***Online Dating Support Thread***

:lol: Yeah I guess it does vary. Most of the men I meet irl are losers but that's because most of the men I meet IRL are yelling at me on the street. I at least feel like I have more control over picking who I meet online. The types of guys I like IRL seem to be like, harder to contact in some ways. Like there's a barrier or something.
Girl, I wouldn't even worry about it. As you can see, many of us are struggling with online whether we get dates or not. Just read about the horror stories that many have posted about their "dates" from online guys. I think it just may take some time to meet quality men from online. I'm starting to think it might be better to just focus on meeting men in real life.

lol that's how I've been feeling...I just need to get out more and go places where there are actually guys...I passed up going to a party last friday to hang with fam...and we didn't even end up hanging out...:ohwell:
But I'm going to have to be at every outing my friends go on from now. lol
I don't really get bothered my crazy men that like to yell at women on the street.

My problem with seemingly non-creepy quality men in real life is that soo many seem like they are afraid of women. As soon as a woman walks by, their eyes dart and they tense up. The few that do stare will do just that and never approach. So usually it'll never go anywhere unless I talk to them first or we're somehow forced to get to know each other. They usually don't start catching feelings until we become good friends.

Men online... lawd. I never saw so many spelling and grammatical errors. These kneegroes don't even have a basic grasp of the English language. It makes me worry about the future of this country sometimes. And the sexualized, rap slang, passive aggressive filled women hating messages...is that how we talk to women now? I'll stop there.

But despite hardly ever receiving quality messages or views online, I did meet 3 decent men online that I'm still in contact with. I've had good experiences with them (and still do for the most part), so let me stop complaining. lol. Quality over quantity is my personal mantra for online dating.
:lol: Yeah I guess it does vary. Most of the men I meet irl are losers but that's because most of the men I meet IRL are yelling at me on the street. I at least feel like I have more control over picking who I meet online. The types of guys I like IRL seem to be like, harder to contact in some ways. Like there's a barrier or something.

The bolded is exactly why I can't meet a quality guy irl...I look so closed off and cold irl (because I don't want to attract the losers) that no guy feels comfortable approaching me if he wanted to...

but nothing seems to keep the bums away :perplexed
So i get a message from this latino dude on match.com....he basically wants to get to know me...and he looked decent so I went to look at his profile...everything looked cool until I saw he had put he is only interested in white, other and hispanic chicks for his date...

so I'm wondering, how did he even find my page...is he getting desperate to the point that he is now including black chicks in his search??? just curious if any of you ladies would respond to him?

Lol..that same exact thing happened to me. I straight out asked him why the hell he was messaging me and this a$$hole says "My bad..I thought you were latina". Fool, it clearly says black in my profile but whatever.

Call em out on it!
Lol..that same exact thing happened to me. I straight out asked him why the hell he was messaging me and this a$$hole says "My bad..I thought you were latina". Fool, it clearly says black in my profile but whatever.

Call em out on it!

What does calling them out on it accomplish? The facts are that the guy in question did not include BW in his preferences, if he is reaching out to the poster, a woman who is not included in his preferences, then that is a red flag that something is amiss so she should just ignore him.
What does calling them out on it accomplish? The facts are that the guy in question did not include BW in his preferences, if he is reaching out to the poster, a woman who is not included in his preferences, then that is a red flag that something is amiss so she should just ignore him.

Ehhhh, I'd probably call them out on it. Silence is often taken as acquiescence, and those guys should know they can't outright rebuff all black women but act like it's kosher to cherry pick some that pass their arbitrary standards. Moral of the story: "you're a jerk and I know it and you can't do what you're doing."

I'm not a member of any site that allows you to check racial preferences though. I might like to peruse around on match, but I ain't interested in paying for it.
That's why I avoid sites with racial preferences. I don't like seeing everything but black every time I go to a guy's profile. What's the point of being on the site? I guess I have to stick with okcupid, because mostly every other site has those racial preferences. (Although on okcupid, you can filter your search by race ... :look:. )
I'm so torn a part of me wants to ask him why, but then another part of me is like whatever...
but hey I'm only on match.com for a couple more days before my 7 day trial expires and I end my subscription lol...so what is there to lose.
That's why I avoid sites with racial preferences. I don't like seeing everything but black every time I go to a guy's profile. What's the point of being on the site? I guess I have to stick with okcupid, because mostly every other site has those racial preferences. (Although on okcupid, you can filter your search by race ... :look:. )


you know I joined match.com as an experiment...I remember reading in this thread that most of the guys don't include black women, even black dudes don't...which I noticed to be true.
well I looked at the black women in my area and I was shocked that most of them either included only white dudes or everything BUT black dudes...I think it's such an odd phenomenon...so IA I prefer the sites where race isn't thrown in your face so much.
I'm gonna wait til I'm ready to post up pics and a profile. I wanna see what kinda response I get and knowing me I'll end up wasting three of the days with nothing on my profile :lol:
Ugh I just got a message from a cute guy whose profile says he's only in my city for the summer so he's just looking for fun. We hashed that out pretty quickly (since my profile says I'm looking for dating/relationship) and I said if you want to be friends that's cool otherwise you know, you don't have to message back. Then he messaged back and said well I don't understand why I should stop messaging, I'm open to friendship too.

I'm stumped. I want to make it clear that I'm not interested in summer fun but I don't want to be harsh about it because it's a cute convo. Blah.
awww man! I sent this guy that I was really feeling a message, but all my pics attached themselves to it! I was mortified, that must have been a turn off :(
all of my messages have dried up.:perplexed: i'm sure it could really be anything but it happened as soon as i changed a tiny bit on my profile. i said i had just gotten my degree and a lot of the guys were asking about it but i hate talking about that/college so i removed it. apparently that's the only thing i have worthy of talking about.:ohwell:

i also thought i would have much better luck this time seeing as the city is a lot bigger. however, i'm still not finding any of these dudes attractive. well, i guess it doesn't matter since they ain't messaging me anyway.*harumph*

flagged message

From flagger to whiskeywaves:

How are you?
My name is David.
How was you weekend, what do you get into?

From whiskeywaves to flagger:

**** off ugly!

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

and the guy is the one who flagged the girl


eta: im just a nosey person who likes reading other peoples messages



I love what I looking at. Can you hang with being friends with a VERY WELL ENDOWED former male dancer they called Mandingo? I hope so because I really feeling you. I love to have fun, play cards, shoot pool but I also love to get my sex on. Don't twist this. I don't do BOOTY CALLS or ONE NIGHT STANDS. I'm looking for ONE funloving, true and understanding friend who would love to have a friendship with a brother packing 10 inches of something that's REAL GOOD and stays HARD for a long time. If you can hang with a brother like me then you're might be the ONE woman I'm looking for. Send me your email address especially if you like my 2 pics on this site. I want to email you some pics of me and you'll see for yourself what I'm working with. I think you'll like and want what you see.
:rolleyes: douchebag

other - This person with the alias of xyzcosmopolitan is misleading honest male users of the site. She cancelled on me twice. Once with a notice the day prior (stuck in Monterey with a broken car being serviced) and the second time a week later without notice (did text me after I arrived that she was now in the hospital). This is after she requested to reschedule. I tried to follow up trying to understand how she was doing in the hospital, but no response. Now this evening I see she's active on the site and can only surmise she's been lying all along. I wasted my time and drove to Menlo Park for nothing. I'd recommend you consider blocking her IP address and avoid any further misleading of other potential males interested in possibly dating her.

:lol: loser. Am I the only one entertained by this stuff? :lol:
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lmaoo I'm in stitches...why do guys think just because they're 'packing' they can get ANY woman they want...who if feeding them this nonsense...and he know he lying about looking for ONE woman...right....

and for the guy who got stood up, he sounds so salty, it seems like the girl had a hard time telling him she's just not that into him lmaoo

man I wish I could be a mod haha
One dude is upset and told me he wasn't going to wait on me and my responses. Just because we can't meet up this weekend. Jerk.
okcupid is officially weird to me...
they sent me this generic email saying 'you are hot' and blah blah blah...and then said 'you'll now see more attractive people in your match results'...is it that shallow? I mean so my match results before weren't solely based on the questions I answered?

I didn't think the site itself was shallow...
Copy and paste

I never got one of those :cry3:

Honestly, I think the email is pointless...so there's people on okcupid that don't show up in your match results because of how attractive you are perceived to be? I'd rather they show me EVERYONE who is a good match and let me decide whether I find them attractive or not...
but here's the email:


We just detected that you're now among the most attractive people on OkCupid.

We learned this from clicks to your profile and reactions to you in Quickmatch and Quiver. Did you get a new haircut or something?
Well, it's working!

To celebrate, we've adjusted your OkCupid experience:

You'll see more attractive people in your match results.

This won't affect your match percentages, which are still based purely on your answers and desired match's answers. But we'll recommend more attractive people to you. You'll also appear more often to other attractive people.

Sign in to see your newly-shuffled matches. Have fun, and don't let this go to your head.
I wondered about that because there was on guy I liked that I had a high match percentage with but I wondered why he never showed up in my scrolly homepage thing. I had to search for him to have found him.

why is it that when a guy has something in common with me, not just anything, but some random obscure thing that i would possibly marry him for, he is fat or super ****ing ugly? not just "meh" or "maybe, after a few beers" but seriously un****able? fml

maybe i should give the bigguns a whirl.:look: as long as he doesn't have titties.
so I read every email and replied with either a no thanks or thank u. Every single one was respectful in their intro except for one. His first email is Hey Baby lets chat..wth. so I just send him a no thank u good luck on your search generated response. This fool emails back..oh I see u looking for Denzel Washington huh? So I reply back that No Denzel is not my type. I like who I like and that's that. He replys back with 'Picky a.s.s nicca' :ohwell:
So i responded with 'Bitter a.s.s nicca'
what an A-hole. I know he ain't gettin any play.
if u are on Match his name is Cancer5000000 ladies :lachen:

You'll be surprised (thick sarcasm) to know he is still on Match and recently sent me this email.

"Hello baby Im Frankie 40 from DC and employed as a hvac tech . I am very impressed with your beauty !!!! Im also interested in getting to know you as well , if your interested let me know ."

Ugh....why do men think women enjoy hearing endearments from strangers? Idiot....needless to say I didn't even bother replying.
ugh..i'm soo tired of online dating already, and its only been a few days. uuuggghhh.... why is it that most of the men that contact me are old, weird, or extreamly unatractive and like another poster said, not merely ok, or maybe, just flat out NO! lmao but the semi decent looking ones are weirdo's. i've gotten such weird questions form do you like rollercoasters to do you like foot messages. i try to engage in the conversation, but then here come more and more random weird questions. one guy we've exchanged 4 messages today and then he asks me, so why do you like me? wth i don't know you lol. i'm trying to be pc with my responses, but the more weirdos and ugmos that email me is really making me upset. lolol i feel like
:cowgirl: back to lurkmode. lol