***Online Dating Support Thread***

I wonder what happens when I visit a profile then rate it on OK Cupid. Do they then put me in that person's quickmatch?

This hunk of a man visited my page so I responded in kind, then I just rated him on his page.
I'm having drinks tonight with a man I met on OKC. I'm not excited. But I never am lol. He only had one pic up, and he is handsome, but who knows when that pic was taken. We've spoken on the phone once though, and he appears to be a good conversationalist.
I wonder what happens when I visit a profile then rate it on OK Cupid. Do they then put me in that person's quickmatch?

This hunk of a man visited my page so I responded in kind, then I just rated him on his page.
I haven't been on there in a minute but I'm pretty sure they email you that the person rated you esp if you give them high star marks or something like that. It happened a few times to me and that's what happened iirc. If you just visit they can tell you went there even if you didn't rate it if they check last visitors or whatever they call that page.

I'm having drinks tonight with a man I met on OKC. I'm not excited. But I never am lol. He only had one pic up, and he is handsome, but who knows when that pic was taken. We've spoken on the phone once though, and he appears to be a good conversationalist.
Get excited its drinks and who knows this could be the one. I bet when you return you will tell us how you had the best time ever lol. Last time I went out for drinks with a girl though I was at drinkers downtown and we had a few 40s fun times. Thanks for that reminder about going out for drinks but enough about the 40s have a great time. If it doesn't work out which hopefully it will you got an inbox full of Ricky Rozays waiting for you :lol:
Get excited its drinks and who knows this could be the one. I bet when you return you will tell us how you had the best time ever lol. Last time I went out for drinks with a girl though I was at drinkers downtown and we had a few 40s fun times. Thanks for that reminder about going out for drinks but enough about the 40s have a great time. If it doesn't work out which hopefully it will you got an inbox full of Ricky Rozays waiting for you :lol:

Ha! You right, I always have those dudes to fall back on. I'm trying to get my mind right. I'm just getting to know a new person, and usually in non-dating contexts I love to get to know people.
I have a spontaneous date today lol. I won't tell y'all where it's at because you will laugh at me!

He is alright looking but has a pointy head!
Oh lawdy lawd! His head was not pointy in person. He was cute in the face and dressed by his mom for first grade picture day. Adorable in a please burn all your clothes type of way.

He was very upset with the service at the restaurant and it showed :(. He didn't tip and wrote poor service and some other nonsense on the receipt! I was mortified!

He made us say grace before we ate and he is a republican...

I'm happy I went and will never go out with him again. It was my first online dating experience and I literally laughed the whole time. He tried to get me to come home with him yea...no.

Woo cchile if y'all was flies on the wall!
wheresthehair I love how he MADE you say grace...and then tries to initiate sex at the end of the date. smh

My date was a fail too. He looks about 10 years older than his picture, with an almost all white beard. He was well dressed though.

If he is 6'0", then I must be 6'3" and not 5'11" like I thought I was.

I've been told on numerous occasions not to debate (I call it engaging dialogue) with my dates, but since I knew I wasn't interested, I had no problem engaging with him, especially when he started attacking my alma mater and other HBCUs. No sir.

He is way too rigid in his thinking, for me anyway. He started talking about people continuously sinning, I asked if that was just the human condition, and yet we are given Grace anyway....At least he was a gentleman throughout the evening. On to the next.
It didn't help that he smiled like a doofus. Reminded me of sling blade when he cheesed. Ugh. Not mad I was HIGHLY entertained.
Had a Date last Wed it was great until the end of the night. Very handsome guy from India, Technical Software Director and a side Web Application business. Picked me up on time, 15 years younger I was enjoying the date. He asked to kiss me and grew 4 more arms in the car trying to dig at my noni, awww Nope and Next.

Talked on the phone to another potential. Says he was 36 and fessed up he was 46. Body guard for the Stars. Great conversationalist a gentlemen seemly. He then made a dumb move.

Him Id like to ask you a personal question?
Me: Ok
Him: I always ask question for a particular reason.
Me: Don't we all?
Him: yhea.... Awww How Do You Feel about Phone Sex?
Me: Why is that important?
Him: Well I travel and I might be gone for 3 days to a month 1/2. .
Me: Well you said you hadn't had coloring in 4 years, So... hmmm what are you doing now to take care of that?

I mean really. really this dude had barely spoken to me over 2 hours. I ended the conversation. OHWELL NEXT AGAIN .
Had a Date last Wed it was great until the end of the night. Very handsome guy from India, Technical Software Director and a side Web Application business. Picked me up on time, 15 years younger I was enjoying the date. He asked to kiss me and grew 4 more arms in the car trying to dig at my noni, awww Nope and Next.

Talked on the phone to another potential. Says he was 36 and fessed up he was 46. Body guard for the Stars. Great conversationalist a gentlemen seemly. He then made a dumb move.

Him Id like to ask you a personal question?
Me: Ok
Him: I always ask question for a particular reason.
Me: Don't we all?
Him: yhea.... Awww How Do You Feel about Phone Sex?
Me: Why is that important?
Him: Well I travel and I might be gone for 3 days to a month 1/2. .
Me: Well you said you hadn't had coloring in 4 years, So... hmmm what are you doing now to take care of that?

I mean really. really this dude had barely spoken to me over 2 hours. I ended the conversation. OHWELL NEXT AGAIN .

What a sorry mess these men are :nono:
I hate it when guys email with a photo-less profile. He did offer to send me his photos but still.

EDIT: I got him to send me his photos. He doesn't understand what "jacked" means on OKCupid. He looks like average or plus a few pounds. I will just ignore him.
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Im meeting up with a new online date at a World Of Beer tonight. I met him on POF maybe a week and a half ago, we emailed daily for the first couple of days, then exchanged numbers and talked for a good hour last sunday. He texted me daily throughout and week and we made plans to hang out this saturday, and we chatted on the phone again Thursday. I must say, he is super sweet, and thoughtful. I need that in my life right now. No longer am I put forth a finger in chasing a man anymore. Lets hope all goes well. Im excited and nervous to meet him.
I hate it when guys email with a photo-less profile. He did offer to send me his photos but still.

EDIT: I got him to send me his photos. He doesn't understand what "jacked" means on OKCupid. He looks like average or plus a few pounds. I will just ignore him.

Wait. The last guy I was messaging on Okcupid had photos and his profile had 'jacked' too. I asked him why he had that on his profile. He said 'his friend' created his profile. He also said he didn't know what jacked meant. He was slightly overweight looking with dark skin.
Mind you he is in the UK but you never know........turned out to be craaazy.
My online date guy is sweet. We talked for about 3 hrs. Easy conversation. We have things in common. We are both vets. I am army, he is AF. We both grew up on the east coast of Fla. He is 3 years younger however. But it doesn't seem like a issue. He's pretty self sufficient from what I can tell. He really is a sweetheart. He asked to go out again halfway thru the date. Lol. I do like him.
But if I said he wasn't nerdy at all, I would be lying. It's not like he's a card carrying member if the geek squad. But, little things could be more to my liking. Like dress, hairstyle etc. But, he is attractive, or I never would have met up with him. Such is life I guess. I'm working on being less superficial, and being that typical person who keeps holding out for something better. You can never have it all. Gotta work with the lemons given to you. Lol.
I have another OKC date tonight. We haven't communicated much since we exchanged numbers because he preferred to meet in person to get to know each other, so I don't know what to expect. He's white, which technically isn't a problem, I've dated 'em all, however, he's born and raised in PA, and the white folks out here are a lot different than my west coast liberals I'm used to. (I know I'm generalizing, but I've found the racial dynamics here to be very "south-of-the-Mason-Dixon-Line-50-years-ago". At least the date is in my neighborhood at a low-key spot, so I don't feel much pressure.
My online date guy is sweet. We talked for about 3 hrs. Easy conversation. We have things in common. We are both vets. I am army, he is AF. We both grew up on the east coast of Fla. He is 3 years younger however. But it doesn't seem like a issue. He's pretty self sufficient from what I can tell. He really is a sweetheart. He asked to go out again halfway thru the date. Lol. I do like him.
But if I said he wasn't nerdy at all, I would be lying. It's not like he's a card carrying member if the geek squad. But, little things could be more to my liking. Like dress, hairstyle etc. But, he is attractive, or I never would have met up with him. Such is life I guess. I'm working on being less superficial, and being that typical person who keeps holding out for something better. You can never have it all. Gotta work with the lemons given to you. Lol.

Sounds like the date went well. Yes, we have to stop being superficial as you could pass up a good man because, 'you don't like his hair'. Def go on another date before making any decisions.