***Online Dating Support Thread***

I subscribe to a site that sends me emails announcing all the latest start ups. Since it's icky outside, I decided to clean out my email inbox by going through and reading each one. Here is one of start ups featured, anybody ever heard of this? It was started by 2 guys in Brooklyn:

Some dummy asked me a stupid off the wall question.

What's my favorite color?

:rolleyes: What are we? 10 years old? It's online dating and I aint gettin' any younger. Don't have time for that BS.

You basically just told me you don't know what else to say or ask to get to know a person cause my color of the week isn't going to get you much.

So i didn't respond...8 days later I get a message saying he's been busy just working & sleeping. HA!! Nah, you were expecing my reply and you didnt get it so you asking what's up 8 damn days later.....

Wasting my damn time asking me dumb questions. Get to the point or click the X!!
This woman's rant reminds me of this thread, :lachen::lachen::


Online Dating! What A Waste Of Time*
posted 10/4/2007 8:14:46 PM |
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Take it from me folks! I've tried it on here, I've tried it on the site with all the millions of fish. I've tried it on a spiritual site and I've tried it on a flirting site. I've even tried it on a very well organised singles site for people who live in and around my area. It just don't work!

As time goes by, for some of us, it becomes increasingly difficult to meet someone. We're not all bar flies or clubbers, and the chances of meeting someone at an evening class or whilst enjoying a hobby is remote, like minded doesn't necessarily mean physically attractive and partnership material. Some of us find ourselves with no alternative but to give the date sites a go.

In theory, the internet should be an ideal way for people to meet members of the opposite sex. Even those of us who are a little shy can take our time to come out of our shells and slowly reveal who we really are. The trouble is the number of fakers and players seems to far outnumber those genuinely looking for love.

I've been online for getting on for a year now. Through this site and a couple of others here's the sum total of my achievements as far as dates are concerned. Online friends are not included in this blog. The first is an achievement, the rest are best termed disappointments.

I met one guy as friends and we have stayed in touch. He wrote me a song, which he hasn't finished but I was deeply touched. I hope we will meet again one day.

I fell for a fake and finally heard the last of him a few weeks ago. He's still around but he's out of my hair which is the best I can hope for.

I met a long distance lorry driver who could barely keep his eyes open when we met. He worked weekends or saw his kid so the only time we could meet was after one of his shifts. On reflection I'm wondering why either of us bothered.... if he can't fit a date in, how's he going to find time for a relationship. Anyway, after half an hour Tesco (that's the supermarket to you non-Brits) seemed a more attractive proposition, so I made my excuses and went off to flirt with the cauliflowers in the organic veg section.

I met a guy who built himself up to be a stud (like I was actually that bothered) and was a gross disappointment to himself. I couldn't have been more understanding but he chose to cut our date short and drive home in the middle of the night.

I met a gorgeous guy who ticked all my boxes, we had a wonderful date, got on great, laughed and were totally comfortable together until he rode off into the sunset never to be heard from again. I guess his boxes were left unticked somewhere.

Another wrote fabulous emails to the point where his looks were so unimportant. I couldn't wait to meet him. He froze the moment we met and didn't thaw out for four hours, and even then there was a slight chill in the air.

One guy made me an offer I refused but continued to make it on a regular basis. When I agreed to meet him he failed to call me both times he said he would so I told him to f*** Off and leave me alone. Not very ladylike but then again, he wasn't much of a gentleman.

That left me with only my MD American heart throbs to lust after, and as my Florida MOD chose Misschoos over me I decided to bring my search a little closer to home.

It wasn't long before the three sites I joined brought forth no less than six interested parties. Whilst we're corresponding and swapping numbers, I hear from a faceless wonder from MD who despite the fact I'd answered every email with "where's your pic?" managed to avoid the question. During a weak moment I took a note of his number and sent him a text. Yes, you've guessed it, asking him where his pic was. Instead, he called me. He was full of the charm and blarney and had a lovely accent. He was a little bit naughty but the Angel has never been a prude. He showed a lot of interest in my book and had a novel idea how to promote it involving the two of us, an M&S changing room and the paparazzi. I was going to be in his area pretty soon and decided to text him again, asking for a pic so we could maybe meet up that weekend. He must have been a player after all because he told me I was rude and bye bye. You know what? I was a bit disappointed. Not in him, but myself. I couldn't believe I'd fallen for a bit of phone schmoozing. I guess I've been on my own too long..... any port in a storm!

As for the other six. One was on the brink of arranging to meet me, we'd literally gone online to organise a day and time. He took a phone call, was gone an hour and a half and maybe didn't like the fact I was tired and ready for bed by the time he got back and was just saying goodbye to one of my American friends who'd been keeping my company while he was away. To be honest, I sent him a message after ten minutes saying I was off to bed and my friend came online, so I ended up staying online for longer than I'd intended. He returned and said the call was from his sister who'd recently had a baby but I doubted that, it was more likely another woman. I've not heard from him since and he ignored a friendly text message a couple of days later. So that was the end of him.

One guy told me he had a girlfriend and although he persisted in trying to get me to meet him, I insisted he had to finish with his girlfriend first. I can't think why, I'm just a bit funny that way.

Another arranged to meet me then postponed it because he needed to fix his camper van engine which was spread out on his kitchen table as we spoke on the phone. He appears to hate me. He says my emails "go on a bit" and I'm really negative. I probably am about him because he's a dickhead. The last I heard from him was just over a week ago when he wrote asking when we were going to do the coffee thing. I told him I'd be in touch as I was sick at the time. Yeah, sick of him. I've not bothered to get in touch. Mean? Maybe? but then so was he.

The next date was supposed to be the same weekend as camper van man. He'd asked me to get in touch with him Sunday morning. I text him at around 11am to give him time to have a lie in if he'd been out the night before. He text back that he had a hangover and could we do it another time? I've not heard another word since. Maybe because my reply to him was "two blow outs in one weekend, I guess today's not my lucky day either!". Move on piss head!

The next guy couldn't "wate" to meet me and appeared to be dislexic and a little bit mental. He was cute looking though and I was getting a bit desperate by this time so I took a couple of hours out of my day to meet him. Gee girls, you're going to love this one. He talked the whole time about himself and the only thing he asked me what I wanted to drink. Towards the end of the two hours we spent together he tells me he's still living with his girlfriend. He'd talked constantly about us just being friends for now so I was cool with it. ........ cont/d below.....
Met up with another guy I met on POF over lunch. He seems smart, financially well-off, stable, and well traveled. Had a good time overall. But he is overweight....sigh.:sad: He did say he meets with a personal trainer and goes to boot camp so there is hope for weight loss. No sparks on my end though. Maybe they can develop over time?? I may keep him around for now....
Got to open communication with another gentleman from eharmony. Let's just say I understand why he is in his mid 40's and still single. He has very poor social skills and is negative as hell. Dude was trying to argue with me at one point about a date on the calendar. Who does that within the first conversation? He had the nerve to call me back an hour later and still wanted to talk. He was not talking about anything substantial and couldn't manage to keep the conversation going aside from me talking. Not interested in hearing complete silence on the other end so I'm like I have better things to do, said take care and hung up. I prompltly closed him very soon after.
3 dates this week: brunch, dinner and an indoor picnic.

All went okay, with the dinner date being the best-- which isn't saying much. I'd had a date planned earlier, but the guy stood me up saying he was afraid I'd reject him. ...wtfreakidydeak.

As for the 3 guys, I think I'm the problem. Maybe I'm not ready, plus I feel badly going out with 3 guys in one week. Two of the guys are definitely dating around, the dinner guy is not. Dinner guy is only 1 year and 13 days older than me, which is weird for me, but he seems sweet and his efforts are cute. And he didn't lie about his height, which is more than I can say about the other two.
Welp... me & Jamaican dude are over before we even started. After our great date on Thursday, he never picked up the phone to call me. He just sent me random texts every blue moon. He sent a text 2nite asking what I'm doing tonite. I told him I had a date & he flipped out. Huh? I didn't know we were exclusive after meeting once. Weirdo.

Sent from my PG06100 using PG06100
now i remember why i stopped messaging this guy, he doesnt know how to talk to girls. or hold a conversation.

oh, and i also love when guys say things that sound like they belong in a cover letter for a job application. "feel free to message me further if you have any more inquiries" (i embellished but only a little)
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Okay...so this Douchbag wrote to me again! I guess he finally wanted to explain why he disappeared and here's his excuse: Chemistry.

That is perfectly fine! Believe me...Chemistry is VERY important, but here's the thing. This guy is sooo full of ish it's not even funny!

If chemistry is the reason, then why did YOU set up a 4th date with me on a friday for the following day. Texting my a$$ all day while I'm trying to work. Once he started getting sexual (mentioning handcuffs and sex for our date, ect) I declined him and tried to change the subject. After that he didnt respond to my texts and I never heard from him again.

I responded to his message on POF letting him know exactly this and wished him luck in his search. Let's not play like your not a horn dog who expected sex then got mad when you got declined for it :lachen:
oh, and i also love when guys say things that sound like they belong in a cover letter for a job application. "feel free to message me further if you have any more inquiries" (i embellished but only a little)

I was just laughing about that with my friend yesterday. Or when the date is ending and they directly express interest. They say it so... business casual I feel like I should be shaking their hands over a mahogany desk. Weird...

Sent from my T-Mobile G2 using T-Mobile G2
now i remember why i stopped messaging this guy, he doesnt know how to talk to girls. or hold a conversation.

oh, and i also love when guys say things that sound like they belong in a cover letter for a job application. "feel free to message me further if you have any more inquiries" (i embellished but only a little)

:lachen:Stop it!!! I HATE this about dating. It really is multiple interviews trying to make a good first impression.

Folks putting key words in their profile like a resume. You gotta find an objective..AKA your subject line/heading. You gotta list your goals, qualifications and previous work experience. :lachen:
I was just laughing about that with my friend yesterday. Or when the date is ending and they directly express interest. They say it so... business casual I feel like I should be shaking their hands over a mahogany desk. Weird...

Sent from my T-Mobile G2 using T-Mobile G2

:lol: Then you hope he follows up the interview with a callback right? Cause you sittin at home hoping he calls you back for the 2nd interview AKA the 2nd date.
went out with this guy and was a complete wreck the entire time. just a complete ball of nerves.:nono:

he still wants to see me so now i'm wondering what the **** is wrong with him.

you play too much

got my bb over there kneeling in the corner :cry3:

i hate you
This is a little gem I recieved in my inbox. I Just can't tonight :nono:

hey wuts up i really do find u attractive and would love to treat u like way u should be str8 be my boss lady cuz i consider myself a boss n i stay bossin up on em hoes but i see u special more like a princess type but then again a sexy one its a trip but i would like to have u b4 me where as 9 times out of 10 im in it to win it and stay on top n be in control stay wearing tha pants but if i had a chance in a relationship i would have u wear tha pants with me altho u didnt write much about u just from ur images and wut lil u did say i find that unique and creative a lil about myself b4 i continue would be im 21 yrs old of Armenian decent born n raised in southern cali from the city of burbank work for my dads air conditioning business pretty much got wut is needed defintely not all i want tho i cuz i want it all thats right im bout my money i was brought up middle class and i aint goin down ima go up and in my culture we know how to treat our women well im satisfied and have it good staying wid my parents for free havent even actually started working ima start again by the end of the weeek willingly jus cuz i feel like it n wouldnt mind the extra money i always got my side hussles going so mando ima have a bonus every month all i need tho is the right girl cant say i dont get enough **** im jus being str8 up cuz da girls im fuccin wid now aint none of em gon b tooken serious n dey know they place that im jus they ***** i keep it 113% all tha time jus cuz i **** u dont mean ....

....And that was not even the whole message! WTF! :lachen:
This is a little gem I recieved in my inbox. I Just can't tonight :nono:

....And that was not even the whole message! WTF! :lachen:

:rolleyes: You don't know a gooood man when you see one. I mean, what's not to love???

  • He will let you wear the pants and you can be his boss!

  • He's about his money but doesn't have a job. No siree, but he's ocassionally willing to work just for the extra cash.

  • Girl, you and him can live with his parents for Free!! Are you deaf?! FREE!

  • He won't tooken any of his side pieces seriously.

  • He's never heard of a fullstop.

:rolleyes: You don't know a gooood man when you see one. I mean, what's not to love???

  • He will let you wear the pants and you can be his boss!
  • He's about his money but doesn't have a job. No siree, but he's ocassionally willing to work just for the extra cash.
  • Girl, you and him can live with his parents for Free!! Are you deaf?! FREE!
  • He won't tooken any of his side pieces seriously.
  • He's never heard of a fullstop.

Girl, I never thought of it that way. Let me go ahead and unblock him and get his number :lachen:
I got my first rating and message on OKC yesterday. I viewed his profile and it was decent and he looks nice. The message didn't say much, he just aksed if I would mind chatting with him? I had no idea how to respond so I asked him to tell me more about himself since his profile was vague. College graduate, part-time studen (grad program), employed full time in the IT field and we share the same religious views (according to what I read). I'll let you know how this goes.

***Going to re-read the rule of online "dating".