***Online Dating Support Thread***

Had a date last night. Went really well. He called to make sure I made it home alright, texted me later to check on me as I wasn't feeling well. He has been in contact all day today. Feels nice!
So a really hot guy that was on a pretty popular VH1 reality show emailed me on OKCupid. We've been texting each other only so far, but I really dont think this man can be more then a friend. He is ummmm, kinda different :perplexed

It's almost disappointing. I thought he was soooo hot on the show, but everytime I speak with him my crush slowly diminishes. The fantasy is definitely not matching reality :ohwell:
FYI' Heather's family are going forward with shutting down her home...This is unbelievable.:sad:
Not a word from Heather or her brother...
Rumors are surfacing about their involvement in a robbery.
FYI' Heather's family are going forward with shutting down her home...This is unbelievable.:sad:
Not a word from Heather or her brother...
Rumors are surfacing about their involvement in a robbery.

Omg.....the police still won't get involved after all this time?
WTH SUPER SWEET?! Nooo... just... how did this go so terribly wrong? Wow.
It's just so crazy.... From online dating to being missing. Rumors are swirling....... from escort,drug dealing,drud addict,robber ect....

Omg.....the police still won't get involved after all this time?
Yes, but from what her cousin has said they just do the basics. Heather's sister hired that P.I. but the costs are so much to keep him on all the time.

Heather and her brother have vanished. :sad:There hasn't been any activity on ATM or Credit cards so that has everyone worried. The question is how are they living? Or where?

The men that went to NY last month went to the house where they thought she was and had the police called on them. But the P.I. has a week's worth of surveillance at that home with nothing incriminating.
It's just so crazy.... From online dating to being missing. Rumors are swirling....... from escort,drug dealing,drud addict,robber ect....

Yes, but from what her cousin has said they just do the basics. Heather's sister hired that P.I. but the costs are so much to keep him on all the time.

Heather and her brother have vanished. :sad:There hasn't been any activity on ATM or Credit cards so that has everyone worried. The question is how are they living? Or where?

The men that went to NY last month went to the house where they thought she was and had the police called on them. But the P.I. has a week's worth of surveillance at that home with nothing incriminating.
DANG! They should call the local news station or something to light a fire under the police. Gone this long with NO TRACE....they have to get on it. The trail's already cold (yeah I watch a lot of First 48, ID channel, CSI, Law and Order! lol)
Has the sister checked hospitals and jails?
The P.I. does that....:perplexed And he checks the morgue too weekly.

I don't know why he didnt take Heather's laptop when he was checking out leads. Now it's gone. Someone broke in her place and stole a lot of her stuff. I mean from furs,jewelry, appliances and things the family probably didnt know existed.

From hood talk the two maybe alive but being held against their will.
Online dating update: there was one guy who I thought would ask me out but then he just stopped talking to me. Another I thought was going well and again the same thing.

I have had a guy who asked me questions for about a week and a half and still never asked me out. The only one who tried to connect with me was the one who did not tell me that he was a father.

Are there quality guys who are interested in me? Yes. Are these men online? 90% chance of NO.

This is unbelievable. How long has it been since they have been missing? Has this made the news in the local area?
Nope. No news show has picked it up. They haven't been missing long enough. Heather's sister has been doing the best she can. Other family members act like they don't care. And the police act as if there is nothing wrong.:sad:
So going on week 4 of online dating. I'm kind of over it, but I know I haven't put in much effort myself.

Went on two dates so far. First guy seemed great on paper, had a good job, nice car, hobbies, seemed to be doing well for himself. BUT when we met he talked on and on and on about himself...very arrogant, I couldn't take it. He was pretty eager to continue to meet, started setting up dates,but I had to let that go. ASAP. While listening to him talk some major red flags popped up.

Second guy seems pretty cool. We had a delay on meeting bc I was busy, so we talked on the phone and texted for maybe 10 days. Had some great conversations. When we met we pretty much clicked. Still have been talking to him, but I have my reservations. I'm a skeptic and I just don't want to get my hopes up and find out that I got cuffed lol.

No one else has really caught my eye. I don't message people first, I only respond to whoever sends me a msg so I know that's probably limiting me but oh well. I don't know how much longer I'll stay on.

So I'm quoting myself...second guy...hmm losing interest. We still haven't met up again, we've been talking and texting everyday but just meh. I'm losing interest at this time and I think he may be as well. And we still haven't set up a second date so I feel like we are both just wasting time. So unless he puts in more work, shows some more initiative and interest that's a NO. I'm thinking about getting on a different site. I've just been getting contacted by 40 year olds as of late (I'm in my 20s and want to date 20s-30s). Back to square one. Trying to go out more this month and next month so maybe I'll meet someone offline...
Ugh there is this super attractive guy on POF but why this fool have "I am looking for my first black female." I questioned him on this in an email.

I just checked his profile and he changed it to something else. Nice to know that I can make an impact.
Online dating is still... well, online dating. I've gone on a lot of dates and the guys are nice, smart, tall, successful enough, but I don't feel much. I finally went out with a guy earlier this week that I think I could date and just really enjoy. He seems to be a good, genuine, kind man and that kindness is usually what does it for me.

We went out to a nice dinner together on Tuesday, double dated with my friends at the last minute on Friday, and did brunch/window shopping on Saturday. I'm hoping to see him again later in the week, but I don't want to bore him. Hoping for the best!
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Has anyone tried match? I found nothing of interest on match for 2 months and finally got hit up by someone worth talking to last week. So far so good...but we haven't has the first date yet but I'm cautiously optimistic.
Hi ladies, I never posted here but I wanted to share my experiences.
I signed up for OK Cupid in July. I really didn't take it seriously and expected nothing but funny stories to share with my girls over drinks. But I had two pretty good experiences (one didn't work out, I'll explain why but I still call it successful because I really had no expectations at all).

Well guy #1. Nice looking, engineer, 30 (I'm 27), home, car, no children, all of the minimum requirements. Our first date was to Cheesecake Factory, we hit it off really well. We hung out regularly (sometimes daily since I was on break from grad school) until recently (like very recent. I'm still trying to fade to black now). The problem arrived when I started to notice his mannerisms. They are feminine and the more comfortable he got around me, the more uncomfortable I began to feel with the situation. I tried to chalk it up to him being raised by women but I can't make excuses. I was beginning to feel uneasy. I started to ask him but decided not to bother. I know he'd say no and probably be offended and I wouldn't believe him anyway.

Guy #2. We had chatted a little on the site and in mid conversation I disabled my profile. I was just annoyed with the small talk. Well after talking my coworker into signing up, I decided to reactivate and he messaged me again. Long story short, I am in LIKE! He's 32, very cute, corp america, home, car, no children, all the minimum requirements. We've gone out a few times since last week and pretty much talk each other to sleep every night. I'm excited about getting to know him better.

I will keep you ladies posted on the progress.

Guy #2 and I are official!!! :grin::lick:
I have a friend who is now in a relationship with a dude she met online. She used a feature on the site to make the initial contact with a bunch of men and this was one who took up the bait (kind of like sending an emoticon). She strongly recommended doing that instead of waiting to be contacted. Her rationale is it's perfectly possible that a good guy simply might not see your profile. I was always a wait to be contacted kind of girl but this site is not large like match so that strategy might not be best. Thoughts on using this kind of feature to initiate contact?
Did you send "we;ll have fun" or "well have fun"

I looked back at the message and I did send "Well have fun." This dude is doing his thing and he's clearly not interested so I'm over it...

I havent been on a date in 5 months and there are no prospects. This ish is not fun :ohwell:
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I have a friend who is now in a relationship with a dude she met online. She used a feature on the site to make the initial contact with a bunch of men and this was one who took up the bait (kind of like sending an emoticon). She strongly recommended doing that instead of waiting to be contacted. Her rationale is it's perfectly possible that a good guy simply might not see your profile. I was always a wait to be contacted kind of girl but this site is not large like match so that strategy might not be best. Thoughts on using this kind of feature to initiate contact?

I'm pretty sure that does work on certain sites. It's better than actually having to write out a message. I wonder if OKCupid has that same feature.
^depends on the site i reckon. which is it?

It's a small Christian site.

I'm pretty sure that does work on certain sites. It's better than actually having to write out a message. I wonder if OKCupid has that same feature.

Yes, I think I'm going to try this feature for at least one month. It's not as risky as sending a message and doesn't require much effort. There are a handful of profiles I have spotted that have piqued my interest.
Match has a winking feature and I agree with the fact that your profile may not get seen by guys but I've never used that feature.

What I do if I see someone I'm interested in is view their profile so that I show up in their visitor list. That's worked for me on OKC and that's how I got contacted by this current match.com guy. I viewed his profile and he emailed me that night.
Match has a winking feature and I agree with the fact that your profile may not get seen by guys but I've never used that feature.

What I do if I see someone I'm interested in is view their profile so that I show up in their visitor list. That's worked for me on OKC and that's how I got contacted by this current match.com guy. I viewed his profile and he emailed me that night.

OK, I see. Unfortuntely, the site does not allow you to see who has checked out your profile.