***Online Dating Support Thread***

Lawd, some 20 year old started IM'ing me. His opener was "hey troublemaker you seem quite interesting" :lachen: ...I couldn't resist responding to that.

im so mad i closed the window on this chat i just had

so im a little tipsy (ok drunk) and im on okcupid and this guy chats me and for some reason i send him the link to willow smith whip my hair

because thats what im listening to and im like i wanna jump in the bed

and then he sent me a link to like some old white guy on snl singing whip my hair :rofl:

then he said something about sleeping

and i said something about degrees

and he said something about kanye west and how the skit is like the degrees keep me warm at night

:rofl: omfg so hilarious... im so mad im drunk and stupid right now because that guy was cute :rofl: omggggggggg fml
OK what the hell is up with these men describing themselves as mixed race???? yes I know mixed race people can look like regular non- directly mixed black people, however I just don't feel like this is the case.
well when we talked that first time we talked forever and he asked me out and is like well i guess ill favorite your page or you can im me? and i was like we should probably text because i find when you im a lot before meeting it kind of spoils things, so we exchanged numbers...

but then i was texting him too frequently, which is kind of the same thing as far as spoiling things :look:

then i went overboard about deciding what we should do on our date, instead of playing it cool...

then i mentioned to him that i was nervous about meeting.

so, with all that going on at once, probably within the same week or a few days, i just came on really, really strong. he was basically like, oh i have some other crap to do can we reschedule? and i knew that was the end of it and i would never hear from him again.

that sucks. i hope this serves as a cautionary tale to other ladies in this thread.
I feel a bit bad that I can be misunderstood at times.Thats the draw back on online sites.So this guy who in my thought was totally trying to be different by saying ladies need not use their beauty for everything I asked the question why are you so hard up..then he responded you dont know me Im just blunt..then he made a smart remark whats your point and I responded your a dick have a great day...I totally don't like people who believe they are deep or something and most aren't..I hope I met someone soon that is offline though since online is starting to be a chore.
I feel a bit bad that I can be misunderstood at times.Thats the draw back on online sites.So this guy who in my thought was totally trying to be different by saying ladies need not use their beauty for everything I asked the question why are you so hard up..then he responded you dont know me Im just blunt..then he made a smart remark whats your point and I responded your a dick have a great day...I totally don't like people who believe they are deep or something and most aren't..I hope I met someone soon that is offline though since online is starting to be a chore.

what did you mean when you said the part in the bold?....
SqrpioQutie hard up means being extra rough around the edges or being overly rude for no reason..

k... i guess i can understand why he was less than polite in his response to you... assuming he understood what you meant, i don't really see what was so rude about what he stated... maybe the context made it worse than it looks here?... i personally wish that women wouldn't rely on their looks more than their brains too.... assuming that that's what he meant as well... lol
Ok, I'm getting impatient for this guy to ask for my number. He wrote, "it makes his day when he gets an email from me." Our emails are GREAT but I want to hear his voice.
I had a great time with this guy over the past few weeks, I meet from okcupid. so far personality ( as Steve Harvey his representative) is all on point and what I am looking for.....BUT

he's overweight, which He wrote on his profile, but I wanted to see in person since he's picture was cute. He's more than husky...but for some reason it doesn't bother me and I usually don't like big guys. he says he working out at the gym, and I harbor no secret desires for him to lose weight. ( I don't try to change men)

hmmm, maybe I'm evolving or am I in denial??? IDK. When even kissed and I liked it. I don't know what will happen if I see him naked though.

It has been some adjustment hugging him or him holding me close because of extra padding, but it feels comfy and I just slightly adjust myself.

Am I a Chubby chaser in the making :look:?
I had a great time with this guy over the past few weeks, I meet from okcupid. so far personality ( as Steve Harvey his representative) is all on point and what I am looking for.....BUT

he's overweight, which He wrote on his profile, but I wanted to see in person since he's picture was cute. He's more than husky...but for some reason it doesn't bother me and I usually don't like big guys. he says he working out at the gym, and I harbor no secret desires for him to lose weight. ( I don't try to change men)

hmmm, maybe I'm evolving or am I in denial??? IDK. When even kissed and I liked it. I don't know what will happen if I see him naked though.

It has been some adjustment hugging him or him holding me close because of extra padding, but it feels comfy and I just slightly adjust myself.

Am I a Chubby chaser in the making :look:?

I'm with you on this one. One of the guys I'm dating is overweight. I told a couple of my friends I went out with this guy who was "short and chubby" and BOTH of them were legit like "ew, why?" :look: I was like damn, I didn't know it was ok to be lookist again! :lol: But strangely enough it doesn't bother me as much as I would have thought. Then again he's not THAT fat, but he's still a far cry from the types of dudes I usually go for. I have had some overweight suitors in my life that just completely, irrevocably turned me off but this time I'm like ehhhh *shrug*?

Of course it probably helps that I don't intend for this to go anywhere.
I had wrote online, saying I was seeking a chivalrous gentleman. This good lookin brotha (now mind you i am not really interested in blk men, but he was SOOO cute) wrote me with the title of his msg being "Chivalry is not dead," which i thought was a good start.

Of course i looked at his pix first. And was completely taken by his looks...then I read what he wrote me.

Good evening. I'm Dee. 24 years old, a college graduate (currently in graduate school) and full-time employed. I love movies, music, sports, sex, working out, poetry and just having a good time. I try to read in my spare time to expand my mind. Looking forward to talking to you and hanging out soon.

Now I liked most of what he said, however I was really put off by the fact that one of the things he loves is sex. I considered just shutting him down then and there but decided to talk to him a little more. So I said:

hmmm... lol. well i'm not so sure a chivalrous gentleman would tell a lady about his love of sex though, especially not during first contact with her.

I thought this would be a good way to show that this kind of talk wasn't appreciated. It would also let him know what kind of girl he was dealing with, I assumed he would just play it off or apologize or something and we would move on from there. Instead he says..

I guess you're not accustomed to truthfulness. Ever heard of "honesty is the best policy"?.. So how's your day going?

and after that he sends another msg saying

could you attach a pic please

Now this TOTALLY turned me off! He just sounded like an arrogant jackarse. and what's he talkin about truthfulness? Aint nobody even asked him about whether or not he loved sex. He just volunteered the info. And I just don't like how it seemed he was putting all the blame on me. And asking for a pic RIGHT AFTER declaring his love for sex? yeeeaaa :nono: I'll pass. Good looks only get you so far. So I say..

I would have no problem sending you a picture but obviously we are clashing already. So i feel like there is probably no point in that. However, I thank you for your interest. Good day.

I'm thinking this is very reasonable and a good way to let him down. I didn't insult him or anything. I just felt like we were ALREADY clashing so there was no need to carry on with this. Now tell me why he writes me back saying:

YOU'RE GOING TO BE SINGLE AS HELL FOR A LONG TIME. YOU DON'T NEED LUCK, YOU NEED A CHANGE. YOU'RE NOT PERFECT and don't even have a salary job or Master's degree. I hope you change for the better

I'm sitting here like


like WTF?! thank you for showing me why I have all but given up on blk men. I considered telling him so. Letting him know that he is oversexed, arrogant, irascible and a complete moron and he does nothing for the negative stereotypes against blk men. buuuuut i didn't. instead i said (bc i felt like i had to say SOMETHING...)

Oh the irony. Good day sir and good luck in your endeavors.

also, i want to make it clear that in no time during our convo did i ever say i didn't have a salary job or master's degree. this was my first contact w. this man. :nono: so sad. i was completely blind sided by that craziness.
:lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen:

i wouldnt have even replied to that first message unless he was REALLY really cute. and over six feet tall :lol: thats why im scared to reply to the bros :rofl:

although i did have to get on this african man once who listed his ethnicity as other and refused to identify as black
Wow Runwaydream!

I don't understand why some men need to throw SEX out there like some kind of hobby...like collecting stamps or something.

That is a huge no-no for me.
what a super duper jerk.... obviously his feelings got hurt since he felt the need to lash out like that....

i hope you blocked him....
I am interested in joining an online dating site just for fun, since I am bored. But I fear someone I know will find me on there...
ok. so i posted in the platonic section on craigslist for a metaphysical friend. just a buddy to chat with and compare stories and ideas. i did this for both w4w and w4m. i had msg'd someone on and off for like a few weeks. i hadnt heard from him in like a week. i had actually forgotten who he was. today he msg'd me and sent me a pic. and uh....:lick:

so i asked him for his fb bc u cant know w. just one picture.

i saw his fb and was like :perplexed i was underwhelmed. actually, INCREDIBLY disappointed was the word i'd use. he was overweight, which i cant stand for. and he wasn't very attractive at all to me. i couldnt even believe that was the same person. but then i noticed that all those pictures are old, so i asked him if the picture he sent me was the most recent bc he had a lot of different looks.

he told me the pic he sent was taken last week and that he had been losing weight. he's 6ft and 200lbs. im not sure if thats a good weight for his height or not.. and he was looking to lose 20 more.. this kind of raised a red flag to me, bc that meant he wasnt in shape, and i'm not really havin that.

anyway, he had given me his number and asked me to text him. so i did and we text'd thruout the day and we just began to get more comfortable w. each other. made a lot of jokes, etc. later on he asked me if he can call me bc he wanted to hear my voice. we talked for a bit and hung up so he can finish working. but we cont'd to text.

he said he wanted to meet up and will be available whenever i want to meet bc he sets his own schedule. at this point i was really beginning to like him so i decided we better meet quick before i like him too much and he turns out to be fat and ugly. so i asked him if he wanted to meet up tomorrow. he said ok. so i guess we'll see...
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yea i considered that. but i felt like that was a bit much. esp since we just started really talking yesterday. and i was at work most the time. and when i got home he was still working. and since we're meeting today there is no point in asking. i'll just pray, lol
:perplexed i did his BMI and its 27.2 apparently if its above 25 that means you're overweight :barf: oh well... *drags feet* ill let you guys know how it goes
200 lbs for six feet isn't heavy in my opinion, but then again, i don't particularly go for thin guys.

eta: Ugh I just saw somebody's profile on okcupid that I saw on POF and was, in fact, a big part of the reason I deleted my pof account for good. One day I got a message from this dude who seemed pretty much perfect in every way. According to him, he is from england and speaks with an accent, he is 6'6, he is currently in medical school or residency, and on top of all that he claims to be a marine as well. I'm like dude why is this guy messaging me :look: why is he even on a dating site at all because he seems like a perfect catch (was cute too)...

so he's like yeah i'm hardly ever on here, add me to gmail and we can talk there... and then like pretty much right off the bat he says american women are uptight, and while apparently we like to drink a lot, we are too "tame" in the bedroom... i'm like :look: ok what do you mean by tame? And he asks if I've ever been with two guys at the same time :look: so I'm like oh, are you into guys? And he says no... but then proceeds to ask if I'm into anal sex, threesomes (both FFM AND MMF :look:) because he is and does it all... I'm sitting here thinking to myself DUDE YOU ARE TOTALLY FCKING GAY OMG ADMIT IT but I'm like "um, no, sorry." and he's like, "ok, take care."

I was like o_O WHAT?

This fcking pervert, dude shouldn't be allowed an account on dating sites :lol: then had the nerve to tell me the types of women who are into that kind of stuff don't tend to be the type of woman he would want to date :blush::nono::lachen: mothereffing clown, gtfo... anyway, ucccch... hid that user immediately.
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I just got this message on POF....

How are you..how is you day going so far...thought you were attractive and want to get to know you better..do you go out..and what you like to do for fun..looking forward to talking to you..hit me up.. you better hit me back..

Really Son? :perplexed
Officially posted a profile on Match last weekend. I guess I'll dish out the dough to write a handful of guys back. Seems like the entire town is on the site.

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