***Online Dating Support Thread***

From KungFuU2 to flagger:

Hi. My name is David. May we be friends?

From flagger to KungFuU2:

Hi David,
After reviewing your profile, I don't really thing we have that much in common. I'm sure you'll find a better match. Thanks for your interest and good luck in your search.

From KungFuU2 to flagger:

You are correct, I did not realize how fat or unintelligent you were.
:lachen: :lachen: c'monnnnnnnnnnnnnn son.... :rofl: people are ruthless!
Ok, so message from this skinny black dude, low match high enemy, who has a pic of himself shirtless with his hand down his pants. Wasn't gonna reply until I read his profile, which resulted in this exchange...

Jul 15, 2011 – 3:22am
hello. i read you were looking for me.

can I just type that & let it pass as an icebreaker? =P
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Match Message from [IM]

Jul 15, 2011 – 3:41am
i am so torn. i think we are destined to be star crossed lovers.

Jul 15, 2011 – 3:43am
do me a favor & elaborate, juliet.

****. I'm intrigued...
do y'all keep the IM fuction on or off?


I noticed the most non-serious, passive aggressive, only got one thing on their mind guys like to IM.
I'm always like, if you really wanted to talk to me, why not write me thoughtful a message?
had an interesting spur of the moment date on wednesday.... he was way cuter in person than online.... i have a hard time understanding him through his accent though... we shall see.... did i mention how cute he was.... my goodness....

i have a date scheduled tomorrow with a new cutie... really tall... we shall see how that turns out....
this is why i can't with nice guys:

superbad3: No I am far from intensesuperbad3: I am just very real and honest and you're dishonest and unreal that's allsuperbad3: You talk about you're new to this, you just want to look for friends, whatever, yet you try to give good men like me, the run around and juggle me between other men, to see who you want to talk to and place time and interest in, like I am just a #, so with this said, you are full of **** hilda and this is why you're single. superbad3: Go talk to that someone and waste your time with him, and see when he just ****s you and leaves you or doesn't appreciate you, then you will find yourself back to square one. I am a very good person and kind gentlemen, but I am not a stupid or foolish one to be played with or lie to, and most guys won't call a woman out on their actions, well I do, and that's what makes me unique and definitely real

this wasnt sent to me but a LOT of these get flagged, whiny btch dudes crying about how a woman wants to actually date instead of worshiping losers like him
why is it that when a guy has something in common with me, not just anything, but some random obscure thing that i would possibly marry him for, he is fat or super ****ing ugly? not just "meh" or "maybe, after a few beers" but seriously un****able? fml

maybe i should give the bigguns a whirl.:look: as long as he doesn't have titties.

The story of my life. My type of personality combined with the multiple obscure things I love have left me with nothing but those. I'm starting to think I'm destined to live alone with my rabbit. :|

That aside, I'm gonna have to start coming to you guys for help with this online dating thing. My friend convinced me to join OKC and I'm pretty clueless with this whole thing along with being annoyed with some of the guys on there lol.
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The story of my life. My type of personality combined with the multiple obscure things I love have left me with nothing but those. I'm starting to think I'm destined to live alone with my rabbit. :|

That aside, I'm gonna have to start coming to you guys for help with this online dating thing. My friend convinced me to join OKC and I'm pretty clueless with this whole thing along with being annoyed with some of the guys on there lol.

it's soooo annoying. why aren't the hotties into cool stuff like us?:lol:
Chatting with this guy who was talking totally normally... then he goes "I'm glad you're not stuck up" and says he's drunk so he's not taking it back :P and suddenly starts typing with typos in each message :rolleyes: He play too much.

I noticed the most non-serious, passive aggressive, only got one thing on their mind guys like to IM.
I'm always like, if you really wanted to talk to me, why not write me thoughtful a message?

interesting.:drunk: i may have to turn it on.:look:
ugh my match free trial ends today and I swear only old dudes have messaged me for the most part...I swear I would have been pissed if I wasted my money on that site.
had an interesting spur of the moment date on wednesday.... he was way cuter in person than online.... i have a hard time understanding him through his accent though... we shall see.... did i mention how cute he was.... my goodness....

i have a date scheduled tomorrow with a new cutie... really tall... we shall see how that turns out....

scratch that... dude showed his crazy really early... i'm not in the market for a punk... lol
SqrpioQutie oh dear, what happened?

wellllllllllllllllllllllll apparently he got his feelings hurt when we had a brief text exchange last night.... the convo went like this:

i asked him what he was doing (i was being nosy)... he said nothing and that he was contemplating going out... he asked me what i was doing... i replied i was lying down (it was 10:30)... he commented that he guessed i tended to stay in... i replied that i did, unless i was seeing someone and then i tended to be out... he then says i can be with him... i did my standard LOL (i thought it was harmless)... then he come back with "So?"... at this point i'm admittedly clueless as to what he's getting at so i'm like "Soooooo what?"...

he then hits me with the "let's hang out, Duh"... i remind him that we're set to go out the next day... his reply, "ok so"... so i sent him the frown face because i wasn't getting his point and i was sick of texting by then.... he writes back, whatever, man up.... and i sd, i'm not a man.... then he gets all fluffy and says "wow, ok it was a joke, nvm, have a good night"... which i took to mean he was done "texting"... so i was like ohhhhhhhhhhhkay....

so this morning i was uber-productive and didn't really focus on the fact that i was supposed to have a date... but then 4:30 rolled around and i realized that i hadn't talked to him, so i texted him and was like are we still hanging... he takes this time to go all deep into his feelings about how i was tripping (never told me how) and then proceeds to get all whiny wendy on me....

came across as pressed, which would evolve into clingy, and i'm just not the one... it confirmed the inkling that i got when we had our phone convo, so i was real comfortable in not stressing the "date".... yet another reason why i'm not that fond of younger guys...

sorry for the novel... :lachen:
it's soooo annoying. why aren't the hotties into cool stuff like us?:lol:

It is! Clearly, we have much more sophisticated tastes in things than most men. :grin: The hot ones just don't know what they're missing.

Seriously though, the big guys and the fug crazies are a :nono: for me. I'm a tiny girl. I want my rib cage to stay intact and I don't want to become a real life Lifetime movie lol.
Yay Victorian!! I went out with some girls tonight but im totally craving male company right now :sad: :sad: :sad: it feels overwhelming... im staying at my girl's tonight but i so am not feeling right.... :sad:
Don't know if this will assist anyone or not but just a place where you may find the one or good friends.

Quest Personals, vibelines, and livelinks all the same type of line... I like quest the best it's where I meet my guy and a couple long time friends (years of platonic friendship). It's not an online dating site but a phone dating line and it's TOTALLY FREE for women at least it was, the men do have to pay in blocks to talk and exchange messages. There's one for most if not all big cities and if you're in a small one pick the closest major city to you. You can google to find the number or more info.

Tips I've caught on to...
1. If they just shoot out their number to you they do that to all the women
2. If you like what they say keep listening to the whole greeting they will add the stuff you really need to know at the end for example (I have 3 baby mommas smh)
3. If they say "I'm a VERY generous man" keep it moving they're usually looking for "action"
4. talk to them for a week or longer to figure out their personality and if they're worth your time in person. this one guy tried to rush me into meeting him within 10 mins of a convo that took place at 10pm...
5. A person will tell you everything you need to know... If you listen. One guy from myspace after about 2 weeks of talking kept mentioning (if a woman he knew did this or said that he'd probably end up cheating) after 3 times of him saying it in different ways on the sly I let him know that his first solution in any situation is to cheat and I'm not checking for it.
6. Make sure they're honest about age, living situation, and profession.
7. Express what you want in your greeting more importantly add what you aren't looking for.
8. Be careful there are men who will just say (I'm looking for a friend) then when you meet they want a friends with benefits hints the week of convo... If they only want (benefits) it will come out.
9. If you both click and want to talk offline get HIS number BLOCK YOURS then call him... Sounds juvenile but trust me sometimes they sound and converse one way online and then you call and they sound like Peewee Herman and are talking about kissing this and doing that smh. If you hang up they call back lol. If you block your number as the first successful non system convo ends you can give him the number if you like.
10. Ask the necessary questions before getting into anything... I know someone who's bf didn't know why she broke up with her ex until they were thinking about marriage... Now what if they broke up cause she had a habit of wrecking his cars?
11. Be honest about yourself: looks, habits, living situation. You want to start out real and stay real. If it starts with a lie in the midst someone will cry.
12. Don't be OVERLY picky, we all like what we like but I saw one lady diss 3 different guys about 3 different issues and she had issues herself... I'm just saying we're all human
Okay well hope that helped and I didn't take up too much time.

(I'm in no way affiliated with any of these lines. I just love my guy and we thought it would be a good idea to share)
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Please don't respond to me if you haven't included a photo. Really? My looks are part of the reason I was able to get your attention in the first place and you can't even include one of your own? What do you have to hide?

I'm sorry, but while looks are not at the top of my list, they are on it and I want to be attracted to the man. Jeez.