***Online Dating Support Thread***

Lux we are thinking alike and that's why I asked the question.. Although I trust him and should be more positive my ego is saying if he's serious about giving this a a real shot then he should delete it. Disabling it allows for someone to easily just sign back on. I'll leave it alone an just disable mine..

really i think you would be doing too much to delete it. you are saying you think the relationship is going to last forever i.e. you are never going to be single and need the profile again? chile please.

my ex and i met on okcupid and when we decided to date monogamously, we were sitting right next to each other when we disabled our profiles.
It takes at the most, 1 or 2 hrs to redo your profile a dating site. I don't get the purpose of an active dating profile if you're not actively looking.
Ok need some opinions about this ladies: we met on OkC and made it official yesterday... We decided to delete our profiles, except he disabled his instead of deleted it! Am I looking too far into this?? Or is something wrong with that? Curious.. And thanks

I would say yep to your question that you are looking too far into this being much. If he only disabled his account. He's still thinking about shopping. Sorry you gotta go Hard! Put your account back up and date more than one man. You'll know if he is shopping because he will ask you about from browsing. That way if he acts up up you have a back up. You don't want to be at home pulling wings off of flies because he clowned you. Trust me if he disabled his account he can still browse from the sidelines. If he ask about yours. Then let him know exactly how u see it. That you understand and saw that he only disabled his account vs delete and you took your cue from that. I always Listen to a persons actions of what they "Do" as the operative word not what they say. If he don't work out there is always someone behind him. Keep him thirsty. He's auditioning.
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so like i said i made my body type list as "curvy" and didnt put up any full body pics. lawd. before this, i got messages from non-black men pretty consistently. actually, i probably got messages from white men more frequently than black men. now, like 95% of messages i am getting are from the brothers :rofl: lawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwd
omg yall


*my profile: [im super aware of race issues and its going to be very relevant to like everything about me so you need to get wit it or get lost]*



:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Crazy thing happened.

I was on Craigslist in the personal section last week, and among all the gross hook-up ads and dong shots, there was actually a decent guy that posted. I saved his ad, but never replied. I think I re-considered after someone here said that all the men posting on Craisglist already have girlfriends and wives.

So I went to a gala tonight with a friend, and who was there? Craigslist guy! He was there as a photographer. He and my friend know each other professionally -- they both attend a lot of these events -- so since she knew him, she invited him to sit at our table. She had no idea about the Craigslist ad until I told her about it later when he stepped away.

He was interested. My friend told me that he spent a lot of time watching me. She said he seems like a decent guy, and when I showed her the ad, she said that it was a good representation of who she's seen as she's interacted with him. Then before he left, he came up with a ruse to get my contact information.

Strange how that worked...

Told a good friend this story ^^^ and was basically told that I’m acting desperate for looking at dating sites and online personal ads, and it’s too soon and inappropriate since my divorce was only finalized four months ago.

Yeah, my marriage legally ended in September, but the entire process took two :censored: years. So all in all it’s almost been 2.5 years. How long is long enough?

I’m disappointed, and a little deflated since it took me a while to even get back into the swing of things. I’ve been getting excited about profiles and matches and messages (because let’s be honest, even when they’re awful, they’re still pretty entertaining). Plus, everyone else in my life has been so encouraging and so supportive in wanting to see me find someone, so this comment from a friend was like a sucker punch in the gut.

I’ll recover, but I’ll just make sure that my dating life isn’t a point of conversation with us anymore.

Told a good friend this story ^^^ and was basically told that I’m acting desperate for looking at dating sites and online personal ads, and it’s too soon and inappropriate since my divorce was only finalized four months ago.

Yeah, my marriage legally ended in September, but the entire process took two :censored: years. So all in all it’s almost been 2.5 years. How long is long enough?

I’m disappointed, and a little deflated since it took me a while to even get back into the swing of things. I’ve been getting excited about profiles and matches and messages (because let’s be honest, even when they’re awful, they’re still pretty entertaining). Plus, everyone else in my life has been so encouraging and so supportive in wanting to see me find someone, so this comment from a friend was like a sucker punch in the gut.

I’ll recover, but I’ll just make sure that my dating life isn’t a point of conversation with us anymore.

