***Online Dating Support Thread***

omggg i am howlinggggggg lmaooooooooo bwtn this and the pebble thread--im so done with lhcf right now...

his first date should read....

romantic bullet proof glass partition or commissary fund!!!
Went on a date last night with this engineer and he actually tried to hold my leftover food hostage to ensure that I would see him for a second date at his house at which time I am assuming he would...heat it up?!:lol:
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Went on a date last night with this engineer and he actually tried to hold my leftover food hostage to ensure that I would see him for a second date at his house at which time I am assuming he would...heat it up?!:lol:

Im not sure if I should laugh or be scared
Am I the only one secretly hoping she will spill the details?

Raising my hand. :-)

Basically the guy had serious anger and drink issues. He turned up 3 hours before the time we agreed to meet and then called me to demand I come and meet him. When I told him I wasn't available until the time we had agreed he yelled at me. I hung up on him and had no intention of going to meet him. But then my friend convinced me to go and he called me to apologise and so I stupidly went ahead with the date.

We met for drinks and he was very charming, conversation flowed easily as we had lots in common and there seemed to be some chemistry between us. I noticed he was drinking a lot, he stunk of whisky and the more he drank the more tactile he became. I suggested we move on to the restaurant as we had planned in hopes he would stop drinking. However he said he wasn't ready to move on yet. He just became more inappropriate and when I told him that he was making me uncomfortable and was drinking too much he got really angry.

He started shouting about how he was sick of people telling him what to do and as a doctor he knows better than me when he's had enough. Then he went to stand up and kind of fell into the table causing the drinks to spill all over me. He was really apologetic once again and tried to pat my dress with his hands, at first I thought he was trying to help me dry it but then realised he was just trying to cop a feel. I was angry as hell, I told him I was going home, I got my stuff and headed to the ladies room to try and dry my dress.

He started calling after me talking about we should go for dinner and he tried to follow me into the ladies room. One of the security guards spotted him and kicked him out of the bar. He was yelling and swearing and then stood outside the bar yelling my name. Everyone was looking at me and I could have died of shame. I went to the ladies to try and dry my dress and then left via another exit and made my way home.

He tried to contact me several times after that and left me a few apologetic messages but I did not respond. He seems to have taken the hint and has stopped trying to contact me.

On the positive side I'm sure I won't be unlucky enough to have another date as bad as that so the only way is up now....I hope. :look:
Basically the guy had serious anger and drink issues. He turned up 3 hours before the time we agreed to meet and then called me to demand I come and meet him. When I told him I wasn't available until the time we had agreed he yelled at me. I hung up on him and had no intention of going to meet him. But then my friend convinced me to go and he called me to apologise and so I stupidly went ahead with the date.

For the love of Jesus, dump this friend.

A friend who can watch or hear about a man calling and yelling that you come and see him 3 hrs before the date and still tell you to go is either a frenemy or a lunatic.
For the love of Jesus, dump this friend.

A friend who can watch or hear about a man calling and yelling that you come and see him 3 hrs before the date and still tell you to go is either a frenemy or a lunatic.

I swear, this was my first thought.

No, no and hell no.
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MochaMooch just out of curiosity did your friend feel bad when you let her know what happened? Im still floored at her answer. My bff tells me to forgot about dudes when they even take too long to text back :lol:
@MochaMooch just out of curiosity did your friend feel bad when you let her know what happened? Im still floored at her answer. My bff tells me to forgot about dudes when they even take too long to text back :lol:

Yes she felt bad when she found out about the date. In her defence I didn't tell her that he had yelled at me. I just told her that he had turned up 3 hours early and was expecting me to meet him and that I thought he was rude.

I had been making excuses all week to not go on this date mostly because I was nervous (what if he thought I looked nothing like my pictures, what if he was crazy etc) but also because I just didn't really feel excited about going. I think when I told her that he had been rude she just thought it was me being nervous again and trying to find another excuse not to go.

Earlier in the year I encouraged her to try online dating and I encouraged her to give several guys a chance who she initially wasn't interested in. One of those guys is now her boyfriend who she is very much in love with and treats her very well and so I think she felt that she was trying to do the same thing for me.

At the end of the day I don't blame her, alarm bells were ringing loud and clear for me to hear and so I have no one to blame but myself.
ok are dudes suppose to vent on an online dating site... :perplexed...

Me: Hope your day was good

Him: It sucks I just came out a meetin and I had to shake things up... I hate when people think a something is a good idea because of one person...

hmmm, he started off to be a cool dude... Steps back... Lol
Yes! I have big titties! As you can see from my %)#*:@!$ pictures! WHY do you think its appropriate to mention this to me? POF sucks, yall.
Opened an account for the 50-11th time. Post my pic. Got this message within 5 minutes. I didn't even write my profile yet.


How are you? Nice meeting you here. Liked your simple and honest profile. You are looking beautiful. Surely you have impressive eyes, smile and hair.

I am open-minded, fun loving and enjoy the life in all it's forms. Comfortable indoors as well as outdoors. I like to laugh, don't take myself too seriously and like to travel. Do you date outside of your race? How is your week so far? Any plans for the weekend? Had any Halloween fun? Reply, if you are interested to explore further.

Have a great one!

Keep smiling
Wait, so OKCupid tells you every single time one person visits your page???
Great, I can't stalk, I mean, visit a page more than once I see.
So I made a mistake in emailing some dude, and his response was like "read read read, if you are darker than a banana skip this profile" I am really paraphrasing here, but it gave me my morning laugh... you sometimes really do have to have thick skin out here... :perplexed
So I made a mistake in emailing some dude, and his response was like "read read read, if you are darker than a banana skip this profile" I am really paraphrasing here, but it gave me my morning laugh... you sometimes really do have to have thick skin out here... :perplexed

Lol, not a banana
Anyone come across people just looking for friends? Why would you join OK Cupid to look for friends? And if you are, why would you contact people of the other sex that have serious dating checked on their profile?
TwoSnapsUp, on the settings tab, you can make it so that no one sees you checking them out. Also, you won't be able to see anyone who checked out your profile.

I actually want the guys to know I look at there profile.

I don't send messages to any of the guys. 99% of the time if I look at their profile they end up sending me a message. This is the way I allow them to initiate interest without me making the first move.

I've been pretty successful so far with accumulating tons of dates.