***Online Dating Support Thread***

After making a bunch of (lame!) excuses for why NOW wasn't the right time to activate an online profile, someone bluntly told me that I was dragging my feet for no good reason.

*sigh* He was right. I created an OKC profile, and uploaded some pictures. Now they're asking me all these never ending questions. Can anyone tell me how many questions you answered?
After making a bunch of (lame!) excuses for why NOW wasn't the right time to activate an online profile, someone bluntly told me that I was dragging my feet for no good reason.

*sigh* He was right. I created an OKC profile, and uploaded some pictures. Now they're asking me all these never ending questions. Can anyone tell me how many questions you answered?

I answered around 300 questions. The more you answer, the better your matches will be. My SO and I were a 99% match based on the questions.
You know what? In my very limited online dating experience thus far, I have found that telling myself that I'm going to meet up with a friend really helps. Mentally it takes the pressure off, when I re-frame it this way. I knew very early into the date that I was not interested in the OKC guy romantically but I just pretended that I was chatting with a friend :lol: and acted like my usual smiley/happy self and it was completely fine. The only awkward moment was at the end when he went in for a hug and I thought he might try to kiss me haha:lol: No sir!!

I Hugg all of them at the dates end. Unless it was something crazy. The key is to " Know What You Want", if you wish for a STD aka Something To Do that's what will show up. The very first date or shortly there after. I respond if I like them and want them to get to know me. In the other hand I have sent many of they " You are a nice man but I fell there's no Chemistry or connection."
After making a bunch of (lame!) excuses for why NOW wasn't the right time to activate an online profile, someone bluntly told me that I was dragging my feet for no good reason.

*sigh* He was right. I created an OKC profile, and uploaded some pictures. Now they're asking me all these never ending questions. Can anyone tell me how many questions you answered?

I answered about 25 at first and now I have answered about 55. But one thing I noticed is my % matches went down with the more questions I answered :ohwell:

I have yet to see anyone with a 90% or more match to me, and I really don't have any outlandish answers.
I'm lurking to see if anyone in DMV area had any luck, like other poster POF has just that fishy looking dudes out there.
I answered around 300 questions. The more you answer, the better your matches will be. My SO and I were a 99% match based on the questions.
But some of the questions are so odd!
*What does "wherefore" mean?
*Did America put a man on the moon? :look:
*If you take off your left glove and turn it inside out, what hand will it fit on?
Has anyone here joined any singles or coed Meetups? I want to go to both all female and coed Meetups. What's been your experience?
I hate when a guy wants a pic. I hate taking pics. A guy I like from pof always sends me pics. He asked for one yesterday and I told him I have plenty on pof. I think he is upset.
Another thing I don't want to give up on online dating but I joined in 2012 and still have no one. I am looking for a relationship.
Has anyone here joined any singles or coed Meetups? I want to go to both all female and coed Meetups. What's been your experience?
I belong to a few groups. There's a co-ed group where I participate in 1-2 events each year, and I do things with the ladies group 4-5 times a year.

It really depends on what area you're in and who's leading the group. At one event I heard someone complain that in her SoCal meetup groups, everyone became BFFs and she doesn't experience that with DC groups. I've met nice people and I've gone to some fun events, but I haven't made any connections with anyone that led to us hanging outside of the meetups.
Does anyone else get annoyed when a man sends you a message that just says "Hey", or "Hi"? I wonder if I am being too anal, but come on bruh, you couldn't muster up a complete sentence? I also can't stand the "hey sexxxy" messages. I don't bother replying.

I also get annoyed when really short guys contact me. I know I should eliminate men based on height, but I'm 5'11, and just this week I have received messages from a man who is 5'3, and another who is 5'2.
Does anyone else get annoyed when a man sends you a message that just says "Hey", or "Hi"? I wonder if I am being too anal, but come on bruh, you couldn't muster up a complete sentence? I also can't stand the "hey sexxxy" messages. I don't bother replying. I also get annoyed when really short guys contact me. I know I should eliminate men based on height, but I'm 5'11, and just this week I have received messages from a man who is 5'3, and another who is 5'2.

Any message that just says hey or hi means nothing. I didn't respond to those.

Sent from my iPad mini mini.
Does anyone else get annoyed when a man sends you a message that just says "Hey", or "Hi"? I wonder if I am being too anal, but come on bruh, you couldn't muster up a complete sentence? I also can't stand the "hey sexxxy" messages. I don't bother replying.

I also get annoyed when really short guys contact me. I know I should eliminate men based on height, but I'm 5'11, and just this week I have received messages from a man who is 5'3, and another who is 5'2.

someone has been doing this to me for the past 2-3 weeks. He might follow up with, "what are you doing?" But he never follows up with, "we should meet up". Lucky for him I am not super duper interested in him anyway. We dated in 2007 and he was uber cheap and we never went out. We recently reconnected and I thought things would be different, but I guess not.:perplexed
Briabiggles thank you! I started to second guess myself and wonder if I was being too picky. Good to know plenty others think the same. Those messages don't warrant a response
TopShelf yeah, after 2-3 weeks of communication he should step up a little. I've reconnected with old dates or old flames to see if things change. Usually I am just reminded why I stopped seeing them in the first place.
TopShelf yeah, after 2-3 weeks of communication he should step up a little. I've reconnected with old dates or old flames to see if things change. Usually I am just reminded why I stopped seeing them in the first place.

A guy that's truly interested will read your profile and send a message that is tailored to you. It won't be just some canned message that he can copy and paste to 20 women. :yep:

Sent from my iPad mini mini.
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Ceemarie82 I will never, ever, ever respond to a "hey, hi, how are you," or any other non creative message. Or one where it's a copy/paste resume. Also I'm tall too (5'10) so I see nothing wrong with height eliminating :lol:

On another note, I went on a date this weekend with this guy from pof. I saw that after we started messaging he took his photos down, and he just told me he deleted his account. I had a really good time with him..and I'm actually excited to get to know him. For people that know me, this is a very big deal because I rarely like anyone :ohwell:.

He's 6'5 (yummy!), speaks French (my dream language) and we're actually studying the same degree in grad school which is pretty cool. The only thing is he just broke up with his girlfriend a month ago which is really soon..
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Less than 48 hours into this adventure, and I've already received an 800+ word message (yes, I cut and pasted it into Word so I could get a word count), with no punctuation or paragraph breaks, filled with misspelled words, from someone with the profile name "SirA$$ALot". :lachen:
Less than 48 hours into this adventure, and I've already received an 800+ word message (yes, I cut and pasted it into Word so I could get a word count), with no punctuation or paragraph breaks, filled with misspelled words, from someone with the profile name "SirA$$ALot". :lachen:

800 WORDS....OMG!
I'm finding OKC to be very frustrating. I am contacted by a lot of men who are just WRONG (for me). Pics of them smoking weed, half naked pics, or they look like Rick Ross. I recognize that everybody needs love, and I am sure there are women out there who like those type of men, and I am not judging those women. However...Why do they contact me?! I made it very clear in my profile that I am a nerd, I like intellectual guys, and I am "quirky" (as my friends describe me). I have a sneaky suspicion that they aren't reading my profile and are only looking at my pics. Which brings me to another point, I never considered myself superficial, but I do want to be attracted to the person I will date. I think I am average looking, my friends tell me I am pretty, but decent looking guys ignore me online. If I was as beautiful as my friends say I am, I feel like I wouldn't be ignored. But anyways...

I have a date on Friday with the one normal guy I met on OKC. He is about 10 years older than me, although we look to be the same age based on his picture, and now I am wondering how recent the picture is. I looked him up on LinkedIn and he has the exact same pic.
I'm finding OKC to be very frustrating. I am contacted by a lot of men who are just WRONG (for me). Pics of them smoking weed, half naked pics, or they look like Rick Ross. I recognize that everybody needs love, and I am sure there are women out there who like those type of men, and I am not judging those women. However...Why do they contact me?! I made it very clear in my profile that I am a nerd, I like intellectual guys, and I am "quirky" (as my friends describe me). I have a sneaky suspicion that they aren't reading my profile and are only looking at my pics. Which brings me to another point, I never considered myself superficial, but I do want to be attracted to the person I will date. I think I am average looking, my friends tell me I am pretty, but decent looking guys ignore me online. If I was as beautiful as my friends say I am, I feel like I wouldn't be ignored. But anyways...

I have a date on Friday with the one normal guy I met on OKC. He is about 10 years older than me, although we look to be the same age based on his picture, and now I am wondering how recent the picture is. I looked him up on LinkedIn and he has the exact same pic.

its free so i don't mind. i just read the profiles and hit delete. okc is just one of various ways to meet men. i used to get frustrated when i only did online but it doesn't bother me anymore.

but you're right, they aren't reading the profiles
I'm finding OKC to be very frustrating. I am contacted by a lot of men who are just WRONG (for me). Pics of them smoking weed, half naked pics, or they look like Rick Ross. I recognize that everybody needs love, and I am sure there are women out there who like those type of men, and I am not judging those women. However...Why do they contact me?! I made it very clear in my profile that I am a nerd, I like intellectual guys, and I am "quirky" (as my friends describe me). I have a sneaky suspicion that they aren't reading my profile and are only looking at my pics. Which brings me to another point, I never considered myself superficial, but I do want to be attracted to the person I will date. I think I am average looking, my friends tell me I am pretty, but decent looking guys ignore me online. If I was as beautiful as my friends say I am, I feel like I wouldn't be ignored. But anyways...

I have a date on Friday with the one normal guy I met on OKC. He is about 10 years older than me, although we look to be the same age based on his picture, and now I am wondering how recent the picture is. I looked him up on LinkedIn and he has the exact same pic.
I would ask you friends if they trying to call you corny on the low :lol: One of my boys used that "quirky" tag on me and then proceeded to call me corny nerd dude because of it. After listening to him describe it though its more some of the things I like cause he the only person that says it at least openly. I also saw you say Rick Ross dudes but if you are still in Philly there's is plenty of dudes that fit that description here as I'm sure you are aware of. So from one "quirky" person to another good luck :lachen:
Dartagnan Ha! It's very possible quirky = corny. I definitely know I can be at times and some of them are cornballs themselves lol.

Yep, I'm still in Philly which does have a lot of those guys so I shouldn't be surprised. I just need to change my attitude about online dating. As was mentioned up thread, it's free and it's just another way to meet people, so I will remind myself of that.
I would ask you friends if they trying to call you corny on the low :lol: One of my boys used that "quirky" tag on me and then proceeded to call me corny nerd dude because of it. After listening to him describe it though its more some of the things I like cause he the only person that says it at least openly. I also saw you say Rick Ross dudes but if you are still in Philly there's is plenty of dudes that fit that description here as I'm sure you are aware of. So from one "quirky" person to another good luck :lachen:

I keep forgetting youre a man. ::sigh::