***Online Dating Support Thread***

I thing I can count on when it comes to men: If you sit there and allow them to just talk, they will proceed to tell on themselves.
So let me know if I was wrong because I don't feel guilty one bit. Planned a meetup Wednesday for this afternoon (Saturday) with this guy I briefly chatted with on POF. No further communication since then. In my mind, there was no communication or a confirmation convo the day before or even the morning of, I assumed it was a no go and continued on with my day. Then about 15 min prior to our scheduled meetup, he sends a txt sayings he's running late. I then txt him saying "oh didn't think we are still meeting since there was confirmation." He responses with comments about playing games and used the words p**sy and sh*t. First time a man (if we are going to refer to him as one) used those words to me. I'd like to think I dodged a bullet. I sent a msg "sounds like a plan. Good luck in your search" then got the block.[/QUOTE

You're correct! Dodge a crazy bullet
Hey Ladies here is my update from a guy I met on POF.

We started chatting before I went out of town for thanksgiving. We met in person for about 20 mins, it was a nice introduction with him.

He got married young, divorced w/a 6 yo dd, works two jobs (ft and pt), likes work out and seemed to have a good head on his shoulders. We didn't really chat that much execpt for a text here or there and then plans to meet up once I got back from trip. Well when I got home, I texted him and told him I got home safely etc. He didn't ask me more about my trip or anything. Then on last sunday we got into a car accident (not seriously injured just car done), he showed some concerned which was fine. Well last week we barely chatted but it was all good. We made plans to go to movies this past weekend. Then on Wednesday he was like he really wanted to meet up with me and I was like I could meet up with him for a hour or so since it was already late in the evening. Then he texts me that is okay, we can just meet up on the weekend. I was like ok that fine.

Now mind you, I knew he was also trying to see what other woman he could get with that night. My intuition was just going off that is what he was doing.

We have not texted or called each other since that exchange. I think it was kind of rude that he was doing that but since we were in a still getting to know you phase I can't really be upset. I am just like, you live and you learn. I didn't see us really connecting so on to the next one.
The golden rule is to treat others the way you would like to be treated. But I actually told him that he should treat others the way he would want his mother treated. He responded and said that he stated seriously seeing someone right after we met and that he didn't want to lead me on and that I'm everything he ever wanted but that the timing was bad. I am so insulted. He should have told me sooner. So basically he met me and that made him decide that he should commit to her? That makes me feel like crap. And then the whole "you're everything" fake flattery. If I was everything g he wouldn't have started seeing her more seriously. :( Another guy I was texting with dropped off the face of the earth after we had a nice chat and he was texting his butt off for over an hour. Then poof gone. Ladies I have officially retired. I hope 10 cats are in the mail for me.

I can understand your last statement but I constantly remind myself that we have to meet some frogs to get to our prince. I swear I am tired of these frogs though :lachen:
I joined POF (again) last night and I have already been found by three guys I've either dated or exchanged messages with in the past... Sigh
In the process of making plans to meet up with the Professor and I am damn near giddy.

But get this. He doesn't do social media, he does not own a cell phone and does not believe in platonic relationships...I am kind of intrigued by his individuality.
In the process of making plans to meet up with the Professor and I am damn near giddy. But get this. He doesn't do social media, he does not own a cell phone and does not believe in platonic relationships...I am kind of intrigued by his individuality.

No cell phone? That's just crazy.

Sent from my iPad mini mini.
In the process of making plans to meet up with the Professor and I am damn near giddy.

But get this. He doesn't do social media, he does not own a cell phone and does not believe in platonic relationships...I am kind of intrigued by his individuality.

I know someone like this too, interestingly he is an intellectual as well. I dig it, and I get it myself. Have fun :)
Why are these Eddie Murphy looking black men listing themselves as "Mixed Race"? Does that get them more hits online or what?

OMG!!!!! to funny.

I came across a dude that set up a fake Jerome accont on POF and then another guy had as his leading pic some crusty, blackend toes :perplexed
I like this guy way too much to not have met him yet. He has already changed my prospective on a few things.

I can't wait until our date next week!

I am supposed to go I a date with a wm today from okc....we have fun conversations but I think he is a little immature and I decided not to waste anymore time on him. He called me "son" and I had to check him
Aww... I canceled dinner with my OKC cutie because I had to write a paper..so he brings me cupcakes and drives me home from work. Going to a Wizards game on Saturday...I like :)
Wow, so I’m being ignored by someone I just went out with. I mean, how old are we again?

I went to an art museum this past Saturday with a guy that I’ve known for a little less than a year from POF and seemingly had a great time. He gushed over how I looked, asked all the right questions, held my hand and we had a passionate kiss goodnight.

All sounds great right? But I haven’t heard from him since that night. He was seriously on my mind, but I really didn’t want to make the first move and text him first. Shouldn’t that be his job? Anyway, I text him this yesterday evening:

“Hey. You just ran across my mind a moment ago. I’d love to see you again before you leave for your trip :)

Absolutely no response.

Today I see that he’s posted a picture of him at dinner so I write today:

“Thanks for the text back. I guess that’s a no then :) Too bad…take care of yourself!”

This is someone I’ve known for quite a while, that doesn’t even have the decency to even respond back. I would rather he write that he’s no longer interested than for him actually ignore me like my black a$$ is invisible.

His phone number just got deleted and his butt just got blocked on Facebook. I’m so done.

one guy i chatted with like probably a year ago now has a "couples" profile with some little racially ambiguous girl, looking for their unicorn. funnily enough, her profile is the one that viewed me. i talked to that guy probably like once, and thats what ended up happening to him. weird things happen on the internets.
Haven't heard from dude since this day. I know he works and is in school, but considering I'm still trying to move on from someone who had no time for me, this isn't something I'm willing to entertain again. So that's that. I'm actually probably gonna step back from trying to date, again.:rolleyes: My life is just too much of a mess and this really isn't what I should be focusing my time and energy on. I'm lonely as hell but I'll have to find some other way to get through it.

This ninja text me last night talking about he's sorry for disappearing, school and work, blah, blah, blah, but school Is done for the semester. I deleted that ish and went right back to watching "Grey's".
Dang that sucks :ohwell: Y'all gotta start moving in silence though. Don't text back after he dips! He didn't say anything before he disappeared so you don't either :yep:

Wow, so I’m being ignored by someone I just went out with. I mean, how old are we again?

I went to an art museum this past Saturday with a guy that I’ve known for a little less than a year from POF and seemingly had a great time. He gushed over how I looked, asked all the right questions, held my hand and we had a passionate kiss goodnight.

All sounds great right? But I haven’t heard from him since that night. He was seriously on my mind, but I really didn’t want to make the first move and text him first. Shouldn’t that be his job? Anyway, I text him this yesterday evening:

“Hey. You just ran across my mind a moment ago. I’d love to see you again before you leave for your trip :)

Absolutely no response.

Today I see that he’s posted a picture of him at dinner so I write today:

“Thanks for the text back. I guess that’s a no then :) Too bad…take care of yourself!”

This is someone I’ve known for quite a while, that doesn’t even have the decency to even respond back. I would rather he write that he’s no longer interested than for him actually ignore me like my black a$$ is invisible.

His phone number just got deleted and his butt just got blocked on Facebook. I’m so done.

SMH at this dude trying to get me to come tonight. Talking about the snow "probably won't be too crazy". :rolleyes:

Not my fault your schedule sucks and today's your only day off.
This ninja text me last night talking about he's sorry for disappearing, school and work, blah, blah, blah, but school Is done for the semester. I deleted that ish and went right back to watching "Grey's".

Noone is so busy they can't so much as send a text. I bet he had another potential that dropped off and now he wants to pick up where he left off.
Noone is so busy they can't so much as send a text. I bet he had another potential that dropped off and now he wants to pick up where he left off.

That's what I'm saying. I'm sure there are plenty of people in the world who work and go to school but still manage to keep in touch. In fact, I know a few. Miss me with all that.
Dang that sucks :ohwell: Y'all gotta start moving in silence though. Don't text back after he dips! He didn't say anything before he disappeared so you don't either :yep:

I agree..also having lots of options helps :) especially if it's the first date don't take it too hard on yourself.
okay ladies i'm confused, please help:

I just met a guy on OKC. we've been chatting a bit and are going out tomorrow evening, because I had a date scheduled for today before he asked me out. I didn't go on the date tonight b/c of a cold. so i cancelled that one. hopefully i'll feel better tomorrow.

anyway, the guy from OKC texted today to confirm and we set a time etc. then he said "did you have to work today?" ... how do i answer that? I didn't have to work today, no. it's saturday.

then he said "we can go out tonight and tomorrow night if you want"

i dont know what that turned me off. it just seemed clingy. we've never talked on the phone or met. and you want to know if i worked today and what i'm doing and if we can meet tonight AND tomorrow? geesh.

i got the feeling he was feeling me out to see if i'm dating? but we met on OKC isn't it obvious people date more than one person?

^^^ Tell him you're just chilin tonight but you're looking forward to seeing him tomorrow.

He doesn't need any other information about what you're doing at this point in time.
okay ladies i'm confused, please help:

I just met a guy on OKC. we've been chatting a bit and are going out tomorrow evening, because I had a date scheduled for today before he asked me out. I didn't go on the date tonight b/c of a cold. so i cancelled that one. hopefully i'll feel better tomorrow.

anyway, the guy from OKC texted today to confirm and we set a time etc. then he said "did you have to work today?" ... how do i answer that? I didn't have to work today, no. it's saturday.

then he said "we can go out tonight and tomorrow night if you want"

i dont know what that turned me off. it just seemed clingy. we've never talked on the phone or met. and you want to know if i worked today and what i'm doing and if we can meet tonight AND tomorrow? geesh.

i got the feeling he was feeling me out to see if i'm dating? but we met on OKC isn't it obvious people date more than one person?

I just think he wants to see you in person and that's why he asked what you were doing. I don't see no harm in that unless he craaaazy :lol:

^^^ Tell him you're just chilin tonight but you're looking forward to seeing him tomorrow.

He doesn't need any other information about what you're doing at this point in time.
All this
^^^ Tell him you're just chilin tonight but you're looking forward to seeing him tomorrow.

He doesn't need any other information about what you're doing at this point in time.

Thanks. Its just so tricky juggling a few people. I've never done it before.
the last date I went out with seemed to be feeling that out as well, and he got mad when he found out I had not worked on a Monday (which was a holiday) yet told him I couldn't go out with him (i wasn't with another guy, I just had personal things to do)

so ... seems to be d*#^ if I do and D*** if I dont. When i'm seeing one at a time and am readily available, they don't like it. If i'm busy and they have to wait-- they don't like it!!!

how do you guys deal with this? and isn't it true you should never tell them you're going out on a date with someone else?
Thanks. Its just so tricky juggling a few people. I've never done it before.
the last date I went out with seemed to be feeling that out as well, and he got mad when he found out I had not worked on a Monday (which was a holiday) yet told him I couldn't go out with him (i wasn't with another guy, I just had personal things to do)

so ... seems to be d*#^ if I do and D*** if I dont. When i'm seeing one at a time and am readily available, they don't like it. If i'm busy and they have to wait-- they don't like it!!!

how do you guys deal with this? and isn't it true you should never tell them you're going out on a date with someone else?

I dont give specifics of when Im going out with other people, but I do let it be known Im dating other people. I used to feel like this was common knowledge...but I dated a guy once who was kind of hurt when he found out I was dating other people. So I always make sure its clear
I dont give specifics of when Im going out with other people, but I do let it be known Im dating other people. I used to feel like this was common knowledge...but I dated a guy once who was kind of hurt when he found out I was dating other people. So I always make sure its clear
Yeah I think this is fair since personally I don't "talk" to multiple girls in that manner. If I'm trying to date a girl that's who I'm talking to. If the other person is doing so I think they should at least let me make my own decision on if I'm cool with that situation or not.
Thanks. Its just so tricky juggling a few people. I've never done it before.
the last date I went out with seemed to be feeling that out as well, and he got mad when he found out I had not worked on a Monday (which was a holiday) yet told him I couldn't go out with him (i wasn't with another guy, I just had personal things to do.

I would tread lightly with this dude. Him trying to monopolize your free time AND getting mad cuz it's not working concerns me.
Yeah I think this is fair since personally I don't "talk" to multiple girls in that manner. If I'm trying to date a girl that's who I'm talking to. If the other person is doing so I think they should at least let me make my own decision on if I'm cool with that situation or not.

Dartagnan ......And what would be your next move if you really liked the girl but wasn't cool with her dating others? Would you make a move to be exclusive or would that news put you off?