***Online Dating Support Thread***

LMAO^^ it seems like its getting worse in the online dating world lmao...

I got two weird messages recently...well one is odd and the other one is just off-putting...

So I’ve been thinking. I’m getting pretty sick of my job, it’s just the same old thing every day. I think I’m going to head on down to Columbia and take a swing at being a renowned drug smuggler, like Johnny Depp in Blow, but it wouldn't be as fun without my Penelope Cruz. You should join me. I mean you really won’t have to do much, maybe a couple lessons of Rosetta Stone but other than that you just sit around by the by the pool all day, drink margaritas, and get oiled up by hot pool boys while I conduct business. So are you down?

Hi Nxxx Im Txxx , You like older guys? I'm looking for a nice girl to care for. I do perfer black girl . Your cute I'd like to meet you. Txxx

I'ma try out match.com for the free 7 days...just to see what its like on there...
I think once I move I will be deleting both online accounts.I had a guy message me on pof..everything seemed ok but the whole texting lingo in emails irked me.So I stopped messaging.He wrote me again the next night asking why I hadn't responded.So yesterday he asked for my number and we were texting..he then called but the way he called me put me off..you don't call someone for the 1st time by saying yea..like what happened to hello my I speak to..even though you may have been texting.I then texting back and said no disrespect but you should have some formality in your intital convo..He then blew up..I just told him it was nice chatting and deleted his number..Am I not worthy of a nice man who speaks respectfully.I'm settling on alot of things bc I know Im not as hot as others but I know Im pretty and all..I guess Im a bit hurt and tired of nonsense.
I think there probably has to be signs before you get to that point. If he seems like a jerk or stupid or dumb or gross on his profile he's not going to be a sweetheart when he talks to you. You shouldn't accept interest from guys who don't seem kosher from the start, then you won't have to take it personally if you talk to them later and they act like that. Like you say he was texting obnoxiously in emails so if you didn't like it then you could assume you're not going to like whatever he does next. Think of it that way if that helps.
I could justify why his messages were that way since he stated he was doing it from his phone..but yea I def will be looking at things alot harder after this horrid experience.
i created a new profile on OKC yesterday and i've been offered the position of a Sugar Baby.:lol: i ignored him, but only because he didn't have a pic. if he did and he was cute, eh, i'm just saying i'm not above having a sugar daddy, especially a young handsome one.:look:

i also got a guy wanting me to come to his place, "maybe make out a bit", he said. i told him he was hilarious and he said he'd never been with a black girl before but wanted to. i told him i hadn't either so maybe we could join forces and try to find one.

i got a guy who spelled ''hello" wrong.:perplexed and something tells me it wasn't a typo.

some of these white dudes messaging me really have some kind of nerve. boils hanging off cheeks, triple chins, tits protruding even in bubble coats, teeth that stack and stagger etc.:barf: i don't mean to sound like an uppity, arrogant snob but srs?! srsly guise!? really?! just confidence and self-esteem out the wazoo. :nono: not even in your dreams pal.

but i remain hopeful. i'm not looking for a relationship, only someone to keep me *cough* :look: occupied and satisfied until the fall.:lol:
ok, a few things i don't understand. why do these men look soooo old. you are only 33, but you look more like 53. wth. are you lying about your age? its alot of these old looking 30 year old men that are contacting me. and alot of foreigners. ugh.. i hate dating. :-(
ok, a few things i don't understand. why do these men look soooo old. you are only 33, but you look more like 53. wth. are you lying about your age? its alot of these old looking 30 year old men that are contacting me. and alot of foreigners. ugh.. i hate dating. :-(

I see that a lot too. Sometimes I feel like messaging them just to call them on it. Like there is no way in hayle you are 31. If you are 31, I must be 12..ain't no way. Do they think women are that dumb... :perplexed
Just got hit up alot tonight on pof..This older guy messaged me and he is 40..Im 25 thats a jump..I told him I would really like to see a picture up close he sent me one I don't think I will be hitting that back up..he looks old as hell like no dude Im cool with other races he is white but you look somebody granddaddy
He sounds like a big


to me... how'd he get into wustl with those writing skills? i would hate to read an essay he wrote
:lurking: ok. i know i said i was back to lurking but, i had to vent about this. i think i have my first "stalker" lol. this guy is creepy, and at first i exchanged email out of boredom, but just stopped responding, but he keeps sending me more and more emails and they are weirder and weirder. what made me stop responding was when he asked me if i was looking to date and go out. i said, yes, and he said oh well we can't be together because i'm jealous and i need you all to myself. i said thats fine. nice talking to you. lmao. what made me so upset is he came up in my matches as picked just for me. urrgghh wtf! :swearing::hammer: lmao i promptly said not interested, and now he keeps sending me these messages despite me not responding. i think im going to have to block him now, because its getting annoying. ok, back to lurking. :lurking:
what do y'all do when someone favorites your profile but doesn't send you a message? i have just been ignoring them. am i supposed to say "thanks", favorite them back, send them a message or what?

Hello beautiful , whats going on , hope you have a great movie

??? i never said anything about being a director/producer or anything about movies at all.:lol::nono:
I feel like this message is a dating site rite of passage...:lachen: :lachen: :spinning:

"I just want to say i'm new on here and you sound refreshing, i love your outlook on things, as well as your smile, i think you have allot to offer me as i to you in the way of companionship, as well as class, i'm starting my what i pray to be chain of restaurants in Florida, 1st one tentatively opens September 1st in Ocoee, Florida, i had some in Chicago, as well as a successful taxi business, Chicago's my home town i sold them to move here, now i'm ready to do the same here, but i'm planning to go bigger with GOD blessings, how ever let me make it clear i'm not a so-called baller, i don't drive fancy cars, or blow money on material things, and the only way i can get the company off the ground is by taking everything iv'e saved, and invested over the years, so i'm taking the greatest leap of faith i ever imagined, but i feel GOD has prepared me for this, because people are hurting sooo bad for jobs, and i have this gift of creating, and succeeding in businesses.I wanted to share that to do my part in helping others, but that's not why i'm talking to you, i have a knack for picking talent, so i've been told, i'm looking for a good friend, i'm not interested in marriage at this time or anything like that, but i know i focus better with good woman in my life, so i don't have to exert energy towards looking for someone, i love to love so i need someone special, i love jazz, and ol' school rap-n-R&B, and old school reggae, if you are interested in getting to know me let me know. either way i wish you the best love-n-life. Jerry"

When I saw the 1st 2 lines in my email preview, I thought, 'oh that's nice.' His name is BigPoppa :lachen: so I already knew he wasn't my type...just thought I'd message back saying thanks. Now that I see it in all its glory and commas, I just caint!!!! No thank you dude, WTF in that message will attract a woman??! And my profile clearly states I'm agnostic and serious about it. Leave that g-d stuff out of it...
why are there so many older men on match? I clearly put 22-28, but a bulk of the guys messaging me are 40+ and its clear they read my profile by what they say in the message....
Ok Im going to say this Sunday must be punk Goddessmaker day..its been a rather trying Sunday..just got this message..God has a mad sense of humor..

sexy and handsome
6ft all muscles
work out
looking forward to meeting you soon
have drinks and watch a movie or go out to eat
call or text me so we can discuss meeting soon and i send you more pics
So i get a message from this latino dude on match.com....he basically wants to get to know me...and he looked decent so I went to look at his profile...everything looked cool until I saw he had put he is only interested in white, other and hispanic chicks for his date...

so I'm wondering, how did he even find my page...is he getting desperate to the point that he is now including black chicks in his search??? just curious if any of you ladies would respond to him?
I think some guys do that because they don't think oh yea I'd be open to a BW, then they see your profile and they're interested. Then on the other hand some guys are doing just to see if you'll take the bait.

I've had a few guys, even BM, who exclude BW from their options contact me, and I call them on it. It's the one of the few reasons I send a just for kicks and giggles message. I note that they must have sent me a message by accident or something because I'm clearly a BW. Of course they slink off and rarely respond after that.
I decided not to answer him. I also did my first search on match.com...112 pages of mostly guys who aren't my type and funny, most the guys who i actually clicked on weren't interested in black chicks. But some of them have winked back at me...but blah, I won't wink or message them back.

I envy you ladies who have gone on date after date...I haven't even found someone I am interested in...
I envy you ladies who have gone on date after date...I haven't even found someone I am interested in...

Girl, I wouldn't even worry about it. As you can see, many of us are struggling with online whether we get dates or not. Just read about the horror stories that many have posted about their "dates" from online guys. I think it just may take some time to meet quality men from online. I'm starting to think it might be better to just focus on meeting men in real life.