***Online Dating Support Thread***

So the convos have continued to go great with the bahamian. He wants to visit again :grin:
At the same time, we haven't reached the point of being in a relationship. He has definite potential tho.

I have continued to meet and go out on dates with other guys. :look: There is the American guy (34) in med school - convos with him have been awesome. He's funny, very interesting, we have similar backgrounds (religious wise)...so he has potential. There is the Jamaican lawyer(37) - partner in his law firm. We have been on a couple nice dinner dates. However I am not feeling him like the American and the Bahamian.

All in all....things not going to bad at the moment.
check out white entitlement in action yall... my friend is a jewish girl in new york (i dont live in new york) aggressively looking for a husband... we chat off and on all day and share guys with each other to get each others opinions



EMILYMICHELLE: just viewed him and he viewed me bck

JEWISH FRIEND: confucious?
mother ****er

hes clearly online and bored

JEWISH FRIEND: omg he hats me

JEWISH FRIEND: i need to go crawl under a rock and die

EMILYMICHELLE: why does he hate you

JEWISH FRIEND: he didn't view me
because i'm creepy as **** and keep viewing him

he remembers you by now

JEWISH FRIEND: i seriously feel bad
like bad bad


JEWISH FRIEND: because he knows who i am and isn't into me and i kept trying
i'm so creepy

EMILYMICHELLE: omg why do you jump to him not being into you lol

JEWISH FRIEND: but i want to marry him

EMILYMICHELLE: he knows he doesnt need to view you back
he knows you know who he is

JEWISH FRIEND: i messaged him like a year ago


JEWISH FRIEND: i need to just die

EMILYMICHELLE: are you viewing him, like, today?

JEWISH FRIEND: 3 seconds before i sent it to you


if i wasn't so jaded i might cry
i kind of don't have more than half a **** to give
i'm just as good-looking as him
and i'm ****ing funny

EMILYMICHELLE: hes not that hot to me


EMILYMICHELLE: i wouldnt care if he messaged me
id be all
i guess ill reply

JEWISH FRIEND: well i'd have a heart attack mmmk


JEWISH FRIEND: clearly he doesn't want the trifecta ****ing jewish girlfriend
****ing *******

come on

because he veiwed someone back immediately but not me

EMILYMICHELLE: he cant even look at non jews?

JEWISH FRIEND: it's not that it's you

EMILYMICHELLE: i might be jewish? you never know?

JEWISH FRIEND: dude not at all my point
the point is that he purposely did NOT look at ME

she has been trying to get this guy to message her. she sent me his profile to check out. he viewed me back right away, but didnt view her back at all. she was mad about it. came off to me sort of like "why would he view you back when he had the 'jewish trifecta girlfriend' right here?"
Still going with this online dating. I'm going to retake some of my pics next week and upload them. I'm getting tons of hits, but not from men I WILL BE INTERESTED IN DATING.

I'm in the over 35 group and I find it amazing how OLD some of these dudes look. I'm thinking about changing my age bracket to see if I can get some younger men.
I decided to give POF another try. :lachen: at them using Omarion's picture in one of their ads. Talking bout a rich attorney is seeking a 28 yr old black female from Texas (which conveniently describes me). They need to quit!
I decided to give POF another try. :lachen: at them using Omarion's picture in one of their ads. Talking bout a rich attorney is seeking a 28 yr old black female from Texas (which conveniently describes me). They need to quit!

How's the dating scene in Austin? Austin was my first choice to move to but decided on Dallas instead because I was getting a higher salary. I'm leaving Waco in two weeks for Dallas and excited about meeting some new folks.
How's the dating scene in Austin? Austin was my first choice to move to but decided on Dallas instead because I was getting a higher salary. I'm leaving Waco in two weeks for Dallas and excited about meeting some new folks.

It depends on what you're looking for. Single, educated black males are unicorns. If you don't mind interracial, there are plenty of men to chose from. The few black men that interest me are all transplants from NY & Floridia. Dallas should be awesome! I'm sure you won't have any problems finding a date!
It depends on what you're looking for. Single, educated black males are unicorns. If you don't mind interracial, there are plenty of men to chose from. The few black men that interest me are all transplants from NY & Floridia. Dallas should be awesome! I'm sure you won't have any problems finding a date!

I hear ya. I'm not discriminating either way. I love my brothas but not willing to overlook other races either. Thanks for your advice.
I go on a forum where men and women discuss their okcupid adventures. On the men offering up their number thing, they do it to be less... intimidating. Apparently, a lot of women disappear when a guy asks for her number. I think this happens because some women like to move slower than others, so instead of telling the guy they're not ready to move to communication outside of the confines of okcupid, they disappear.
hey ladies,

I need some advice, I met this guy
online. we went on our first date on Tuesday, it went well, he's sweet and seems like a good person. We have plans this afternoon to go out, and he just invited me to go to a get-together that his cousin is putting together tonight. he wants me to go with him after our date. its not a big thing, i guess were gonna be watching the fight also. Im wondering if thats a good idea or is it too soon to meet his friends and family? please include why its a good idea or why its not.
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My date went really well...this guy was a total goofball and had me laughing all night. He's an ex Marine, 6'4, and around 250lbs...looks very intimidating but is actually a sweetheart. I'm looking forward to our next date.
I met this guy on a local site. Great job with IBM, cute, etc. it's not a dating site. Just a connect with business interests type site. So he asked if I wanted to go out for a drink. I checked him out online and on his linked in page and he looked nice so I said yes but then he had to travel. By the time he came back, I was on a business trip as well. Finally we were both in town this weekend and I said ok. He then said to come over to his place after work for a drink. I was like dude, I don't know you from Adam. You could be Ted Bundy's descendant for all I know. I am not going anywhere private with you. He agreed then said he hopes I know he's nice. I said yes, online but again in person. I don't know until I get to know you better. He then asked what's the problem. Don't I want affection?

He's from Brussels and his first language isn't English so I considered maybe what he was trying to say got lost in translation. I asked him to clarify what he meant by that and he said kisses and touching. this is someone i've never set eyes on. Freak.
8 dates in.... :) :)

He wrote me last night. We had always emailed regarding the scheduling for the volunteer project we both work on... Starting 2 years ago. He fwded me some of them. I think it's really cute that he looks back on those, before anything happened between us. I do the exact same thing. :)

I really like this one!!! :)

Ooooops, I meant to post this in the single ladies support thread. Mods, help please?

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I'm hoping this online dating thing works out for me.

All I'm getting are horny little boys or horny grandfathers.

One guy my age, but he is all over the place and don't know what he wants.

le sigh
So remember that I told you all I wouldn't do the online thing? Well I tried one more time just to see what would happen and if I would like it for friendship only. Someone I went to HS with started speaking to me on Facebook. We talked on the phone a lot but there was no chemistry (thank goodness, my gaydar goes off a little bit with this fellow). We remained friends but then he started getting just a little irrational. Narcissism started coming out...

Dork: im juggling too many beautiful christian women. God is trying to tell me something.

Angelicus: Seriously speaking: I work over 50 hours a week. I deal with a lot of different personalities.
I am unsure if you never had a lady friend actually work a real job before but honestly speaking, if you were with anyone else, they wouldn't be able to speak with you as much as I do if they were working.
Again, it is a privilege to be able to talk to you but I refused to be talked down to or not be taken seriously.

if i had a day job i would not be speaking to you at all. im not sure why you constantly inform me of your working times and your privilegdes. but come down to earth. be real.
ive had gfs with jobs and i typically called them at work. they ANSWER the phone they REPLY back. you are not every woman. you think you are chaka khan, yes chaka was a sexy woman but you are not CHAKA KHAN. OK???
you are not WHITNEY HOUSTON. you are not EVERY WOMAN

Because you think it's an honor to talk to you. Come back to earth and be humble and blessed that you're able to talk to your friends in the daytime.
And wait a minute. I called you on Sunday. I also called you on Saturday.

you work 50 hours a week. slow DOWN. LIAR !!!!
u aint called nobody but jesus!
and hopefully ur pastor aint had nothin bad to say about THAT

Dork, I am going to have to stop talking to you. I think you have some inside issues to fix. You take it easy.

we ALL do. stop playing mind games and throwing darts. you have anger issues i need you to deal with. you need to stop being hateful and mean to MEN.
how much of that bible to you read and consume woman of god?
ur a lil g
u think you some ganster woman at the well or something

The common denominator is you, Dork. I'm not the only one that thinks you are a grenade.
Take it easy.

haha!!! i don't care what people think. i dont have time for BS. aint many MEN running programs under them. so I am trying to be nobody. i aint denzel or billy D. she just said i LOOK like them. sorry Angelicus

LMBO @ Me hating men and having anger issues? Are you kidding? Anyhoo, I still think he's gay, but that's a whole nother thread.
if i had a day job i would not be speaking to you at all. im not sure why you constantly inform me of your working times and your privilegdes. but come down to earth. be real.
ive had gfs with jobs and i typically called them at work. they ANSWER the phone they REPLY back. you are not every woman. you think you are chaka khan, yes chaka was a sexy woman but you are not CHAKA KHAN. OK???
you are not WHITNEY HOUSTON. you are not EVERY WOMAN

OMG. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
LOL.... he's back. Now I get to be harassed on my phone via text messaging just because I told him that I cannot talk while I am at work:

"you are a ticking rhianna time bomb. You can go scratch some other man's eyeballs out. im bringing this problem you have to God. Because you are trying to put your problem on my shoulders. It doesn't work like that.
You've probably been kicking me in the leg since 4th grade. I'm sure I wont be the last. You are too beautiful to have such an ugly spirit. Your attitude is ugly. This is the uglyist Ive seen you. It's just one your days. You work 50 hours a week not doing music. I have never needed to work that long to make money. I can't be at the bottom of your shoe. Im not the ordinary you walk over.
Your spirit is ugly. It's been ugly. I've just been enduring your bull ____. (yes this so called music minister did cuss me out). And that's real. And it stinks. You are evil and have hidden agendas. U worse than eve. At least eve was real. Ur a pitiful lady. But at least you look great. Sometimes you can sing, you love the lord sometimes, and maybe cook."

Narcissistic sociopath. :) NEXT.
I think I am leaving Pof alone for now. The last two guys that I met or was talkin to.. One said that he met someone and don't want to lead me on anymore. I liked him a lot.The other one kept texting and calling all the time. When I blocked him he got a new number and started calling and texting again...and started calling from his job. Changed his screen name also on pof. Just restored my okc account and joined www.datehookup.com. I hate being single.
LOL.... he's back. Now I get to be harassed on my phone via text messaging just because I told him that I cannot talk while I am at work:

"you are a ticking rhianna time bomb. You can go scratch some other man's eyeballs out. im bringing this problem you have to God. Because you are trying to put your problem on my shoulders. It doesn't work like that.
You've probably been kicking me in the leg since 4th grade. I'm sure I wont be the last. You are too beautiful to have such an ugly spirit. Your attitude is ugly. This is the uglyist Ive seen you. It's just one your days. You work 50 hours a week not doing music. I have never needed to work that long to make money. I can't be at the bottom of your shoe. Im not the ordinary you walk over.
Your spirit is ugly. It's been ugly. I've just been enduring your bull ____. (yes this so called music minister did cuss me out). And that's real. And it stinks. You are evil and have hidden agendas. U worse than eve. At least eve was real. Ur a pitiful lady. But at least you look great. Sometimes you can sing, you love the lord sometimes, and maybe cook."

Narcissistic sociopath. :) NEXT.

Sounds like he needs to be in a padded room. He's insecure and probably has mommy issues or hates women :look:
Sounds like he needs to be in a padded room. He's insecure and probably has mommy issues or hates women :look:

It reminds me of the manifesto written by the serial killer from California months ago. You don't have to tell me twice to block him!

Sent from my phone using LHCF app.
This dude sent me another text...

"You defriended me [on Facebook.com] but I woke up this morning and me jesus still besties. What wud jesus think when we go out to meet Him. Praying 4 u."

Yes, this makes no sense. No, I have no idea why he just went bezerk. Yes, I am happy that I am ignoring him.
This is PURE COMEDY!!! Angelicus he sounds crazy as h*ll.
Is he Nigerian by any chance?

LMBOOOOO @ MsDee14 :lol: this time he is not a Nigerian this time. We went to high school together. We were friends, not internet dating. He was always claiming that he was gon

When I was dating my ex, we ran into the now crazy person at a restaurant. He was with a male. I've been suspecting :scratchch ever since.

Awww cmon man!!! Dude just sent me another text:

"Dear neo 'christian' jewish lady, what you sow ye shall reap! Date me and hate me but don't Bait me!!"

I have no idea what the heck this means, and I am sure he's slandering me on all social networks (don't care). And now you all see why I don't do this internet dating mess. :lachen:
Just refreshed my profile to get back out there...

Why do guys send that want to meet option... Homie you havent even tried to email me... The trails begin... ;perplexed
Ok. So online dating has been going incredibly well for me.

Date with guy 1 was nice but we didn't go out again. No worries.
Date with guy 2 was also good and we went out again but I decided he wasn't for me.

Date with guy 3. BINGO! We have a winner. He is awesome. We clicked right away and both feel like we've known each other for ever. 3 dates in and it's pretty much a done deal. :grin:

BUT i'm also seeing another guy (not from online) but I know he's not it. He's great but we don't have the same chemistry. I have to find a way to let him down easy. Mannnn.....
Can you ladies recommend another site besides POF?

So Mr. Marine is in his feelings because he didn't get any on our first date. Its funny because he brought up the whole sex thing before we ever met and swore fo' gawd that he'd never disrespect a woman by pressuring her for sex on a first date. Now the truth comes out and he's upset that I didn't offer my goods last weekend. WTH?