***Online Dating Support Thread***

I know online dating isn't supposed to be talked about in the relationship thread and that's fine. The married ladies have their thread...and I think online dating will still be talked about a lot in a general dating thread because it is a common way to meet people in this day in age. :yep: I just think theres a place for everyone in the relationship forum but us single ladies that are navigating the dating world.
It's cool with me, I just think its better if everyone could just be in one thread bc that is how it was originally. The more diverse the better and more valuable advice If people can take some realness. The titles had to be changed bc old threads were shut down. But at one point of time everyone posted in one thread. I never cared for the seperation but if that's what people prefer.

Wait, be positive, keep believing, and all will surely be yours.Sent from my iPhone using LHCF
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Yes. I see posts about general dating in the rt thread but as soon as you mention that you met the guy online or you mention a profile it's frowned upon. Makes no sense.
Dating is dating.
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Bublin said:
Yes. I see posts about general dating in the rt thread but as soon as you mention that you met the guy online it's frowned upon. Makes no sense.
Dating is dating.

I met my SO online, a lot of people met or married guys from online so idk. Many have talked/talk about it in a lot in the rt thread including myself. But even when I get married I still will post in relationship rt the most bc it's the most general one and where I started.

Wait, be positive, keep believing, and all will surely be yours.Sent from my iPhone using LHCF
Thank goodness for google voice number! haha. but is there a way that the texts can come to my phone? Because I dont have a smart phone so I dont check the internet. I gave this dude my number because he asked me on a date. I thought fine, I could get some more experience. But dude is like lets text each other. No, you are supposed to tell me where we are going on a date to!
Keshieshimmer said:
Thank goodness for google voice number! haha. but is there a way that the texts can come to my phone? Because I dont have a smart phone so I dont check the internet. I gave this dude my number because he asked me on a date. I thought fine, I could get some more experience. But dude is like lets text each other. No, you are supposed to tell me where we are going on a date to!

This may help http://m.lifehacker.com/5316921/how-to-sms-with-google-voice-from-any-mobile-phone

Do you have an iPad? I learned that having access to smartphone or Ipad is good when you are doing the online dating. Even when my SO and I were just getting to know eachother I barely called his cell or talked to him on it. I called him from his iPad using an app, I messaged him on his Ipad through my iPhone with his email, skyped and FaceTime through his iPad and my iPhone. To this day we still do this. But FaceTime and Skype not so much, I'm too busy now.

Wait, be positive, keep believing, and all will surely be yours.Sent from my iPhone using LHCF
Yes. I see posts about general dating in the rt thread but as soon as you mention that you met the guy online or you mention a profile it's frowned upon. Makes no sense.
Dating is dating.

That's by the request of the OP of the thread that's running now. If someone else starts the next thread, anyone can post there. Just FYI.
All he said in his message to me was 'hi'....after all that he spouted in his profile :perplexed
I know I shouldn't have but I replied by saying.....'your profile is all kinds of wrong'
He messaged back and said, 'All kinds of wrong how? Your profile is all kinds of right, hence why I messaged you'.
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I'm still on online dating hiatus, however the Puerto Rican dude that hasn't called in 2 months contacted me last week. Looking at him with a fresh eye, he hit almost every dang red-flag I have:

-'scolded' me for taking down my OKC profile and not informing him
-complained about how all women want a man with a job/money
-asked me how many shoes I had that cost over $100 (the number is actually zero)
-complained that women can't let a guys past be his past and to look over his mistakes (walked out on exwife and DD with no support 10 years ago and hasnt seen his kid since)
-insists that eating healthy is pointless
-threw the 'n' word out like a katrillion times
-put the lack of contact issue on me for not consider a ninja (his terminology)
-no formal education (though he is an electrician)
-no apartment/house (lives on a boat cuz its 1/3 the rent)

There's more, but this is enough to ignore his calls from now on. :lachen:

Damn. The dregs of society have taken over the online dating scene. If I were to ever become single I don't think I'd have the patience to wade through the BS to find the jewels.
A guy sent me the typical black man profile (single, no kids, job) I am surprised he didn't put disease free. haha. Anyway despite that he seem cool and respectful. However anyone that thinks that it is acceptable to use the middle finger in a photo is not the type of guy for me. Yup I am picking, and athletic body type does not include an hourglass body shape.
You aint jokin RossBoss. Terrible. He actually was shocked that I wasnt trying to have $800 Prada bags and shoes all up in my closet. I told him no--I have a child's college to plan for as well as my retirement.

He said "whhaaaat? damn, i aint never heard that before! I'm impressed" WTF kinda people he with? WTF kinda person is he?

He has no idea this concept of middle class living and living within your means. Apparently he used to own a 5bdr 850k house before the crash and kept maids. I said, oh? For you and your daughter? He was like no, I don't see her it was just for me." So he lived outside his means to show off and is now broke as a joke and can't rent a real apartment. I bet his credit is shot!

Ugh. He's out for sure.
Dang, how did he even reach phone call status? I would have dropped him after discovering any one of those flags. There wouldn't be any time to work with a brotha to learn about his other issues. :lol:
he seemed OK online...things dont come out until you let people talk uninterrupted. he wasnt for texting and I liked that. Plus,I figured there was nothing to lose. And I was right. nothing to lose...at least he has a sexy voice. But that's all. lol
I am still talking to Mr. M. He is so sweet and maybe a little to sweet for me lol. He wants to bring me lunch from his fav italian restaurant tomorrow:)
I must be meant to be single. This ninja is MARRIED.....I just can't win. Good luck ladies. Obviously this online thing isn't for me. I hope you all have much success and find the person that you deserve. Love you.....

Aww, damn crlsweetie912, I was catching up on the last few pages and I was JUST about to ask how it went when I saw this post. What an a$$.

I'm sorry chica. :bighug:
8). Look at your competition. See how they write their content and the types of pictures they use. This may help you figure out what works and doesn't work. Also, check out the profiles of the men you want and don't want. This may give you better insight on how to get what you are looking for. No offense to anyone, but when I look at profiles of college educated women/men vs non-college educated women/men, overall I see a major difference. And as I said earlier, I can usually tell if a guy is my type or not by his main profile picture/username.

hahha great post Lushcoil

you cant check the profiles of other women on these sites I dont believe.

Favorite book is usually "my Bible" :lol: or maybe that's just the girls on FB
hahha great post Lushcoil

you cant check the profiles of other women on these sites I dont believe.

Favorite book is usually "my Bible" :lol: or maybe that's just the girls on FB

Yes you can:look: on pof just go to the website but don't log in. At the top click the Search button. That's one if the first things i did and do it periodically. Got to check out the competition. You may be surprised to find that there isn't much :look:
Sigh... all up in this thread today. Since there's no regular dating thread or even better, single women support thread, I'll drop this here:

Why oh why when I was at Whole Foods got chatted up by a nice looking older BM (mid 40s)...we talked about the products and whatnot...he did not ask for the digits! UGH! Another one stared me down soooo hard I thought somethin was on my face! Again...no chat. Being at whole foods these fools at least aren't broke and are somewhat health conscious...they didnt have on rings either!

WHY DO THEY DO THIS?! :wallbash::whyme:
Yes you can:look: on pof just go to the website but don't log in. At the top click the Search button. That's one if the first things i did and do it periodically. Got to check out the competition. You may be surprised to find that there isn't much :look:
I used to do this too. :lachen:at bolded but ITA.