***Online Dating Support Thread***

I was browsing the pof profiles (I have deleted my account so was just looking) and came across a face I recognised. I worked in the same office as him and he left about 4 months ago.

He was always sniffing around me but I made it clear I wasn't interested - seemed a little creepy, came across as a player and I wasn't attracted to him.

Things I know about him....
45 years old
2 children
In a long term relationship

His profile...
35 years old
His pic was at least 10 years old
Children - prefer not to say.
I am looking to casually date. Work is hard and I need some light relief.

What is it about pof that attracts soooo many liars and players?
Fine. I just can't quit match! haha.

Anyways I have about 2 fine men who have contacted me. One found me and the other I winked at him.

I have a drinks date tomorrow. Not too attracted to him, but he seems interested (read not too attractive) and stable so I will give him a chance.
Well after giving it a try for 2 1/2 months(POF) online dating. I hid my profile today. Just really on burn out.

I do have 2 that are still around and some that were still trying to hit me up and go out. But I'm just really kind of want to take a break.

The 2 I still have around:

#1-I was the most interested and attracted to him. He's over 6'0 tall, college educated, from the south, he is older 42 year old, no kids, Has his own house and car, Attends Church, seems very settled and very intelligent. We live a distance from each other but we always meet half way and we've been out on at least 6 dates and officially met in July but talked at the end of June over the phone. I guess the only question I have is where is it leading, because we have never gotten to that part. I like that when my family was in town he understood and wanted me to spend time with them. Also we can talk for only 15 minutes and the convo is really nice. We sometimes role play on the phone(like a Nephew Tommy) and it keeps the convo interesting and keeps both of us laughing. Maybe i just need to come out and ask him what he is seeking. I'm not trying to rush anything but would like to know that we are on the same page. I guess I'm questioning this one because I still see him online.

#2-Is just straight up annoying he's from Florida like myself, he talks really fast, a college graduate, a project manager. We have talked alot through texting but haven't went out. But for some reason to me is just annoying.

So any advice you ladies may have I'm open to it especially on the 1st one. Not too worried about the 2nd one.
My...uh... Almost boyfriend's friend swears by howaboutwe.com. Anyone try that site?

*.~.*Sent from a distant Galaxy in the Unicorn-verse*.~.*
My...uh... Almost boyfriend's friend swears by howaboutwe.com. Anyone try that site?

*.~.*Sent from a distant Galaxy in the Unicorn-verse*.~.*

Does the friend have a girlfriend? Did he meet her on that site? I'm presuming it's a he.
Just that every time I hear a man recommending a dating site it's because the site has lots of women who are prepared to 'hook up'....kind of like pof.
It is a 35yo man looking for a wife. He just boo'd up with someone from that site after about 3 months of CONSTANT dates.

What the site is is someone suggests an ideal date, potentials respond, if agreed y'all go on that persons suggested outing. The outings can be blind as well, like I see broadcast notifications from the app on my phone to do a date right then with their suggestion. Im not down for that but others may be more adventurous.


*.~.*Sent from a distant Galaxy in the Unicorn-verse*.~.*
I just read the profile of a guy who recently emailed me. This disclaimer was at the bottom of his profile.:

"*I believe it sad that I have to say this but if you are in fact a different race from you and I message you. Just tell me not interested and not tell me "Oh I'm sorry I don't like black guys cause they are too rough" or "Don't message me (racial slur inserted here)" There really is no point to any of that. Its not the 1950s anymore people."

I just paid for a 6 months subscription on Match.com
Ugggh I need to go on dates....I feel like I'm rotting away over here lol.

i saw a girl on tumblr that i met irl from lhcf. apparently she is internet famous! i told bf omg omg look i know this girl she is internet famous! and i showed him the post and he was like SHE MESSAGED ME ON OKCUPID. and im like WUT SHOW IT TO ME but apparently he regularly deletes his inbox when it fills up OMG I WOULD HAVE DIED TO SEE IT LAWL (but also apparently it was a while ago)
This dude black as night on match put that he is mixed with black and white backgrounds. I guess he is trying to apply the one drop rules for whiteness. Pass.
This dude black as night on match put that he is mixed with black and white backgrounds. I guess he is trying to apply the one drop rules for whiteness. Pass.

tbh as a rule i ignore all black men that to my eyes look entirely monoracial yet list themselves as more than one ethnicity.

i saw a girl on tumblr that i met irl from lhcf. apparently she is internet famous! i told bf omg omg look i know this girl she is internet famous! and i showed him the post and he was like SHE MESSAGED ME ON OKCUPID. and im like WUT SHOW IT TO ME but apparently he regularly deletes his inbox when it fills up OMG I WOULD HAVE DIED TO SEE IT LAWL (but also apparently it was a while ago)

So a girl from LHCF was on OKCupid....what is wrong with that?
This weekend is free communication on chemistry. I met my last bf on there. I am still leery of online dating but giving it a shot again.
I tried to wink and email several different men and many of them looked at my profile but weren't interested. I had a United Nations group too!

The two attractive guys have fallen off but this other guy expressed some interest. But I think he is just passing his time.
Got a message from a dude on OK Cupid. This is his profile. :look:

If you would enjoy the company of strong African American men.
Also I prefer women of color African, African-American, African-Asian, African-Latina, Southeast Asian, Indian, Latina, or Native American.. Or any other brown to dark skin groups.. Contrary to the whitewashing I see with other folks of color I do not think WHITE SKIN IS THE EPITOME OF BEAUTY ..SADLY I NOTICE MAJORITY WOMEN OF COLOR IN AMERIKKKA WANT TO BE WHITE OR DATE WHITE... IF YOU ARE A PERSON OF COLOR WHO IS NOT A "BRAIN WASHED" PERSON FEEL FREE TO HIT ME UP..I AM NOT A RACIST BUT THE BIGGEST FORM OF RACISM TODAY IN THE WORLD IS SELF HATE AND SADLY I SEE THAT A LOT IN WOMEN OF COLOR WHO BEEN MEDIA INFLUENCED OF WHAT BEAUTY IS ...

How you gonna proclaim your love for women of color in one breath, then make such a sweeping generalization about them the next?

Ugh. I should get over my dislike of cats, pretty sure I'm gonna have a house full of em one day.
Have I just wasted my money????

The black men on Match.com are awful.
About 7 messages in total
1 from an attractive white guy my age who dropped off after I replied.
3 Old white men
2 Old black men
1 Black man who messaged me and then took 2 days to reply to my message.

Hardly any views.
Joined match.com for a whole 20 minutes, then I deleted my account. ;0/. I just can't seem to like this whole online dating scene.

Maybe I need to try another site.
Match is so terrible. just a POS

And when you cancel, watch your account. They continued to bill me despite my complaints to them and paypal. my username no longer even existed on that site. they finally put a stop to it, though.
I started to wink at the older gentlemen who seem to have successful careers. They actually respond with enthusiasm.

These guys keep themselves in shape and many are divorced (didn't someone say divorced dudes are the best?). I just will try to not think about age. 45 is the highest though, that is a good 9 or 10 years younger than my parents.
Match is so terrible. just a POS

And when you cancel, watch your account. They continued to bill me despite my complaints to them and paypal. my username no longer even existed on that site. they finally put a stop to it, though.

I agree I want my money back. It appears for the Chicagoland area, all the cute men aren't on match. Such a waste of money
I started to wink at the older gentlemen who seem to have successful careers. They actually respond with enthusiasm.

These guys keep themselves in shape and many are divorced (didn't someone say divorced dudes are the best?). I just will try to not think about age. 45 is the highest though, that is a good 9 or 10 years younger than my parents.

I may have to look at divorce older men and men with a child. I haven't had any luck funding the opposite.

Le sigh
Advice please
I have been messaging this guy on Match.com for about 1 week. he is slow to respond to message, like once a day. Every message he sends is very detailed - just about hobbies and interests mainly. We seem to have alot in common.
Today he sent a message asking if we could email each other on personal email and gave me his email address. He didn't say why.
This is a new one on me, I usually get offered a mobile number.

What does this mean? Should I ask him why or just email him? Is he stalling or just being careful?
