***Online Dating Support Thread***

I just got out of a relationship not too long ago and I dusted off and updated my old match.com profile and posted it. I'm not exactly looking to jump in another serious relationship just yet, but I wanted to see what was out there since I'd been out of the dating scene for a while. A few weeks ago I received a cute message from this guy but I didn't find him attractive so I didn't respond.

I received this message yesterday:

Hmmmm. (His Subject)

So, I wrote you a couple weeks ago... and I was like all nervous writing it. I send out maybe like 2 or 3 emails a month on this, and only when the profile really stands out to me. Guys can always tell the good profiles from the... 'not so good' profiles. I'm not sure why I didn't get a response (I'm pretty sure your keyboard was broken at the time), but it doesn't change the fact that I think you're a phenomenally beautiful woman... And not just your pictures, I was digging on the profile before I saw them. I mean... NOT that I was digging on you... (:look: HUH?)

I mean, I noticed you... that's it. You were noticeable.
Anyways... yea; I just wanted to try and make you smile again. Not sure what kind of walls you have up, not sure I care. You should know we can tell you're a good woman regardless.

Best of luck... dork. (:ohwell::perplexed REALLY?)

I couldn't block this "Dave" dude fast enough. So this is what's popping out in the streets nowadays? :look:
awwwww. i see what he tried to do... but he let his frustration (with a dating track record that obviously is not going well :lol:) get the best of him. better luck next time/stop messaging while drunk
:lol: I thought that message was really cute! I always sent a response to cute messages even when I was NOT interested. I would say that I wasn't interested but that the message was so cute that it warranted a response :) (I am often too nice... ) even the guys I would say that too would say they appreciated it and we would wish each other luck in the search.
if they message you twice with no response, responding to them is only going to make them harass you more. ask why youre not interested, you never even met me, give me a chance, you may like me, im not like those other guys you want to date... which opens the door for the insulting to begin. i dont blame anyone for just ignoring them. (of course i go the extra step to block them. no harassment for me :lol:)
awwwww. i see what he tried to do... but he let his frustration (with a dating track record that obviously is not going well :lol:) get the best of him. better luck next time/stop messaging while drunk

He'd better get it together. :lol:

:lol: I thought that message was really cute! I always sent a response to cute messages even when I was NOT interested. I would say that I wasn't interested but that the message was so cute that it warranted a response :) (I am often too nice... ) even the guys I would say that too would say they appreciated it and we would wish each other luck in the search.

LOL. Maybe I should try saying that I'm not interested.

if they message you twice with no response, responding to them is only going to make them harass you more. ask why youre not interested, you never even met me, give me a chance, you may like me, im not like those other guys you want to date... which opens the door for the insulting to begin. i dont blame anyone for just ignoring them. (of course i go the extra step to block them. no harassment for me :lol:)

bunnycolvin I usually only block the ones who send multiple messages..none of which I have responded to. I mean, dude, read my profile. I'm 30 with no kids and I'm looking for someone similar. Don't message me if you're 40 with 5 kids and live 2 states away. I had a 50-something man message me talking about "you wanna chat sometime?" Uh, no. Block.
visited a new looking profile. hes cute!

he visits back and messages me right away. omg

message says "interested?"

double check his profile. "looking for: short term relationship, casual sex"

Why are so many 18 year olds going HAM on ok Cupid?!

:whyme: Like hey beautiful, lol I'm like some of y'all ain't done growing yet!!! Lol.

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I spotted such a cutie on pof last night. Sooooo hot, had a real job, could spell and didn't seem like a ratchet.

I hate hate hate talking to guys first but I took the plunge because times are HARD and said I liked his profile and if he wanted to meet for a drink.

This dude responds...

"hey cutie.


but first this is my disclaimer. I'm looking for someone who takes the same prescription as me. Its to suppress a skin condition that, while embarrassing, is nonetheless harmless from a medical perspective. Catch me drift?"

I'm like WHY? WHY?

In denial I type back "its ok, I know a few people w/ psoriasis"

he says: "lol...I take valtrex. I need someone on the same page as me, I dont want to give anything to anyone. I'm looking for a girl in a sorority or something. Somebody familiar with my situation. I dont like condoms and move away from them as quickly as possible in a relationship"

I was like wtf? Maybe thats how you got the burn fool!!!!
I spotted such a cutie on pof last night. Sooooo hot, had a real job, could spell and didn't seem like a ratchet. I hate hate hate talking to guys first but I took the plunge because times are HARD and said I liked his profile and if he wanted to meet for a drink. This dude responds... "hey cutie. maybe but first this is my disclaimer. I'm looking for someone who takes the same prescription as me. Its to suppress a skin condition that, while embarrassing, is nonetheless harmless from a medical perspective. Catch me drift?" I'm like WHY? WHY? In denial I type back "its ok, I know a few people w/ psoriasis" he says: "lol...I take valtrex. I need someone on the same page as me, I dont want to give anything to anyone. I'm looking for a girl in a sorority or something. Somebody familiar with my situation. I dont like condoms and move away from them as quickly as possible in a relationship" I was like wtf? Maybe thats how you got the burn fool!!!!

ummmm i think you need to just be glad he gave you the opportunity to make your own choice because sounds like he cound have gone the other route and had you find out the hard way.

like O. M. Gawwwddd!!!!!!



I spotted such a cutie on pof last night. Sooooo hot, had a real job, could spell and didn't seem like a ratchet.

I hate hate hate talking to guys first but I took the plunge because times are HARD and said I liked his profile and if he wanted to meet for a drink.

This dude responds...

"hey cutie.


but first this is my disclaimer. I'm looking for someone who takes the same prescription as me. Its to suppress a skin condition that, while embarrassing, is nonetheless harmless from a medical perspective. Catch me drift?"

I'm like WHY? WHY?

In denial I type back "its ok, I know a few people w/ psoriasis"

he says: "lol...I take valtrex. I need someone on the same page as me, I dont want to give anything to anyone. I'm looking for a girl in a sorority or something. Somebody familiar with my situation. I dont like condoms and move away from them as quickly as possible in a relationship"

I was like wtf? Maybe thats how you got the burn fool!!!!
ummmm i think you need to just be glad he gave you the opportunity to make your own choice because sounds like he cound have gone the other route and had you find out the hard way.


like O. M. Gawwwddd!!!!!!




what!!!!! at least he was honest wowwww

Right!!! Makes me think twice about a whole lot :nono:

I just responded that its good he's being upfront and honest with people and good luck with everything.

But sheeshh this is whats really out there!
sluts. or, at least, more experienced ladies. ladies with more appetite..? party girls...? something along that vein.
Now I am nervous about putting myself back out there! Dating is becoming more and more... :nono:

I get SO TIRED of people telling me I will find someone...nothing has happened yet! Just a string of stupid mistakes on my part!
And the "This ninja" award today goes to...!

"And as far as what i'm lookin for? for now i just want to find something simple like someone who isnt busy working 90 hrs in a week all while raising a kid(s) and in school as well..:perplexed.someone who would be able to hang and have fun, and basically just go with the flow and see what develops."

So, I'm confused are we just sitting around waiting on you? Ambition is a turn off? I swear...
So.. They guy I've been talking to for about 7 weeks has slowed down. I thought he was doing the fade a few weeks ago but it turns out he wasn't. We talk almost every day but I have not seen him since Saturday. He texted me today and the convo didn't really go anywhere. So an hour later, I asked if I'll be seeing him any time soon... Ughhhh I hate myself for sending that. He then said we can go out tomorrow, but I think he only said that because I asked. I hate initiated any kind of contact with men.
I admit online dating is "fun", but this super polite dance in the beginning kills me....

I love the energy and excitement that comes with meeting someone new you really click with. I'll say I've had the most fun with casual situations... Seems both men and women have no idea how to "date" to be serious. I just fall in love and go... Idk. I presume this gets better with practice?

OAN: my Jewish doc and I had dinner, he was exhausted from a hockey game the previous night... For some reason I wished he would've canceled. It's fun to have a life, but I think it's a bit draining for your guest to show up tuckered after being on call. Yes I'm demanding :lol:. I hate to say... I wanted some. But again this polite dating thing. I also feel so "needy"? Texting him first...

I know it shouldn't be this hard gatdernit...

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This dude really put in his profile that the he has "good hair". And lists his ethnicity as "other". I'm looking at his pic like "for serious?"

Guess women aren't the only ones who like to seem exotical. :rolleyes:
Met a great guy, but he's a single dad with full custody. I didn't know that when he first messaged me. I usually don't respond to men with custody because I don't like or want kids. Trying to decide what I should do because he's very sexy and charming. But his kid has been there every time we meet and it's awkward. I'm thinking I need to let him go sooner than later, but I like him. *sigh*
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deactivating again DAMN IM FAT RIGHT NOW, man, *** this :sad: :lol: also i wasnt responding to any of the messages i was getting anyway
Met a great guy, but he's a single dad with full custody. I didn't know that when he first messaged me. I usually don't respond to men with custody because I don't like or want kids. Trying to decide what I should do because he's very sexy and charming. But his kid has been there every time we meet and it's awkward. I'm thinking I need to let him go sooner than later, but I like him. *sigh*

It's hard enough when you have a very hands-on, involved father who doesn't have custody, one with it is gonna be 100x harder.

If you really feel that way about kids, I would definitely think long and hard about proceeding. If he's a good guy, you're just gonna get more and more attached and it'll be harder to let go later.