***Online Dating Support Thread***

ok sooo im back from the date. smdh.. ummm.. where do i begin? lol. first off... i started off being absolutely LIVID and here's why...

so seeing how i did all the work in deciding where we should go and finding two arcades, i entrusted him with the difficult task of ensuring the address since from what i've read they move around a lot.

so he tells me a certain address right? ok.. i dont think twice about it i just finish getting ready and go towards that address. it takes me half an hr, which is longer than i thought it would be. i msg him and tell him i may be a bit late, he replies "no problem, take your time." i get to the spot annnnd... it's not the spot. there's nothing there. i call him back extremely confused and after awhile he tells me that that isn't the correct address. that he went to the address that he gave me and there was no one there, he got the correct address from (not sure where) and went there instead and that was were he was at now..

um... :look: pause.. hold the frick up... SOOOO the boy KNEW he gave me the wrong address and the only reason that it was wrong was bc he didn't ensure it was the correct address like i asked him to even tho i TOLD HIM that they move around often. (which is what ended up happening.) but then to add to it, he doesnt even bother to TELL me?! PLUS it's raining cats and dogs outside?! r u frickin srs?!

so after a few deep breaths (i didnt say any of this to him) i ask for the correct address, i repeat it and write it down before hanging up and using the GPS on my phone to find it. after 15 min of driving i realize that this was taking me all the way to the other side of town, and i remembered asking him which part of town it was on and from what he told me it shouldnt have been so far away. so i call back again and he repeats the address, which is the one he gave me the first time. he tells me he is not sure why i cant find it bc that is the right address.

i ask him if he is certain that the number he gave me is the correct one. he says yes, he is certain. i wanted to ask him to ask someone that works there but didnt want to insult his intelligence, especially since he had to have the correct address to have gotten there in the first place. he tells me the intersection that it is on. so i say okay i'll figure something out. (i've been driving for an hr at this point) also he told me we can just reschedule. but now i am pissed and determined to get to my desired (well, not so much at this point) location. plus i already spent a decent amount of time getting ready. and i knew i would NOT be doing this w. him again. so i say no, i'm on my way.

i go to one of the streets that he told me about and went to a gas station and asked them for the intersection this guy told me about. they tell me where it is and finally i find the plaza that he described when i called him again. now mind you we had said that we are going to a place called "rocky's replay." i drove around this plaza like 3 times. mind you this plaza ISNT that big. and i couldnt find it. so i call him YET AGAIN. he tells me it is by tijuana flats. and i look by there and dont see "rocky's replay" and so i ask, "does it say rocky's replay on it? bc im not seeing that." he goes "no, they changed the name. it's called 'smoky tejano's now' :burnup: like.. i mean.. is this guy for REAL?! like REALLY?! HONESTLY?! how the HELL was i supposed to know the name changed?! HOW?! oh wait.. let me guess.. i guess the same way i was supposed to magically know that he gave me the wrong address and i was headed in the wrong direction.

i had to call my friend before i went in there to unload. i was just SOOO mad that this boy can be so STUPID. and to add to it. the address he gave me was WRONG. he told me 4620. he swore up and down it was 4620. repeated that like 5 times. so tell me why it was 7620?! there WAS no 4620 on that street and the only 4620 w. the street name he gave me was clear across town. and when i pointed out that the address was 7620 he goes "yea, that's what i said." :hot:

you guys it took everything. and i mean everything in me not to curse him out.

and to add onto it, he seemed annoyed to have been waiting so long. he is NOT as tall as he claimed. now i know guys usually add on a few inches but if you say you're 6'2 i would expect to AT LEAST be 6ft... he wasn't even that!! i mean for realz?! he was good looking though, not as good looking as i thought from his pix but he was still pretty cute. but he couldnt dress worth a damn.
and to top it all off he's one of the quiet types that YOU have to work on opening up. omg.. Jesus take me now.

the positives he had about him was that he was a gentleman. he already had the tokens ready for us to use so i didnt have to worry about that. he held the door open for me w.o me making him and he seemed sweet. but :down: NEVER again. that was definitely not a good date.

ETA: pls ignore the countless grammatical errors and the atrocious writing skills. im tired and am trying to finish writing this before bed since i have to wake up so early tomorrow.
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wow, that dude is either extremely slow, or he got cold feet and wanted to cancel the date, which makes sense, since he seems shy/quiet.

so he had you running around town going to the wrong places hoping that you would get mad and cancel the date...
BayAreaDream, hey we live in the same area (bay area) and I am on Okcupid, I'm curious do get a decent amount of black guys in your match searches??

Hello, I just joined and have only had time to really look through 5 maybe 6 pages of people. I did see a hand full of black guys which is a plus (not sure about quality) Maybe this weekend I go though and really take a look. I like the site so far, easy to use and not to many questions asked in the beginning. How about you, did you see alot of black men in your search? I also looked at black people meet, didn't create a profile though. Just looking I didn't see to many black in our area, the site looks small still.

I can truly die happy now. Soundgarden was friggin' AWESOME!! Random phone pic attached to this post. I couldn't believe how many older songs they played. I rocked out. Hard.
I think my date was impressed...

Speaking of my date...total sweet sweetheart. Like, for real. He's originally from North Carolina, so he's got that cute little accent and whole "I been raised right" aura (:lol:). He also has dreamy blue eyes :drunk:

Turns out he actually had these "VIP" tickets so we got to go to the "pre-party" at a nearby bar. We got a free keychain and poster and a lanyard thingy. I gave him some money for my ticket, though, because I did a little research and found out these tickets were $$$.

After the (totally way awesome) show, we went to another bar and ate and talked about music, books, places we want to travel, work, our adventures on match.com and so on.
Good times were had by all, and it was agreed that we should hang out some more when he's in town (he lives across the border in Indiana).
The End.

Victorian Effin' jealous! You got to see Soundgarden! That guy sounds like a keeper!
a few Indian guys have messaged me. they are cute but the thread over in OT has me a bit worried.:look::lol:
Hello, I just joined and have only had time to really look through 5 maybe 6 pages of people. I did see a hand full of black guys which is a plus (not sure about quality) Maybe this weekend I go though and really take a look. I like the site so far, easy to use and not to many questions asked in the beginning. How about you, did you see alot of black men in your search? I also looked at black people meet, didn't create a profile though. Just looking I didn't see to many black in our area, the site looks small still.

For me, I noticed a lack of black men. They rarely match them with me for some reason...which made me think maybe not that many were on OKcupid. But I guess that's not the case :ohwell:
I just think a lot of black men don't use okcupid, period. There will be like 1 black man on my homepage to every 20 non black men. And even then, I find that when I do come across a black man we have low match percentage and high enemy percentage (it's common for me to see a black man and have enemy percentage at 50+).
After reading about okcupid, I decided to give it a shot a few days ago. I might be playing with fire since I'm not entirely sure I'm ready for a relationship. But if it happens, that's fine. I think.

So far, it's been okay. Had a date last night that was fun. Nothing to it, though. Friendly, you know. He tried to hold my hand, but I suddenly had to tuck my hair behind my ear...
So I'm texting The Swashbuckler :swordfigh just now and mention that I'm going horseback riding tomorrow for the first time ever. He starts giving me pointers about stretching before and after and making sure to move with the horse and everything, and I'm like..."so you ride?"

Turns out this young man has trained for Medieval Times. :look: My first thought is, "aww...he really is a nerd" (he says so in his profile--loves Star Wars and all...I don't care. I heart nerds. I'm a bit of a nerd myself...). Then it occurs to me...this man can ride a horse while brandishing a sword :look:
Apparently I'm going to have to change :swordfigh to :knight: ...


That's so cool! I <3 Nerds, too.

Enjoy your ride. I've only been a handful of times, but each time was amazing. The connection is just... really pure.

Sent from my T-Mobile G2 using T-Mobile G2
a few Indian guys have messaged me. they are cute but the thread over in OT has me a bit worried.:look::lol:


I wouldn't worry about that. I've dated two Indian men and met both online.

One asked if I was sure I wanted to see him since he was dark and he knows some people don't like dark skin. I was like :perplexed:. I asked if he was confused and noted that he wasn't really darker than me. He was kinda like I know but.... Needless to say, I just let that one go. I can't deal with those issues. Sorry.

The other said he never would have approached me in real life b/c he was unsure if I'd be interested since he's Indian and he would be too embarrassed about getting shot down in front of his friends. I was like, "Huh?" And he just said, "Well, I don't know," which made perfect sense. You just never know.

Sent from my T-Mobile G2 using T-Mobile G2
I think I just died twice.

Message from AreULonely

"I am so into you. I want to take you out."

:dead: :dead:

This dude is 33 years old, and supposedly we're a good match. Can we flag the creators of okcuipid? Because I swear, they're f'ing with me continuously on there.
I think I just died twice.

Message from AreULonely

"I am so into you. I want to take you out."

:dead: :dead:

This dude is 33 years old, and supposedly we're a good match. Can we flag the creators of okcuipid? Because I swear, they're f'ing with me continuously on there.

lmfao! are you sure that isn't a joke? he looks like beetlejuice.
a few Indian guys have messaged me. they are cute but the thread over in OT has me a bit worried.:look::lol:

this guy from iraq wrote me. he was cute and seemed to be respectful. but he told me he was only in the U.S. for a year, and when i looked at his fb, it said he was in school for pilot training :blush: i was wondering if i should alert the authorities :look: lol, call me ignorant or what have you, but needless to say i completely ignored this potential terrorist's advances.
lmfao! are you sure that isn't a joke? he looks like beetlejuice.

Lol, yea, I reported it.

I also love nbm excuses for why they can't approach black women in real life. Afraid that we won't like them? The non black women that they approach in real life might not like them either, but they still easily approach them. Afraid of being embarrassed? Again, they risk embarrassment for non black women. Why would you approach a girl in front of your friends or one that's in a group with her friends in the first place? They seem to only use this excuse with black women.
ugh, I was just on OKCupid and doing the quickmatch thing where you rate people...and man I ran across a childhood friend (we're still cool, but he's like a brother)...
this world is just wayy too small. I honestly didn't want anyone I know to know that I am on Okcupid, but that's out the window now lol
ugh, I was just on OKCupid and doing the quickmatch thing where you rate people...and man I ran across a childhood friend (we're still cool, but he's like a brother)...
this world is just wayy too small. I honestly didn't want anyone I know to know that I am on Okcupid, but that's out the window now lol

girl, the very first message i got on OKC was from a guy i went to school with but never talked to. i was hot! how dare you never say a word to me at school but try to holla and embarrass me on OKC!:look::lachen:
i've seen ppl i knew IRL on dating sites, usually i just wouldnt say anything to them. i saw a boy once on a dating site that i had been in contact w. before, we dated and then just remained friends. i had since lost contact with him. i saw him on this site, but he looked different. i messaged him acting like i wasnt sure if it was him or not. he msg'd me back and we decided to meet up. we dated again for a little bit, had a lot of fun and then he moved away again.*shrugs* guess it wasnt meant to be.

i got two msgs from guys that knew me IRL. one was sweet and the other pissed me off. the first one was from this guy that i had a class with. i dont even remember him, but he was able to tell me my real name and what class it was in what year. he said he always used to look at me and think how beautiful i was, but was scared to approach bc he didn't think i'd be interested. he showed me his pic and tho he looked familiar, i couldnt quite remember him. and he wasnt unattractive but i wasnt attracted to him. but i thought the whole thing was incredibly sweet so i continued talking to him.

another guy is someone that i didnt even kno that well really. he had just friended me on fb awhile back and we would talk on and off on fb chat. in the pic i had up, i had actually blacked my eyes out, so i didnt kno how he knew it was me. it took me awhile to realize it, but its one of the same pix i had up on fb. i guess he's been looking at my fb pix a lot bc he recognized the picture. anyway he tried to shame me, saying i was better than this and asking what was i doing. you would think i was inviting ppl to my house to run a train on me instead of just describing the kind of guy i would like and saying i was wanted to meet new ppl. ridiculous, smdh. and of course it went completely over his head that he was on the same site i was on, looking for the same thing.

he continues to msg'd me on fb chat but since that time i have ignored him. he lost a friend w. that bs.
this guy from iraq wrote me. he was cute and seemed to be respectful. but he told me he was only in the U.S. for a year, and when i looked at his fb, it said he was in school for pilot training :blush: i was wondering if i should alert the authorities :look: lol, call me ignorant or what have you, but needless to say i completely ignored this potential terrorist's advances.

Are you serious? :rolleyes:
Interesting, I guess it's a common thing to run into someone you know in the online dating world...

I was just thrown off because our families are close, and I have a feeling he's going to tell everyone I'm on an online dating site, eek...it is really no one's business..

The main attractive thing about online dating to me is that I want to meet people who have no connections to me whatsoever...I don't want to date someone who knows my friend, or knows my cousin, etc....probably because I am paranoid about nosey people...and rumors starting
I've got a question for you ladies. I met this dude on Okcupid but all we've been doing is talking on the site. He asked me for my number and he called me last night. His voice sounds a little feminine! I was shocked. He's such a nice guy and I don't want to brush him off because of that. Have any of you ladies ever been in this situation and what did you do?

i have - it was a total turn-off and i won't accept or start any more phone calls with him..... every so often he'll pop up and beg to "connect" via phone... and he gets a NO everytime...
i just got back from a work conference today and we met a guy there who treated us like freakin superstars... the bar has been set SUPER HIGH for any guy that i date going forward...
sooo...I finally saw some decent looking white guys on okcupid after about an hour of going through my quickmatches and rating the ones I think are cute...
turns out they rated me too and ended up messaging me.

BUT I am kind of concerned that I am only finding them cute because I am kind of desperate to find someone attractive on the site...so I was curious if anyone can give me their opinion...idk if anyone is in this thread and I only want to post the pictures for a moment.
I trust your opinion I'm only posting these two for ONE minute, lmao...i rate them like 6-7/10 myself...
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First guy I would rate 6-7ish... maybe 8 if he's cuter in person. Second guy is not my type, got that backwoodsy Kfed type thing going on. I don't trust white dudes who wear wifebeaters :lol:. But both of them are acceptable. They're not ugly.