***Online Dating Support Thread***

me and my crush didn't make it to our first date. he rejected me because of some traumatic things I went through in my past but he did tell me he was falling for me, he cared for me and I was above average. Obviously I wasn't good enough though.

we're both pretty devastated because he put a freeze on his profile and I've been crying all day. it was heartbreaking. I even offered him friendship but he said he can't erase his feelings and it'll hurt too much.

Its funny because he kept putting up this facade how he never shows his emotions but dude probably fell in love after the first conversation :lol: I never told him this but I could tell when he started to get excited about a particular topic that we shared a common interest in then he caught himself and went back to being calm cool and collect. :lachen:

I resent him for not going with his heart and choosing love but it is what it is. I'll miss him but I'm done with the online dating.

newports, I don't understand, though.

Was it something that was having a negative effect on your relationship with him? Because if not, it's odd that he would hold it against you if he cares as much as he claims.
newports, I don't understand, though.

Was it something that was having a negative effect on your relationship with him? Because if not, it's odd that he would hold it against you if he cares as much as he claims.

In my eyes, it wouldn't have had a negative effect if we would've worked together but he said he met a woman who went through a similar situation and it ended badly so he saw it as a red flag and ran. His whole motto was it's all or nothing but that was BS.

He probably thought I was this super amazing person (i am) because we matched so well but then when I revealed my past, I turned into a monster.

I basically scared that man.
In my eyes, it wouldn't have had a negative effect if we would've worked together but he said he met a woman who went through a similar situation and it ended badly so he saw it as a red flag and ran. His whole motto was it's all or nothing but that was BS.

He probably thought I was this super amazing person (i am) because we matched so well but then when I revealed my past, I turned into a monster.

I basically scared that man.

Sone men run from "heavy" stuff. Better to find out now rather than later. I'm sorry though....
In my eyes, it wouldn't have had a negative effect if we would've worked together but he said he met a woman who went through a similar situation and it ended badly so he saw it as a red flag and ran. His whole motto was it's all or nothing but that was BS.

He probably thought I was this super amazing person (i am) because we matched so well but then when I revealed my past, I turned into a monster.

I basically scared that man.

You did nothing wrong. People have pasts, and sometimes they're not all roses. Just because a situation is similar doesn't mean the outcome is definitely gonna be the same.

This is one of my biggest pet peeves, when you trust someone enough to be honest with them and they throw it in your face or use it against you. I'm sorry this happened to you, but I agree with crlsweetie912, I think this was your red flag about the type of person he really is.
All it is is a lesson for the one that won't run, the real match for you. Someone who cares wouldn't judge you or throw it in your face. It's a little immature to me. No worries, dodges a bullet. (Hugs)

However, going forward don't share heavy stuff with anyone until you can safely predict (as best as possible) how invested they are or whether they will run.

The ex did the same to me. However, it was an excuse to me, he wasn't really into me like he wanted me to believe.
Guy approached me online. Seemed cool. Now I see he has a Match page, POF (how we met), 2 Facebook pgs (and fan Club)and God knows what else. All of them show off his 8 pack. :look: Trying not to judge but. ..
*** men. My rant for today. Lol. It is so funny how the one you like, talk to, vibe with, don't put in as much effort, but your second runner up, or your rejected from the stands, never stood a chance man, is the main one trying to put n work.

Men like to chase huh? Well I'll let him chase then...smh we gotta play games with grown folks....
I went on date last night to a local Mexican restaurant. Why did this man break out in a shirt drenching sweat after eating enchiladas with green sauce (I had the same) and became loopy/drunk after 1 margarita. Smh. Poor guy. Can't hang.
Found a groupon for match, I have a profile again. Already see someone that I met before on that site.

Already looking like the same ole song and dance.
This guy winked at me becaused I viewed his profile. I decided not to wink initially because he has this photo that says "I have big boobs, get over it". Haha. He is muscular but he has excess breast tissue so they are quite puffy.
I got asked out on a date. So yay! I like athletic and toned men and every dude on match thinks that they fit that choice. He also believes this.

Oh where did he suggest? Ihop...yeah. My town maybe towny but we have some better unique places to eat. I guess I should had suggested that. But dang it he is supposed to impress me. Whatever, I like pancakes anyways. Now what do I wear to Ihop? Surely not something overly nice?
I got asked out on a date. So yay! I like athletic and toned men and every dude on match thinks that they fit that choice. He also believes this.

Oh where did he suggest? Ihop...yeah. My town maybe towny but we have some better unique places to eat. I guess I should had suggested that. But dang it he is supposed to impress me. Whatever, I like pancakes anyways. Now what do I wear to Ihop? Surely not something overly nice?

:nono: Call me bougie, but I would not entertain a dude who suggested taking me to IHOP on a first date. I mean, thats not even trying.
:nono: Call me bougie, but I would not entertain a dude who suggested taking me to IHOP on a first date. I mean, thats not even trying.

No not boogie at all, I think his approach is wack as well. I will just enjoy some pancakes, I will wear jeans though. Just a normal day.

On another note this dude just liked or winked at me:
His profile

Im brandon 25 yo blk male i work full time I love to laugh and have fun and I fix computers. I work full time cleaning floors. I would like a woman that I can be myself around I perfer a white woman but all other race are welcomed depend on the way she act. I dont like woman that are really ghetto some ghetto is fine but not too much If you intersted in me please send me a message and dont be shy
Well the Ihop guy was nice. Nothing remarkable about him. He has many attributes that I want in a man. I just feel like I should feel something, and I don't.

I have been brainwashed from Hollywood love stories.
Well the Ihop guy was nice. Nothing remarkable about him. He has many attributes that I want in a man. I just feel like I should feel something, and I don't.

I have been brainwashed from Hollywood love stories.

You know, not to get too tangenty, but we all have! I realize this fantasy world is a major problem with online dating on both the m and f sides.... Sometimes, unless there's major red flags, ppl just grow on you if you stick around...if there's a mild attraction it can blossom, explaining how friends sometimes become lovers.

That statement was not specific to you Keshie just my personal observations. I mean no mal intent.

*.~.*Sent from a distant Galaxy in the Unicorn-verse*.~.*
No not boogie at all, I think his approach is wack as well. I will just enjoy some pancakes, I will wear jeans though. Just a normal day.

On another note this dude just liked or winked at me:
His profile

Im brandon 25 yo blk male i work full time I love to laugh and have fun and I fix computers. I work full time cleaning floors. I would like a woman that I can be myself around I perfer a white woman but all other race are welcomed depend on the way she act. I dont like woman that are really ghetto some ghetto is fine but not too much If you intersted in me please send me a message and dont be shy


10 char
I want to try the online thing again but REALLY don't want to post my pic. I wish there was a way to only let certain people see my pic
So I break down, download a dating app and put up my pic. First guy I speak to tells me he is on the site because he is looking to meet someone without having to do much leg work.
I'm going to be single for the rest of my life.

He asked for my number because he had to go and wanted to speak to me later. I declined. He disabled his account. Oh well
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No not boogie at all, I think his approach is wack as well. I will just enjoy some pancakes, I will wear jeans though. Just a normal day.

On another note this dude just liked or winked at me:
His profile

LOL I can't with the floor-cleaning, white women-preferring, lack of grammar having black man having the nerve to say anything about being "ghetto". :lol:
From this experience, I saw that I got visits from mostly white, older men.

****Heads back to the How to Attract a Rich Man thread
Maybe I am still too shallow to do online dating? I am sick of these men putting athletic and toned when they are FARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR from it. Dang I workout, I expect my guy to be the same.
So this white guy winked back at me, but no email. I finally decided that I would just email, well I check over his profile again and low and behold he changed his preference to Asian/Hispanic/white, from no preference. Ok I feel so dumb.

I wish that that black guys that send me emails worked out. I want a nice body on my man.