***Online Dating Support Thread***

Is it me or is POF infested with broke a$$ mofos - black and white. I mean dang.

This is true.. also believe it's demographics. I've talked trash about POF in the past based on what I have heard but decided to give it a try finally. I've been on it for a week and have had dates with two guys so far, Both are college educated and seem very nice so far. You get all types on the site.. so a lot of weaving out you have to do.
How the hell do these ninjas expect you to stay interested when they're not communicating regularly? I don't understand.

I hadn't heard from dude since I responded that I didn't drive so I definitely wasn't venturing out in the snow last weekend, so I stopped checking my messages (I have one email I use just for dating sites). I just happened to check it today and he emailed me 3 days ago, a little more than a week after our last exchange. I responded but at this point I'm like "whatever, man". :rolleyes:

It's too bad. He's a cutie, and it's definitely rare that I say that about dudes from online. But I just can't be bothered with stuff like this. If you're interested, then friggin act like it!
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i reactivated my profile, but took down all the text and only left up one photo. i linked to a different site with lots of my pics on it instead but tbh my look is in transition right now, so im deliberately slowing things down. i checked the stats on that account, someone who had me saved to favorites visited.... awwww. theyre in a different state tho, so boy please :lol:
does the PUA ish even work on black women? honestly

Years ago I was lurking a PUA message board and a guy asked this question. Most of the members agreed that PUA rarely works on black women because we tend to be more confident.

I briefly dated a guy (black) who would show up very late to dates (3 dates in all) and pull out the whole "I'm so busy" excuse each time. I was dumb and let it slide until I went to his apartment and saw all of these PUA-themed books lying around :nono:. I disappeared on him. I don't have time for games.
^If you have the link to that, I'd love to read it :lol:

Perhaps wishful thinking but i dont see any black woman falling for that crap esp the basic ish where tey try to down your looks and the women tries to prove to him that she is indeed worthy of his attention intead of telling him to gtfo :lol:
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I joined a few Meetup groups. So far, I have received two personal emails: one from a female who asked if I wanted to hangout this weekend. And another from a male who is requesting to get to know me better.
I agree with POF that is a lot weeding you have to go through. I have chatted with a few guys but none really intrest me.
How long do you communicate online( text, phone calls)until you meet?

Once I move onto phone communication, I usually get asked out during the first phone call.
Messaging online usually last for one or two ''conversations'. Any longer than that then I suspect their not really interested in meeting at all.
I'm newly single and really have the desire to try this dating thing again. I'm about to try the online thing for the first time and feeling a little nervous about putting myself out there in this way, but I feel that I need to just try it!

Do you ladies think that OkCupid is a decent place for a newbie?
I'm newly single and really have the desire to try this dating thing again. I'm about to try the online thing for the first time and feeling a little nervous about putting myself out there in this way, but I feel that I need to just try it!

Do you ladies think that OkCupid is a decent place for a newbie?

Yes OkCupid is a decent place. It didn't work out for me though so I just disabled my account.
Once I move onto phone communication, I usually get asked out during the first phone call.
Messaging online usually last for one or two ''conversations'. Any longer than that then I suspect their not really interested in meeting at all.

Guess I should stop talking and texting dude. It's been going on way too long.
Once I move onto phone communication, I usually get asked out during the first phone call.
Messaging online usually last for one or two ''conversations'. Any longer than that then I suspect their not really interested in meeting at all.
I think this way is the best. My 2 friends (they don't know each other) both did online dating. My friend that went through them quickly had a SO in less than 3 months. The other one went at a slower pace and kept running into disappearing acts. :nono:
I'm 4 days into online dating and so far I'm finding it a bit overwhelming. I decided to put up a profile on both okcupid and pof.

Okcupid has been ok, and I have spoken to a few men who I may be interested in going on a date with. The quality of the men and the messages I've received so far have been pretty good. POF is a mess. I have been absolutely inundated with messages but the quality has been awful, save for maybe 3 guys. I think I'll take the pof profile down and stick to okcupid.

The prospects so far, a nerdy but cute, young, engineer who recently moved to the area. I was able to find his linkedin and so far he seems legit. The second one is in IT, also younger than me and seems really funny, he's super tall and we plan to meet up soon to go skating. The third guy is a firefighter who's heavily into crossfit, which is something that I want to try.
Met this engineer online with mutual friends from same college 2+ months ago. We are reallly hitting it off. We hold hands when we talk :look: We've been figure skating, swing dancing, and just hanging around. He is a sweetheart and we get each other so well. We're making dinner together tomorrow (I'm doing cheesecake and he's making his famous chicken nuggets..lol). Still taking it slow though.

Oh and he's really hot btw :grin:
Okcupid is really nice. A lot of people from my college are on there so in my area it's not like it's entirely filled with weirdos. Just people who may be too busy to do the regular dating scene. There are definitely some gems.
I'm newly single and really have the desire to try this dating thing again. I'm about to try the online thing for the first time and feeling a little nervous about putting myself out there in this way, but I feel that I need to just try it!

Do you ladies think that OkCupid is a decent place for a newbie?

I met my current SO on okc. :yep: met a couple weirdos. Most were just regular men. I will use it again if I find myself single in the future
I know that I desire to find companionship (as painful as that is to admit). It has definitely been on my mind these past few weeks. However when I contemplate the possibility of creating a dating profile and putting myself out there in that way, the unanswered desire (which is near fantasy at this point) feels very real, upon which I find myself really second guessing if that is really what I want. So weird.

I signed up for okcupid today (huge step here lol). Let's see what happens....ehh.

Guess I should stop talking and texting dude. It's been going on way too long.

I usually move pretty fast to weed people out but I got hooked on this one guy. Talked for a whole month and then nothing. This was against my usual policy so I knew better, smh. I'm taking a little break but when I start back I will def stick to my usual program :yep:
I went on my first online date on Friday night. The guy is a volleyball player and working as a technologist. I was so nervous that I made plans with my girlfriends to see a movie right after the date so that I had an excuse for keeping it short. He was pretty nice, and we had a great conversation, and thankfully no awkward silences. He wants to go out again on Tuesday, which I agreed to. There were no sparks or anything (at least for me) but he's fun so I'll give it another try :)

On another note, this may have already been addressed but how do you ladies feel about sending the first message? I haven't sent any yet, but there's one man in particular that's profile has really intrigued me....
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Guy #1 from OkC, very attractive, no kids, sweet, maybe sincere. Was all in my ear about making such a good choice. Even had a wonderful date that lasted for 5 hours. Couple days go by and he's just responding to texts. I'm not one to chase, and I refuse to lower my value for any man. Deleted.
Guy #2 from Pof, two teenagers that he has custody of, one younger that he shares custody, teaches psychology, is doing a behavioral study, and working on his masters. Wonderful conversation and intelligence is a weakness of mine. But gets weird, gets ghost because of my inability to send a pic "bustin it wide open". ***. Deleted.
Guy #3 from Pof is 11 years my junior... Sigh... And so far has been the most genuine... Smh. But I will enjoy his company. Its refreshing... Lol
Guy #1 from OkC, very attractive, no kids, sweet, maybe sincere. Was all in my ear about making such a good choice. Even had a wonderful date that lasted for 5 hours. Couple days go by and he's just responding to texts. I'm not one to chase, and I refuse to lower my value for any man. Deleted.
Guy #2 from Pof, two teenagers that he has custody of, one younger that he shares custody, teaches psychology, is doing a behavioral study, and working on his masters. Wonderful conversation and intelligence is a weakness of mine. But gets weird, gets ghost because of my inability to send a pic "bustin it wide open". ***. Deleted.
Guy #3 from Pof is 11 years my junior... Sigh... And so far has been the most genuine... Smh. But I will enjoy his company. Its refreshing... Lol

....bustin....it....wide....*screams* What an absolute jerk
Guy #1 from OkC, very attractive, no kids, sweet, maybe sincere. Was all in my ear about making such a good choice. Even had a wonderful date that lasted for 5 hours. Couple days go by and he's just responding to texts. I'm not one to chase, and I refuse to lower my value for any man. Deleted.
Guy #2 from Pof, two teenagers that he has custody of, one younger that he shares custody, teaches psychology, is doing a behavioral study, and working on his masters. Wonderful conversation and intelligence is a weakness of mine. But gets weird, gets ghost because of my inability to send a pic "bustin it wide open". ***. Deleted.
Guy #3 from Pof is 11 years my junior... Sigh... And so far has been the most genuine... Smh. But I will enjoy his company. Its refreshing... Lol

I must be geriatric what the heck does "bustin it wide open mean?"
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