***Online Dating Support Thread***

I have a second date today with a nice Slavic boy that I met for drinks last Thursday. We are going to watch a game at a sports bar. Idk why I am having an influx of foreign men right now.
After no dates in a year. I joined pof and had 3 last week. One took me to a concert and we sat in the front, the 2nd asked if i went to a clappy church ( i made him feel like an ignorant fool for that) and the last said 'maybe we should pretend to kiss' erm no. They've all asked for 2nd dates but i didn't feel any chemistry nor am i attracted to any of them. On the dates i did realise i'm a good date. I was worried i had last the art of conversation. I have a notable date this week. So far he ticks every box. I cant wait. Side note:the sensuality thread is amazing really helpful.
cocomochaa Are you referring to the Sense and Sensuality thread?[/QUOTE

Yup:yep:There was a link on there on how to sit. I have pretty good posture but that flipped the game - had me sitting like I was shaped like the letter S.
The books in that thread reminded me how to be fun and flirty yet mysterious. On my dates I heard:
'You're confident and not cocky...you're sure of yourself -i really like that'
'You've got this warmth about you'
'I don't want you to go:spinning:
'you're funny but not loud'

Needless to say I'm back in the game with no rust in sight.
I disabled my acct. Was progressively losing interest and then I realized I was barely logging on at all. You really have to be in an open mindset to want to engage strangers in full conversation after they make one random little comment about your profile:lol: Turns out I'm not, right now.

I'm still seeing a few people from the website, but wouldn't call any of those relationships a success. The one I've connected with the most is an extreme workaholic. He has a lot of awesome qualities, but the workaholism is an extreme barrier. It's unfortunate, but we will likely break up. He doesn't particularly want to, but I don't know what alternative he has in mind that can help us both have our needs met. We've tabled the conversation until we can meet in person to discuss. And the reason that wasn't this weekend is because he's swamped in work. He's over-committed and, actually, that's even hurting his relationship with his primary boss:rolleyes: You would think that would be a wake up call for him or something. I don't know if he realizes it.

Anyway... Yeah we might have to break up. I just don't feel secure enough to be dealing with all that. It's too early:ohwell: Even though I do like him and his company, and he's generally so sweet to me. Sigh:( And he's been expressing interest in continuing to date... :( But dammit, my needs!!

Anyway... There's another guy too. That one works a lot but isn't a workaholic. He's more into me than me him. I keep getting the sense that he wants to make out with me. After the last 2 dates, he's suggested that it is still early and that we could keep hanging out. I've always said no. He's been out of town for over a week and wants to cook me dinner at his place when he gets back. :rolleyes: know what that means...:rolleyes: At best it means he's hoping for a passionate make out session on his couch:rolleyes: But I'm not into that... not with him.

I might go out with him (in public) if the workaholic and I break up... I dunno. Or I might not. No use leading him on. I don't sense the chemistry he seems to feel. Plus most of our conversations have been largely superficial, so I don't know how he knows he likes me.
I disabled too a few days ago. Got bored with it, plus I'm tired. I kinda would rather just take a nap than go out on a few dates a weekend at this moment.

I'm going to try again maybe in a couple of months. I can't believe I got burnt out that quick :lol:
As of one month ago, decided not to online date again. In person first impressions are where I shine and I'm more about quality over quantity these days...online dating isn't hitting for me. Plus I like privacy lol

Good luck to everyone who's been successful :)
question ladies, how soon after first contact do you allow a man to take you out?

It all depends. I had one guy who asked me out the night we first talked....I didn't have any red flags it was a public place so I just went for it. Sometimes (most recently) due to scheduling, it was a week and a half. But everything was clicking and I didn't mind waiting. I would say go with your gut and use your own discretion.
Oooo, so I'm meeting some friends who have single men friends for happy hour tomorrow. The male friends are also bringing friends...Yes!

Washed my puff and gettin my hurr nicely DC'd then twisted as we speak! :lachen:
It all depends. I had one guy who asked me out the night we first talked....I didn't have any red flags it was a public place so I just went for it. Sometimes (most recently) due to scheduling, it was a week and a half. But everything was clicking and I didn't mind waiting. I would say go with your gut and use your own discretion.

crlsweetie912 thank you for the reply. ok so one man asked me to his show this saturday. I'll continue to speak with him during the week and see how it feels. thanks!
Oh, I absolutely adore speaking with him. He's just so perfect...for me. It's scary! Why do I feel like I'm being Catfished? :nono:

LOL, I don't know if you're joking about the catfishing, but I remember when I thought that was happening to me. The guy totally surprised me and said: "Leggo, let's get coffee tonight, etc."

I was like :blush:

I hope things are TRULY as great as they appearing to be for you!
outspokenwallflower No, not joking. I'm just waiting for the other shoe to drop. He just seems to be lagging in taking the next step. That seems to be the story of my life, with this online bs! It just makes me apprehensive. :ohwell:

I, too, hope it's as great as it's appearing. I hate to be a Debbie Downer, but my gut is telling me to prepare for the worst. :perplexed
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So mr perfect on paper turned out to be a big fat no.
He was a handsome banker but his personality was off. Hard to describe but my gut was asking me to go home. Zero chemistry. What a shame. And he was a atheist. Erm i need you to believe in something.

I'm burning out already.
POF sent me an email.
POF said: Tookie is interested in me.
I couldn't resist, so I click on Tookie's profile.
Tookie states his profession as: Countin dis money
Tookie says: He be rollin in rims bigger than some children.
I couldn't take anymore of Tookie's profile.
I closed the browser, wondering why there were so many Tookies in the D.
I am trying to schedule a date with this guy and it is taking SO LONG. We keep messaging back and forth and I want to say, look, I really do not care that much where we have dinner, let me pick a place already and SHOW UP, JEEZ.

If he wasn't 6'3 and cute, I would have stopped responding a long time ago.
I am trying to schedule a date with this guy and it is taking SO LONG. We keep messaging back and forth and I want to say, look, I really do not care that much where we have dinner, let me pick a place already and SHOW UP, JEEZ.

If he wasn't 6'3 and cute, I would have stopped responding a long time ago.

I find treating the hot ones like the ugly ones works wonders!
I am wondering if I should start ignoring him. But I notice that he views my profile again every time he is waiting for me to respond, checking to see if I'm ignoring him I guess. I often log off after sending messages or when I get a notification that I have a new one because I don't like responding right away. Idk, this is just taking too long and I'm getting bored. He must not be familiar with the concept of "strike while the iron is hot."

I'll let you guys know if we actually end up setting a date :ohwell: :lol:
have a sorta date set up with a man from pof tonight, but I'm kinda turned off.
firstly when we spoke on the phone he just sounds goofy doof. :ohwell::nono:

second the place is at a comedy club that he happens to be hosting at. he got my friends and I a couple free tickets which was nice(:rolleyes:).
but what I didnt know was that the club has a two item minimum for ordering. we had planned to hit a nearby bar before going to the club and maybe if we were still hungry or wanted a drink buy something there, but now we are having to buy items at the club(which is fine but thats something you tell somebody) and then on top of that he didnt even offer to cover my two items. :perplexed
what the mess? Am I over reacting?
What do you ladies think about the guys with profile pics of them and their high-end cars??? That always rubs me the wrong way. This one particular guy that sent me a message seems to be a good match for me, but I'm turned off by his "showy" pic.