***Online Dating Support Thread***

:lachen: :lachen: :lachen:

Y'all get the rudest messages! :lachen:

I keep wondering why I haven't gotten harassed yet because I see all kinds of flagged items all day of people getting harassed. The closest I got was a guy messaging me saying "white girls only, sorry!" when the ironic thing was I only viewed his profile because someone else flagged him for saying something racist. I was like, why would you think I'm interested in you you dumbass, we are in completely different parts of the country. He clearly just wanted to be offensive.
Get your @ss on here already! It's so much fun even if you don't plan on meeting anyone. I don't plan on meeting anyone for months but I'm still on here.

You have to tell us about your messages and all bc I get the feeling it will be hilarious.
Get your @ss on here already! It's so much fun even if you don't plan on meeting anyone. I don't plan on meeting anyone for months but I'm still on here.

You have to tell us about your messages and all bc I get the feeling it will be hilarious.


Do it! Do it!
Subject: Random guy #23024 hitting you up.
From: MrNerdtastic
Sent Date: 8/10/2011 3:32:59 PM

"...Instead, I’ll just say I’m a driven, genuine and confident guy who happens to think you're finer than the baby hairs on Tyra's lacefront, and I wanted to write to say “hi” in hopes you hit me back and possibly get to know each other."

:lachen: :lachen: I guess it's white weirdo Wednesday. I didn't even knew they knew about lacefronts...lol.
Subject: Random guy #23024 hitting you up.
From: MrNerdtastic
Sent Date: 8/10/2011 3:32:59 PM

"...Instead, I’ll just say I’m a driven, genuine and confident guy who happens to think you're finer than the baby hairs on Tyra's lacefront, and I wanted to write to say “hi” in hopes you hit me back and possibly get to know each other."

:lachen: :lachen: I guess it's white weirdo Wednesday. I didn't even knew they knew about lacefronts...lol.

oddly enough, i'd respond to that one simply because i'd be tickled that he knew what a lacefront was...
LOL Oh god, some of these messages you guys get... :lachen::lachen::lachen:

We need to have a thread simply for the random "WTF???" messages we get. I'm sure I could fill up three pages alone easily... :lol:

Back on topic, I'm attempting to talk to this guy who has similar interest as me, but... not exactly. I've been giving it a few days, but it's going nowhere fast and I'm not sure how exactly to tell him :perplexed *fails at this online thing so hard*
well i see u know what u want out of a man and thats a good thing. Cant really complain about that part. Now what a gentleman like myself has to do to get your attention and get to know better as a woam and find out your likes and dislikes.
ooooh yeah, that's a good one. he really won me over with that one. i'm bout to send him back a list of my likes and dislikes :lol:

:look: likes and dislikes... about what? what good does that do in a relationship? and what purpose does it serve? no really i dont really get that :lol:

So that winner of a guy you mentioned a little while back:


here is another prince for you ladies to fight over this one is in virginia and boy is he mature for 33

Icing on the cake he has the nerve to literally complain about women who dare to think the man should do the chasing. what a prince that one

eta: read the message me if. UGH! This dude is EVERYTHING it means to be a kang!!! I should do a screenshot of this profile and post it every time someone wonders what a kang is! :lol: talking bout "If you do not like to cook for that special man in your life*ME ME ME LOL*"

For some reason felt the need to message me. It went a bit like this:

Him: lol
Me: Can I help you, sir?
Him: Nope
Me: Wow, you must be *really* bored... Anywho, g'night.
Him: ***** PLEASE.

and people wonder sometimes why I date white guys... *block*

(Ok, that last lie isn't true for me. I just said it to get the last jab. I was too amused)


So that winner of a guy you mentioned a little while back:

For some reason felt the need to message me. It went a bit like this:

Him: lol
Me: Can I help you, sir?
Him: Nope
Me: Wow, you must be *really* bored... Anywho, g'night.
Him: ***** PLEASE.

and people wonder sometimes why I date white guys... *block*

(Ok, that last lie isn't true for me. I just said it to get the last jab. I was too amused)


:lachen: His Highness paid a return visit to my profile also, but he declined to speak to me. Aw :sad:

This guy is 30 and I immediately scrolled over to see whether he had any kids. You know they give you an option to say what you have if you do. He marked "likes kids." First thing in his summary is that he's a "father of one." Then there's this:

The first things people usually notice about me I may possible may be multi racial.

He has marked himself as Black, Native American

Yeah, bro. I totally see it. It is totally the first thing I notice about you that you may have some something else in your ancestry 7 generations back. I don't think it's just because you're funny looking.


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Subject: Hi
From: valleyboi33
Sent Date: 8/10/2011 11:37:32 AM

"you're sexy for a black girl, but not thin and you spelled CEO wrong"

just... :huh:

He's white I guess. I told him to go *** himself. And yes, I spelled CEO right, like..how do you mess that up?


Subject: Random guy #23024 hitting you up.
From: MrNerdtastic
Sent Date: 8/10/2011 3:32:59 PM

"...Instead, I’ll just say I’m a driven, genuine and confident guy who happens to think you're finer than the baby hairs on Tyra's lacefront, and I wanted to write to say “hi” in hopes you hit me back and possibly get to know each other."

:lachen: :lachen: I guess it's white weirdo Wednesday. I didn't even knew they knew about lacefronts...lol.

Boo, this guy likes my fake profile. I figured I'd bring up the potential for marriage and kids coupled with the fact that I didn't want to meet soon and it would scare him off but apparently it didn't. (:scratchch note to self... bringing up marriage will not scare off the right man)

It's so weird because I'm talking just like I was myself, but it's a lot of stuff I would never say under my own identity. It's like there's no fear of rejection because it's not connected to my face and my person. And, I don't take offense to little things that I would if it were me. I wonder if I should adopt this attitude when I am responding as myself and leave the notion of rejection just as disconnected...

eta: here is another one

id like to go for a drink...we could talk about awhole bunch of random **** LOL...some serious some non serious it all depends..i was reading your profile its pretty cool random but funny LOL...that was cute about your nephew i did that kinda stuff with my lil cousins too LMAO....anyway japan quality of life?..i dont know man they just had that nuclear explosion and the economy is really ****y compared to here...idk man LOL...you'd have to explain the eastern vs western quality of life thing to me...in further detail...but anyway hit me up you seem pretty cool...please excuse my run on sentences LOL
I might have to close this one solely because I can't stand the thought of another ***** getting credit for my personality :lol: other girls aren't like me! It isn't fair. :lol: Further note to self: if both sides of the personality are mine and I get reactions that I might consider more favorable when I am just blah blah bullsihtting and joking around why is my "real" profile more serious? Or are the different reactions purely based on the photos... do not know if I want this experiment anymore
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This guy who wrote had this on his profile, no he won't get a response and why the flip is he on a dating site?
You should message me if:
I sound too good to be true and/or I make your heart race lol

NOTE: I am rarely on this thing so bare with me ;)
NOTE2: I am not planning on meeting your parents, getting engaged and/or married and definitely not having kids with anyone any time soon, sorry for the inconvenience :(
NOTE3: I know this is extremely rude; however, if you are on the heavy side of the scale, I won't be interested in anything more than your friendship, just saying :) (hey, I may be a little too straightforward but it's better sooner than later)
NOTE4: Please don't contact me if you're not planning on meeting me face-to-face!
NOTE5: I am NOT here to get laid!!! I can do that any day of the week so please have some self-respect ;)

Oh yes and this guy got mad at me for stopping by and not saying hello, common man it's not that serious:


On paper I seem to match your ideals but you visited without saying hello or flashing that smile. Oh, I get it... I'm disgusting to look at so it wouldn't work out. You could say hello just to be nice though babe.


23% Enemy67% Friend57% Match
:rofl: @ dude thinking you're obligated to drop him a line because you took a peek at his profile. doing way too much.:nono::lachen:

i'm itching to reactivate my account but i'm leaving in less than 3 months so it seems kinda useless to meet anyone now.

i'm so ****ing bored though!:swearing:
LOL this guy has a photo up with a WEDDING RING ON! I called him out on it, and his response "before i got divorced. im on a trip. care to chat sometime? "

I mean it can't be that hard to take new photos? Unless he doesn't look like that anymore.

Man, if yall can't start posting some POSITIVE stories!! :lol: It's refreshing to know we aint the only one dealing with this BS but its depressing in a way too.
Well I've been talking to this guy that went to my high school on Facebook. He graduated four years before me so we've never met before. Unfortunately, he lives in Florida and I live in AZ. I guess he just wants to be friends... I kinda like it that way.
Well before I was mostly sharing the fun stuff with the dates and all. I figured it was time to let the crazies have their time to shine :lol: But I've definitely had a positive experience overall :yep:

I just got a message from a guy calling himself _justaddbacon_. He mentions cool whip in his headline. From the main pic, he does appear...portly. I don't want to click to see the rest of his profile because he's still online and I don't want to show up in his "who's viewed me" list :look:

ETA: I was also going to turn on IM earlier but I'm scared he's going to try to IM me...

I tried to look him up but couldn't find him :(
Ok, time to close the fake profile bc I am starting to feel like an @sshole

So texting with our cell phones is out of the question? How about Facebook?
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Aug 11, 2011 – 11:02pm
no i can text you. i dont text much but i can if it puts you at ease

Aug 11, 2011 – 11:07pm
lol, it would be easier on me. :)

We can send pictures and text a time and place to meet too. ;) It's just the next step when you think about it.
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Aug 11, 2011 – 11:12pm
Ok. Do you think it's moving a little fast? I'm not jerking you around but I didn't expect to meet up with anyone so soon, lol

Aug 11, 2011 – 11:17pm
I am sorry if I made you uncomfortable. When I meet someone who I think is a good person, then I usually get anxious and excited to meet them. I would hope you would feel the same lol. I would hope it would be at least be flattering that I would want to meet so soon. I couldn't do anything this weekend with my cousin's birthday, but I was planning on next week, later in the week, probably weekend. I think talking for almost 2 weeks before meeting someone seemed appropriate. But I don't want to pressure you. I am in no rush. I just hate being lead on and talking for several weeks and not meeting. It has happened multiple times to me and I just think that is a huge waste of time. Please don't do that to me. :(
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Aug 11, 2011 – 11:19pm
Some people get cold feet... the more time on here, the more time I have to think when are the sharks coming. Trust me, there are guys on here that are great at stealing girls and deceiving them with lies to keep good, wholesome guys like me on the bench lol. It seems to happen to me all the time. I pick the pretty ones that all the guys go after and I get lost in the shark feeding frenzy lol.
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Aug 11, 2011 – 11:24pm
But I am sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable. I've just been in this spot before. And it usually ends with me being disappointed lol. I just don't want to look back and say "what if?...." you know?
eta: oh wait... there was more... are you watching the time stamps?

Aug 12, 2011 – 12:19am
I hope you just forgot to write back lol. Or Jersey Shore caught your eye lol. ;)

Aug 12, 2011 – 12:53am
I am sorry about last night. I am not trying to rush you. When you are ready, you are ready. We can do some sort of texting. I gave you my number (gives the number again).

This is my email address: @gmail.com

If you copy it and paste it into Facebook search, it will give you me out of the other 10,000 [name] impersonators lol.

If you don't want to do either, we can stick to OkCupid. I don't have instant messaging stuff like AIM or Yahoo, but OkC has IMing. Just never used it lol. So whatever is easier for you. :)

Just let me know.

Goodnight :)
and then there was this...

I meant it too that the only one I am seriously talking too is you. If you were to delete your OkC, I would probably follow. :)
jesus fcking christ.
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