***Online Dating Support Thread***

Funny msg in my inbox today :lol::


I deeply regret that it is my unfortunate duty to bring it to your
attention that you are above and beyond our maximum standards for
looks. You are clearly a 9/10 and here on OKC we only
allow 6/10 maximum.

Your account will be CLOSED unless you reply to this message with
your name, phone number, your favorite flower, how many Cheetos you
can fit in your mouth at once (just curious) and if you prefer
Chinese or Italian cuisine. This is very serious business and I
would advise you not to take my message lightly or you might anger
my boss Poseidon, the lord of the seas.


i asked this guy if he had a beard because in some pictures he had one and others he didn't. he said he did and asked why i wanted to know.

i came up with some story about being locked in a burning car only to be saved by some bearded guy wearing a cape and venetian half mask.:look: so i'm partial to men with beards, obviously. he's all "wow, that's terrifying :blah: i can't believe something that happened :blah:.

he's just going along with me. he knows i made that **** up, right?:look:
Funny msg in my inbox today :lol::

ah that guy's still around... he's gotten funnier

Hello, I regret to inform you that I have a very unfortunate duty. I'm sorry, but you are above and beyond our maximum standards for looks. You are by far a 9/10(let's be honest no one's perfect) and here on Ok Cupid we only allow 6/10 at maximum. I am sorry to inform you of this. I'm going to need a message back to verify that you recieved it. If you could please include your name and some facts about you it would be appreciated ;)

girl i have been on okc too long :sad:
my days are bleeding together... a cutie checked me out on pof... i liked his profile and responded to something he said in it... we exchanged message for what i thought was about a week (come to find out it's only been two days)... he asked for my number, i gave it, he called.... GREAT convo... and he's kept up the momentum by calling back today... i wasn't home (he didn't try the cell, just called the house).... and i was actually happy to see the missed call.... loving the convo... and i hate talking on the phone....

What do you ladies think of guys that stop by your page all the time but don't message you? I've had a local visit my okc profile everyday for about 2 weeks and he's said nothing yet...It's so crazy. I used to message them after 4-5 visits but the conversation quickly fizzled out and I'm still planning to move so I'd rather not make any connections.

Welp, I couldn't help myself. I IM'ed this guy on OKC. He was still visiting my profile every damn day. We talked for a few hours. He seems alright. He knows I'm moving but he asked me to hang out with him at a craft beer place in the area. I said no for now but I'd be up for it if I can get a few people to go with me. I've wanted to check this place out for a while.

freelove looking at that pic of the eccentric (for lack of a better word) guy who visited your profile... He may just be a thesbian. Looks like Rocky Horror Picture show. If I'm wrong and he's doing it purely for itsh and giggles, well...:perplexed :lol:
So now that I'm back in the states, I decided to tryout okcupid. I met one dude Saturday. He looked liked his pic, but he totally lied about his height. He said he was 5'10, but he was more like 5'7/5'8. Nice guy though. I met another dude today for coffee and I should have known better. He only had one blurry pic on his profile. When I saw him in real life, he was going bald and not cute at all. He was nice also. Both of them got thrown into the friend category. Lol.

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I have a 2nd date with a guy from OKC. The same guy I met last week for drinks. We've been emailing a little bit, nothing major. He asked me out to dinner. Sooo, we will see what he suggests and go from there. I'm kinda looking forward to it!
Had a very nice 1 hour conversation with a guy from POF. Today he texts good morning and asks about dinner tonight. So far so good! :spinning:
ok. so remember that one guy i told you guys about? on match and how he seemed so great and we seemed like a good match and didnt get a chance to speak to him bc his sub ran out? well at least i think i told you guys. anyway i had decided to try another 7 day free trial and i saw that he was back on so i msg'd him. he told out to be a grade A assh0le. check out this conversation i had with him.

his name is luis V on skype and on match his profile name is 1984oct20 http://www.match.com/profile/showProfile.aspx?uid=YPgfLAT9ISJ/+H7+kW27/Q==&handle=1984oct20 is his match.com profile

ETA: this started in the middle of the convo bc what was said prior was just small talk. i asked if he wasnt very talkative bc of his short answers and lack of conversational skills (even tho hes the one that insisted we talk on skype and he's the one who msg'd me first after friend'ing me) so i was asking before i just completely ended the convo.

[2:59:29 PM] me: how was it?
[3:00:42 PM] Luis V: eh alright
[3:01:20 PM] me: are you not very talkative?
[3:01:41 PM] Luis V: yes i am just doing other things on my computer lol
[3:01:43 PM] Luis V: sorry
[3:02:08 PM] me: that's cool, lol. if you're busy we can just talk a little later
[3:02:57 PM] Luis V: its ok we can talk
[3:03:04 PM] Luis V: so do you have anymore pics of yourself
[3:03:11 PM] Luis V: you only have two
[3:03:40 PM] me: yea i have a few more. did you want me to email some to you?
[3:04:24 PM] me: i guess i just put the bare minimum bc i wasnt sure how i'd like the site. plus i have a pic of how i look everyday and how i look doll'd up. so i guess i thought that was enough to get what i looked like.
[3:05:00 PM] Luis V: yeah i would like to see more if possible
[3:05:10 PM] Luis V: *****@Gmail.com
[3:06:28 PM] me: ok. give me a min
[3:06:39 PM] Luis V: ok ;)
[3:10:44 PM] me: ok im done lol
[3:10:55 PM] me: i sent over like 4 so i guess you have a total of 6 pix of how i look now
[3:11:09 PM] Luis V: lol ok brb
[3:14:01 PM] Luis V: i wonder if your a freak, you seem and look so inoocent jaja
[3:14:32 PM] me: what would make you wonder if i was a "freak" or not?
[3:14:58 PM] Luis V: idk just it seems like your so innocent
[3:15:11 PM] me: is that a bad thing?
[3:15:38 PM] Luis V: i like freaky girls
[3:16:37 PM] me: well if that's what you're looking for instead of an actual ltr maybe you shouldve saved your money and looked on a site like datehookup or plentoffish. you'll find a lot of girls looking for sex and one night stands. or put up an ad on craigslist im sure you'll find exactly what ou're looking for
[3:17:13 PM] me: anyways, im not that girl and am unsure what gave you the indication that i am or would be. i guess im not what you're looking for. have a nice day.
[3:17:31 PM] Luis V: lmao
[3:18:14 PM] Luis V: i never said i wanted a whore lol. i want everything that my profiles says but i also like a huge freak under the covers
[3:18:17 PM] Luis V: goodday
[3:24:02 PM] Luis V: question
[3:24:18 PM] me: ?
[3:24:43 PM] Luis V: would you wanna watch me jerk off?
[3:25:49 PM] me: bother me again im reporting you on match. i am on an all woman's forum and i'll put your profile and this convo up. dont **** w. me. get lost
[3:27:04 PM] Luis V: then delete me PLEASE

maybe he got nervous or w.e. bc when i went back to c&p this convo it turned out he ended up deleting me.
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^^^ funny bc my psychic told me last night he'd be an assh0le and i'll end up telling him to go f off. i didnt want to believe it so i tried anyways but *shrugs*

i'm really glad i talked to him again tho. instead of having this idea of what could have happened and how great it couldve been when really he's not worth the dirt under my shoes.it's something i needed to see for myself.
i've been talking to this guy for a bit now but never looked at his info, only pics. don't judge me cuz i'm shallow.:lol: anyway, i looked over his questions and profile and stuff last night and now i just really want to sleep with him.:look:

[3:24:43 PM] Luis V: would you wanna watch me jerk off?

i laughed at this.:nono:
I got a story to contribute:
Met a gorgeous bodybuilder from POF-4 kids, 3 babymommas and he's possessive.:nono:
Met a really sweet guy from OKC-looks like he could be fraternal twins with my ex-DH and even has the same first name, nickname, and mannerisms. I just can't do it.:nono:
went out with this guy i met at the club on saturday. he's good looking, very well put together and seems to have a lot going for him. but he's not my type. :sad: poor thing, he tried.
went out with this guy i met at the club on saturday. he's good looking, very well put together and seems to have a lot going for him. but he's not my type. :sad: poor thing, he tried.

it's a shame about that other guy cuz he was definitely a looker.:lick:
it's a shame about that other guy cuz he was definitely a looker.:lick:

ikr. wouldnt the world be a much easier place to live if what was on the inside reflected on the outside? oh well.. there are a lot of other good looking guys out there and they aren't all pigs like he is. no harm no foul.

tho im wondering if by posting his profile im just giving him more ladies to objectify? i know how desperate some ppl can be for a good looking guy...

w.e. not my problem.
Had my dinner date with the okc guy. Ok, he's not boring and he's ok looking.... But I don't know! He's nice enough and we could carry on a conversation but I dont know! I don't think I'm attracted to him. I'm not really sure I like his mannerisms either. He has like, slightly flamboyant mannerisms. A little delicate. I don't think he's gay. But he fully admits that alcide and vampire Eric are hot. I find this a little odd?

I am also wondering about the importance of "the spark" and I want a spark. I don't want to have to just.... Get to know someone and decide to date them. I want to feel like we have a connection. I feel like I could feel a stronger connection with someone else and I feel like this okc guy could find a better match elsewhere.

Ugh. I do not like dating!!!
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So... I'm moving this week, and I tried checking the guys in my new area :nono:

I'm kind of happy though b/c being on it in my current area kind of weirds me out. I keep seeing people I know :lol:. There are a lot of people from my school here.
Had a late lunch date with a guy I met on POF. It was ok. No sparks on my end. He seemed a bit sprung though. Called me 'babe' three times and caught him staring many times. But I nave an issue with him having no car. Am I wrong or this a red flag? I know he's in the DMV whre he can metro everywhere but I don't want to be his chauffeur. Kinda find this a turn of....
how long does it take for y'all to talk on the phone? i'm so ****ing awkward i try to avoid it at all costs.

So... I'm moving this week, and I tried checking the guys in my new area

I'm kind of happy though b/c being on it in my current area kind of weirds me out. I keep seeing people I know . There are a lot of people from my school here.

i always feel so uncomfortable when i see someone i know. one time a guy i kinda knew messaged me.:nono: i blocked his *** so fast!:look::lachen:
my days are bleeding together... a cutie checked me out on pof... i liked his profile and responded to something he said in it... we exchanged message for what i thought was about a week (come to find out it's only been two days)... he asked for my number, i gave it, he called.... GREAT convo... and he's kept up the momentum by calling back today... i wasn't home (he didn't try the cell, just called the house).... and i was actually happy to see the missed call.... loving the convo... and i hate talking on the phone....


I would be very wary about doing this, it's safer to just give them the cell number in the first instance. You don't want to risk any crazy stuff happening on your home phone.