***Online Dating Support Thread***

I hate when guys send suck-up messages. I doubt most women are desperate enough to fall for those. Like, "I'm so in awe of your blinding, draw dropping beauty, it would be my greatest honor in life if you would grace me with your presence." :rolleyes:
I hate when guys send suck-up messages. I doubt most women are desperate enough to fall for those. Like, "I'm so in awe of your blinding, draw dropping beauty, it would be my greatest honor in life if you would grace me with your presence." :rolleyes:

sometimes, when i'm bored, i write them back to see what the followup message will be... lol
Wow, he sounds so thirsty!!

he then followed it up with three more messages sent at about 15 minute intervals (after i thanked him for his compliments), starting at quarter after 3 this morning.....


No problem at all. So what are somethings you like to do for fun? And i don`t be on here much either. I was wondering if I can hopefully get your number so we can talk sometimes.


What you say beautiful?

followed by

I tell you what.....I`ma give you my number *** *** **** K***. I really expect your call. Hope to hear from you soon lovely.

I wrote it out that day, but am reluctant to post it on here. You know... :look:

:sad: just edit it down to what you're comfortable with...we won't tell. :sekret: I'm just curious because you said you talked to him for a while and went out with him several times... Did things all of sudden turn sour? Did you have suspicions beforehand?
manter26 It was not the business!! :nono:

OMG!!! So sorry that happened to you. What a creep! Ugh, disgusting. :nono: I'm glad you got out of there safely because there is something not right with all of that.

Are you still dating online or has this changed your perception of the whole thing? (sorry for all the questions, just super curious about others experiences).
OMG!!! So sorry that happened to you. What a creep! Ugh, disgusting. :nono: I'm glad you got out of there safely because there is something not right with all of that.

Are you still dating online or has this changed your perception of the whole thing? (sorry for all the questions, just super curious about others experiences).

I'm too nervous to even log on to dating websites anymore. :spinning: I need a damn break. What if I would have never let him get that close until we had been dating for months and introduced him to my daughter? Luckily, I had some sense and met him half way for all of our dates, so he doesn't know where I live. I.can't.with.online.dating.right.now.
To those who average 50-100+ views per week, can you post examples of the type of picture you have as your main picture?

If you get messaged by quality, attractive men often, can you post examples of your profile content?
To those who average 50-100+ views per week, can you post examples of the type of picture you have as your main picture?

If you get messaged by quality, attractive men often, can you post examples of your profile content?

When I first joined I averaged about 160 views per week for 2 months. Now I'm down between 55-70 views... I guess I'm just going to have to live with that. :ohwell:


I have several other pics, mostly of my face and one of my full body so guys know ahead of time, I'm not obese or skinny.
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Tbh I rope in more views when my profile pic is a body shot. But I do pretty well with a face shot too. I'm not smiling in my face shots.

eta: right now I'm at 80 views. It reset from Sunday when I was at around 120 views. This guy I like viewed my page. He's lying on his stomach with a little kitten peering over his shoulder. How cute is that? I wish he'd message me. *grumble grumble complain*
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Girl, 55-70 views is still a lot more than what I get!

Hmm, maybe I need to have a picture of my girls in my main pic. But they aren't that big, so that probably won't do much. :lol:

What about the quality of messages you are getting from attractive guys out of the views you get? How often does that occur for you?
Girl, 55-70 views is still a lot more than what I get!

Hmm, maybe I need to have a picture of my girls in my main pic. But they aren't that big, so that probably won't do much. :lol:

What about the quality of messages you are getting from attractive guys out of the views you get? How often does that occur for you?

This is my profile pic rn... it doesn't show too much skin imo, just enough to get a general feel for my shape.


I think I will get im'ed by cuter guys more often than I get inboxed... I think if you averaged it out, it's about half and half for me on getting messaged by yuck guys I would not talk to and cute guys I would talk to. I think I've only ever been messaged twice by a guy I was really interested in that I would have messaged first. Overall though I don't too often get messaged by just butt ugly loser guys. That is rarer than messages from cuter guys.

eta: this is the last message I got (yesterday) from a reasonably cute guy that I would date. And he's five ten so it works for me. I replied but he hasnt replied back yet.

I read through your profile and you seem awesome. I have to say that rocking our to Daft Punk is an excellent idea at all times, but a king size bed would definitely make it better. Also, Chobani rocks as well, possibly at everything forever. It's a great meal. Anyway, if you are as great at chatting on dating sites as you claim you shouldn't have any difficulty catching me on okcupid. I would be happy and interested to talk about whatever the hell your heart desires, or even what your heart doesn't desire, or discussing something in between those options. It was nice to meet your profile and I hope to talk to you again.

i think he's a little bit bsing me because chobani is yogurt, far from a meal :lol: but i respect what he was going for
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Girl, 55-70 views is still a lot more than what I get!

Hmm, maybe I need to have a picture of my girls in my main pic. But they aren't that big, so that probably won't do much. :lol:

What about the quality of messages you are getting from attractive guys out of the views you get? How often does that occur for you?

Hmm, I don't consider my profile pic reveling at all... But yeah, I'm a DD cup so it's not like I can hide them. :ohwell: Most of the messages are fine. I answer the regular "how are you?" messages. I don't respond to "my name is __. I have no kids. I this, I that..." that's just not interesting to me. I do get a couple "hi sexy" or "hi cutie" messages and those go unanswered.

I get a lot of random messages too and I'm most likely to answer those. One guy said something about whiskey being the state drink of TN, he was cool but way too into philosophy and always tried to one up me on my ability to prove math theorems. He got annoying.

Some dude last week asked me "do you like ice with milk" or something ridiculous. :lol: :huh: That went ignored. The rudest message I've gotten is "Black skin + big lips + big tits = my sexy dream!! :) loooool" from some dude in Italy. Like why the hell is he looking at my profile anyway.

It all depends, they span the spectrum. I've met quite a few guys who I consider my type we've talked a bit.
Thanks ladies.

Just adjusted my main pic thumbnail to my body with a smile in there too. The views are coming in now. :look:

Guys are weird. Why they are afraid to click the page showing an image of a cute girl and want to click the faceless profile instead, I'll never understand. Let's see if I get any decent messages.
You know what they say about guys being visual creatures. They aren't great when it comes to subtlety and picking up hints.
Here's an interesting article on profile pics from OKC:

I've read this before but I decided to check it out again in the context of our conversation. :lol: @ me not smiling in pics being effective and lol @ guy-with-animal pics being the most popular while i'm fiending for a guy with a kitten in his default to message me :rofl:

I don't like when guys-with-shirts-off have that as their default pic (just screams "I want sex"), but I do enjoy seeing it in the midst of all the other pictures.
i'm so glad i trust my instincts... this dude has been asking me to call him since message #1.... i told him no, but i'll exchange messages with him on the site....

his message a few moments ago

Anyway i do engineer work , it a hard job, in my spare time i hang on the beach with my dog , or write poetry and put it to music, i miss my mother , i often write songs of being with her , she left me four years ago, she in heaven, i write christain songs also. Im looking and pray everyday that i meet the right women , i pray for the world , as i feel the end is near.

i can pretty much guarantee that there will be no phone calls made or received.... :look:
you know what i learned from that article??... i'm too freakin old for okc.... lol..... my age isn't even on the chart....

Don't feel that way, they focus on drilling down data and a lot of times they use snapshots to make the charts simpler. Since it's more likely a standard curve, the data probably continues on the same trend for either end of the spectrum.

Here's a study on age that shows women to age 56. The data is not all that forgiving, it really just shows how ridiculous men can be... But it does show data on age distribution.

The Case for Older Women
Ok, observation. Have you noticed that if you get a message from a white guy it's something like "hey, I see from your profile blah blah blah" or "hey, something completely ****** weird and random just to start a conversation" but if you get a message from a black guy it's like "Hey, I have this this and this and I'm looking for this this and this." Like, I kind of don't really want you to approach me and lay out your requirements and dating manual out front :look: maybe that black marriage negotiations video was on to something because there's something much more businesslike and guarded when I get messages from black guys.

Im looking for someone who i can enjoy my time with and share what i have to offer at da same time learning new things from a woman like yourself. The dating thing has not been good so far for me. I just want something simple not to much. Just someone to laugh with during good times. Enjoy my company with even if its just a night on the couch watchin a movie or even a walk around town just the two of us. Im the type of man that loves making a woman happy no matter what i do. It can b the small things like a kiss on your hand and saying how beautiful u are. Or a lil Rose with your name on it. You never know what i might come up with i like to surprise a lady out the blue with something. Let me wrap this up i know u probably tired of me talkin lol lol. But if i can have one wish. I wish that i can have that special someone that i could be with forever. without looking back at nothing and enjoyin life.
Ooooook? *cough*

I wish guys would like, just TALK to you instead of doing this whole dating "transaction" thing. Aside from that in general, how you gonna approach me and tell me what YOURE looking for? That's backwards.

Or am I just different and others like this message?
^^I wish I could chime in on that, but out of all the messages I got...only 2 were from black guys :(...and one just asked my name and the other asked me to be his tour guide...

But I did notice the white guys did say something about my profile or used something odd as an ice breaker message...
I deleted my POF profile about a month ago..Taking a break from seeing the same faces over and over again..I will probably register again in late August...I gonna revamp my profile, change my name, add new pics and hopefully give off some positive energy through the screen..
i originally was just lurking in this thread laughing at some of the ridiculous messages guys have sent. and i have to say this one, i literally busted out laughing when i read it.

I'm looking for a casual sex partner. Something kind of like where we can do it almost every weekend and kind of like a stress reliever. I open to any fantasy/fetish and would love to know what position is your favorite; this is something that can be fun for the both of us. Let me know if your interested

btw, this is from a 18 year old BOY. im interested if some women respond yes to these types of messages. lmao. i was in tears from laughing soo hard. lol anyways, back to lurking... lol