***Online Dating Support Thread***

Im a bartender and I overheard one of my customers telling her friend that she takes a pic of her dates license and sends it to her mom (or close friend). If he has nothing to hide he will show some ID. I thought that was genius. Ive never dated anyone from online, but that idea makes me feel safer
Im a bartender and I overheard one of my customers telling her friend that she takes a pic of her dates license and sends it to her mom (or close friend). If he has nothing to hide he will show some ID. I thought that was genius. Ive never dated anyone from online, but that idea makes me feel safer

I'm thinking this will now become a standard practice for me. Maybe not my mother but I have a sister and "sister-friends" I can send them to.
I've gone so long without resorting to online dating...

I'm thinking I should have stayed where I was :nono:

I set up something with a guy for Friday, but he begged to see me today. I obliged.

1. He with withheld his true background. Said he was from Missouri. He's from South Africa :lachen:

2. He lied to get a reaction out of me...saying he's got all these kids. I wasn't amused.

3. He said he's going to cali this weekend, and he wanted me to join him. Um...hell no.

4. I'm not attracted to him, partly because he's so skinny. I made no mention of it. WHY did this guy tell me that he has CANCER? That's a lot of info to handle when I've only known you for 30 minutes.

I'm looking for a nice way to cancel Friday...I'm just not all that interested. How do I do that without sounding like an insensitive jerk?
So had my first get together with an Italian this weekend. He is super nice and respectful and educated. The bad thing is he is only here for vacation and he leaves in 2 mths.

I gave another get together tomorrow but the guy has not called me just texted hey once this weekend. Unless he calls to confirm, I'm not going anywhere.

The third guy is overwhelming me, I got 3 messages in less Than 30 Minutes in my inbox That are At Least 1.5 Paragraphs each. Can we say eager? ??? Woyyy
ugh this is getting really irritating. every single message i get is from someone im not interested in. i got messages from exactly two good looking guys and one was foreign and the other looked like a douchebag. i got a good message last night from a 5'8 BALD MAN :sad:

no offense to anybody but being fat has to be the pits. im using the same face photo but with no body photo up everyone is passing me over. ughhhh
question - do you guys believe the income indicators? not when theyre obviously a joke but like normal five figure ranges or better? like a trader listing income at 100k. usually i ignore them because why would anybody do that?
Ugh.. back to online dating. I am back on Match this time. These free sites are not cutting it. I have a couple swirl opportunities. lol
I am newly single and trying my hand at online dating. I just signed up on okc and so far I'm regretting it. I have been on for all of 6 hours and I've received 24 messages all from men who are not my type and have a low match percentage.

I'm going to keep the profile up but maybe I'm not ready to date.
I am newly single and trying my hand at online dating. I just signed up on okc and so far I'm regretting it. I have been on for all of 6 hours and I've received 24 messages all from men who are not my type and have a low match percentage. I'm going to keep the profile up but maybe I'm not ready to date.

Just ignore the duds and keep it moving. There are some good guys mixed in there.

Sent from my iPad mini mini.
I am newly single and trying my hand at online dating. I just signed up on okc and so far I'm regretting it. I have been on for all of 6 hours and I've received 24 messages all from men who are not my type and have a low match percentage.

I'm going to keep the profile up but maybe I'm not ready to date.
Don't give up. For men, it's a numbers game. The more women they approach, the greater chance that someone will eventually say yes.
its easier to online date if you go in with the mindset of assuming you will ignore 95% of the messages you get. seriously. i think we feel obligated to "kick the tires" on every guy that shows interest. not true. you can keep walking past almost all the cars in the lot.
What about these fools that have a 15% match and will send a message that says "hello"? What?! I haven't been doing this long and I'm already frustrated. I will admit, it's exciting to log in and see all the messages but knowing they are duds takes away from that a little. The whole thing just makes me miss my ex :sad:
What about these fools that have a 15% match and will send a message that says "hello"? What?! I haven't been doing this long and I'm already frustrated. I will admit, it's exciting to log in and see all the messages but knowing they are duds takes away from that a little. The whole thing just makes me miss my ex :sad:

either your profile is very enticing, or your photos are very revealing. sounds like something is implying an easy lay, because youre getting horndog messages.
either your profile is very enticing, or your photos are very revealing. sounds like something is implying an easy lay, because youre getting horndog messages.

