***Online Dating Support Thread***

Staying in tonight. Alone. No roommates. First time I've been home alone in a while.

The main guy I like is at his home in Italy packing up his winter gear so he won't freeze here in NYC.

I have a fake date tomorrow with the guy with no time. I think. Assuming there is time. I'm going to tell him I'll volunteer for his campaign and ask for friendship. I almost feel bad b/c he is actually making an effort. But it just isn't enough for me. As far as his run for a different office goes, I think he genuinely wants to help people and he's very bright and focused. He has the heart, knowledge and perseverance to make things happen. I believe in him. But, I cannot date him. There's no time left to connect.

I have a date with a guy from Match on Monday. We were supposed to meet the Saturday before Sandy, but postponed. His family is from Russia. Seems smart, resilient and sweet.

I feel weird going out with anyone but the first guy, however I am not entirely certain what his intentions are with me. I'm lightweight nervous that he'll get back to NYC and be unsure of me. But that is silly...ish. I'm hesitant to be that straight forward with him because I feel that he may have good intentions. I'm hesitant to just ask outright. I hate when guys ask me. Even if I'm honest and have the best of intentions, answering that question locks me into a decision before I'm ready to make one.
How exciting HauteHippie! It is nice to see someone meeting multiple eligible men in NYC. I would like to move there for a bit, but I heard that dating is terrible there.

I have only met one eligible man but I am not so into him. I like choices.
Was on my friends profile, and a porn casting agent started msging me. He tells me hooking up is more the norm, he also sometimes finds talent on it.

I'm going to recommend a move to match.

Arghhh!! It took me a year to get this heifer to try online dating.

Sucks though, the guy is her type and so nice. Great grammar too.
How exciting HauteHippie! It is nice to see someone meeting multiple eligible men in NYC. I would like to move there for a bit, but I heard that dating is terrible there.

I have only met one eligible man but I am not so into him. I like choices.

Eh, I don't know how well it is all working out, yet. I've met a lot of great guys on Match, but they'really oftentimes unreliable and that is one thing I just can't deal with. There are a couple of unique (ish) NYC problems. High professional competition = long hours of work. And there are soo many people here, you're dealing with the good, the bad, and the ugly. It's just a numbers game.
So, Reality Show guy is definitely not interested.

He went out of town after our date and never once contacted me after that. I know the rules ladies. If a man isnt' pursuing you, leave it alone. Well, I called myself giving him an ounce of a chance to get it right by texting him when I knew that he would be home from his trip.

All I got were 3 worded texts and a text that ended in "Whatever" like a yt teenaged female when I tried to make a light-hearted joke. Damn, not even a lol or anything! :lachen:

I immedietly deleted our texts and his number.

In the words of Sweet Brown,


You missed out son, not me. Good riddance :lol:
After canceling match.com and being told by friends that not all (white) men are creepers just bc of one bad experience I had, I have signed on to eharmony.com. M friend told me hat I should try it and that I might like it.... So far, it's only been day 1.... But I can see the benefits.

First of all, no one can search for you. You are matched.

Secondly, I was worried that I wouldn't get any matches bc I don't want children. I have gotten several matches who also don't want children.

Thirdly, because of the lack of search function, I'm not coming across men who have been on other dating sites or being matched with guys who are missing a fundamental dating characteristic or prefencnce that I must have.

I signed up for a solid year at $19/month.

I hope this works. I'm in communication with 2 guys right now. One is interesting. The other is purely for giggles.
Profile pic of someone who contacted me:

WHY do some people think this is a "plus" ? In their mind, are they thinking "yes, the broads are gonna know i'm ballin when I show them my new kicks and money..."

I dunno, it just annoys me...
True! I didn't text him back after the smile, so that I could see where HIS head was at; if he'd lose interest, that is. Haven't heard from him today. Case closed!:spinning:

Since he's deploying so soon he doesn't sound like he's worth the trouble. I agree that what he said wasn't that bad, but sends a signal IMO that he's focussed on sex and not getting to know you. However, mentioning showers, baths, getting dressed may have led him to think you were being flirty. If you guys are communicating long distance there's probably not much harm in communicating (if he tries again) but if you will be meeting up be careful, not even so much because of the text but moreso him deploying, and not just sexual danger but emotional, as I would hate to get hooked on a dude I knew was deploying so soon.
Another date with the younger guy from Match.com tonight. He's been texting how excited he is for the last few days. :)
Date went well with the younger guy. After walking me to my train stop, he turns and asks, "what are we doing for our next date??". I made him formally ask me first and then I said I'd like to go bowling. :)
Another online dating Hayle no....

A couple weeks ago I started talking with another navy guy. Dude seemed really cool and we hit it off alright and exchanged numbers but things never really went further than that. Today while browsing potential victims I noticed he had deleted his profile and texted him to ask him about it. So we talked a bit more and exchanged pictures as routine, nothing creepy just face shots. He tells me how gorgeous I am (because I am a unicorn) ...blah blah blah. So as I was Christmas shopping in the pink fluffy hello kitty section, I pull out my phone and see a picture of pale white nudeness, limp peen complementary included! Not that I'm not into that but it has no place on my phone!! So I delete it and stop replying to his texts. :spinning:

Still yet to get any good hits but the entertainment alone is sooo worth it lol
I have a story!

So I was messaged by this guy on OKCupid and we talked for a bit but I really wasn't feeling him. I still decided to continue to communicate because I've realized that while we may not have a lot of chemistry online, something could come about in person.

Well...he suggested we meet up tomorrow and since I was free I thought "why not?"

I suggested we grab some coffee which seems fairly standard for a quick meet, right?

WRONG! He wanted us to meet at a Walmart out near where he lives and "take it from there." I informed him that the drive would be a bit far for me--to which he replied "I'm kinda stuck to walking for now." :perplexed

So he expected me to meet him at Walmart, hang out in the parking lot or walk around the store like some teenagers, and then if we wanted to go elsewhere I'd have to drive him around and drop him off back home?:rolleyes:

Boy bye!
24 year old James brown killed 4 women he met on the dating site backpage......be careful ladies....the story is on Newsone...he lives in Detroit.
has anyone done a free trial with Match and then unsubscribed before they were billed? I want to avoid a fee right now, but want to read my messages.
Ummm:ohwell: just an update for those who remember. The missing.Heather's ATM card has a hit in Las Vegas Nevada. No one knows if it was her for sure because the camera caught a person using it clearly disguised. Her sister has loss over 70lbs since September when all this occurred.:sad: She went from a hefty size 20 to now about 8. But what's crazy she set up an acct on POF.
So I have my first online date tomorrow and I'm nervous. Dude is super funny but that's about all I know...he's navy too but not deploying anytime soon. We're going out to the hookah bar. Here's my personal list of donts ...

No kissing or inappropriate touching
If he doesn't pay or hold doors open, it'll be the first and last date with him
Pay close attention to how he treats server

Those are the most important things. My hair is straight in most of my pics, I've been rocking a baby puff so I'm going to rollersets tonight and straighten my roots after work. Tired of flatironing my hair for dudes.

Any other tips/advice? Meeting someone I met online just seems like it can go soooo wrong so easily. It has before. :/
Ummm:ohwell: just an update for those who remember. The missing.Heather's ATM card has a hit in Las Vegas Nevada. No one knows if it was her for sure because the camera caught a person using it clearly disguised. Her sister has loss over 70lbs since September when all this occurred.:sad: She went from a hefty size 20 to now about 8. But what's crazy she set up an acct on POF.

She probably feels more confident at a size 8 frame now so she's ready to jump into the dating scene with her new and improved self.

So if the person used the ATM card then they knew the pin number. This whole thing is just so crazy. Does Heather live near Las Vegas?
She probably feels more confident at a size 8 frame now so she's ready to jump into the dating scene with her new and improved self.

So if the person used the ATM card then they knew the pin number. This whole thing is just so crazy. Does Heather live near Las Vegas?

Nope. They live on the East coast. Heather and her brother were last seen in NY after she tried to recover her 1800 back from that dude.

What's crazy about her sister getting on POF is that Heather and her brother's disappearance started with dating on POF.:perplexed Well their cousin thinks she is doing it to try and find information about Heather not really for dating.

I'm not sure if they got $$$ from the ATM because her cousin said the P.I. can't tell everything just yet. But the P.I. was in Las Vegas over the holiday following up leads. It's just strange.
Drinks with the older man tomorrow. He's 16 years older than me, but whatever. I have to admit that he's handsome. He owns a gallery and I love art. Cross your fingers.
someones gotta buy the rights to this movie SUPER SWEET

Nope. They live on the East coast. Heather and her brother were last seen in NY after she tried to recover her 1800 back from that dude.

What's crazy about her sister getting on POF is that Heather and her brother's disappearance started with dating on POF.:perplexed Well their cousin thinks she is doing it to try and find information about Heather not really for dating.

I'm not sure if they got $$$ from the ATM because her cousin said the P.I. can't tell everything just yet. But the P.I. was in Las Vegas over the holiday following up leads. It's just strange.
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someones gotta buy the rights to this movie SUPER SWEET
It's so crazy and strange. People are coming up with all kinds of theories. The last one I heard was that she owed a drug dealer in NY.:perplexed

All from online dating... :sad: I think it's more to the story. I just re-connected with her and her family too. So maybe she was doing unsavory things. I dunno. I hope not. Based on her past she was kinda wild.