***Online Dating Support Thread***

Back to online dating cause I'm falling for this guy I'm seeing. I need a distraction.

Anyway, got this message today:

Hey Gorgeous,nice and scintillating profile pic & bio,if u don't mind i would love to know you better...until I read back from you have a blissful week

I always feel like these guys are doing too much. scintillating and blissful... who talks like that.
Did anyone see this video of Conan O'Brien and Dave Franco on Tinder?

Conan O'Brien, Dave Franco Make Fake Tinder Profiles, Chase Down Real Life Tinder Match, See the Hilarious Video
Celebrity News Jul. 18, 2014 AT 3:45AM By Sophie Vokes-Dudgeon

OMG! Conan O'Brien and Dave Franco made the most hilarious video of their exploration of the dating app Tinder -- even jumping in a van and chasing down their real-life matches.

The segment, which went out on Conan on Thursday, July 17, shows O'Brien, 51, and Franco, 29, creating fake Tinder profiles for themselves under the pseudonyms Chip Whitley and Djengus Roundstone.

In the truly laugh-out-loud video, O'Brien, aka Whitley, tells fellow Tinder users, "I am 42 years old and people tell me I look like Conan O'Brien."

Franco (brother of James Franco), who like O'Brien is using a real-life picture on his fake profile, writes, "I enjoy wearing Crocs for their style over their comfort and I hear I look like a poor man's Dave Franco. F--k Dave Franco!"

Within minutes, local ladies are being sent through to the celebrities' phones. "I'm going to say yes to Liza," show host O'Brien says when a picture appears on his screen. "That's my wife's name. I think that's sweet to say yes to your wife's name!"

But it's 74-year-old Gloria who causes most excitement, particularly when she matches with both O'Brien and Franco, and then loses interest in one of them.

Taking things one step further, the celeb duo then decide to get into a van they nickname "Brown Lightning" and go out on the road to meet one of their Tinder matches in person, to discover exactly what they're doing right (and wrong) on the dating app.

Click the link above to watch the completely hilarious video.
OMG!!!!!!!!! It's the same guy!!!!!!! I didn't respond either. Jerk.

:lachen: Meh, he's not a jerk, per se. I don't expect that the men who message me aren't messaging other women. I just expect them to not send the same note to every woman. I can usually tell when a man has written specifically to me. They either say something in French or mention something else that's in my profile.
i was wondering if i should. ive decided that its better to keep dating even when i dont want to bc if not i just wont do anything at all while im so called "waiting."
So I matched with a guy from CMB back in early May. We spoke a couple of times via telephone. The one time we were supposed to meet he left me hanging and then contacted me to let me know that he'd written a text message to reschedule but forgot to hit send. :rolleyes: He called and we spoke a couple more times (albeit a couple of weeks apart) and then I stopped hearing from him in mid-late May. I barely noticed since he was so inconsistent anyways.
Yesterday he calls me and 1) expects me to remember who he is and 2) asks me out for the same night. :lachen:
I politely asked him to remind me of who he was and how we met (even though I'd already figured it out). He seemed kind of taken aback that I wouldn't remember so I told him that it had been so long since I'd heard from him and that I had other things going on in my life leading me to just forget about him. When he asked me out for that evening (at 4:00 p.m. that same day) I simply told him that I had plans and wished he would have called earlier in the week if he'd wanted to see me. I said all of this while being very sweet and even told him it was good to hear from him and I was available other nights if he wanted to make plans. So we are supposed to go out tonight. He asked me if I will remember who he is when he contacts me tomorrow (now today). I told him that if tomorrow really meant 3 months from now I probably would not.
He text me this afternoon. Dinner at Big Bowl tonight. Now we just have to settle on a time. Would've been quicker and more efficient if he had called. Now I love me some Big Bowl, but for a date? That's barely a step up from Applebee's. There are more authentic Asian restaurants all over town in the same price range.
after my last few relationships and recent dating experiences, i have pretty much boiled down my requirements to two core things: taller than me and highly educated/very intellectual. everything else can grow out of that and be negotiated. but a guy will automatically be considered if he has those 2 things, and if he doesn't, i'm automatically less excited/open to exploring.

but ive also been thinking lately about male dealbreakers. like how guys always get mad if you want to take them shopping and fix them up a little. so im kinda like, well if guys dont want you to "change them" :rolleyes: and their clothes, what if i just stop dating guys who cant dress? then im the ***** :rolleyes: so im kinda in a phase of having identified the top priorities, deciding where there actually is wiggle room and where id probably be wasting my time.

got a message from a tall smart guy :lol: but from the one full body photo he looks slightly chunkier than i would prefer. not sure if i should ignore his message based on this alone. how much of an "ideal" am i going for?
after my last few relationships and recent dating experiences, i have pretty much boiled down my requirements to two core things: taller than me and highly educated/very intellectual. everything else can grow out of that and be negotiated. but a guy will automatically be considered if he has those 2 things, and if he doesn't, i'm automatically less excited/open to exploring.

but ive also been thinking lately about male dealbreakers. like how guys always get mad if you want to take them shopping and fix them up a little. so im kinda like, well if guys dont want you to "change them" :rolleyes: and their clothes, what if i just stop dating guys who cant dress? then im the ***** :rolleyes: so im kinda in a phase of having identified the top priorities, deciding where there actually is wiggle room and where id probably be wasting my time.

got a message from a tall smart guy :lol: but from the one full body photo he looks slightly chunkier than i would prefer. not sure if i should ignore his message based on this alone. how much of an "ideal" am i going for?
I've been attracted to a couple of chunky guys in the past, but it was only after I'd gotten to know them as friends. It all depends on how much body type matters to you over the long haul.
i could deal with less than thin but not the kind of overweight where people are like depressed and shape their whole being around it.

^^Chunky or sloppy?

like overweight. not a weird looking kind (jonah hill) just like, a guy who eats too much. thirty or forty lbs over. anyway i RGISd his default and got a pic from his instagram which implies he chose the most flattering pictures he could and irl i would be disappointed and irritated. so, pass.
Hahaha, I got a message on OKC from Kyle Chrisley (from Chrisley Knows Best on USA). Strange thing is my family knows his in real life, though we've never met each other. Either way, thanks but no thanks, lol.
SO I met this guy on evow 2 weeks ago and we have been texting randomly getting to know each other. I have been super busy with work and other stuff that I havent had time to meetup despite his numerous request he has been patient and understanding. So last night we talked and laughed from 8pm-3:30am and it was so fun! I was in real tears laughing the majority of the time, our back and forth banter turns me one because he can actually keep up with me and gets my corny jokes. So now I am going to meet him this weekend and I am crossing my pinky toes that we have the same connection in person. PUUUULLLEASE let this be a good one!

Did I mention that he is a...cream puff ;-) My first...ahhh this is so fun! He just texted me hehe
does cream puff mean fat or white?

I was thinking the exact same thing.

I disabled my OKCupid profile for a while. It's not as fruitful as it once was and sometimes taking a couple of months off reinvigorates things. In the meantime I'm using CMB, Tinder, and Hinge and focusing the majority of my energy on meeting guys out in the real world.
Kinda random question:

Does anyone get messages from men where they leave their # in their intro message? I haven't been doing this for long, but this has happened a few times now. Am I wrong that this is an immediate deal breaker?
Kinda random question:

Does anyone get messages from men where they leave their # in their intro message? I haven't been doing this for long, but this has happened a few times now. Am I wrong that this is an immediate deal breaker?

I don't respond to those messages.
i rarely get messages that include a phone number but i have been getting a lot of annoying "hi" messages the last week or so
Kinda random question: Does anyone get messages from men where they leave their # in their intro message? I haven't been doing this for long, but this has happened a few times now. Am I wrong that this is an immediate deal breaker?

I've gotten a few of those...I just ignore

I hate that I get flooded with undesirables and the [very few] attractive ones who contact me never respond to my response. :fistshake: Like, WTF?!


like why did you waste my time if you aren't going to respond to my response?
Thanks for the advice upwards ladies!

I do wish this guy would stop messaging me and asking me if I'm saved. Seriously bro?
ewwwwwwwwww. i just got a message from a guy who is 24, extremely over-coiffed, looks like an incredible douchebag while also looking slightly gay, is conventionally attractive in an annoying way, and answers that as a white person he strongly prefers a partner of his own race.

worst. message sender. ever.

he is also holding a popeyes cup in one photo. *shudders*

e: right after received this gem:
i dont know why but im very attractted to black females. They are beautiful! Ur beautiful!

ima need okcupid to get its life right now.
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Deleted because I forgot i am pms'ng and have sworn off all penis. Life is so much simpler when the only relationship I have is with food/wine/tv
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ewwwwwwwwww. i just got a message from a guy who is 24, extremely over-coiffed, looks like an incredible douchebag while also looking slightly gay, is conventionally attractive in an annoying way, and answers that as a white person he strongly prefers a partner of his own race.

worst. message sender. ever.

he is also holding a popeyes cup in one photo. *shudders*

e: right after received this gem:
i dont know why but im very attractted to black females. They are beautiful! Ur beautiful!

ima need okcupid to get its life right now.

No he's a stalker for real, I've seen him at my profile a few times. I wasn't sure if he knew my screen name or not because I hid him.