***Online Dating Support Thread***

who???? where do you live?

@bunnycolvin He played the character Sean on the show and the movie. I remember him being one of the 09'ers who was friends with Logan's character.

If it was the guy that played Piz I would've been realllllll thirsty with my messages. Notice I said message"S". Yes, some stalking would have taken place :look:

I live in LA by the way. That isn't the first pseudo celebrity I've seen on one of these dating sites...
@bunnycolvin He played the character Sean on the show and the movie. I remember him being one of the 09'ers who was friends with Logan's character. If it was the guy that played Piz I would've been realllllll thirsty with my messages. Notice I said message"S". Yes, some stalking would have taken place :look: I live in LA by the way. That isn't the first pseudo celebrity I've seen on one of these dating sites...

phewwwww for a second there i confused the sean character for luke :lick: :lol:
I've been talking to one guy for a week now. I just now gave him my number. I feel like I am moving super slow. I am just being overly cautious. I just don't trust people.
A short, handsome gentleman that lives across the country contacts me. He is originally from my hometown.
We've been chatting online and text as friends for over 4 years.
He would like me to visit him but I can't see myself paying over $1000 to see him; and of course he hasn't offered to visit me or pay for my ticket and stay.

No thank you.
Has anyone seen these profiles on OKC? Now they're inserting ads for a show on WGN in with your matches. :perplexed

ad1.jpg ad2.jpg
After a few months of 'dating' I got faded on.

Funny thing is the last time we were together he professed his 'like' for me and said he wouldn't be around if his feelings weren't so strong. A week went by since then and I haven't heard a peep, but I spied in Facebook and it shows recent activity so I know he's alive :( I vowed to myself to not call or text and I did both today with no response. Smh.. I'm going to give online dating one more try. Ughhhhhhhg lol
oooooooook, so i put up a new profile. it has good words on it :lol: for the time being this will at least deter a lot of the undesirables from thinking they have a shot with me.
Yawn. That's the best way to describe my online dating experience (match.com) so far.

I started chatting with about 4 guys within the last month.

Guy 1 was boring and I simply faded to black with him.
Guy 2 Seemed to be kinda cool but something was off with him. I just couldn't put my finger on it. Stopped chatting with him.
Guy 3 is really cool and funny but I see no romantic connection with him. When we met for dinner and drinks, I just couldn't get over his tummy. :lol: It was kinda big. I couldn't stop staring at how fitted his shirt was on his stomach :look: He is definitely really interested in me but I just don't see it happening. He is friend material. I'm giving it one more date. :perplexed
Guy 4 is/was great! From his very first email expressing interest in getting to know more about me to texting daily, I was intrigued. Date one was postponed after his godfather died and he had to go back to Canada. Even though he was sad, I talked to him until he boarded his flight and he thanked me for cheering him up. Then Easter came along so we couldn't really plan anything because we were both going on vacation. Last week he texted me to see if I wanted to meet up for dinner [tonight] since it is the only day I had free. We texted back and forth Monday, and he didn't text me at all yesterday. I sent him a text last night asking if we were still on for tonight since we never decided on a place and time and NOTHING! :sad: He still hasn't responded so I am going with the idea that he's a flake. :hardslap: I logged on match this morning and checked my list of guys who "fav'd" my profile because I had a notification that I had a new guy to favorite me. That's when I saw that he had been online within the last hour. What a tool. :perplexed
What are the good words because I need to use them?! :lachen::lachen::lachen:

:lol: mainly just code phrases that convey

  • im super smart
  • im fairly accomplished
  • my job is boss
  • i like nice things
i dont feel the need to say these things outright because i think the delicate emphasis is going to be enough to make a guy who doesnt like that kind of woman decline to message me. im very thinly implying "i dont want no scrubs" :lol: but its not done in a way that would make men aggressive, just walk away, hopefully :lol:
I was totally blindsided last night and today. I met a guy on OKC and we'd been dating for the past few weeks now.

On Thursday night he called me and we made plans to meet up Friday after I got off of work. On Friday morning I text him and everything is going well, and then all of a sudden he stops responding. I figured that he was just busy because sometimes when he gives delayed responses he's at work or whatnot. I still send a text asking if he still wants to meet up when I get off from work, assuming he will respond shortly. Nothing.

A few hours later I send another text just in case he may have missed my question, and still no response. I get off from work and decide to give him a call, and again, no response. No call back, nothing. I felt like something may have been wrong so I send one last message saying that I hope he's ok and go on about my business.

It was just so strange because it's totally out of his character not to respond at all, and we were just speaking and everything seemed fine. This morning, however, I go on social media and see that he made a recent post last night. I'm beyond shocked, angry and hurt because he blatantly had been ignoring me. So I guess another one bites the dust. I really liked him a lot so this hurts a bit, but I'll get over it eventually. It takes a lot for me to really like a guy and he was the first one in a very, very long time that I was into. I'm totally bummed, but at least I didn't invest too much time, I guess.
I was totally blindsided last night and today. I met a guy on OKC and we'd been dating for the past few weeks now. On Thursday night he called me and we made plans to meet up Friday after I got off of work. On Friday morning I text him and everything is going well, and then all of a sudden he stops responding. I figured that he was just busy because sometimes when he gives delayed responses he's at work or whatnot. I still send a text asking if he still wants to meet up when I get off from work, assuming he will respond shortly. Nothing. A few hours later I send another text just in case he may have missed my question, and still no response. I get off from work and decide to give him a call, and again, no response. No call back, nothing. I felt like something may have been wrong so I send one last message saying that I hope he's ok and go on about my business. It was just so strange because it's totally out of his character not to respond at all, and we were just speaking and everything seemed fine. This morning, however, I go on social media and see that he made a recent post last night. I'm beyond shocked, angry and hurt because he blatantly had been ignoring me. So I guess another one bites the dust. I really liked him a lot so this hurts a bit, but I'll get over it eventually. It takes a lot for me to really like a guy and he was the first one in a very, very long time that I was into. I'm totally bummed, but at least I didn't invest too much time, I guess.

This just happened to me. I totally know how you feel. I just went on a great date with another guy last night and now I'm no longer thinking about what could have happened to cause the other dude to blow me off. Oh well. Moving on.
I was totally blindsided last night and today. I met a guy on OKC and we'd been dating for the past few weeks now.

On Thursday night he called me and we made plans to meet up Friday after I got off of work. On Friday morning I text him and everything is going well, and then all of a sudden he stops responding. I figured that he was just busy because sometimes when he gives delayed responses he's at work or whatnot. I still send a text asking if he still wants to meet up when I get off from work, assuming he will respond shortly. Nothing.

A few hours later I send another text just in case he may have missed my question, and still no response. I get off from work and decide to give him a call, and again, no response. No call back, nothing. I felt like something may have been wrong so I send one last message saying that I hope he's ok and go on about my business.

It was just so strange because it's totally out of his character not to respond at all, and we were just speaking and everything seemed fine. This morning, however, I go on social media and see that he made a recent post last night. I'm beyond shocked, angry and hurt because he blatantly had been ignoring me. So I guess another one bites the dust. I really liked him a lot so this hurts a bit, but I'll get over it eventually. It takes a lot for me to really like a guy and he was the first one in a very, very long time that I was into. I'm totally bummed, but at least I didn't invest too much time, I guess.

Same thing happened to me. I'm sorry it happened but I'm glad I'm not the only one, sorry. It made me feel like something's wrong with me but now I'm getting the impression that's how guys date nowadays.
Yeah I'm not looking forward to hearing an excuse if he's even crazy enough to try to hit me up again after this.

It messed me up in the head because I had an ex that would constantly do similar things, or ignore me for days/weeks at a time. It did a number on me. That will not happen again. I have no time for games. If he did it once then he will probably do it again if we reconciled. At least have the decency to be honest and say you're not interested anymore, but I guess that's too much of a noble thing to ask of some of these dudes.

I need to learn how to keep more than one guy in rotation but it's hard because I'm sort of picky. I have one other guy who may be worth getting to know so I'll give him a try.
I need to learn how to keep more than one guy in rotation but it's hard because I'm sort of picky. I have one other guy who may be worth getting to know so I'll give him a try.

Yep. I definitely agree with you on keeping more than one guy in rotation. For me, if one acts up, he gets pulled out of rotation immediately. I'm not the one to constantly send follow up texts and such. If you're interested, you're interested. If you're not, someone else is. KIM.

It's really not worth the headache. :drunk: Find someone who appreciates your time.
"Houdini" guy sent me a random text out of the blue on Sunday night. Like, really?! You igged me all weekend and text me as if everything is fine, it seems? Nah...ridiculous. I don't get that. I never responded back.

Anyways...I have a date with some guy tomorrow during lunch. I'm not to thrilled but I'm keeping my options open. I'm still in a crappy mood from the weekend so my heart's not into it...but it's worth a shot.
I had a really attractive Italian man contact me on match. His profile mentioned that he'd just moved to the States for work (we work for the same large organization). His stats seemed to be in line with what I'm interested in so I was fine with chatting with him and eventually giving him my number. He seemed eager to set up a date with me so we met last night.

The bad: Dude lied about his height! His profile listed him as 6 feet but he was really like 5'8". I'm 5'7" and had on heels and ended up being taller than him :nono:

The good: this man is gorgeous!! The conversation was great and neither of us wanted the date to end. There were no periods of awkward silence or anything like that. I was wowed and could tell that he was definitely interested.

An overall great date until he stood up. He wants to see me again this weekend but I'm not sure. I'm so uncomfortable being taller than my date. Not sure if I should give it another shot.

Girl???? are you serious? So are you going to let someone else snatch up a handsome, nice well educated man who you get along with great with and did not want the date to end and seems interested in you because of height?....
Invest in some cute flats.

My mom said the exact same thing! :lol:


Girl???? are you serious? So are you going to let someone else snatch up a handsome, nice well educated man who you get along with great with and did not want the date to end and seems interested in you because of height?....

Girl, I'm dealing with my own insecurities over here. :perplexed I just feel so weird being taller than my guy.

I'm going on a second date with him tomorrow night...wearing some really cute flats :grin: