***Online Dating Support Thread***

i deactivated my account 2 weeks ago. The two guys i actually felt comfortable enough with to exchange numbers....turned out to be unemployed. And the third guy i talked on the phone with was previously married and has only been in the country under 10 years. It seems like he is desperately looking for a new queen (prob to stay in the country). naaahh man. Maybe when i get my life stable right now with my new job i'll have all the time to deal with this bullish...but right now i'm stressed enough
I received this message............:ohwell::nono::lachen:.....

For roughly half of the week (it used to be all of it) I suffer a problem that robs me of sleep and energy. I suffer night emissions but not in the true sense.
Bublin...this wasnt real... please, lawd PLEASE, tell me you are makin this up!

Yeah he is sick. What he wants a woman to do is ask "how can I help" "what would relieve that type of pain/pressure"? Of course the answer is sex, bj, etc.
Bublin...this wasnt real... please, lawd PLEASE, tell me you are makin this up!


Ha ha ha. All of your replies are making me laugh. This waited about 24hrs for me to respond before deleting hia profile. I didn't block him because i wanted to cut and paste it for you guys to read. It's just nasty and quite scary.
told my mom i have a bf. she was like, "how'd you meet?" I was like, "He did TFA. some of my coworkers did TFA".

so i was basically just stating facts :lol: NOT answering the question.

bf said i should be a politician :lachen:
Hid my POF profile.
Annoyed with all of the flaky men.
I was really really really really feeling Mr. ATL. He was supposed to come up and see me this weekend. But we had a bit of a falling out today so I'm not sure that I even want to see him.
This dating thing is becoming draining.

I wish I could just meet someone in person and then he turn out to not be a flake.

There's this delicious looking man downstairs in my office building but I only see him every once in awhile and he never says anything more than a hello (although he takes 2nd and 3rd glances at me). I wish I had the nerve to ask him out. But he's too fine to be single....I have a feeling he's involved.:sad:
I joined Eharmony... my matches are 90% WM. I want to be open to knew things but can I ease in... dang. I have been on for 3 weeks, i exchanges questions with three BM and nothing further happened. I get lots of profile views and none of these 50-11 WM are biting. I don't think I like that Eharmony picks matches and that I can't see any other suitors.
I joined Eharmony... my matches are 90% WM. I want to be open to knew things but can I ease in... dang. I have been on for 3 weeks, i exchanges questions with three BM and nothing further happened. I get lots of profile views and none of these 50-11 WM are biting. I don't think I like that Eharmony picks matches and that I can't see any other suitors.

That's why I wasn't feeling that site
What happened @Bublin? :lachen: :lachen:

On POF even if you have hidden your profile guys that have previously messaged you can still get through. I had exchanged numbers with this guy a few weeks back and we spoke for 2 days and then he disappeared on me.
So today he messages me with 'sorry'.
I message him back asking, 'what are you sorry for?'
He messages back, 'why are all you black women so angry, I just said I was sorry'.

I know I shouldn't have responded in the first place but I wasn't looking to re-connect.

I closed my laptop and 'gently' threw it on the floor in disbelief. :nono:
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Bublin said:
On POF even if you have hidden your profile guys that have previously messaged you can still get through. I had exchanged numbers with this guy a few weeks back and we spoke for 2 days and then he disappeared on me.
So today he messages me with 'sorry'.
I message him back asking, 'what are you sorry for?'
He messages back, 'why are all you black women so angry, I just said I was sorry'.

I know I shouldn't have responded in the first place but I wasn't looking to re-connect.

I closed my laptop and 'gently' threw it on the floor in disbelief. :nono:

Please, I beg you please kindly let him have it.
Ask him why do black men lack commitment and common courtesy. Ask him why are black men so interested in what the next man is doing, which is why they think they can walk around after 40 still thinking they're the next Jay z. Let him know that black women don't need someone like him that will take something so small to make it into an 'angry black woman ordeal.' Tell him to go ahead and start dating white women, no one cares he will be doing us a favor.

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Please, I beg you please kindly let him have it.
Ask him why do black men lack commitment and common courtesy. Ask him why are black men so interested in what the next man is doing, which is why they think they can walk around after 40 still thinking they're the next Jay z. Let him know that black women don't need someone like him that will take something so small to make it into an 'angry black woman ordeal.' Tell him to go ahead and start dating white women, no one cares he will be doing us a favor.

Sent from my iPhone using LHCF

If I hadn't blocked him I would have cut and paste this and sent it to him.
Bublin said:
If I hadn't blocked him I would have cut and paste this and sent it to him.

Good, next time he goes to message u he will get that message from that bitter black woman named blockeisha. Lol.

Sent from my iPhone using LHCF
Hey y'all I want to share my experience so far..

Over the summer, I joined POF and put my location as NY, I was in Atl at the time but was moving to NY in August and i'm here now. I let the men I was in contact with know this and they were fine with. We just kept things casual. I met three men that stood out and was looking forward to meeting.

Angel- said he was 32, did some snooping (he gave me his email address) and this fool was 40. when I got to NY turns out he wanted some booty. NEXT

Ade- 23 Nigerian. we talked everyday! skyped too, it all seemed too good to be true; and it was. When I arrived he started showing out, turns out this fool had a gf. NEXT

Owen- 35 Lawyer, well traveled blah blah. This dude was cheap as hell, said he liked traveling by himself because it's less expensive and wanted to take me to IHOP on our first date. I politely declined. NEXT


Did I really think that I would meet someone worthy of consideration long distance? Not really. So I was not surprised or too upset. The only one I was a bit heated about was Ade. He was a smooth talker. Damn virgo. it's ok though, my aunt said I could never have introduced him to the fam as he looks like a gorilla according to her! lol

So that brings me here. I left the fishmarket and moved on to Okcupid, which I prefer alot more. Way better prospects, in my opinion.

The first weekend I joined I met a fellow j'can, Jermaine. I was so excited. We met up that same day he messaged me; just sat in his car and chatted. Conversation was flowing and the laughs were flowing, that was Sat and then we went on a proper date Monday. We went to some restaurant and everything seemed fine, except it wasn't, something was off, the easy going vibe had become a bit strained.hmmm. After dinner, he's like oh the night is young wanna come back to my place to watch a movie? -_- I should have known that any man that just got out (1.5yr) of a 7 yr relationship in which the gf cheated on him wasn't going to be taking women seriously for awhile.

Then there was the other j'can who only wanted to talk about sex, but presented himself as someone decent in convos.

Then there's this weirdo who I got into an argument with and who keeps viewing my profile.... like every other day....

The arrogant dominican who got mad cuz I called him out on his bull and then said ' see that why I don't date black women'....

There was a haitian who I was really feeling and who seemed very promising, but after 4 days of consistent communication he seemed to fall of the face of the earth and I wasn't abt to chase him so I left that alone and haven't heard from him since last thurs.

whew! that's alot of frogs, however since June till abt last week, I learnt that I would never meet a guy of substance unless I had firm boundaries and gave no second chances. with that being said....

I met someone who could be the diamond in the rough.

23, Cameroonian, in college. Did everything right from the jump, except for a bit too much texting, but after I told him I prefer talking we've been good. We had the most romantic date on Sunday. We went to central park, it was such a beautiful day. had lunch and then walked the park. We came to sit by the fountain overlooking the lake, there was a violin playing behind us, we saw a couple get engaged on the water; the ambiance was just perfect. I could tell he was a bit nervous and I found that so cute, he kept touching my back everytime I said or did something that he found endearing. We were speaking french, him fluently, me poorly lol, which made it even more special. He was holding back though, I could tell he wanted to hold my hand, he even once awkwardly threw his arm around me and then quickly dropped it back to his side. My stiffness wasn't helping I guess lol. But he has the most gorgeous brown eyes, I could just stare in them all day. We spent 6hrs! together that day.

While we were having lunch, my mom called me and started cussing at me for being on a date with a guy I met online, it was so funny and he could hear too. But he said that it was good my mother was so concerned, it showed that I came from a good family.

So i'm keeping my fingers crossed abt him, we're supposed to be meeting tomorrow to study together and then Friday for an open house at a museum. I'm excited to get to know him.
These fluckers in the DMV are driving me crazy. Why can't i meet a decent man on POF. The decent one I met on OKC doesn't want a relationship. He just wants to ***. I can't....I'm done...

I don't even know where to start. But he's just so nice. Everything was comfortable. We almost didn't meet. Because we have been talking for like three weeks, and I was like look, you are either interested or you aren't so S*** or get off the pot. And he came correct. We talked for HOURS! It's so easy talking to him, and he's like I've never met anyone like you. Kept telling me how beautiful I was (not the DAMN you sexy bs), held my hand, Felt so good.


I'm like seriously on cloud nine....so happy right now!!!!

That is great!!! It's good that he stepped it up.

I'm seriously Cheesing.....Really...:lachen:
