***Online Dating Support Thread***

Let me start off by saying PLENTY of men and women in my age group have gained weight and loss some of their luster. I'm sorry but it's just it is what it is..... But their inside is still nice like mine. :lol:

Mr. Bean and I have been chatting for awhile on and off but never could meet up. He lives in my hometown and I visit there often so I said it couldn't hurt to meet finally.

His conversations were always intriguing and kept me interested.

Finally a face to face!

We decided to meet at a gym. When I first gave him the "church hug" I felt something strange but I didn't bother to question.

After working up a sweat I see black dye and make up on his towel. :look:

Finally he saw my face and he said at lunch he would explain his life to me. So we hit the showers and met up at the front desk. I literally choked when I saw him again. His make up ,dye was completely washed away, and he took off his girdle. He looked like a different person.
I tried so hard not to show how I truly felt. But my eyes told the story.:sad:

So fast forward we catch a cab to the lunch spot in silence. After ordering he begins to explain that he wears make up,a kymayro, and new product to help blend out bald spots. His tone became offensive. Then he gets into this long story about his life of being the dude that women passed over . Oh then he gets loud and talks about how women have all the perks with beauty! After two more drinks he starts to cuss that I could use to lose a few too.:blush:I just get up and leave. He's called and texted daily stating he was nervous and so sorry but I refuse to answer any of his attempts.:nono:

Am I really shallow or should I expect this for the 40 plus man?

Dark Joy
Let me start off by saying PLENTY of men and women in my age group have gained weight and loss some of their luster. I'm sorry but it's just it is what it is..... But their inside is still nice like mine. :lol:

Mr. Bean and I have been chatting for awhile on and off but never could meet up. He lives in my hometown and I visit there often so I said it couldn't hurt to meet finally.

His conversations were always intriguing and kept me interested.

Finally a face to face!

We decided to meet at a gym. When I first gave him the "church hug" I felt something strange but I didn't bother to question.

After working up a sweat I see black dye and make up on his towel. :look:

Finally he saw my face and he said at lunch he would explain his life to me. So we hit the showers and met up at the front desk. I literally choked when I saw him again. His make up ,dye was completely washed away, and he took off his girdle. He looked like a different person.
I tried so hard not to show how I truly felt. But my eyes told the story.:sad:

So fast forward we catch a cab to the lunch spot in silence. After ordering he begins to explain that he wears make up,a kymayro, and new product to help blend out bald spots. His tone became offensive. Then he gets into this long story about his life of being the dude that women passed over . Oh then he gets loud and talks about how women have all the perks with beauty! After two more drinks he starts to cuss that I could use to lose a few too.:blush:I just get up and leave. He's called and texted daily stating he was nervous and so sorry but I refuse to answer any of his attempts.:nono:

Am I really shallow or should I expect this for the 40 plus man?

@Dark Joy

Wow, I can't believe he said that to you. I'm sorry. That was just disrespectful.
Let me start off by saying PLENTY of men and women in my age group have gained weight and loss some of their luster. I'm sorry but it's just it is what it is..... But their inside is still nice like mine. :lol:

Mr. Bean and I have been chatting for awhile on and off but never could meet up. He lives in my hometown and I visit there often so I said it couldn't hurt to meet finally.

His conversations were always intriguing and kept me interested.

Finally a face to face!

We decided to meet at a gym. When I first gave him the "church hug" I felt something strange but I didn't bother to question.

After working up a sweat I see black dye and make up on his towel. :look:

Finally he saw my face and he said at lunch he would explain his life to me. So we hit the showers and met up at the front desk. I literally choked when I saw him again. His make up ,dye was completely washed away, and he took off his girdle. He looked like a different person.
I tried so hard not to show how I truly felt. But my eyes told the story.:sad:

So fast forward we catch a cab to the lunch spot in silence. After ordering he begins to explain that he wears make up,a kymayro, and new product to help blend out bald spots. His tone became offensive. Then he gets into this long story about his life of being the dude that women passed over . Oh then he gets loud and talks about how women have all the perks with beauty! After two more drinks he starts to cuss that I could use to lose a few too.:blush:I just get up and leave. He's called and texted daily stating he was nervous and so sorry but I refuse to answer any of his attempts.:nono:

Am I really shallow or should I expect this for the 40 plus man?

Dark Joy
WHAT THE ENTIRE FLUCK! I would have kicked his *** in the nutz......OMG....No, I have met my share of crazies, but he would have gotten cussed. MAKEUP AND A KIMARO? :lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen:
I wouldn't have even gone to lunch with him. How was he gonna wear all that sweating in the gym and not think you wouldn't notice?
Made a profile on OKC a while ago...logged on today to get 2 matches that seem promising...my behind hasnt uploaded a pic yet . Havent had the time and I'm kinda picky about the pic I want to put up.
I came in here to post my updates and I see everyone is getting the same thing LOL....I have 3 in the running thus far :nono: all I want is one but this search is HARD.

Guy 1) Sent me a msg months ago and for some reason I just stopped responding. I was in a car accident a few months ago and was going to look at a car I happened to look over at this car parked at a stop sign (bc my grandfather used to have one like it) noticed the driver didn't looked that bad and realized it was this guy! He didn't see me but I saw him that day just completely random...I found him again on the website, told him the story, and we exchanged numbers - BTW he looked MUCH better in person. He seemed interested but he texts me, I respond, and he takes forever to reply. He refuses to call me and when I mentioned it he was like well it didnt seem like we were having that type of conversation :perplexed. 2 weeks later after random texts, I finally decided to stop texting him, and kill it so I wouldnt waste anymore time. This negro then texts me asking me why I stopped texting him :ohwell: I let him know it didnt seem like he was interested even though I was so I didn't want to waste my time. Then he spins everything back on me like I wasn't interested and the cycle has started again. Errgghhh!

Guy 2) Is nice but he lives 1.5 hours away and he's not my usual type. I told him we could be friends but Im really not interested in LD dating being that there are so many options right here. He texts and most importantly calls me but I hate his voice :sad: I know...he's just so country. Our personalities don't seem to really match and I feel like Im forcing myself to like him. When I like someone you can't shut me up but I really don't have much to say to him and just want to text him. *le sigh*

Guy 3) Is about 3 years younger and very attractive but I could never see anything serious with. Truth be told I would only be interested in him to play :grin: He calls me bae, boo, and every other nickname I don't like which annoys me PLUS he has two, maybe three kids with the youngest one being no older than 2. :nono: I don't have a problem with kids bc Im not having anymore but I need for your kid to be older and you to be separated from your GF, BM, WF for at least two years.

None of these guys are that great on paper either. They all have jobs and at a minimum some college but not as well off as Im used to. I don't know what to do :whyme: Why is it so hard to find a match??
Whooo SUPER SWEET...just... wow... what in the blue blazes?!? makeup, girdle, hair rinse... and he wonders WHY he cant get a date?!?

Well you certainly got a funny story to tell for life after that nonsense!

Yes...the 40+ crowd is a bit...off..... it seems...
I'm still at this online dating thing:drunk:

Guy 1 and I have been casually dating for about a month now. He's cool, attractive, fun to be with but he's def a "short term" kind of guy...still kind of lives like a college frat boy even though he's educated with a decent job. I attribute that to the fact he has mostly white friends:look: But I always have a good time with him so I keep him around.

Guy 2 is a post doc fellow, creative type. He's very intelligent and artsy...I thought I would try something different:spinning: We are in the talking stage, no date set up yet.

Guy 3 made me stop in my tracks when I saw his profile. Wow, just wow:lick: and he actually had something of substance to say in his profile! We just connected on fri so it's still very new but he's the first guy to have everything I'm looking for. (so he'll prob end up being crazy:lol:)

Guy 4 is not from a dating site. He's a coworker, doesn't work in my unit but our paths cross occaisonally. He's shown an interest and we are msging on FB. I'm not interested in doing the work thing but I thought I'd keep my options open and not close that door. He's not my usual type so we'll see.
Feeling discouraged. The 1st time Mr. ATL tried to come up to see me, his mom got into a car accident.

This time he tries to come up to take his daughter to see her mom and visit me at the same time, he's running super super late because his two back tires go flat with nails in them, the tow truck takes forever to come, and then his daughters mom decides she wants to go out with her friends because he is taking too long to get there. So she decides she'll see the daughter on their next trip. So he has to turn back around and head back to GA.
Should I take this as a sign?
kweenameena said:
Feeling discouraged. The 1st time Mr. ATL tried to come up to see me, his mom got into a car accident.