Yep, i agree in not discussing this particular area with your friend. I have a friend like this who keeps saying " tsk tsk" girl you are "Still Healing" I mean my Divorce took four years and I was the one who filed. No OP that is a person being judgmental and slightly controlling by putting their on ideals onto you. Trust me I Love my GF like a sister but she is not me nor does she have my life.?Sometimes we just need people to listen. I cannot tell you how many men approach me at the store, club or outside and I smile and say No thank you to giving out my number or going on a date. Online dating is not any different, we are just hitting "Delete" and it's a faster process of elimination and unmasking a man with less than optimum intentions in my opinion. Remember again you are not meeting "better men" just more of them for your discernment. Just as people are bad online they can be as bad when met face-to-face. We all have to start somewhere and trust me it really helps after a break-up or Divorce with your confidence. it aids in helping you to Know What You Want in a Man in-turn you are able to quickly speak up and understand what actions from men you will not tolerate. It's a great Tricycle and then you can Choose wether you want to meet the One now or serial date to get your sea legs land worthy. Keep going you are doing fine.
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Told a good friend this story ^^^ and was basically told that I’m acting desperate for looking at dating sites and online personal ads, and it’s too soon and inappropriate since my divorce was only finalized four months ago.

Yeah, my marriage legally ended in September, but the entire process took two :censored: years. So all in all it’s almost been 2.5 years. How long is long enough?

I’m disappointed, and a little deflated since it took me a while to even get back into the swing of things. I’ve been getting excited about profiles and matches and messages (because let’s be honest, even when they’re awful, they’re still pretty entertaining). Plus, everyone else in my life has been so encouraging and so supportive in wanting to see me find someone, so this comment from a friend was like a sucker punch in the gut.

I’ll recover, but I’ll just make sure that my dating life isn’t a point of conversation with us anymore.

You shouldn't have to wait any longer than you are comfortable. There are still people that are judgmental about online dating. And they'll make you second guess yourself. Just keep your dating business to yourself and change the subject when she asks.

Even when bad, it's still a learning experience. Think of it as re-wetting your feet in the dating pool.

Good luck and have fun.
How should I respond ?

I met up with an Indian Software developer at Starbucks and it went really well. We walked around the mall and found bench and chatted for about 45 minutes. It was nice and pleasant. He is a nice looking Indian man and I liked talking with him. He has been married before ( arranged marriage) when he was younger and now is looking for something serious. He is in his late 30's, early 40's.
He sent me a text later that night saying that it was nice to meet me, and I agreed.
The next day he sent me a text " Thinking about you" :ohwell:
I dont know how I am supposed to respond to that.
How should I respond ?

I met up with an Indian Software developer at Starbucks and it went really well. We walked around the mall and found bench and chatted for about 45 minutes. It was nice and pleasant. He is a nice looking Indian man and I liked talking with him. He has been married before ( arranged marriage) when he was younger and now is looking for something serious. He is in his late 30's, early 40's.
He sent me a text later that night saying that it was nice to meet me, and I agreed.
The next day he sent me a text " Thinking about you" :ohwell:
I dont know how I am supposed to respond to that.
Sounds like you don't really like him like that.
Respond by saying "aww, That's so sweet!"

It's neutral, you've acknowledged him without being awkward... And you don't have to say you're thinking about him in return
Sounds like you don't really like him like that.
Respond by saying "aww, That's so sweet!"

It's neutral, you've acknowledged him without being awkward... And you don't have to say you're thinking about him in return

lol…actually i do like him.
I wasn't thinkng about him, but I would like to get to know him better in a non-rushed and awkward way :lol:
lol…actually i do like him.
I wasn't thinkng about him, but I would like to get to know him better in a non-rushed and awkward way :lol:

Then "awwww that's sweet" still works... And you still don't have to tell him you weren't thinking of him lolololol

Now... It's when he asks you if you were thinking about him as well...
That's when you're going to have to make something up.

Chances are, if you say the above, he probably won't ask you, because you didn't volunteer...

If he does, he's thirsty for you. Lol
This just happened in my inbox...

I wana take u home with me...................
is that serious enuff?
ur a doll baby!!!
yes, im older and white BUT only date and spoil in th 20/30yo range, I date a lot and most r beautiful and black and sensual... life is good!!
id love to know u!!
read all of me and see?
So someone said I should give the online thing a shot and I've been on for about 3 days now and it's been pretty cool. It kinda feels like AIM back in the day trying to reply to things lol. I've had really cool convos that may not lead to anything at all but people at least seem like they can hold a convo for the most part and seem interested (now) although I don't know how long you can possibly hold a person's interest online. It's fun today. Tomorrow I may think differently lol. Oh, and I've been the one starting convos which I expected to be kinda :perplexed: because I didn't want to be the one tasked with carrying the convo but I sort of like having that control.

This is part of a reply I got today, I thought it was cute:
"But how long have you tried this whole online dating thing lol. I kind of gave up on it cause I was getting people who were the total opposite of what I was looking for. Then I open up my iPad and it said that I had a message from you and I was like oh god! Lol and then I checked it out and I was like oh ok! It's about time."
So someone said I should give the online thing a shot and I've been on for about 3 days now and it's been pretty cool. It kinda feels like AIM back in the day trying to reply to things lol. I've had really cool convos that may not lead to anything at all but people at least seem like they can hold a convo for the most part and seem interested (now) although I don't know how long you can possibly hold a person's interest online. It's fun today. Tomorrow I may think differently lol. Oh, and I've been the one starting convos which I expected to be kinda :perplexed: because I didn't want to be the one tasked with carrying the convo but I sort of like having that control.

