***Online Dating Support Thread***

I had some weirdo email me. He immediately gave me his number for me to call him. He wants to take me out on a date.

The kicker is, I have no idea who he is; another guy said he's looking to have a relationship with and wants intimacy. Ignored him

Dangit!!! I get all the weirdos!
I had some weirdo email me. He immediately gave me his number for me to call him. He wants to take me out on a date.

The kicker is, I have no idea who he is; another guy said he's looking to have a relationship with and wants intimacy. Ignored him

Dangit!!! I get all the weirdos!

Don't feel bad, someone messaged me yesterday talking bout "I wanna taste you"...POF should be called Plenty of ****tards :nono:
Can you ladies recommend another site besides POF?

I found mine guy and know a few friends who found their SO's on OKcupid. There will always be weirdo's but if you are selective and state in your profile that you don't want any bullsh't you can find someone good. :yep:

Sent from my iPad mini mini.
Just moved into a new area and thought I'd try OkCupid again. Browsed real quick without putting my account together and found my manager. That's out the window. :(
I was immediately put in my place today and I apologize! No more showing off for me. It isn't attractive. From now on I am a Plain Jane. From now on, the only language that I speak is standard English.

ETA: Ladies, I really need to humble myself and get myself in check. A horrible thought just came through my head: "I don't care what he thinks about me anyway, he ain't got no job anyway." :nono: I really need to change my stinking-thinking, cool off, and work on tact, humility, grace, and just being silent. I really messed up this time.
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I set up an OkCupid account last night...its a pretty cool site. I like how you can compare your answers to certain questions with the answers of another member! So far just one weirdo in my inbox, he's 30ish...has PTSD due to a home invasion that happened while he lived in Alaska, and sleeps on random friends' couches until he can get back on his feet :lachen: Funny that this man had the never to confront me because I say in my profile that I'm "man-hunting"...he went on a tangent about how if a man's profile said he was woman-hunting he'd be labeled as a player

I had a message on POF saying "LOL! I found you!" I clicked on the pic and it turned out to be a guy I went to middle and high school with! He wants to go on a date this Saturday, but I don't wanna :look: :lol: I was hoping to meet new people, not hang out with dudes from school.
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Someone messaged me. Actually looks quite cute, well educated, polite and his profile looks interesting but dude is like 50. Gosh!
Been on plenty of fish for 3 months now... Have had tons of dates, but no one really stands out yet. How many freakin dates do I need to go on just to find someone I have chemistry with? Oh we'll it's still been fun for the most part, and it keeps me occupied, I've had dates everyday this week, I think I'm becoming a pro at this somehow lol... It's slim pickins' out there girls.
That idiot that called my spirit "ugly" had the nerve to write this to me:

"Hey DETONATOR! Miss u pressing my buttons!!! :-) "

I thought I blocked this fool. Some men are straight up psychopaths. :nono:
I can't seem to move past first base with dudes online. All the ones who send messages show that they are not looking for anything yet mines says seeking a relationship. Then the white guys that I think are nice and have something decent don't respond at all. I'm not going to settle for a ratchet penis just to say I'm with someone. It's very discouraging but I will keep pushing.
Somehow how I ended up on a date with a football player, I didn't believe it was him and thought why the hell is this guy online dating?? I thought ok fake profile, turns out its real. I had him take a picture holding up 4 fingers and text me it. We had a cool first date, Starbucks... The next day we were suppose to meet... Fail. Then yesterday we were suppose to meet, epic fail lol.. Needless to say we're not talking anymore. Haha. I told him good luck with his search (online dating etiquette) and this ninja called and cussed me out lol... He said he doesn't need to search for anything, that he picks woman. That he has HELLA woman wanting to get with him then hung up on me. Wow alrighty I thought. No more athletes and no more firemen. Done. Total pricks.
Hi ladies, just joining this thread. Started a profile on OKC and so far, its going okay. Just lots of texting via my Google Voice #.
I logged in to my POF account for the first time in like months. I have to share some of these BS interactions....

I almost never repsond to "Hi" messages, but his profile seemed so appealing.

Man 1: Hi
Me: Hi there. Not a man of many words, huh? Lol. I'm merely teasing. How are you?
Man 1: I choose them carefully
Me: I noticed your second language is French. Are you a native speaker or did you pick it up later in life?
Man 1: Picked it up later.
Me: Delete.

Then this dude... His profile seemed like a decent match, so I replied.

Man2: Hello beautiful
Me: Hi there
Man2: How are you I'm S****
Me: I'm doing okay. And yourself?
(at this point, I'm already getting bored)
Man2: I'm good do you text
Me: Yes I do
Man2: Number please
(I knew this would not end well, but as a glutton for punishment lately, I gave him my 30 day burner app number)

Man2: Hello there
Me: Hi
Man2: can we trade pics?
Me: You've already seen my pics
Man2: Need one for my phone
Me: Sorry, but no.
Man2: Your name please
Me: Tina (fake name)
Man2: Tina is short for?
Me: It's just Tina
Man2: You look good
Me: Stopped responding

Today I was bored and trying to avoid all the real work I've been procrastinating. It's 8pm now, and I'm no longer THAT bored, lol. I've had enough.

LESSON: Next time I'm bored, I'm going to play Diner Dash (or something similar).
^^I had a guy recently get on my nerves with his insistence that I send him more pics of myself. And why? Because he wanted to make sure I didn't have a muffin top! Proving to him that my body's fat distribution was in line with his specifications was a pre-condition for us to meet up for drinks. Because, and I'm not making this up, he didn't think he could possibly enjoy a quick 1 hour date with someone who has a muffin top.

After he revealed all this on the phone, he texted me "so are you going to send me those pics?"

Boy bye! I texted him that I was no longer interested in seeing him and that his fixation with pics and muffin tops told me all I need to know. Should have also told him that my ancestors didn't endure being treated like pieces of meat on the auction block just so that in the year 2013, with a black prez in the WH no less, I'd voluntarily subject myself to the same type of dehumanizing scrutiny. And from a guy who can't manage to utter single sentence without using the word "like".

So answer me this: why has this negro been begging to go out with me ever since then? Blowing up my phone with texts, talmbout how I misinterpreted him.
This guy visited my profile, so I looked over his. Here's a snippet:


Random Likes.
Tattoos I have 2 of them
White Women***

All sports
White Smiles
Honesty ii
Hip Hop
Some Country
Vanilla Ice Cream
Curvy Women
Reading Sometimes
Cats not in a creepy way
Cell Phone
Well Dressed ladies
Yoga Pants
Leggings lol

Random Dislikes.
Bad Breath
Hood ratish girls Made that word up!
Cigarette Smoke
Dirty Shoes
Bad Body Odor
Stuck up women
Women that weigh more than me
Disrespectful girls
Black girls
People that steal

Everyone has their preferences, but it just like um, okay....
I logged in to my POF account for the first time in like months. I have to share some of these BS interactions....

I almost never repsond to "Hi" messages, but his profile seemed so appealing.

Man 1: Hi
Me: Hi there. Not a man of many words, huh? Lol. I'm merely teasing. How are you?
Man 1: I choose them carefully
Me: I noticed your second language is French. Are you a native speaker or did you pick it up later in life?
Man 1: Picked it up later.
Me: Delete.

Then this dude... His profile seemed like a decent match, so I replied.

Man2: Hello beautiful
Me: Hi there
Man2: How are you I'm S****
Me: I'm doing okay. And yourself?
(at this point, I'm already getting bored)
Man2: I'm good do you text
Me: Yes I do
Man2: Number please
(I knew this would not end well, but as a glutton for punishment lately, I gave him my 30 day burner app number)

Man2: Hello there
Me: Hi
Man2: can we trade pics?
Me: You've already seen my pics
Man2: Need one for my phone
Me: Sorry, but no.
Man2: Your name please
Me: Tina (fake name)
Man2: Tina is short for?
Me: It's just Tina
Man2: You look good
Me: Stopped responding

Today I was bored and trying to avoid all the real work I've been procrastinating. It's 8pm now, and I'm no longer THAT bored, lol. I've had enough.

LESSON: Next time I'm bored, I'm going to play Diner Dash (or something similar).

What's this 30 day burner app you speak of?
Does my profile just ooze sucky men please get at me or something?!?!!? I am not amused at all. The ones I find attractive reject me like yesterday's news. I will not let this hurt me but it does.
Ugh ladies, this is wild. Really not much to choose from out there. We're all getting these lame ducks.
Went on a 3rd with someone from the past on Friday night. We had fun... So I thought lol. Said he wanted to cook dinner this week for us lol. Then he called today and said he reconnected with an ex flame on Saturday who finally got her life together and he wants to see where is goes but that I'm sooo cool and he wants to remain friends. LoL puu-leeze sir.
Then I finally give one a call tonight after 2 months of texting, this ninja answers while on the toilet. Says he'll call me back. Omg what a mess out here, it's almost frightening.
This guy visited my profile, so I looked over his. Here's a snippet:


Random Likes.
Tattoos I have 2 of them
White Women***

All sports
White Smiles
Honesty ii
Hip Hop
Some Country
Vanilla Ice Cream
Curvy Women
Reading Sometimes
Cats not in a creepy way
Cell Phone
Well Dressed ladies
Yoga Pants
Leggings lol

Random Dislikes.
Bad Breath
Hood ratish girls Made that word up!
Cigarette Smoke
Dirty Shoes
Bad Body Odor
Stuck up women
Women that weigh more than me
Disrespectful girls
Black girls
People that steal

Everyone has their preferences, but it just like um, okay....

Wow what an idiot... He said way to much.