***Online Dating Support Thread***

Met a guy from Match this afternoon for impromptu drinks. Ummmm... sigh. Some people really need a tutorial on what average body type is. I was much more attracted to the guy sitting on the other side of me at the bar. Uggh.
This entire exchange is why I don't reply to men I'm not interested in. Ahh POF, you amuse me so.
Hello! I was fishing and you came across my hook! U seem like a good catch so I'm going to reel you in, and see if you're worth keeping or to b thrown back to the sea lol(smile)
Hello! How ru today? I think we should get to know one another u want be disappointed hmu if your interested.
No reply never have a good one
You said "hmu if your interested." The dependent clause for the "hmu" action was me being interested. Would you have preferred I reply to simply tell you that I'm not interested?
I'm a man I can accept no for an answer sister I just wanted to get your undivided attention I see that it worked well don't judge a book by its cover no that I'm a highly educated brother I'm a writer for a reality show and also an investor any way gd luck in your searching n be careful with the clean cut white collar suit n tie guys they b on the down low lol.
Thank you for understanding. However, please don't make assumptions about the reasons why I don't think we'd be a good match. Also, to offer a small piece of advice, the way you write does not reflect your education and that you're a writer. Taking the time to make sure your profile and messages have proper spelling, grammar, and punctuation can go a long way in presenting your best self. Please take this as constructive feedback. Best of luck to you in your search.
Sweetheart I have written books songs theatrical plays n kno I don't have to add anything extra far as this site especially whn I'm using voice texting lol u funny n also that's not called constructive criticism that's called being very sarcastic so kno the difference ms educated pof is a joke of a site and your a prime example of that if u wasn't so anal and not dig into every little spect n detail about someone u wouldn't be single and depriving of your own race get your mind right oh and don't take that the wrong way just a Lil constructive criticism please don't be angry whn I say u gone be with a white man I'm sure that's what your searching for lol my sister know who u are come back home and back down to earth.
I just blocked u so I want receive anymore you're conceited degrading messages
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u we're being very conceited and sarcastic to that very educated brother u should no that you will end up with a white man becuz hes a righter and knos grammar very well and u did not respect him i would have blocked u 2 how rude hes using voice texting.
u we're being very conceited and sarcastic to that very educated brother u should no that you will end up with a white man becuz hes a righter and knos grammar very well and u did not respect him i would have blocked u 2 how rude hes using voice texting.

I can't stand you! :lachen:
lmaooo is he serious with this

lawwddddd :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen:

Sweetheart I have written books songs theatrical plays n kno I don't have to add anything extra far as this site especially whn I'm using voice texting lol u funny n also that's not called constructive criticism that's called being very sarcastic so kno the difference ms educated pof is a joke of a site and your a prime example of that if u wasn't so anal and not dig into every little spect n detail about someone u wouldn't be single and depriving of your own race get your mind right oh and don't take that the wrong way just a Lil constructive criticism please don't be angry whn I say u gone be with a white man I'm sure that's what your searching for lol my sister know who u are come back home and back down to earth.
SO I guess it can put it here. I started seeing this guy and I REALLY like him and he REALLY likes me. I'm trying to be cool about the situation. I actually met him my second week living in New Orleans through work then we found each other a few days later on OKC. Exchanged numbers, and started texting, then facetiming then talking on the phone. Had a very nice lunch date last week. Have a movie date tonight and he plans on taking me to dinner for his birthday next week. We arent official, but by his words and actions, I can see that happening soon. I'm so excited. :grin:
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And in today's illiteracy moments I present the following:

How about we Go have dinner n maybe bowling or a movie to conversate .and see if we have good chemistry .i like your pictures you are a very attractive and beautiful woman id like to get to know u better if possible

Good morning ms cheetarah i fine your profile information & i like you sound like a fun person & if possible i will like to get to know u
we are only a couple hours away. I am wondering if there's some way we can see if it could be you and me forever. that's all I see is you and forever when I seen you. you really are perfect in my eyes. no man should ever lost you the first time.

37 years old...
Meeting a guy from match tomorrow evening and I think I'm looking forward to it. We had a good phone conversation two nights ago and seem to have a lot in common. Jesus please let him be his stated height of 6'1.

I've moved to the phone with 3 other guys from match and 1 from pof. We shall see what happens. The one from pof needs to step up his conversation game. It's going to take more than proper spelling and grammar to keep me interested.
It's been 3 weeks of seeing B and things are going really well :) This past weekend we spent most of the weekend together and had the "exclusive talk." He brought it up, and told me that he had already hidden his POF following our second date. So I hid mine too. I'm having a great time getting to know him :)
I have such a love/hate relationship with POF. The men in my area are waaaaaaaack, I get low key offended by some of the men that message me.
I have such a love/hate relationship with POF. The men in my area are waaaaaaaack, I get low key offended by some of the men that message me.

Where does the love come from? POF is mostly a mess. Out of the dozens of guys who have messaged me 2 are even remotely acceptable and I've reached the count of 2 distributed over 3 men. Actually if I'm honest, it's really 1.5 that's been rounded up to 2.

Guy #1: Good first message, decent profile, passed basic stats threshold. Current conversation is stale. The short answers are killing me. How you gonna barely converse now and you're the one who messaged me first and asked to move the conversation off line.

Guy #2: Generic first message, decent profile, passed basic stats threshold. He's a lazy messenger in terms of spelling, punctuation, capitalization, and grammar. It's a turn off. His conversation is inconsistent in quality. Sometimes he's kind of interesting, other times he don't have jack to say beyond, "How are you today?"

Guy #3: Decent first message, passable profile, passed basic stats threshold. He needs to slow his roll on the use of words like sexy and commenting on my shape. He's a police officer but I don't get the impression that he does cool police work. His conversation is passable on occasion but he bores me easily.

The rest of POF is about 99% along the lines of my previous posts.
Where does the love come from? POF is mostly a mess. Out of the dozens of guys who have messaged me 2 are even remotely acceptable and I've reached the count of 2 distributed over 3 men. Actually if I'm honest, it's really 1.5 that's been rounded up to 2. Guy #1: Good first message, decent profile, passed basic stats threshold. Current conversation is stale. The short answers are killing me. How you gonna barely converse now and you're the one who messaged me first and asked to move the conversation off line. Guy #2: Generic first message, decent profile, passed basic stats threshold. He's a lazy messenger in terms of spelling, punctuation, capitalization, and grammar. It's a turn off. His conversation is inconsistent in quality. Sometimes he's kind of interesting, other times he don't have jack to say beyond, "How are you today?" Guy #3: Decent first message, passable profile, passed basic stats threshold. He needs to slow his roll on the use of words like sexy and commenting on my shape. He's a police officer but I don't get the impression that he does cool police work. His conversation is passable on occasion but he bores me easily. The rest of POF is about 99% along the lines of my previous posts.

You know...that's a good question! I think it's because I have actually stumbled upon some really decent & handsome guys but those times are few and far between, hence the reason for my hate. The amount of unattractive men in my area is astounding.
Grammar is important to me. Is it offensive to comment on grammatical errors of those who contact me?

Although they're being judged regardless. :look:
Grammar is important to me. Is it offensive to comment on grammatical errors of those who contact me?

Although they're being judged regardless. :look:

Girl, don't do it. Go back a couple of pages to see the reaction I got when I tried to nicely tell one guy about his preschool writing. You know you're not attracted to men who don't write properly so just ignore their messages.
Girl, don't do it. Go back a couple of pages to see the reaction I got when I tried to nicely tell one guy about his preschool writing. You know you're not attracted to men who don't write properly so just ignore their messages.

LOL! I felt so compelled to just say to him: "Woah, you just threw all that information in one sentence, didn't you?"

Punctuation saves.

ETA: Cheetarah looooooollll he was soooo offended! Bahahaha
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LOL! I felt so compelled to just say to him: "Woah, you just threw all that information in one sentence, didn't you?"

Punctuation saves.

ETA: Cheetarah looooooollll he was soooo offended! Bahahaha
Don't even get me started. It's like some men are allergic to periods, commas, question marks, semi colons, etc. I just can't do it when a grown man doesn't have a basic command of the rules of his native language. You ain't gotsa to be James Baldwin but damn, can't you at least know when to use no vs know and where a sentence stops. Maybe it's us. We're just too picky.
Don't even get me started. It's like some men are allergic to periods, commas, question marks, semi colons, etc. I just can't do it when a grown man doesn't have a basic command of the rules of his native language. You ain't gotsa to be James Baldwin but damn, can't you at least know when to use no vs know and where a sentence stops. Maybe it's us. We're just too picky.

Everything about this post. :notworthy:
gonna go against the grain and say i really dont care that much. i type in lowercase and almost never proofread :lol: you can tell whos a dummy vs who just dgaf vs those who are also relying on being able to tell the difference without the histrionics. i tend to lean toward not being a shrew.
I met the guy I'm seeing now (we're now exclusive) on OKCupid.
My profile stated that I didn't like text type writing etc.
He read that and acted accordingly.
He's educated and well spoken.
Recently he told me that normally he messages using short hand as he's lazy to write in long hand but he acknowledged the request in my profile and Ive yet to see him write like that even when he texts me...I'm sure he'll slip up soon!