***Online Dating Support Thread***

I'm still new to this but I'm measuring my success rate according to the number of datable men I come across... I usually don't come across many in real life!

I'm conversing with this guy on POF that seems to have potential. We've spoken on the phone a couple of times and things are moving at a pace I'm comfortable with. He's not super clingy (calling/texting) all day but he does call when he says he will! I was nervous about whether or not he was from where he lives but he's actually from my neck of the woods... Major plus! We are supposed to meet sometime this week... But I have no expectations... I don't want to put any pressure on it!

OAN - I had to check one of my girls for basically calling me a desperate lesbian because I signed up for online dating!
OAN - I had to check one of my girls for basically calling me a desperate lesbian because I signed up for online dating!

See, thats why I keep my lovelife to myself until Im ready to reveal certain specifics..Somebody will always have something to say, and where I meet my man, boo, jumpoff, side-piece,etc..is my business. And I will check anyone who has something to say. Good for you, for putting her in her place..she would have got a mouthful real quick..
smh at these atlanta men making me think I must look like a troll or something... I changed my location on pof to Brooklyn NY and all these gorgeous men are hitting me up, I can't wait to move there next year...
Oh gosh I just went on this guy's profile again, I didn't realized that he changed his photo, I thought it was a new person. Now he probably thinks I am stalking him.

ugh. Fail. Now I remember why I hated online dating. I swore someone claimed that ATL area had datable people online, where they at?
well it took almost a year but i finally got checked out by a polyamorous person. married man rated me 4 or 5 stars

oh crap he has also just messaged me... do i even want to read it
oh just for fun here is a message i got last night

I've skimmed a bit here and there... i think i want to join a site! :)

I tried okc a long time ago... had a successful string of dates....

should i try POF? okc? howaboutwe.com? (anyone try that one?)
There's a new guy on OKC. Looking at his profile, I'm very interested. Only thing that makes me want to back away is he's looking for a life partner (he's only 23 :blush: and I didn't think most guys would be looking so soon). Oh, and he's trying to move across the country within the next year. As much as I want to make a move (wink or message), I think I'll just....wait. *sigh*
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Oh gosh I just went on this guy's profile again, I didn't realized that he changed his photo, I thought it was a new person. Now he probably thinks I am stalking him.

ugh. Fail. Now I remember why I hated online dating. I swore someone claimed that ATL area had datable people online, where they at?

try craigslist.
Blind date with a guy from POF..this ninja had the nerve to ask if we could split the bill...HA! That'll be the last time you see me. I ordered a freakin appetizer..less than 10.00...I coulda stayed at home and
had a V8...cheap a**

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Blind date with a guy from POF..this ninja had the nerve to ask if we could split the bill...HA! That'll be the last time you see me. I ordered a freakin appetizer..less than 10.00...I coulda stayed at home and
had a V8...cheap a**

Sent from my Sprint HTC Evo using Long Hair Care Forum App

OMG, that is so awful! WTH is wrong with some guys? And to ASK??? He got a lot of nerve...

I've only split the bill once and the guy looked kind of sad. He was sweet, but there was absolutely no chemistry. Paying for myself is my initual way of saying "just friends, right?"

I think men should be the [at a minimum, the main] provider and protector. Feed me and pay for it, please. ;) If I'm into a guy, I don't pay for ish until we're in a relationship and I've spent the night.

Freaking new-age men...

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i went on a date a couple weeks ago where i asked if he wanted to split the bill because i knew he considered himself a feminist and might not have wanted to subscribe to traditional gender roles "male pays for the meal."

he paid for the meal.
Welllllllllp, add me to the list of women willing to try online dating.

So far I've joined OKC and POF, although I like POF a little more than OKC. Got a craaaaazy first email from someone on OKC though..

Hi, Hoping this mail meet you very well. I'm here to meet a Beautiful Queen like you and I Would Give You Anything To Be The Man You're Looking for On here If you Allow Me To Take This Beautiful Journey With You.

If you said you were cold
I would wrap my arms around you

If you said you were thirsty
I would give you the ocean blue

I would give you anything
The moon, the stars, the sunset too
this heart in my hands that I
hold out to you

If you said you were lonely
I would be there at your side

If you said you were sad
I would wipe the tears you cried

I would give you anything
the moon, the stars, the sunset too
this heart in my hands
that I hold out to you

If you are really looking
for love and loving, then,
I will love you till
the day I die
And, You won't have
to look for reasons
or even question why
I'm Loving you so much.

I will also make every day a Valentines day for you.

Wishing you a lovely day.

WTH? :perplexed:perplexed
I must have looked at hundreds of profiles and I am kinda sad. The funny thing is that with online dating I feel like I am more picky than I am in real life. So far I only sent one email to someone I was interested in. No reply, but it sucks because he was totally the type I go for. But oh well that is what happens.
I must have looked at hundreds of profiles and I am kinda sad. The funny thing is that with online dating I feel like I am more picky than I am in real life. So far I only sent one email to someone I was interested in. No reply, but it sucks because he was totally the type I go for. But oh well that is what happens.
There were a couple of guys who were completely my type but no bite:sad: hate when that happens
I must have looked at hundreds of profiles and I am kinda sad. The funny thing is that with online dating I feel like I am more picky than I am in real life. So far I only sent one email to someone I was interested in. No reply, but it sucks because he was totally the type I go for. But oh well that is what happens.
That's probably true because I feel alot of people treat online dating like it's burger king or something. Don't we wish it was as easy as I would like x,y,z and a side order of swag. At least your a girl though some male friends say it's worse like my brother's friend. He has a hard time because he is short even though he is a good person.
So I finally joined something last night :lol: I joined OKC! I hope to get some crazy, awesome, epic messages like you guys do! lol My profile is UBER lame right now...so I may change it up some.

I'm currently messaging this seemingly nice, normal young fella.
Seriously now?

What I’m doing with my life Staying Sober..... from drugs and alcohol....almost 8 months now woooo. Actively looking for a job right now, but i do have some income, very little. I'm out there looking everyday, so if u know anywhere hiring let me know lol.
Why does it seem like IRL and online, the guys I am interested in are not interested in me.

thats how it is. everyone wants someone they think is good enough for them which often translates into slightly better than... when you put yourself out there first its like ruining that. ive decided to just check out guys im interested in without putting myself out there anymore bc i just dont see that it helps. if they bite, they bite, if not, oh well. more fish in the sea...
I've been messaging back and forth with this guy that seems to be "my type." He probably put forth the most effort in his initial message to me than anyone else has... You can tell some guys just copy and paste their long drawn out messages!

I talked to another guy last night for like 2 hours. Our convo was cool... but, he's super apprehensive almost to the point of being offensive. He wants to meet at Walgreens. I would rather the first meet-up be short but WTH are we going to do at Walgreens, meet up in the cards aisle and start talking??? No way! Plus we figured out that he knows this guy I used to date back in college... That might be the deal breaker for me!
Chunky dude I know I'm round but I'm fine as hell if your going to chat with me take out the re: part of your message that you have copied and pasted..I'm so tired of douche bags taking the lame way out by not putting forth effort.Every guy I messaged on Sunday night just about looked at my profile but I guess the roundness of me turned them off or maybe my race bc they all for the most part where non-black.I want my day where I can share a success like a good convo that leads to my 1st date and maybe a boo..one day darn it my day is coming.
omg this is just like how it is in IRL! The black guys will visit my page and message me immediately. The white guys will visit multiple times, I'll have to visit their pages too, and then they'll 'rate me' or 'wink' or something, I'll have to do it back, and then they'll FINALLY message me :lachen: Team consistency! :lol:
So Ive gotten tons of messages on POF...I've only responded to one, lol...
Just seems like most of the messages aren't genuine...
And I'm tired of the dudes sending me messages saying 'hello' and nothing else.

I'm really in the wrong region though, still envious of all the black dudes in other areas (minus Boston, of course lol)...some of the non-black dudes out here are cute, but I'm not ready for that yet :/
So this guy on POF messages me yesterday morning... Very nice message:

Exactly the reason I'm here. The only difference is that my Frat brother signed me up because he said I needed a second half. Of course I've been entirely too thrown off by work. Now I think I need to get out and start meeting people. Maybe we could get some coffee, some lunch? Check my profile, if you like what you see send me a message.

Cute message and he's definitely attractive. But trying to get conversation out of him is like pulling teeth. I wound up eventually asking him if he's shy, to which he told me he isn't because he's in marketing and he actually has tons of questions to ask me but he's 'type-tied', LoL.

Anyway, he wants to arrange to meet up for coffee or lunch or something, which I think is alright but if we can't speak through a quick couple of emails, I'm petrified of what his in-person conversation will be like. :sad:

Not sure what to do because he seems to have everything going for him... 30 years old, no kids, not married, Bachelor's degree, he's a Nurse, lives in Brooklyn.. Enh, this is a tough one. :lol: