***Online Dating Support Thread***

But they should just get a temp in to replace Heather OR even report her missing themselves. Don't employers have some kind of responsibility regarding welfare?

Bublin not in the US. People go missing everyday. Employers don't give a shyte. Companies can let you go'at will' with no reason. Position abandonment is considered good enough reason. Its up to personal family/friends to report. The company would only if the crime was committed on premises.

Its cut throat here, darlin.
On the dating front I was told by my friend that I shouldn't put too much stock into online photos and profiles. Because when she first saw her now husband's facebook he sounded and looked like a caveman.

The guy she thinks that I should give a chance had a photo entitled "doing my ***** hood pose." Methinks that she is in a honeymoon phase (she got married to her opposite mate). At what point do I realize that I am hindering myself from something great vs lowering my standards.

But then reading how people got together, it seems like it was easy. I truly believe that if it is with the right person that there would not be so much questioning on my part. Lord I need help! haha

I was thinking the same thing.
Is it lowering standards or just being realistic? The type of guy (looks and employment status and mental state) either doesn't really exist or for some reason is not interested in me.
Talking to someone now that I would have overlooked. He's younger than I am but we have had the best conversations, he is super funny and is very into me. We shall see.
Just popping in to see how everyone's doing :peek2:...haven't been in here or too focused on dating in a while as I've been preoccupied with other life things. Guy3 is still hanging in there even though I've been kinda neglectful lol
I'm supposed to meet this guy from match.com tomorrow for coffee. I sort of don't want to anymore bc he's totally turned me off. For starters, he's bald. But I was going to let that slide because he's tall and European. But then, he revealed that he lives in Queens. This is unacceptable. Brooklyn, I can do. But Queens?? I've been there before and it is boring as all hell. No wonder its cheap rent.

He suggested we meet on the west side of town and go walk around on the high line. Wtf for?? Coffee dates are all about convenience. I'm not trekking all the way to the west side to meet for coffee and walking around in the cold with no easy method of escape.

He also attempted to call me 2 minutes after I sent a text. I did not answer.

All signs are pointing to no. I think I'm gonna have to cancel this coffee date. I feel like a meanie but.... I hate wasting my time and I have better things to do. Like wash my hair or shred paper.
Girl just change your race to biracial even more crazy more will message you. :lol:

I've said before, bw should not be depending on online dating to get dates.please try to meet men irl as well. Online, bw must be patient and very strategic about how they make their profiles to get decent results. :look:

lushcoils, care to eloborate a bit more?
I'm supposed to meet this guy from match.com tomorrow for coffee. I sort of don't want to anymore bc he's totally turned me off. For starters, he's bald. But I was going to let that slide because he's tall and European. But then, he revealed that he lives in Queens. This is unacceptable. Brooklyn, I can do. But Queens?? I've been there before and it is boring as all hell. No wonder its cheap rent.

He suggested we meet on the west side of town and go walk around on the high line. Wtf for?? Coffee dates are all about convenience. I'm not trekking all the way to the west side to meet for coffee and walking around in the cold with no easy method of escape.

He also attempted to call me 2 minutes after I sent a text. I did not answer.

All signs are pointing to no. I think I'm gonna have to cancel this coffee date. I feel like a meanie but.... I hate wasting my time and I have better things to do. Like wash my hair or shred paper.

No offense but your reasons for cancelling seem superficial :look:
Ok.. :lol:I got asked out while not online. It was just like a scene in the movie Jungle Fever. I'm so serious. Oh the dude is Korean.
I'm supposed to meet this guy from match.com tomorrow for coffee. I sort of don't want to anymore bc he's totally turned me off. For starters, he's bald. But I was going to let that slide because he's tall and European. But then, he revealed that he lives in Queens. This is unacceptable. Brooklyn, I can do. But Queens?? I've been there before and it is boring as all hell. No wonder its cheap rent.

He suggested we meet on the west side of town and go walk around on the high line. Wtf for?? Coffee dates are all about convenience. I'm not trekking all the way to the west side to meet for coffee and walking around in the cold with no easy method of escape.

He also attempted to call me 2 minutes after I sent a text. I did not answer.

All signs are pointing to no. I think I'm gonna have to cancel this coffee date. I feel like a meanie but.... I hate wasting my time and I have better things to do. Like wash my hair or shred paper.

Maybe you just don't like the dude. You mad he lives in Queens? haha. Girl please just tell him that you aren't interested. I love bald men and plus 1 million points if they are European!
Girl just change your race to biracial even more crazy more will message you. :lol:

I've said before, bw should not be depending on online dating to get dates.please try to meet men irl as well. Online, bw must be patient and very strategic about how they make their profiles to get decent results. :look:

'lushcoils I really don't think anyone actually depends on it. We would all like to meet someone in real life. It's an option, especially for someone like me with a child, I don't get out much on my own except when I'm at work. I've also come to conclusion that I'm 'one of those women' that men just don't approach....for whatever reason...and no, I don't walk around with a grimace on my face!
I would love for you to share your strategies and after being single for over 2 years I can safely say that I am being patient but sooo tired of what appear to be decent black men igonoring my profile and old white men and rachet looking black guys having the 'balls' to say high. I tell you, one day imma go on a date with one of those old white guys :look:
I must be meant to be single. This ninja is MARRIED.....I just can't win. Good luck ladies. Obviously this online thing isn't for me. I hope you all have much success and find the person that you deserve. Love you.....
LivingDol1 you should always follow your instinct.

And that I did. I texted saying that I was unavailable now ad said enjoy your weekend. He wrote back immediately saying he was sorry to hear it and a asked me to let him know when I'd have time. I won't be replying.

I also failed to mention he texted me five or six times after I sent him my number. Before I was able to reply.... Screaming desperation. All of this combined with being bald, lying about living in manhattan, and lacking iMessage equals no thank you!
I must be meant to be single. This ninja is MARRIED.....I just can't win. Good luck ladies. Obviously this online thing isn't for me. I hope you all have much success and find the person that you deserve. Love you.....

The same guy you went on a breakfast date with?
I had that once from a guy on Match.com. I met him for lunch and 10 mins into it he told me he was seperated. I asked him why did he waste my time? :nono: He came out with elaborate story which was bull and blowing up my phone for 2 days afterwards.
@Bublin, well if the only way you get dates is through online websites, then are you are dependent on online dating if you want a relationship, whether it was intentional or not.

@Belle Du Jour

Well here are my tips for anyone interested. (Most of it is (common sense) and just about being realistic and/or focus on dating IRL so it may or may not help. lol)

*Again, if you are and/or look racially ambiguous or are intimidatingly beautiful or show a lot of cleavage in your pictures, this does not apply to you. Please don't come at me with the I never had a problem finding a husband within 2 weeks on a dating website. *

Reality of Online Dating

1). Be aware of demographics of the site so you can be realistic. I'm only going to use okcupid as an example.

race - The majority of users on OKC are white. I think I read somewhere that blacks only make up about 3% -10% of okc. With that in mind, remember that most people prefer to date their own race. Yes, some are open to others, but many non-bm online have the check everything but black attitude, So this may decrease your options on okc.

With black men, there just aren't that many to chose from on okcupid. And this may not be PC, but I think most bm on okc are looking for an IR and/or open to all types of women. I mean, to me it makes sense. If a bm wants a bw, why is going on okc to look for her when we are only a small percentage of the site? If a bm wants a bw, he can easily find one offline, especially since most bm aren't afraid to approach women in real life.

religion - The majority of users on OKC are atheist or agnostic. I know many BW are Christian and very religious. Again, this may decrease your options online.

education - I think at least half (probably more) of the men on okc have at least a bachelor's degree. Most college educated men want their women to be polished, college educated, and very knowledgeable about a variety of topics. This is common sense but please make sure your profile reflects that. Your grammar and spelling need to be "on point."

2). With that said, don't depend on online dating as the only way to get dates. The numbers are not in our favor online, though it can happen of course. Do what you can to learn how to meet men in real life, get them to approach, mingle, and flirt with them.

3). Open minded

If you must use online dating, as a bw you must be open-minded to men of all races who may be open to bw. Blacks are not the majority on okc, so it doesn't make sense to me when people complain about not finding bm on there. lol

If you want to date bm only, maybe try black dating sites like blackpeoplemeet or blackplanet. If you must date a Christian, try religious sites like christianmingle.com.

4). Try meetup.com or other co-ed interactive message boards or social media. If you must use the internet to find dates, join meetup.com groups with men that may be your type. Make sure you use attractive pictures, and fill out your profile completely. Make your profile approachable, and some men may hit you up on there. Also, go to the events. It will be a great way to meet men from online with similar interests. Same with other message boards and social media (fb, twitter...) if you are into those things. Have a cute picture and interesting/approachable profile.

Cater to the audience of the site. Think about the type of men you like and how you can craft a profile to catch their interests.

5). (Profile) pictures are very important. If you are not getting enough hits, you must find a better picture. Make sure that your main picture is somewhat flirty and clear/crisp enough to see your features well enough. Make sure your pictures don't look "LE." This isn't pc, but I can usually tell from a guy's main picture if he is "LE" or not.

-Face shot - A smile is must. If you are dark, please don't use blurry or dull pictures where we can't see your features. Phone or webcam pictures are a no no. They don't capture our features well. Only use pictures from actual cameras. You might want to wear makeup. :look: Or get professional photos done.

-Hair - Again, not pc, but most men on these sites prefer longer hair. If your main picture is one of you with a twa, shrunken twists, cornrows, or Nia long hair cut, you may not get as many hits. Please try experimenting with pictures with more feminine/flirty hair styles (usually hair worn down or baa) if you can.

-Body - Again, okc is a white majority site. Most nonbm prefer their women on the smaller side. If you are overweight, then this may decrease your options. You must have full body shots on your page. If you are trying to cater to the average college educated man on okc, please make sure your outfits portray you as polished, feminine, poised, and professional.

6). Profile names. On blackpeoplemeet, user names such as iLOVEgod, MsPeaches, thickems, soulfoodlover, JayZswifey, and darkmenonly, may get you tons of hits. On sites on okc, those types of usernames may decrease your hits. If you want to use sites like okc and you are open to all races, create a username that suggest you are open to all cultures and have unique interests...belle du jour is a good one. You must have an engaging/witty username on sites like okc.

7). Keywords/Profile content. Check out this page: http://blog.okcupid.com/index.php/the-real-stuff-white-people-like/. Make sure you talk about interests on your profile that will interest the types of men you want to attract, but remember the main audience on the site. Be honest.

Not saying to change yourself, but if you are on sites like okcupid, and all your page talks about is how you love Trey Songs, Lil Wayne, basketball, Jesus, Denzel, favorite movie: Love and Basketball, favorite book: Coldest winter ever, and all you watch on tv is Martin, don't be surprised if a lot of men on okc don't message you. :lol:

8). Look at your competition. See how they write their content and the types of pictures they use. This may help you figure out what works and doesn't work. Also, check out the profiles of the men you want and don't want. This may give you better insight on how to get what you are looking for. No offense to anyone, but when I look at profiles of college educated women/men vs non-college educated women/men, overall I see a major difference. And as I said earlier, I can usually tell if a guy is my type or not by his main profile picture/username.
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The same guy you went on a breakfast date with?
I had that once from a guy on Match.com. I met him for lunch and 10 mins into it he told me he was seperated. I asked him why did he waste my time? :nono: He came out with elaborate story which was bull and blowing up my phone for 2 days afterwards.

Yep....I got the, I'm married but unhappy speech...smh. Not even separated yet. Sigh........
Im trying online dating again. I have to say pof has been interesting this time around. I am receiving so many msgs from white men which is very surprising. I have decided to take the plunge and try it out. I am really stepping out of my comfort zone-wish me luck lol
One of the guys is bring me dinner at work...:drunk:.
Thanks for that list. Oh boy, I'm not sure what I can tweek as I think I've pretty much covered them. I guess I could have a better body picture of myself.
6). Profile names. On blackpeoplemeet, user names such as iLOVEgod, MsPeaches, thickems, soulfoodlover, JayZswifey, and darkmenonly, may get you tons of hits. On sites on okc, those types of usernames may decrease your hits. If you want to use sites like okc and you are open to all races, create a username that suggest you are open to all cultures and have unique interests...belle du jour is a good one. You must have an engaging/witty username on sites like okc.

Great tips.

LOL @ BelleduJour being a good name :grin:
@Bublin, well if the only way you get dates is through online websites, then are you are dependent on online dating if you want a relationship, whether it was intentional or not.

Hey, I was asked out irl a couple of months ago and went on a date...and that's the end of that story.......:lol:
I think we need a general dating thread for 2012/2013...It would be great for those of us that are not able to post in the relationship or marriage threads. We could talk about all forms of dating, real life meetings, blind dates, speed dating, online, etc. what do ya'll think?
I think we need a general dating thread for 2012/2013...It would be great for those of us that are not able to post in the relationship or marriage threads. We could talk about all forms of dating, real life meetings, blind dates, speed dating, online, etc. what do ya'll think?

Agreed. Single people who are dating and figuring it out should have a thread (and aren't our stories more entertaining anyway? I know mine are ridiculous.)
I think we need a general dating thread for 2012/2013...It would be great for those of us that are not able to post in the relationship or marriage threads. We could talk about all forms of dating, real life meetings, blind dates, speed dating, online, etc. what do ya'll think?

I agree.....a general dating thread is needed. Are you going to start one?:grin:
I am pretty neutral but I dont like how we keep making seperate threads. I thought the purpose of the original relationship rt threads was to post random thoughts on relationships regardless of status. The more diverse the threads the better IMO. I like online thread bc that us how I met SO. But prior to SO I use to vent about the frogs I met in the relationship rt thread.

Wait, be positive, keep believing, and all will surely be yours.Sent from my iPhone using LHCF