:lol: She didn't say she's getting horndog messages, just that she's getting a lot!

:lol::lol: Right, they aren't horndog messages but stupid ones. I am very specific in my profile. I mention in the about me that I am looking for something that can lead to something serious. And in the message me if part I say it again saying stay away if you are looking for a hook up. And I have 3 pics up all face shots only.

I know I sound like a sad sorry sack right now with all the talk of missing my ex. But dating is hard and running back to the old familiar sounds easy. (Can't go back anyway because I broke it off and he's already got someone new...in 2 months. I hate men!)
yeah, i know what you mean. theres a huge difference in the types of messages i get based on my profile pics though, so, ymmv. personally i wouldnt mention the hook up part at all.

sorry about your ex. i dated a guy for a year who was in a new relationship five weeks later, and it took me a long time to consider the fact that he had probably started dating this person right before we broke up :nono:
Leave that part out? I thought I should add it because even though I clicked what I am looking for "long term dating" I know there will try anyway. Before I added it, a dude messaged me and I talked to him briefly and he says "I am not looking for a quick f*** but something long term" That turned me off because obviously there is a better way to say that. And secondly his profile clearly states he's looking for short term and hang out buddies. I mentioned this to him and he says "Oh, let me change that." :rolleyes:

I stopped responding after that but because of that I added that in there. Should I take it out? I'm new at this. I don't know the rules.
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my personal rule is not to put any negative or... "opposite affirming" information in my profile. for example i see a lot of profiles that include a "dont message me if" list. we all have those dealbreakers but to me its just unnecessarily negative and puts a bad taste in my mouth when i could just as easily ignore those messages altogether. if i see a guy who has that on his profile i lose interest; it signals something a little off about emotional intelligence to me, you know what i mean? you want to put your best foot forward and present yourself as a great person to be around.

my profile used to be fairly lengthy, but it was also very funny and i used to get great messages. none of them mentioned hooking up or anything because if they did they would be making it obvious that they didnt read my profile (that simply was not the tone of the profile, and mentioning it in a message would have been obviously out of place), and if they did read my profile, they would know i wouldnt respond to that.

long story short, i think its higher quality to show, not tell. that guy who messaged you, if that had been me i would have just ignored him and blocked him from messaging me again. (in addition to ignoring messages, i block almost every profile from anyone who messages me that i know i do not want to date.) you dont have to say what youll accept - to me thats like saying "this is an area i have a problem with." i dont know if that makes sense :lol: but giving warnings in your profile isnt going to stop a moron that doesnt care about what you want anyway (half the time they clearly do not even read profiles), and it might turn off someone that would otherwise vibe with your profile.

e: i just got this message

Excuse me I know you hear it a million times a day but I think you are an incredibly attractive and intriguing woman and I thought I should introduce myself. I'm Jon

ignored it and blocked the sender :lol: no hard feelings but im not interested, and sometimes they message twice :lol: dont want it, thanks
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you know whats funny ,I had a long listof do not message me until some stranger and my friend checked me. They both said I come across as an angry black woman and guys would be turned off and I won;t get serious messages.....
Whenever I decide to get back on the online dating site I would need someone to look over my profile. I never get that many messages and I know that I am not an orge.

I also don't put what I don't want like someone mentioned. I know that I will also take off that I have a PhD.
^^^^A PhD is something to be proud of, not hidden away. Anything and everything is potential to intimidate a man. I withhold alot in my profile to the point I sound dull and have accomplished nothing! All I've got left is my gsoh!!!!
soooo, remember all that crap I talked on the previous page. The one I have been playing to the left is a college educated, former athlete, veteran, commercial truck driver who rides a motorcycle. Most of all he is persistent (in a good way) and patient, which is good for me because obviously it takes me a minute to put things together. I'm thinking of giving him a fighting chance :yep:
So I changed the profile to make it seem more upbeat. It seems to have worked and not worked at the same time. The messages have doubled. Still from all losers. I'm going to leave it up, check it every once in a while but go back to lurking in the relationship forum to live vicariously through all of you.
So I changed the profile to make it seem more upbeat. It seems to have worked and not worked at the same time. The messages have doubled. Still from all losers. I'm going to leave it up, check it every once in a while but go back to lurking in the relationship forum to live vicariously through all of you.
If you're on OKC, whenever you edit your profile or answer a question you show up in the "recent activity" feed, so you may get some additional attention.