This is part of a reply I got today, I thought it was cute:
"But how long have you tried this whole online dating thing lol. I kind of gave up on it cause I was getting people who were the total opposite of what I was looking for. Then I open up my iPad and it said that I had a message from you and I was like oh god! Lol and then I checked it out and I was like oh ok! It's about time."

He sounds down to earth. Great start! Good luck! :)
So you are wondering why a 0% match is contacting you? Right?

Perhaps he didn't answer as many questions?

:lol: no, he added a section about african whatever after reading my profile and seeing that im big on racial issues.

How should I respond ?

I met up with an Indian Software developer at Starbucks and it went really well. We walked around the mall and found bench and chatted for about 45 minutes. It was nice and pleasant. He is a nice looking Indian man and I liked talking with him. He has been married before ( arranged marriage) when he was younger and now is looking for something serious. He is in his late 30's, early 40's.
He sent me a text later that night saying that it was nice to meet me, and I agreed.
The next day he sent me a text " Thinking about you" :ohwell:
I dont know how I am supposed to respond to that.

i will never date another indian man and to be quite honest i would encourage all black women to do the same :nono:
To be blunt and not care about sounding racist, Indian men are horrible. I had a professional looking one ask for my number and a date in my job parking lot. Immediately after getting my number he starts rubbing his penis and tells me he is so excited.

One before that on a first date from okc attempted to rip my top down to expose my breasts saying he just wanted to see what I had.

Another from okc I hadn't met yet was masturbating while meeting me on Skype.

They got 3 strikes. Never again.

ETA. The Skype one admitted that for the most part Indian men only "date" BW for sex. Their preference is either Indian or white women for rlshp. You have been warned.
*.~.*Sent from a distant Galaxy in the Unicorn-verse*.~.*
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To be blunt and not care about sounding racist, Indian men are horrible. I had a professional looking one ask for my number and a date in my job parking lot. Immediately after getting my number he starts rubbing his penis and tells me he is so excited.

One before that on a first date from okc attempted to rip my top down to expose my breasts saying he just wanted to see what I had.

Another from okc I hadn't met yet was masturbating while meeting me on Skype.

They got 3 strikes. Never again.

*.~.*Sent from a distant Galaxy in the Unicorn-verse*.~.*

damn shame!

before anyone asks, i can explain why i said what i said. as a general umbrella, if a woman were ever to say she wouldn't date black men because they have "issues" i would say that reasoning applies more to indian men than it does for black men. for real!

in my first encounters with indian men, they came off sort of rapey. i didnt really meet any until i started clubbing downtown (all the indians in my city live downtown because by and large they are wealthy). i remember i met this one dude and he kept telling me over and over he was a pediatrician (ok so what, in doctor world thats low bar :lol:). then he bought me a drink, i told him i wanted a ketel cran, and he ordered me two doubles :nono: like, could you be a little less obvious about getting me drunk beyond the point of consent? jesus. just thirsty.

i met another indian guy one night and he begged me to come back to his place. it was halloween and i was with girlfriends so at the end of the night we went back to hang out with him. that was cool, but when everyone went to sleep, if i had been less forceful he basically would have raped me. he physically tried to force himself on me. it was in a begging way, so it wasn't violent, but he was having a hard time taking no for an answer.

additionally, indian men seem really willing to lick your butthole :look:

the reason why i finally threw in the towel on indians is that my ex is indian, and i learned way too much. he didnt have the rape issue (he was sad about it because he knew a lot of women felt that way) and he was really smart, but he had too much race crap going on. i ended up feeling like he coveted whiteness to the point where he would jump at any opportunity to date a white girl, even when she was buttass ugly, had no personality, was fat, uneducated, and more or less a loser. he had dated a lot of white girls like that before he met me. in the end, i decided that he hated himself and hated being a brown person. he had assimilated as much as an non-american non-white person could, and i always felt like he was a much better representative of that kind of fractured racial identity than any black person i had ever met. i know we accuse black women here all the time of being self-hating but i have never really really seen a credible accusation like that on a black person in real life. naivete and stupidity and lack of knowledge, yes.... but not what i saw in my ex. i told him he better never date another black woman again and inflict that bs on them.

so yeah, long story short, even though sometimes i see indian guys who seem cool, im gonna have to take a pass.
ETA. The Skype one admitted that for the most part Indian men only "date" BW for sex. Their preference is either Indian or white women for rlshp. You have been warned.
*.~.*Sent from a distant Galaxy in the Unicorn-verse*.~.*

:yep: i can say for a fact that black women are not likely to be a preference for indian men. i think i was an "exception" for my ex because i was more attractive than any white woman he could have pulled. a white woman who was comparably attractive to me would never have dated him. basically, if i didnt have all those credentials to "win" i would have never been good enough for him based on compatibility alone (which is a shame because personality wise he is one of the most compatible men ive ever dated, and im probably THE most for him). i really believe if i were white he would have done everything in his power to marry me. i tried to deny this for awhile, because we discussed race and these issues frequently, and his denial made me want to believe it was true. but in the end, he did have these issues, and i wasnt respecting myself to pretend i didnt know.
bunnycolvin I added more to my story at the end about what one said on bw and Indian men

I agree. I've dated everything. And they are the ONLY ones that come off immediately rapey. Zero friggin respect. But if you read in off topic threads how they treat their own culture and the absolute acceptance of rape culture, including gang rape, then you get it.

No ma'am. Let the Indian and white women deal with them. Idgaf how Americanized they come off.

*.~.*Sent from a distant Galaxy in the Unicorn-verse*.~.*

wtheeeezyyyyy---ohhh helll nahhhhhhh
:nono::nono::nono::nono::nono: i wish a habibi wouldddd!!!! smgdh

To be blunt and not care about sounding racist, Indian men are horrible. I had a professional looking one ask for my number and a date in my job parking lot. Immediately after getting my number he starts rubbing his penis and tells me he is so excited.

One before that on a first date from okc attempted to rip my top down to expose my breasts saying he just wanted to see what I had.

Another from okc I hadn't met yet was masturbating while meeting me on Skype.

They got 3 strikes. Never again.

ETA. The Skype one admitted that for the most part Indian men only "date" BW for sex. Their preference is either Indian or white women for rlshp. You have been warned.
*.~.*Sent from a distant Galaxy in the Unicorn-verse*.~.*
I had a friend who dated an Indian man for years. He got her pregnant around the third year. With the news he disappeared Not wanting to get tied to a Negress and half Negress baby, he had his parents arrange a marriage. Called her to tell her he was married in india and have a nice life. He never met his child who is 20 now.

Hell to the no.

*.~.*Sent from a distant Galaxy in the Unicorn-verse*.~.*
He sounds down to earth. Great start! Good luck! :)

Girl, he asked me what I do which for some reason I hate it when guys ask that it sounds like I'm being interviewed. So even though he stated who he worked for I asked what he did for the company and I never got a response so either I expect him to get back to me tonight or I'll assume it's G14 classified and I'll never hear from him again.:lol:
I had a friend who dated an Indian man for years. He got her pregnant around the third year. With the news he disappeared Not wanting to get tied to a Negress and half Negress baby, he had his parents arrange a marriage. Called her to tell her he was married in india and have a nice life. He never met his child who is 20 now.

Hell to the no.

*.~.*Sent from a distant Galaxy in the Unicorn-verse*.~.*

:nono: protect black girls from indian men at all costs
I know you guys didn't mean to be funny but you're bringing the lols with these trife Indian men stories. G-14 classified?? lol

I did listen to DJ's previous post warning to stay far away lol but before I swore off online daring, one snuck through the cracks. He sent me a pic of what was clearly a Hispanic man but when I got there it was an Indian man who might have passed for a Hispanic guy but his accent told on him lmao. It took me a minute to see that wasn't him but before that he proceeds to tell me he wants to give me lots of money to go shopping and date me properly all while being incredibly aggressive and pervy... Grabbing at my blouse, trying to shove his fingers up my coos. I think I made tire marks because I drove off so fast.
I know you guys didn't mean to be funny but you're bringing the lols with these trife Indian men stories. G-14 classified?? lol

I did listen to DJ's previous post warning to stay far away lol but before I swore off online daring, one snuck through the cracks. He sent me a pic of what was clearly a Hispanic man but when I got there it was an Indian man who might have passed for a Hispanic guy but his accent told on him lmao. It took me a minute to see that wasn't him but before that he proceeds to tell me he wants to give me lots of money to go shopping and date me properly all while being incredibly aggressive and pervy... Grabbing at my blouse, trying to shove his fingers up my coos. I think I made tire marks because I drove off so fast.


my ex was sort of ethnically ambiguous. if he were an lhcf member, he would be one of the ones that constantly bragged about being asked if she was biracial :lol: initially i thought he was either middle eastern or indian, but he said he got mexican a lot... i dont think so :nono: he was one of the fair skinned indians but his features did not look hispanic, which are often sort of white passing imo.

if i had never dated an indian guy for myself, i would probably have to learn the hard way, and i know some of the ladies in this thread will. lets be real its hard to turn down that kind of money. the benefit$$$$ that came with dating my ex were pretty sweet. but one experience was enough :lol: