***Online Dating Support Thread***

I decided to fall back off the online dating for now. I had a 6 month subscription with POF and Match and when I initially signed up I remember thinking, damn 6 months -- seems like a long time. Well time came and went and nothing has come of it. I'll prob subscribe again in the future but not now.
I said that I wouldn't do the whole online dating thing but I did meet someone from FB about a month ago and I really like him. He was added on my buddy list for over a year due to us being part of the same Raw Foods Group on FB. He is a couple of states away but we don't really consider it long distance. I will see how far the rabbit hole will go.

Taking it slow.
After 3 odd years of nothing but duds and no fun, I've just changed my profile.
I've made it clear that I want to go on no strings fun dates. No BS, someone with intelligence, no silly little boy games.

Stating that I'm looking for a long term relationship has got me nowhere.
Hey Ladies!

Update...I was on Tinder for a 3 weeks or so met a few guys but no one to talk about. I deleted the app. I'm on POF and again guys I'm not into. There's one guy I've been talking to for a few weeks on there waiting for him to say, Let's go for coffee...nada!!

So I've met a guy IRL back in March we dated for a bit and I took a break from him but now we're back at again. I will see how this goes..

Thanks for the tips! I don't know what's wrong with me & online dating.
So I decided to put Tinder to work when I traveled out of town for work.:giggle:
Ended up chatting with a guy here in MA starting on Tuesday and we met up for dinner tonight. Had a great time! Great conversation and it felt comfortable. And he was quite a gentleman. :yep: He mentions about meeting up again but we shall see. I take these first dates with a grain of salt these days (yes I'm officially jaded :nono:) For once though, I couldn't gauge if he was interested romantically or as a friend. Only time will tell. I will just roll with the punches and continue to do me :drunk:
Y'all, I met a guy from Facebook (ran a complete background check on him before meeting him), won't go into the hows and whys but not less than a month of the acquaintance he tried acting like my paw. I had to tell him sternly that I already had a daddy. He said some things that I didn't like but I tried to brush it off:

-The picture he used on facebook is definitely him, BUT FROM A VERY GOOD ANGLE. In real life he is a nerdy, dashiki wearing Poindexter.

-When I would pick up the phone, he would ask if I was talking to another guy on the other line: "Is that why it took you a while to pick up the phone? Look, if there is someone else, or if you are on the phone, you don't have to click over, I understand."

-He would always ask about my period, whether I was on it, about to be on it, the next time I would be on it. Almost everyday. "I wanna see how you act when aunt flow is in town." UM NO.

-He would always ask me about my lab reports from my OB/GYN and asked to see it because he wanted to sleep with me. Um no, we just met a month ago-- yes I am negative for everything but slow your old :censored: down. He would ask about this everyday.

-When I mentioned that my ultimate goal is to lose 50 lbs, he said that based on the food that I post on instagram, "I doubt you'll be able to reach your goal. I'm only saying that because I care about you. I want to be your accountability partner." No you don't, you want to be my dad and I already told your :censored: that I have a father already. I told that :censored: to stop talking.

-He wanted to know the names of my best friends and wanted to meet them. NO!

-One day I didn't call him because I was lost on the road and needed the GPS on my phone to get home. He caught a fit about it and said "Whether you know it or not you have a schedule. Is there someone else?"

-He always wanted to know if there was someone else. SOMEONE ELSE? I DON'T GO WITH YOU. WE ARE NOT TOGETHER.

But the part that made me block him on my phone and social media was this:

-He got mad that I wouldn't visit him (a 2.5 hr drive) because I had stuff to do around my house, plus, I just didn't feel like it. I am not his girlfriend. I am not committed to him. I WAS TIRED and he was turning me off. He got so upset and started throwing a tantrum on the phone for 46 mins and 29 seconds.

-Then this :censored: said that he was coming to my house. UM NO. I specifically told him not to. He kept going on and on about how it was "only fair" that I let him in my house. UM NO, I DON'T OWE YOU A THING. Then out of nowhere he says that he has a relative that lives near me that is having a wedding. At no time during the time that we were dating did he mention that he had a cousin that lived in my area so I assumed that it was a lie. His next statement was "Well I am gonna be in the area." I immediately got off the phone with him.

He called me back four times, sent 3-4 text messages to me, saying that it was urgent, then sent me two video skype requests (HELL NO), then messaged me on facebook, then called again and left messages on my phone.

CODE RED! I immediately gave all of his information to my cousin, my best female friend, and some of my "hair people" just in case he did something as stupid as to come to my house. For a brief moment, I did not feel safe. I should never have to feel that way in any relationship.

You know that :censored: called my house the next day as if nothing happened? But not before he asked me again about my paperwork and if I finally got my car's oil changed...

Where is GodsPromises?

Dang I forgot to add that one time when I didn't pick up the phone while I was driving, he called me back and said "What about your earpiece? You should always have your earpiece on you when you're driving."

Stupid :censored:, I have a daddy already, I told you that mess 2 times and I ain't gonna tell you again. wth?!

ETA: I forgot to tell yall that when I told him that I didn't want to see him this weekend he said that he "Wouldn't take no for an answer." That's when I sent all his info to all my people.
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lexi08 Thank you so much for reading. And yes, I am trying to be as cautious as possible. If anyone has any other suggestions of how I can have extra precautions, I'd greatly appreciate it.
Angelicus. Does he know where you live or work?

I recently had a situation somewhat similiar.....I met someone near where I work. I thought he was harmless.... We don't work for the same agency or even the same location. He happened to be assigned to a location where I worked on a particular day. So, he had a good idea of where I worked. I won't go into detail...but things went south and I cut him off QUICK. He started threatening me with texts phone calls and voice mails. I kept everything texts, voicemails etc. I was able to block him from calling my cell. But...he knew where I worked, so he knew the number to my office. I finally, threatened to file a police report because he kept calling my office...which would have jeopordized his job. The calls stopped.

I watched out for him for weeks....just be mindful of your surroundings and look out for any vehicles he may drive.
lexi08, thank you so much for posting. WOW, it does sound similar. I am so sorry that all of that happened to you.

He does have my address, and that is only because, like you, I thought he was harmless--he sells products for hair, skin, etc., (yes I know about the hindsight thing) so I did provide my address (which is a box number, not an address with a building attached).

I do not have listed on the internet where I work, however, he did ask me twice where I worked. I told him what field that I am in but not where I worked or the name of the company.

He asked me 4 times on separate occasions, "I still don't know exactly what you do. What is it exactly that you do?" I kept it as vague as possible. My Linkedin profile does not have my full name (barely my real name), the name of the corp. is vague, and I listed the largest metropolitan area in the US as my location. I also do not use my real name on social media.

I deleted all his messages though (except the ones on Facebook). Should I not be deleting this stuff?

I began reading restraining order information for my state as a back-up. ETA: Needless to say I am not doing the online dating thing anymore.
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lexi08, thank you so much for posting. WOW, it does sound similar. I am so sorry that all of that happened to you.

He does have my address, and that is only because, like you, I thought he was harmless--he sells products for hair, skin, etc., (yes I know about the hindsight thing) so I did provide my address (which is a box number, not an address with a building attached).

I do not have listed on the internet where I work, however, he did ask me twice where I worked. I told him what field that I am in but not where I worked or the name of the company.

He asked me 4 times on separate occasions, "I still don't know exactly what you do. What is it exactly that you do?" I kept it as vague as possible. My Linkedin profile does not have my full name (barely my real name), the name of the corp. is vague, and I listed the largest metropolitan area in the US as my location. I also do not use my real name on social media.

I deleted all his messages though (except the ones on Facebook). Should I not be deleting this stuff?

I began reading restraining order information for my state as a back-up. ETA: Needless to say I am not doing the online dating thing anymore.

yeah....I'm really suspicious of men that ask alot of questions regarding my home and/or work location especially in the beginning. I only kept the voicemails, texts etc. in case things escalated further and I need proof of ongoing harrasment.

The thing is I met this guy near where I work, not online. So unfornutately, the crazy types are everywhere. Luckily, he did not know where I lived or at least I don't think he did :ohwell: You can get so much iformation online these days about a person, sometimes it's really scary. This guy did have my first and last name.

It seems like this guy has limited information on you but just be careful...and yes find out what the legal recourse would be in your state/locality just in case...
Going to try Tinder. Has anyone had any luck?

It's hit or miss. You have to filter, filter, filter. I've encountered several pretty good dudes through Tinder, but also a whole lot of duds. Be prepared to match with a lot of guys but then never get any messages from them. If a man's first message to me is anything along the lines "Hey sexy," "You're hot," or "Nice legs" I don't reply and unmatch from him. It's going to come down to the caliber or men in your area since Tinder is location based. Happy swiping.
I forgot to mention to you all that dude wanted me to wear a tutu in bed.

A TUTU!!!!!


It's hit or miss. You have to filter, filter, filter. I've encountered several pretty good dudes through Tinder, but also a whole lot of duds. Be prepared to match with a lot of guys but then never get any messages from them. If a man's first message to me is anything along the lines "Hey sexy," "You're hot," or "Nice legs" I don't reply and unmatch from him. It's going to come down to the caliber or men in your area since Tinder is location based. Happy swiping.

tinder has been a dud for me. the only benefit is that you can get messages only from guys you find attractive. so if you match with a lot of cute guys your only options are cute dates! :lol: however i only met one guy from tinder and he basically sexually assaulted me, so...
tinder has been a dud for me. the only benefit is that you can get messages only from guys you find attractive. so if you match with a lot of cute guys your only options are cute dates! :lol: however i only met one guy from tinder and he basically sexually assaulted me, so...

How does someone "basically sexually assault" you?
long story short we were kissing but i wasnt much into the fondling, so i started trying to leave. it was summer time and we were hanging out on the balcony of his high rise. once he realised i wasnt going to sleep with him he tried to keep me there to get SOMETHING out of me and wouldnt stop kissing me or let me walk back inside. basically he dry humped me til he came in his pants.