This time he tries to come up to take his daughter to see her mom and visit me at the same time, he's running super super late because his two back tires go flat with nails in them, the tow truck takes forever to come, and then his daughters mom decides she wants to go out with her friends because he is taking too long to get there. So she decides she'll see the daughter on their next trip. So he has to turn back around and head back to GA.
Should I take this as a sign?

I wouldn't cancel it out completely. It just may not be the right weekend. My SO and I didn't meet up during our original date. I just said to myself to be patient. Even now I have to tell myself to be patient bc there are things that have come up in my personal life which have our visiting plans on hold.
Another Star
Ok. Yes, I told Heather about the website POF a few months ago. But that's really it. I casually mentioned I met a few men on there and it wasn't that great. I gave her no rules of dating online because I didn't think I needed to tell a 45 year old how to date!

So she made a profile and started getting a "bid head" from all the messages that she received. I am finding this out second hand :giggle: her brother told me that she began to get down-right conceited. I do remember when we were out her phone was blowing up and she was busy on some weekends that I came home. I thought nothing about POF.....

Here's what went down.....
Heather started chatting with a dude from NY. He is younger actually about 15 years younger. He began to blow her head upppppppppppppp. She went to visit him within the 1st week of chatting, on her dime.:look: They stayed at his grandma's house since his apartment was getting renovated.
:ohwell: Everything was whirlwind:2inlove: according to her, he could do no wrong,she was getting rid of all the busters. After the first two hours they had s-x, unprotected:nono:. He told her that he would just use oil.:scratchch

The next weekend he wanted to visit her but his car needed to be fixed so she let him borrow the 1800.00 to get his car fixed via western union.

The next weekend his renovation was over so he couldn't come down since he had major cleaning up to do. She requested to visit again but he told her no because his mother was helping and thought she would get in the way. :spinning:

This past weekend she went to NY and he didn't show up to pick her up. She called the cell phone but got no answer. So she went to the grandma's house only to find out they didn't know anyone by that name.:moon: So she sat outside on the steps until the lady threaten to call the police on her.

Today I get a phone call telling me that I am an awful friend and she should fight me. If I were a good friend I would have prepared her for internet dating and would have told her the rules.

This is my fault all of this happen. :huh: If I would have told her to not give money or sex she would be in a better place. :blah: :blah: :blah:

So now we aren't friends anymore until I pay her back the money:lachen: NOT!
This is not my fault...
Another Star
Ok. Yes, I told Heather about the website POF a few months ago. But that's really it. I casually mentioned I met a few men on there and it wasn't that great. I gave her no rules of dating online because I didn't think I needed to tell a 45 year old how to date!

So she made a profile and started getting a "bid head" from all the messages that she received. I am finding this out second hand :giggle: her brother told me that she began to get down-right conceited. I do remember when we were out her phone was blowing up and she was busy on some weekends that I came home. I thought nothing about POF.....

Here's what went down.....
Heather started chatting with a dude from NY. He is younger actually about 15 years younger. He began to blow her head upppppppppppppp. She went to visit him within the 1st week of chatting, on her dime.:look: They stayed at his grandma's house since his apartment was getting renovated.
:ohwell: Everything was whirlwind:2inlove: according to her, he could do no wrong,she was getting rid of all the busters. After the first two hours they had s-x, unprotected:nono:. He told her that he would just use oil.:scratchch

The next weekend he wanted to visit her but his car needed to be fixed so she let him borrow the 1800.00 to get his car fixed via western union.

The next weekend his renovation was over so he couldn't come down since he had major cleaning up to do. She requested to visit again but he told her no because his mother was helping and thought she would get in the way. :spinning:

This past weekend she went to NY and he didn't show up to pick her up. She called the cell phone but got no answer. So she went to the grandma's house only to find out they didn't know anyone by that name.:moon: So she sat outside on the steps until the lady threaten to call the police on her.

Today I get a phone call telling me that I am an awful friend and she should fight me. If I were a good friend I would have prepared her for internet dating and would have told her the rules.

This is my fault all of this happen. :huh: If I would have told her to not give money or sex she would be in a better place. :blah: :blah: :blah:

So now we aren't friends anymore until I pay her back the money:lachen: NOT!
This is not my fault...

Would she do all that if she had met the guy in person? Dropping the drawers and giving him 2k when she barely knew him? She's grown, getting played is not a new phenomenon, she should have known better.
What in blue blazes?!?!?1 :lachen:WOW... what a dumb broad...sorry... did she actually western union over a GRAND to a practical stranger? :nuts:Seriously?! I need to figure out HIS game... I need that kinda hookup... sheeeit... lol

@Another Star
Ok. Yes, I told Heather about the website POF a few months ago. But that's really it. I casually mentioned I met a few men on there and it wasn't that great. I gave her no rules of dating online because I didn't think I needed to tell a 45 year old how to date!

So she made a profile and started getting a "bid head" from all the messages that she received. I am finding this out second hand :giggle: her brother told me that she began to get down-right conceited. I do remember when we were out her phone was blowing up and she was busy on some weekends that I came home. I thought nothing about POF.....

Here's what went down.....
Heather started chatting with a dude from NY. He is younger actually about 15 years younger. He began to blow her head upppppppppppppp. She went to visit him within the 1st week of chatting, on her dime.:look: They stayed at his grandma's house since his apartment was getting renovated.
:ohwell: Everything was whirlwind:2inlove: according to her, he could do no wrong,she was getting rid of all the busters. After the first two hours they had s-x, unprotected:nono:. He told her that he would just use oil.:scratchch

The next weekend he wanted to visit her but his car needed to be fixed so she let him borrow the 1800.00 to get his car fixed via western union.

The next weekend his renovation was over so he couldn't come down since he had major cleaning up to do. She requested to visit again but he told her no because his mother was helping and thought she would get in the way. :spinning:

This past weekend she went to NY and he didn't show up to pick her up. She called the cell phone but got no answer. So she went to the grandma's house only to find out they didn't know anyone by that name.:moon: So she sat outside on the steps until the lady threaten to call the police on her.

Today I get a phone call telling me that I am an awful friend and she should fight me. If I were a good friend I would have prepared her for internet dating and would have told her the rules.

This is my fault all of this happen. :huh: If I would have told her to not give money or sex she would be in a better place. :blah: :blah: :blah:

So now we aren't friends anymore until I pay her back the money:lachen: NOT!
This is not my fault...
Wow supersweet. That would be a friend I would be glad to lose. No way would she get one cent from me. She was straight stupid and played herself.

She better hope he didn't leave her a present aka STD.
Would she do all that if she had met the guy in person? Dropping the drawers and giving him 2k when she barely knew him? She's grown, getting played is not a new phenomenon, she should have known better.


no diss to your friend but ive always wondered why there were disproportionately so many bum dudes in online dating who had the audacity to behave the way that they did.
its because there is or there has been some woman out there to fall for the okie doke. men aren't as dumb as they act. they know whats up. all it takes is insecure woman to take the bait.

for shame.
Now her brother wanna get in it...:nono: He called me talking about riding up with him to NY to help him try and find this man. I don't know the man nor his screen name. THIS IS NOT MY PROBLEM! I told him to get mad at your sister. Umm that 1800.00 was bill money that yall gonna have to find from somewhere, NOT ME... Dude was suppose to give it back when he came down. I had to :lachen: when he said maybe he'll man up and bring it down.

:nono: :nono:I just don't understand how e-love can get you caught up like this.

Heather is such a nutttttttttttttttt. She's been trying to google and spokeo the dude with no luck. I told her brother maybe she can find him through Western Union.:ohwell: But if he's a professional scammer he may have multiple names.
Another Starr
Crackers Phinn
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Now her brother wanna get in it...:nono: He called me talking about riding up with him to NY to help him try and find this man. I don't know the man nor his screen name. THIS IS NOT MY PROBLEM! I told him to get mad at your sister. Umm that 1800.00 was bill money that yall gonna have to find from somewhere, NOT ME... Dude was suppose to give it back when he came down. I had to :lachen: when he said maybe he'll man up and bring it down.

:nono: :nono:I just don't understand how e-love can get you caught up like this.

Heather is such a nutttttttttttttttt. She's been trying to google and spokeo the dude with no luck. I told her brother maybe she can find him through Western Union.:ohwell: But if he's a professional scammer he may have multiple names.

What in blue blazes...........:lachen: How can someone be that stupid? How the heck she blaming you because she got played like a piano? I would be so embarrassed to even tell anyone that story then she has the nerve to say you owe her money? Man, her feelings would have been HURT if she had called me up with that nonsense. HURT I tell you.:nono: