***Online Dating Support Thread***

i think you should probably retool your screening system. in addition to personal compatibility i also only accept those that meet my good on paper standards, and it would take a whole lot of effort to that to average out to two dates a week.
I'm going to take a break for a while, I'm at the point where any little thing a guy does irritates me, not a good space to be dating again.
Why is this dude on POF claiming he wants to introduce me to his brother, but he keeps sending me messages. Me thinks there is no brother after all. Sneaky, sneaky.

This fool wrote me from jail... Smh. This is like the 4th inmate message i have gotten. One was an upgraded user on PoF too! Wth
this annoys me :rolleyes: he is a good looking guy but i ignored him bc he's in the suburbs and aint nobody got time for that

he replied back: How so? I never been with black was just curious, I find you very attractive

i want to school him because he sounds like he doesnt mean to be a clueless douchebag, but i aint gonna waste my energy. youve never been with "black" huh, ok have you ever been with a WOMAN you ****ing blockhead :drunk:


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It's been just under 2 weeks of meeting B and we have seen each other 6 times in that time period. I really like him so far :) He's very different than the men I usually date; the most visible difference being that he's white lol. He also has this adorable little country accent, and is very much a small town guy. His little sayings crack me up so much, and it's been fun getting to know him. I'm still checking my pof account, but no one who has messaged me lately has drawn my interest like B... but I'm definitely keeping the options open. I'm having fun, and looking forward to finding out more about him :)
Friday night date was awesome. He's so tall and yummy. He's asking me out for this week right now. I really want him to take me to the shooting range.
So I disabled my POF account last night unfortunately (not really) a guy I had been chatting with was on the chopping block when I disabled. He seemed like a nice guy but I wasn't interested. He would send numerous messages a day even when I had not responded to the first one so I wasn't too sad to get rid of him. I woke up this morning to find a message from him on Facebook asking why I stopped returning his messages :lol: Really?! So you stalked me with just my first name to ask why I wasn't interested?!
Lol I've been lurking in this thread for a little bit. I recently decided to try online saying again. I never last more than a month before quitting.

I recently went out with a guy last Wednesday from OKC and things went really well. Unfortunately he went out of town the next day so things are kind of in limbo until he returns.

I'm almost afraid to get too excited though lol
Good Morning!! Hey how are you doing today? Im good, my name is Art by the way. I hit you up because I was intrigued with your profile & you seem like a very interesting individual. Im a college grad from ---, i have a BA In business marketing class of 2010. I currently own a credit repair company located in the heart of downtown. I am a ---- native, I like sports , going to concerts and traveling. Im not a picky individual all I hate is mushrooms and milk. Well if your looking for a new friend hit me up.

Have a nice day..

i absolutely hate when guys send messages like this. first of all, copy and paste messages are annoying generally, secondly, why the *** do you think i would care? thats like me walking up to a random cashier and explaining to them my dietary history without placing a damn order :lol: like walking up to me and handing me a note card with a bunch of crap on it. that is not how you talk to people :lol: your profile is to place to put all the random information about yourself. you message people to start a conversation. this is not a conversation.
This is today's message from the blocked POF looney who found me on Facebook. After sending this lame message, he blocked me. Truly comical.

i absolutely hate when guys send messages like this. first of all, copy and paste messages are annoying generally, secondly, why the *** do you think i would care? thats like me walking up to a random cashier and explaining to them my dietary history without placing a damn order :lol: like walking up to me and handing me a note card with a bunch of crap on it. that is not how you talk to people :lol: your profile is to place to put all the random information about yourself. you message people to start a conversation. this is not a conversation.
I could not agree with you more! Messages like this are instantly ignored. Women are self centered beings. If I care to know about you I will read your profile and/or ask you what I want to know. Your messages to me should be about ME and launch a conversation beyond how I'm doing today.
ok new suitor asked me out. we were talking about beer, so he asked to meet for a beer. but a.) im getting tired of meeting-for-a-drink dates and b.) i tentatively have a date already in place for friday night (with a guy i think id have much more to talk about with) and i want to spend the rest of the weekend futzing with my hair.

so i counteroffered with a low pressure meet for dinner. that would help with the fact that doing stuff tends to take away some of the awkwardness, and also, i should probably work harder at setting dates that have a time limit, not just open ended "friday night." plus, dinner. id offer to split though for once, since it was my suggestion. dont want to actually LOOK like im trolling for free meals :lol:
hmmmm. not sure if i want to continue ignoring... not sure if i want to "give a chance." does this bother me or nah :lol:


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hmmmm. not sure if i want to continue ignoring... not sure if i want to "give a chance." does this bother me or nah :lol:

If you weren't going to answer then I'd stay with that train of thought. So many men feel entitled to a reply and think if they just keep writing you'll finally respond. Personally I find it annoying.
If you weren't going to answer then I'd stay with that train of thought. So many men feel entitled to a reply and think if they just keep writing you'll finally respond. Personally I find it annoying.

im just dismissing guys out of hand because theyre in the suburbs and i dont feel like working around that. if it was a guy who had everything i was looking for i would make an exception but for guys im not having that strong of a reaction to, im just like meh. not worth the effort.

ok new suitor asked me out. we were talking about beer, so he asked to meet for a beer. but a.) im getting tired of meeting-for-a-drink dates and b.) i tentatively have a date already in place for friday night (with a guy i think id have much more to talk about with) and i want to spend the rest of the weekend futzing with my hair.

so i counteroffered with a low pressure meet for dinner. that would help with the fact that doing stuff tends to take away some of the awkwardness, and also, i should probably work harder at setting dates that have a time limit, not just open ended "friday night." plus, dinner. id offer to split though for once, since it was my suggestion. dont want to actually LOOK like im trolling for free meals :lol:

so he offered a place i go to all the time (which he was unaware of), or a new place that is kind of a drive. i guess i'll try something new and stop being lazy.
My self-summary
I am ANTI-feminist.



ANTI-Religious MIXING.

ANTI-ANTI-racist. which is to say, I support the segregationalist cause.


PRO-EBOLA. Cause it kills poor Africans who just eat up resources.

ANTI-Anime, because you can't trust the perverted JAPANESE.

ANTI-INTELLECtUAL because no 1 tells me w0t grammers I can't use.

ANTI-OBAMA because OBAMA. Did you forget his middle name is HUSSIEN????

Actually, I'm the opposite of those things you never read this part anyway.
What I’m doing with my life
How dare you ask that.

What are you doing with YOUR life, huh?


worst profile ever
I'm about halfway through my 7 day match.com trial. Because I only have 7 days I decided to be more proactive. I've been visiting more profiles (which is a good way to get guys to check me out, especially if I don't come up in their search). I've sent some winks and even some intro messages. I've gotten first messages from more guys who I'd be interested in and several replies to my winks and emails. Out of all the dating sites I do think match has a larger selection of the type of guy I'm looking to date. I've set up a first meeting with one guy for the week after next and two others have asked for my number (which is so refreshing after having so many guys on okcupid drop their numbers on me without me asking for it or asking for mine). I guess I don't mind sending the first message as long as the guy takes the lead from there.
POF is still an overall mess. However, I am chatting with 2 guys on there who fit what I'm looking for. One guy is a teacher and the other is a corporate trainer. I prefer the latter because his emails have complete sentences with proper spelling, capitalization (for the most part), grammar, and punctuation. I wish I could say the same for the teacher. Given his profession I know that he knows how to write properly so it just gives off the perception of laziness that he does not. We shall see what happens. Hopefully he asks to move to the phone soon so I won't have to read anything he writes.