't work out but like you said on to the next one. Right now i think i have to get more out there in the world and don't rely on on-line dating so much :ohwell:
I made a blog about my experience with okcupid. i'm not looking for what most people are looking for online, so my experience probably is quite different.

But I figure I'll post it anyway:

(to put it in context, my long term bf & i broke up because of distance/different career paths. i moved to a new state in August & am struggling to meet new people)

I made an account on okcupid about a month ago. Mainly out of boredom and curiosity. I'm (obviously) not particularly interested in dating. But I do want to meet new people. And going to a meetup gives me a little anxiety (I do better one-on-one then in large groups. In large groups, I always feel like someone would rather be talking to anybody but me. ha). I've had a really interesting experience so far.

Observations: It's interesting how gender roles & race has played out.

I guess I can break this entry up into parts.

My Profile
I'm very upfront about who I am on my profile. It may be intimidating if you aren't on my level actually. To sum my profile up: I'm 20, I have a BA, I'm passionate about feminism, equity, race, gender, sexuality, etc etc.

Basically, I really do not want to deal with close minded (homo/transphobic, racist, sexist, etc) or conservative people, so I put who I am up front. I also put that I'm looking for "new friends, activity partners, and short term dating". Which I'm not really looking for anything, maybe a distraction/something interesting.

I am pretty clear that I'm not really there for dating, just trying to meet new/interesting people.

The messages I've sent
(I initiated contact)
I think I've been written back about 50% of the time. Tough break. But I've had really interesting conversations with those who have written back. Females never write me back (haha. obviously. and I usually hit up bisexual or gay or openly/self identified feminist women). I don't really take it personally. I usually write someone if there is something on their profile I find particularly interesting or I have a question about it.

The messages I've got
(He initiated contact)
I get quite a few messages from from guys basically saying "Wow, you're out of my league". Ok?

The first few guys that sent me messages were old/not the type of person I'd be interested in. I put a filter on (have to match 70%, be from the area, etc). So I no longer get emails about messages from guys who are a low match/old. I think it has also helped in deterring guys from messaging me who I probably wouldn't vibe with anyway.

I probably respond to 1 out of 4 messages. I ignore the "hey how are you" or the winks or the "you're beautiful". your message did not make me care enough to respond. :ohwell:

I'm mostly getting messages from white guys. I've only talked to one black guy. Most of the black males who message me send me really incoherent or obviously mass copied messages. :perplexed

The people (guys) I've met
[age, race, where we met up, who paid (just a pattern i've noticed)]

#1: 22, tall skinny white guy. Coffee. Ordered at different times. clearly trying to cut. i was like "....no".

#2: 22, white. Coffee. Ordered at different times. We had really good conversations. he's a feminist (:D). we met up for coffee. he was kind of falling asleep on me. awkward. he straight up asked if I was looking for a relationship. I was like "...not really" and he said he was. I thought he was cool & wanted to be friends. He was obviously in the "I have enough friends" camp, or maybe he just thought I was lame. oh well.

#3: 24, white. Coffee. I paid for my own because I ordered first. We had really interesting conversations. Talked for a couple of hours. He walked me back to my car, and asked if he could kiss me. Um. :yawn: I said no. We still text & i hope to meet up with him again soon (strictly as friends).

#4: 20, Black. Burrito place. He tried to pay. Really tall, cute, nice body. Reminded me of Obama (voice, smile & mannerisms). He is a math major. He wasn't particularly interesting tbh. He also made some semi-sexist & transphobic comments, so I was pretty turned off.
*confession: his first message was "hi my name is ___, what's yours?" a message that i would typically ignore. plus his profile had like 3 things on it. another reason to ignore. BUT he was really cute, so i ended up chatting with him for a while & agreeing to meet up. i wasn't expecting much, and that's what i got. i think my co-worker would like him but idk how to introduce him to her since i lied about how we met. (ok im embarrassed to have an okcupid account. whatever).

