***Online Dating Support Thread***

Someone just told me how beautiful I looked, and then in the next sentence he admitted to being legally blind. :ohwell:
Met someone off of okcupid. The very first meet up he said I did not look like my pictures., texted throughout the entire time and smoked weed lol. A WINNER!
Met someone off of okcupid. The very first meet up he said I did not look like my pictures., texted throughout the entire time and smoked weed lol. A WINNER!

I cannot believe that you stayed long enough for him to light up. As soon as I saw that he was texting for more than 30 mins, I would have been OUT.
Girls I didn't even know he had done it until he returned from the restroom. He smelled like it. When i called him on it, he tried to laugh it off. The date did end less than 30 minutes after. As far as the texting, you ladies are right and I should of left right away!!!. Initially he told me he had a client that needed him so he apologized but then he kept texting off and on the entire time. Now about him saying I don't look like my picture I laughed . I have met 3 other guys and they all have said I look just like or even better in person. This man was rude period. He is attractive ( not In my eyes anymore), so used to girls falling at his feet.
Girls I didn't even know he had done it until he returned from the restroom. He smelled like it. When i called him on it, he tried to laugh it off. The date did end less than 30 minutes after. As far as the texting, you ladies are right and I should of left right away!!!. Initially he told me he had a client that needed him so he apologized but then he kept texting off and on the entire time. Now about him saying I don't look like my picture I laughed . I have met 3 other guys and they all have said I look just like or even better in person. This man was rude period. He is attractive ( not In my eyes anymore), so used to girls falling at his feet.

Glad you left ^^^ I was about to say you know we taught you better :lol: He sounds like a real winner though :look: like you just got weed on deck while on a date?
After being scared off of online dating within 2 weeks last year I decided to give Tinder a try :lachen:. There have actually been a few potentials, but the one that I like the most was very clear that he's looking for something "casual" :rolleyes:. I went out with him on one date just for fun and had the best time! We went to a jazz bar and had such a great conversation and lots of laughs and then we ended up at a blues bar and danced the night away. At the end of the night we went to this small lebanese restaurant and had chicken shwarma lol. So great time... and he's a great kisser:spinning:, but does't want anything serious. Ugh. He's invited me out since, but I feel like I already like him so I've turned him down.:look:

I feel like my city in general is lacking in the late 20s/early 30s bracket for men... but anyway, the search continues!
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*holding my breath as I wait for this dude to tell me whether or not he has kids* :look:

Soooo...yeah...dude has a set of twins. :look: Now that's a first.

But I have to say, we've been talking for about 3 days now, and he's actually cool as hell. Very different from anyone I've EVER met online. We're supposed to try to meet up next week.
I joined OKC yesterday, and I got this message almost immediately:

Hi my name is J***, and it's a pleasure to meet you (sort of?). Anyways, I'd like to start off by speaking a little bit about myself just to paint a little picture of who I am as a person. I live in Manhattan and go to NYU (one more year then I'm done). I am an avid reader and listening to music is a passion of mine. I'm someone who likes to put others ahead of myself, well, because that's just the way I was raised. I am an honest, caring person who enjoys making a boring day sitting on the couch into an adventure, like exploring The Central Park. I'm value the integrity of someones word, so when I say I will do something my word is bond and I take it very seriously. As for you, I messaged you because I honestly thought that you were one of the prettiest girls on the website. But for me the real kicker was your profile. I really connected to what you wrote and I feel that we could be a good match because you seem like a really interesting and awesome person. So let me know what you think and hopefully I'll be hearing from you soon.

I love to go down on women, as it is one of my favorite things to do (I could do it for hours), and it is a deal breaker for me if you do not enjoy this.


Another guy:

hi im looking for a girl to move in with me and live in Washington heights, only respond if u are interested in moving...

Oh lawd. :spinning: So far, I've only gotten weird and sexually explicit messages from nonblack men.
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And I had a date with someone from Match last night. I had a great time with him and our personalities mesh well, HOWEVER...

He's either missing a front tooth or it's chipped completely off. This guy is super handsome IMO, but damn, really? :lol: I noticed in his photos that he wasn't smiling, but that was ok, because a lot of men don't smile. Now I'm going to very suspicious of men with only closed mouth photos. :lol:
What do you think of white men who join black dating sites? Not an interracial site but a black one.
I'm messaging this white guy at the moment and I am itching to ask him why he decided to join this site. Just seems odd to me.
I have to say though, out of all the men that have messaged me, he is the only sane one. The rest are awful looking, liars (they're so crap at lying, I can catch them out after a few messages) and just plain crazy.
And I had a date with someone from Match last night. I had a great time with him and our personalities mesh well, HOWEVER... He's either missing a front tooth or it's chipped completely off. This guy is super handsome IMO, but damn, really? :lol: I noticed in his photos that he wasn't smiling, but that was ok, because a lot of men don't smile. Now I'm going to very suspicious of men with only closed mouth photos. :lol:
I've said this many times. If their mouth is closed their teeth are jacked.
I've said this many times. If their mouth is closed their teeth are jacked.

Shay72 Say it again!!!! I will tell a guy in a minute I need to see a pic of you smiling. Guys always want to comment on how my smile is such a turn on...while pursing their lips like a 80 year old. No mam...I need a matching smile too. The same with the out of shape guys always wanting to praise my shape but then looking like Santa' uncle. No.

Why do men think they can ask for something they don't have or cannot give. Baffling!
What do you think of white men who join black dating sites? Not an interracial site but a black one.
I'm messaging this white guy at the moment and I am itching to ask him why he decided to join this site. Just seems odd to me.
I have to say though, out of all the men that have messaged me, he is the only sane one. The rest are awful looking, liars (they're so crap at lying, I can catch them out after a few messages) and just plain crazy.

Bublin This is crazy to me too. But the white females are worse. When I was on BPM I once had a white chick contact me...I was like why is a white woman messaging me...she said she went through her boyfriend's (black guy) inbox and read all our messages...and yes he was coming to Houston that weekend but I could bet he won't be meeting me...as she would be coming with him.

She went on to tell me he lied about everything in his profile using a lot of his brother's pics of his house he was at during parties...and that no he didn't work for Shell as he told me. She said he is retired military...they both collect cans and other junk metal....and that they were coming here to sell the metals because he heard you get better prices in Houston.

I thought this had to be too fantastic to be true. So I called old boy and confronted him...he admitted to it all...even the cans....:nono:
Found this on Essence while browsing articles. It is a faith based site for anyone who is currently Celibate or those considering becoming Celibate. Can one of you try it and report back?

Just be careful because there are plenty of wolves in sheep's clothing hiding behind faith or just on the prowl lying about being Celibate. The site is free.

Soooo...yeah...dude has a set of twins. :look: Now that's a first.

But I have to say, we've been talking for about 3 days now, and he's actually cool as hell. Very different from anyone I've EVER met online. We're supposed to try to meet up next week.

We're meeting up after work on Friday. 2 days from now and the anxiety is already kicking in. I haven't been on a date in over a year. I'm really hoping we click as well in person as we have been over the phone. It's getting cold and I could use a cuddle buddy. :look: :lol:
No one answered this question below from aprils. I have the same question. How and at what point do you say this??


I prefer to meet within the first week but I'm not sure how to say that without sounding desperate. Any tips??

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No one answered this question below from aprils. I have the same question. How and at what point do you say this??


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If you meet someone online, I really don't think it's desperate to initiate. I personally prefer it because that way I know we're doing it when *I* am comfortable. Me and the dude in my previous post had already decided we wanted to meet up and I realized today it had been over a week that we've been interacting. So I said "so where are we with meeting in person", and we went from there.

I think a week or so is good. I don't like to get all excited about someone from our convos, then meet and find that we have zero chemistry, or some other issue.
No one answered this question below from aprils. I have the same question. How and at what point do you say this??


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I haven't done this, but would if I liked the guy. I get really bored with the back and forth. I usually exchange a few emails over a day or 2(no more than a week) then he suggests a meet up.

I think the least desperate way is to invite him to an already scheduled outing with yourself. " I've enjoyed chatting with you. I was going to check out *restaurant/bar/event/whatever* this weekend. It would be great if you could come. What does your weekend look like? blah blah
I don't talk about dating but this guy just asked me if I've ever had a vanilla boyfriend before. He's Russian. This is stupid.

No one answered this question below from aprils. I have the same question. How and at what point do you say this??


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If you meet someone online, I really don't think it's desperate to initiate. I personally prefer it because that way I know we're doing it when *I* am comfortable. Me and the dude in my previous post had already decided we wanted to meet up and I realized today it had been over a week that we've been interacting. So I said "so where are we with meeting in person", and we went from there.

I think a week or so is good. I don't like to get all excited about someone from our convos, then meet and find that we have zero chemistry, or some other issue.

I agree. I rather meet someone sooner rather than later. If I talk to you, I want to meet you right away. Earlier on in the summer I spoke to someone messaging them back and forth online for like 2 weeks and then we spoke on the phone a few times and then I finally met him. I prefer a much more rapid process. Recently, I messaged someone and we messaged a few times online, then he gave me his #, and then after we texted a few times I told him I prefer talking... we had quite a few convos and then we met up. I knew from the first phone call I'd be attracted to him and then when I met him, I was def much more attracted to him. I'm glad I met him fairly soon, our chemistry was off the charts. Ehhh, too bad it seems it will go nowhere, but I don't regret having met him at all.