***Online Dating Support Thread***

I'm by no means an expert on relationships, but can I just say this ladies? A man always knows what he wants. He doesn't play musical chairs or sits on decisions. If he sees what he wants he goes after it. Don't let idiotic men make you think otherwise. Deserving men do not play games.

I highly recommend OKC for any other ladies who haven't tried it. There are some great dudes on there and I think I've met the one for me!

True to the first part.
Second part is area dependent. I saw the same dudes on pof on okcupid. They were not very desirable. Also they took too long to make a move, there is only so much small talk that I can take.
ugh I have been on POF for 3 days and have gotten quite a few messages...but the guys I would be interested in aren't messaging me. IDK how to improve my page to be more appealing
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LoL seriously... I just received this message. Funny thing is I wasn't even really communicating with this guy. Only 5 simple messages exchanged
2 from me and 3 from him (he reached out 2 wks ago) now this:

Leave him alone! This is his so called ex who supposedly cheated on him! Im 9months pregnant with our son, n his upset cause i caught him on our babyshower trying to hit on my friend! This man is almost 30 living off of me n his mom, no car, no phone, a job that pays barely $300 biweekly with another son he doesnt even care to try n c in north carolina that he pays $500 a month in childsupport but cant pay cuz his broke! So he owes $20g in childsupport n now denying my unborn son, after we been together 4 yrs!

Smh. These dudes aren't about nothing now a days.
I think okc really depends on the type of person you are. I'm not saying this in a rude way but from my observations from the site if your a believer in God it may not be the best site. Or if your someone who isn't extra cute or perky you aren't going to get it. I never got off the site in way of exchanging numbers from okc. POF is a bit more normal people but for me they don't fit the bill because I'm not into men who make duck lip faces in pictures as though I'm going to take them serious. I'm thinking of doing e-harmony but it cost a bit more than I would like. I know for me online dating may be my only way bc I'm not a outdoorsy person and I don't go out it's not of any christian way to me. All the men I see are constantly married or with a so.
LoL seriously... I just received this message. Funny thing is I wasn't even really communicating with this guy. Only 5 simple messages exchanged
2 from me and 3 from him (he reached out 2 wks ago) now this:

Leave him alone! This is his so called ex who supposedly cheated on him! Im 9months pregnant with our son, n his upset cause i caught him on our babyshower trying to hit on my friend! This man is almost 30 living off of me n his mom, no car, no phone, a job that pays barely $300 biweekly with another son he doesnt even care to try n c in north carolina that he pays $500 a month in childsupport but cant pay cuz his broke! So he owes $20g in childsupport n now denying my unborn son, after we been together 4 yrs!

Smh. These dudes aren't about nothing now a days.

Lol which dating site was this?
LoL seriously... I just received this message. Funny thing is I wasn't even really communicating with this guy. Only 5 simple messages exchanged
2 from me and 3 from him (he reached out 2 wks ago) now this:

Leave him alone! This is his so called ex who supposedly cheated on him! Im 9months pregnant with our son, n his upset cause i caught him on our babyshower trying to hit on my friend! This man is almost 30 living off of me n his mom, no car, no phone, a job that pays barely $300 biweekly with another son he doesnt even care to try n c in north carolina that he pays $500 a month in childsupport but cant pay cuz his broke! So he owes $20g in childsupport n now denying my unborn son, after we been together 4 yrs!

Smh. These dudes aren't about nothing now a days.

How foolish of her to get pregnant by this loser:nono:
All this and she is fighting to KEEP him. SMH. I knew her standards were low when....

LoL seriously... I just received this message. Funny thing is I wasn't even really communicating with this guy. Only 5 simple messages exchanged
2 from me and 3 from him (he reached out 2 wks ago) now this:

Leave him alone! This is his so called ex who supposedly cheated on him! Im 9months pregnant with our son, n his upset cause i caught him on our babyshower trying to hit on my friend! This man is almost 30 living off of me n his mom, no car, no phone, a job that pays barely $300 biweekly with another son he doesnt even care to try n c in north carolina that he pays $500 a month in childsupport but cant pay cuz his broke! So he owes $20g in childsupport n now denying my unborn son, after we been together 4 yrs!

Smh. These dudes aren't about nothing now a days.
So I'm back on OKC and meeting men.

Maybe this is a tip:

I'm finding that the best time to be online (even idle) is the early morning, like 6a. I turn on the OKC app when I get up and just go about my business. I'll get several messages before 8a and many many hits. If I view the profiles of men that viewed me, 9 out of 10 they will message me as well thinking I'm interested.

Everything dies off after noon-time and all that's left are maybe a couple interesting conversations that I started earlier that morning.

This has been pretty consistent for a couple weeks.

Nighttime log-on, I seem to get the jobless losers so I just don't bother after dinnertime.
annoyed that the same guys keep messaging me over and over even though i haven't responded to the first message. Either they don't remember they already messaged me or they are upset i did not respond. Still no prospects
so i had my 1st conversation with mr. nerd and we talked for 2 hours about all kinds of different topics. we have a lot in common and he actually laughed at my corny jokes lol. he also said he is interested in getting to know me better and will call me tomorrow.

i'm actually looking forward to talking to him again.
Wanted to post a warning ...my mom said a girl in the DC area meet a man online at a dating website and got stabbed. BE CAREFUL ladies!
She said this was last week.
well we had our 2nd conversation today and i don't think it went so well because he made it seem like he didn't want to talk on the phone so i asked him multiple times, if he wanted to get off the phone and he said no. after the conversation was over he said he'd call me tomorrow at 3pm, which i took as a huge sign of not being interested, so i sent him a message saying i can tell he's not interested in me which is fine and i wished him well on his search for love.

Just checked a profile on a guy I was communicating with for weeks. His GIRLFRIEND changed all of his profile. Took his pics down. His headline now says." Living with my girlfriend!!!! Cheating on her with u. " His about me, all I can say is wow...
well we had our 2nd conversation today and i don't think it went so well because he made it seem like he didn't want to talk on the phone so i asked him multiple times, if he wanted to get off the phone and he said no. after the conversation was over he said he'd call me tomorrow at 3pm, which i took as a huge sign of not being interested, so i sent him a message saying i can tell he's not interested in me which is fine and i wished him well on his search for love.


What made you think he didn't want to talk to you?
well we had our 2nd conversation today and i don't think it went so well because he made it seem like he didn't want to talk on the phone so i asked him multiple times, if he wanted to get off the phone and he said no. after the conversation was over he said he'd call me tomorrow at 3pm, which i took as a huge sign of not being interested, so i sent him a message saying i can tell he's not interested in me which is fine and i wished him well on his search for love.


I would not even had said or emailed that much.
Just checked a profile on a guy I was communicating with for weeks. His GIRLFRIEND changed all of his profile. Took his pics down. His headline now says." Living with my girlfriend!!!! Cheating on her with u. " His about me, all I can say is wow...

What site is this?
yea i just made a fool out of myself with that email because mr. nerd did call today at exactly 3:00pm on the dot. Our 3rd conversation lasted for 1 hour and he asked some good questions about my personal experiences and opinions about love and relationships. At the end, he hinted that he's interested in taking me out on a date but confirmed that he will call me tomorrow around 6pm.

edit - 6/11/2013
today he did confirm he does want to taking me out on a date but no plans have been made.
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Mr. Bahamian was going so well, then he had what I call a b!tch moment and it was quite unattractive. We are extremely short staffed at work, and I was doing 24 hr calls every other day. All I did was work and sleep. I barely ate. I warned him that for about 2 weeks, I will be MIA. I.e. I may message him once or 2x for the day, but no messaging throughout the day, 3 hr convos etc.

He could not handle it. It was just :ohwell: He sent me this big looonnng message about how he sees what is going on. My actions are speaking volumes. If I plan to hurt him I can just get it over with. What?!? I told him ahead of time what was gonna happen.

And I read this message after arriving home post call having had ZERO sleep in the previous 26 hrs. Frankly at that moment I had not one solitary **** to give. I aint got no patience for no pmsing negro. Get a grip yo. I apologised for being mia, but also reminded him that he got a heads up. Let him know if he couldn't deal, no one was forcing his hand.
I like him a lot, we got along great. But hey.

He been upset since. Whateva. I have continued to date multiple people.

I have been having great convos with 2 other guys. We will see how that goes.

Life of the single girl. LOL
Maybe it is just me and my insecurities, but I am always skeptical of the super fine, sexy, muscular, successful etc. types on these dating sites because I wonder why are they on there?

They ain't ugly, so why do they need to use a site like that to find someone? I always think if I get with one who approaches me, he will cheat on me. I don't know why. Or if I meet him, he will not be impressed and feel like he got catfished since you know, a picture doesn't really show you how somebody really looks.

I know it is my own insecurities that I need to work on in the end bc just because he is really good looking, does not mean he is unfaithful. Hell, the ogres cheating too nowadays....
What do you make of a guy who spends almost 80% of the first date talking about the problem with relationships, marriages, why they don't work out 90% of the time etc, etc. Then why did you bother to go on a date then? Puzzled....
Maybe it is just me and my insecurities, but I am always skeptical of the super fine, sexy, muscular, successful etc. types on these dating sites because I wonder why are they on there?

They ain't ugly, so why do they need to use a site like that to find someone? I always think if I get with one who approaches me, he will cheat on me. I don't know why. Or if I meet him, he will not be impressed and feel like he got catfished since you know, a picture doesn't really show you how somebody really looks.

I know it is my own insecurities that I need to work on in the end bc just because he is really good looking, does not mean he is unfaithful. Hell, the ogres cheating too nowadays....

Every dude I've met online who seemed to be the total package and had me wondering why he was single...usually went on to show me the reason.
me and my crush didn't make it to our first date. he rejected me because of some traumatic things I went through in my past but he did tell me he was falling for me, he cared for me and I was above average. Obviously I wasn't good enough though.

we're both pretty devastated because he put a freeze on his profile and I've been crying all day. it was heartbreaking. I even offered him friendship but he said he can't erase his feelings and it'll hurt too much.

Its funny because he kept putting up this facade how he never shows his emotions but dude probably fell in love after the first conversation :lol: I never told him this but I could tell when he started to get excited about a particular topic that we shared a common interest in then he caught himself and went back to being calm cool and collect. :lachen:

I resent him for not going with his heart and choosing love but it is what it is. I'll miss him but I'm done with the online dating.
me and my crush didn't make it to our first date. he rejected me because of some traumatic things I went through in my past but he did tell me he was falling for me, he cared for me and I was above average. Obviously I wasn't good enough though.

we're both pretty devastated because he put a freeze on his profile and I've been crying all day. it was heartbreaking. I even offered him friendship but he said he can't erase his feelings and it'll hurt too much.

Its funny because he kept putting up this facade how he never shows his emotions but dude probably fell in love after the first conversation :lol: I never told him this but I could tell when he started to get excited about a particular topic that we shared a common interest in then he caught himself and went back to being calm cool and collect. :lachen:

I resent him for not going with his heart and choosing love but it is what it is. I'll miss him but I'm done with the online dating.

I'm sorry this happened to you. :bighug: