***Online Dating Support Thread***

Sigh...did this guy really just offer to let me stay at his place the night before the marathon so I could walk to the starting line from there. Mind you, I have never met this man. We have only spoken on the phone once or twice and texted sporadically over the last few months. I'm also not even running the marathon this weekend. I know he's trying to be nice but he's just coming off as creepy.

My date from last night text me this afternoon. I was glad to hear from him.
How accurate are reverse phone searches? Exchanged numbers with a guy who seemed cool but when I searched the number it came up with the name 'Elena'. :look: red flag? I tested the same page with my number and my name came up.
I never have. I only talk to men who are local so we are usually meeting within 1 week of first contact. I have a friend who met her husband on OKCupid. She created her account prior to moving to a new city and he contacted her a month before she moved. They Skyped a lot until she arrived in town. In those cases I can see the purpose.

Are you talking to men who aren't in your area and you won't be able to meet in person for a while?
I never have. I only talk to men who are local so we are usually meeting within 1 week of first contact. I have a friend who met her husband on OKCupid. She created her account prior to moving to a new city and he contacted her a month before she moved. They Skyped a lot until she arrived in town. In those cases I can see the purpose.

Are you talking to men who aren't in your area and you won't be able to meet in person for a while?

No, not really long distance... but a face to face interaction before you meet the person to take some of the jitters/edge off? Facetime is not something I've ever really utilized on my iPhone and I remember months back someone that I was talking to told me that he'd facetime ppl sometimes before he meets them just to kinda get to see them, be more comfy and someone else I recently spoke to said when you Facetime it takes away some of the awkwardness of first time intros. He said a lot of initial meetings can be really awkward and time wasted over the awkwardness whereas if you Facetime someone you kinda see their gestures and mannerisms and it changes the tone of the conversation because you can see the person.
nah, dont bother. i did skype dating for a little while under the same logic. it was a waste of time. i never met any of the guys i skyped with. its an unnecessary detour that wouldnt be necessary if things were going to work the way they should.

although i did spend 4 hours once skyping with an incredibly good looking man. that i never met. :sad:
No, not really long distance... but a face to face interaction before you meet the person to take some of the jitters/edge off? Facetime is not something I've ever really utilized on my iPhone and I remember months back someone that I was talking to told me that he'd facetime ppl sometimes before he meets them just to kinda get to see them, be more comfy and someone else I recently spoke to said when you Facetime it takes away some of the awkwardness of first time intros. He said a lot of initial meetings can be really awkward and time wasted over the awkwardness whereas if you Facetime someone you kinda see their gestures and mannerisms and it changes the tone of the conversation because you can see the person.

Nah, I don't think it's necessary. The first meeting nervousness typically wears off after 15-30 minutes if things are going well. Plus, you want to meet in person ASAP and moving to Skype can likely delay a first meeting. Don't add an extra step between the end goal, which is an actual date.
Is going to people's homes and checking for gas leaks an acceptable occupation? I know nothing about that field of work but it seems to fall in line with construction....
Is going to people's homes and checking for gas leaks an acceptable occupation? I know nothing about that field of work but it seems to fall in line with construction....

That's not a construction job per se, but it's an honest blue collar job. He probably works for the gas/energy company. Why do you ask?
That's not a construction job per se, but it's an honest blue collar job. He probably works for the gas/energy company. Why do you ask?

I'm just curious. I'm not a stickler for pay but his profile says he makes between 60-70 and I think that sounds a little to generous for that field. One big turn off is dishonesty....

It's a nice guy I met on okcupid, he's attractive and very sweet and we've been texting for a couple days. He wants to meet me at the mall tomorrow. I'm a little nervous.....
I'm just curious. I'm not a stickler for pay but his profile says he makes between 60-70 and I think that sounds a little to generous for that field. One big turn off is dishonesty....

It's a nice guy I met on okcupid, he's attractive and very sweet and we've been texting for a couple days. He wants to meet me at the mall tomorrow. I'm a little nervous.....
Depending on how long he's worked there and his hours I'd say that could be an accurate salary description. You could always check on glassdoor.com to see what power company workers make if you're really concerned he's being dishonest. If I think about it 60-70k isn't some type of baller salary a guy would lie about. Most men don't list their salary if it's really low or really high. JMO.
I'm just curious. I'm not a stickler for pay but his profile says he makes between 60-70 and I think that sounds a little to generous for that field. One big turn off is dishonesty....

It's a nice guy I met on okcupid, he's attractive and very sweet and we've been texting for a couple days. He wants to meet me at the mall tomorrow. I'm a little nervous.....

I mean...UPS drivers make 60k a year. I guess its not unreasonable to say
Oh boy. What are your swipe rules?
if i would meet him irl i swipe right.

more: tinder is boring to me because i never bother to read the profiles or do anything more than swipe. plus it isnt as successful for getting to rl for me as okcupid. so i dont put a lot of effort into it. i usually have to be extremely bored or drunk to swipe up some new matches.

which is what i was doing last night. i got a few measages from some noobs. i ended up having a good convo with one and when i told him i was getting tired and probably gonna go to bed soon he said well hey do you wanna meet for a drink sometime? so ill prob have a tinder date soon. im cautious just because i dont trust tinder like okc.
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Dragging my feet on meeting this guy. I haven't even showered and got dressed. I would love to stay in bed all day. But this is part of the progress. I'm just nervous it'll be one of the many times that I later ask myself 'so why did i do that?' :lol:
So he was very cute and funny but had a inner city white person attitude that I hate. He asked to go home with me and of course I declined. He was fun to talk to though.

Eta: I did get butterflies when he hugged me goodbye and kissed me on the cheek...I'll accept a second date from him if he asks, he might be fun for distracting purposes
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im talking to the latest tinder guy. we were debating meeting up tonight but he lives an hour north of me and i already live on the northside! aint nobody got time for that *changes distance radius to eight miles*
im talking to the latest tinder guy. we were debating meeting up tonight but he lives an hour north of me and i already live on the northside! aint nobody got time for that *changes distance radius to eight miles*

scratch that. i told him i wasnt going all the way up there so he decided to come where i am. theres a place i go all the time where the staff knows me which is helpful in circumstances where you dont have your wallet :lol: so we hung out there. while we sat at the bar some old drunk dude on my other side insisted on buying me a drink :rofl:

he actuay had a face that i think is super cute but randomly had a little potbelly which i wasnt expecting. but overall he was cool. by default i dont expect to have a second date necessarily so well see i hear from him again.
He asked to come over again, after I explained to him that I just met him and don't like having people I don't know well over. He took offense. Oh well, time to disappear.

Never had much luck online dating. Dates are fun but some guys are so annoying. I know I'm not gonna find my soulmate online. I should take this energy and put it into my network foundations homework before I fail -_-
most guys are meeting hoping to hook up which is why i dont expect second dates often. if they dont get it the first time some arent interested in trying a second time.
Found another good match, this one seems to have some real substance to him but I don't wanna get too excited. But I get a good feeling. Well see how things go.
For those on okcupid, do you answer those questions (for compatibility)? Or not really?

I only answer the ones that are important to me. That way I know just by looking at match percentages if a guy is a waste of my time. A lot of those questions are either weird or unnecessary to me.