#5: 19, white. Asian place, bowling. He tried to pay. He graduated high school in 2009, is taking some time off to work. He went to private schools & is obviously very smart. We went to get food, then he drove us to the bowling alley (has a really nice car, haha. it's probably expensive but idk anything about cars). I felt he was very considerate, without being like "i'm the man so i'll pay" or "i'm the man so i'll drive us". his roommate is a gay male & he straight up asked me, "do you have a problem with gay people?" (although he mentioned it kinda casually at first I think to check my reaction "my roommate's boyfriend comes over a lot..." *pause*)

I had the most fun with #5. I'm really looking forward to hanging out with him again. I'm pretty surprised because he's the youngest and we seem to be on completely different levels (on paper), but we vibed well.. And we had really good conversation towards the end, and I didn't want to leave.

I'm meeting up with another guy later this week. It has at the very least been entertaining/left me with some interesting things to talk about.

It has also made me realize I have no desire to date. :lachen:
Fly, if you don't mind, could you give more info about what kind of pictures you have up? Your age group? Religion? Location? What other kinds of things you stated in your profile? Thanks.
Fly, if you don't mind, could you give more info about what kind of pictures you have up? Your age group? Religion? Location? What other kinds of things you stated in your profile? Thanks.
two photobooth pic & one normal pic from a cocktail party (so what i look like everyday, what i look like when i'm feeling pretty. i guess. but really i just like those 3 the most :))

I'm 20. I said looking for "everybody. 20-29"

I'm agnostic & I put it

I live in the south.

Other things? I mentioned my job (education) & my passion for what I do. That I love to dance & read. & mentioned a few titles of books I've read recently. I loveee when guys question me about it because they are usually feminist, race, or queer theory texts & i love to talk about it (which basically means no one in real life cares).

One guy wrote me & said: "your profile actually made me laugh a few times and smile a few more times[...]I have been on this site since May. I have not really seen a profile where I felt that the person is real and tangible. However, yours achieved this"

So I guess I seem real/approachable? I think my profile basically conveys that I'm smart & focused, but pretty open & accepting of people (instead of being one of those people who are like "dont contact me IF...."), so I get messages pretty regularly. Also i think that being upfront about who I am/what I'm passionate about (obviously social justice concerns), guys who care about similar things or want to learn more about it reach out to me.

That sounds cocky, but it is what it is.
LOL at this fool " such beautiful eyes, gorgeous smile, awesome personality...enough about me, how are you doing today"

Really dude...Really???!!! Im supposed to swoon over that? Please for the love of god, step your game up...That was terrible. I will not even dignify you with a response. I swear yall make it hard for me..I already have a smart mouth..its taking every ounce of politeness not to tell you how I REALLY feel... ole mark a** busta..
Oh these dudes typing in all caps and the slang for the damn life of me its not cute..then this one cat talking about what can I say Im wonderful my sweat smiles like cotton candy and skittles..wtf dude I said no homos
great timing. someone just sent me this

the first message is the hardest i have to wright just the right thing so u respond so if u were in my posistion what would u say to get ur attention i guess ill through out my best attempt why did the chickin cross the road? To get a responce from u. how was that well my names bobby and hopefully it was enough to get ur attention!

i feel bad bc i know he tried. but come on!! how you gonna misspell every other word and then ask me why the chicken crossed the road. really guy? seriously?! but w.e. ive had worse.
LOL at this fool " such beautiful eyes, gorgeous smile, awesome personality...enough about me, how are you doing today"

Really dude...Really???!!! Im supposed to swoon over that? Please for the love of god, step your game up...That was terrible. I will not even dignify you with a response. I swear yall make it hard for me..I already have a smart mouth..its taking every ounce of politeness not to tell you how I REALLY feel... ole mark a** busta..
I can't believe he has the nerve, the absolute NERVE! He has to have some crazy narcisscist to think that is remotely acceptable.
It's angering.
i met up with #6 tonight (we kept having to reschedule. and he got hit by a car on saturday. yow). it was a lot of fun :) milkshakes + laughs make me happy

i saw #3 & #5 again last week. have plans with #4 tomorrow night. #5 is too young i've figured out. he's mature for his age, but he's still 19 =/ i like #6. am looking forward to seeing him again. i think that #3 isn't interested in hanging out anymore since he's been friend zoned, but i'll see if he asks me to hangout again.

i deactivated my okc since i'm afraid someone i know will find me. =X & everyone seems ugly or boring...or close minded & stupid :look:

(i'm sorry, i cannot disassociate the two. i'm working on it)
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Im so not thrilled you have to pay so much for these little sites..I tried the black ppl meet but since you have to pay its not worth it..I will have to do free only or the old fashion way
LOL at this fool " such beautiful eyes, gorgeous smile, awesome personality...enough about me, how are you doing today"

Really dude...Really???!!! Im supposed to swoon over that? Please for the love of god, step your game up...That was terrible. I will not even dignify you with a response. I swear yall make it hard for me..I already have a smart mouth..its taking every ounce of politeness not to tell you how I REALLY feel... ole mark a** busta..

maybe something is wrong with me, because that would have cracked me up! i would have responded with some snark to test and see if this was his sense of humor, or to see if he was really just a jerk.
Flyeffortlessly, I'm really enjoying your posts on this. Keep us updated!

I have been curious about online dating for a while, honestly, but I'm paranoid I'll come across someone from IRL. I'd be mortified. Plus the one time I have ever signed up for an online dating site it seemed every time I went back to check it (the few times I did), there were only old creepy guys messaging me. :\
My e-harmony match and I had our 1st date last week. We talked about 3 weeks before we met IRL. He seems nice and we had a good time. We have plans to go out again next weekend.

Not holding my breath because I am super cynical. Will keep you posted.
You know you got it bad when an overweight 50-something year old man in a wheelchair sends you an email saying, "I'm interested in you." :O(
I have been curious about online dating for a while, honestly, but I'm paranoid I'll come across someone from IRL. I'd be mortified.

I've had this happen on more than one occasion and it's nowhere near as mortifying as you'd think. If anything it was funny.

A guy contacted me who, while attractive, looked very familiar. We later discovered we used to work together. Rather than feeling embarrassed, we had a good laugh about it. As it turns out, he always thought that I was quite attractive, but since we worked together, figured it was best not to say anything. We went out on a date or two and had a nice time, but there wasn't any "spark."
You know you got it bad when an overweight 50-something year old man in a wheelchair sends you an email saying, "I'm interested in you." :O(

Old creepies message every girl, so don't feel like there's something "wrong" with you because it happens. Now, if you've been on a site for several weeks, and nobody who you even think is cute messages you, you may want to re-evaluate your profile.
Reporting back about the guy I met last week. We've talked quite a bit since Thursday night and we went out to a movie last night. He wants to meet up again soon. But, I think I'm going to pass. He's a bit too... overzealous for me. To the extent that I'm turned off.

I haven't really found anybody else I'm interested in. We'll see what happens in the next 26 days, cause I'm not renewing my membership.
Reporting back about the guy I met last week. We've talked quite a bit since Thursday night and we went out to a movie last night. He wants to meet up again soon. But, I think I'm going to pass. He's a bit too... overzealous for me. To the extent that I'm turned off.

I haven't really found anybody else I'm interested in. We'll see what happens in the next 26 days, cause I'm not renewing my membership.
Does he seem like a creeper?
Does he seem like a creeper?

I don't think so. But I'm not really sure what classifies as a creeper.

He's Nigerian. I don't know much about Nigerian men and I really don't want to offend any women here. But, from my limited experience with African men seem to come on a little stronger. It's just too much too soon. This has happened before but I wanted to be open and not succumb to stereotypes.

Once again, I really hope I didn't offend any of the African ladies here.

ETA: I just realized that my original story was in another thread. LOL.
how many online dating threads do we have.
Im on POF and its the same guys over and over no matter how I readjust my settings. Why havent these guys found someone? Or maybe its an easier way for them to be manwhores? Why is it the same men on POF and Match.com? (sigh) Why are men so anxious to exchange #'s? Damn, we cant email for a bit first..one guy just emailed me his # in the message..talking bout "text me"...Text you? What about, hey how you doing, i read your profile..blah blah blah...I hate this modern day dating..I went over my profile, looked at my pics and I still dont know why Im getting hits from these err...underqualified males.
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I don't think so. But I'm not really sure what classifies as a creeper.

He's Nigerian. I don't know much about Nigerian men and I really don't want to offend any women here. But, from my limited experience with African men seem to come on a little stronger. It's just too much too soon. This has happened before but I wanted to be open and not succumb to stereotypes.

Once again, I really hope I didn't offend any of the African ladies here.

ETA: I just realized that my original story was in another thread. LOL.
how many online dating threads do we have.

I know exactly what you are talking about. I've had a couple of the same experiences with African, specifically Nigerian men. I don't trust men who come on too strong especially if they don't know me too well.