***Online Dating Support Thread***

tinkat he lives about 4 hours away.

So this weekend was pretty amazing. My biggest fear was that all the chemistry we had in messages and over the phone wouldn't exist in person but I'm so glad I was wrong! I don't want to bore anyone with details so I'll try to just hit the highlights.

First time we saw each other didn't feel like the first time. It was a lot like seeing an old friend but there was a bit of "I know you, but don't know you" awkwardness there. Friday night we had dinner and hung out. I wound up staying both nights at his hotel. Saturday morning he graciously helped me finish decorating my classroom, ate brunch, spent the rest of the day at the Arboretum, and ended the night at Top Golf. Today we went to the aquarium then walked around downtown. He was always very respectful and chivalrous.

It was cute that he didn't want to stop hugging me when we were saying goodbye... not that I wanted to let go either. It makes it a little easier knowing he'll be back this weekend :) Needless to say, I really like this guy :grin:

I've completely neglected my Match and OKC profiles. I'm so ready to close my profiles. Hopefully Oklahoma and I will talk about ending our Match profiles soon :crossfingers: I just don't want to get ahead of myself.
date with forever dude (:lol:) on Saturday was SO GOOD. sushi + bookstore (my favorite type of date apparently).

saw him again today (er, Sunday), we literally talked ALL DAY. we connect so incredibly well. i'm just like :spinning: :grin:
I have about 6 gorgeous men in rotation. All with great character, great jobs, great personalities and they are lots of fun.
But of course, I decide to fall for the one who lives 8 hours away.
Our chemistry is amazing!
But there are 5 perfectly good men in my vicinity.
I think I finally found someone decent enough to get to know. We have a LOT in common. We have great conversation and he's a gentleman, and really gorgeous! :grin:

Even if this doesn't go anywhere. I met a really nice guy....
1st Date was great (he even insisted on paying the babysitter :yep:, which was my Mother :lachen:).
He is taking me to dinner/movies on Friday.

Two years of online dating with not much success and I meet someone irl in totally unexpected circumstances. I feel at home in this thread so i refuse to leave all of you guys :look:.
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You are sooo right. I had forgotten how straightforward it is to arrange a date with someone you meet irl. The guys online are full of bulls*it. Why they gotta act like that? I pray I don't have to go back to it anytime soon.
You are sooo right. I had forgotten how straightforward it is to arrange a date with someone you meet irl. The guys online are full of bulls*it. Why they gotta act like that? I pray I don't have to go back to it anytime soon.

Girl, all I can say is I'm glad I have a boyfriend. Things may not be all rosy with us but it's waaaaaaaaaaaay better than dealing with that online dating crap. The one liners, the vanishing acts, the waiting on them to respond, the weirdos, the creepys, the horndogs, the playas and it never ends. Online dating will drain all the energy out of your body then drank the energy from your soul. I hate it with a passion!
Online dating can be aggravating but I am sooo glad I kept forgetting to deactivate my account. I would have never met my twin :grin:. I heart him so!!!! LOL
Bublin said:
1st Date was great (he even insisted on paying the babysitter :yep:, which was my Mother :lachen:).
He is taking me to dinner/movies on Friday.

Two years of online dating with not much success and I meet someone irl in totally unexpected circumstances. I feel at home in this thread so i refuse to leave all of you guys :look:.

I feel the same. Ive been hanging out with a coworker who apparently has been liking me for a while. I really didnt think that he and i were each other's type so paid him no attention. I'll keep watch in here for updates though.
I put my profile on "no visibility" on match. I've just been getting too many winks from weirdos and dudes I have nothing in common with. It hasn't been going to well for me. I'm emailing some dude on there now, (since I can still continue an email convo while being invisible) but he just wants to email, and I'm not into going back and forth with dissertations about my life. I keep it no longer than 3 sentences. I'd rather meet for coffee or something. If he doesn't try to make a move in the next email, I'll probably stop communication and keep my profile invisible for a little bit. I plan to keep my profile invisible for a few weeks, maybe. I'll see what happens. I guess I've gotten into the routine of visiting match once a day, so that's kinda hard to break.
Alright I have a dilemma:
I'm seeing a dude tomorrow that I've been talking to for about a week.
Of course I know that he's talking to other woman and I'm talking to other men.
But in the midst of our texting about plans for our date, he texts me a username of another woman on accident. So of course, I find her on POF and now I just feel awkward.

It seems like he was texting her at the same time he was texting me and accidently pasted her username in my text when it must have been for her.

I didn't say anything but again, I feel weird.
Would you all say something or leave it alone?
Alright I have a dilemma:
I'm seeing a dude tomorrow that I've been talking to for about a week.
Of course I know that he's talking to other woman and I'm talking to other men.
But in the midst of our texting about plans for our date, he texts me a username of another woman on accident. So of course, I find her on POF and now I just feel awkward.

It seems like he was texting her at the same time he was texting me and accidently pasted her username in my text when it must have been for her.

I didn't say anything but again, I feel weird.
Would you all say something or leave it alone?

ifeel the first rule of dating is pretending you aren't dating anyone else even though you obviously are. so i'd be like :ohwell: lazy/unnecessary mistake tbh. if you like him, i'd ignore it for now. make sure he actually knows your real name though :lol:
Bublin said:
You are sooo right. I had forgotten how straightforward it is to arrange a date with someone you meet irl. The guys online are full of bulls*it. Why they gotta act like that? I pray I don't have to go back to it anytime soon.

This right here. Online dating is more of a dance then when someone approaches you irl. Rl preferred. Gonna continue my OL dating vacation
Awwww well.............after less than a week, it didn't work out. :nono:

He showed his a*se early, is a fool and I will not take part in games. His approach and arranging the first date was perfect. It went downhill from there.

Ughhh - I guess guys ARE the same online and off-line. :perplexed

Back to the drawing board....back online....:lachen:
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Awwww well.............after less than a week, it didn't work out. :nono:

He showed his a*se early, is a fool and I will not take part in games. His approach and arranging the first date was perfect. It went downhill from there.

Ughhh - I guess guys ARE the same online and off-line. :perplexed

Back to the drawing board....back online....:lachen:

I totally feel you.....:nono:
After 3 days of flippin messaging small talk I felt like I wanted to slit my throat :nono::lol: it was draining and boring and he didn't ask anything about me.........but I held on because I've experienced endless messaging before and when I suggest meeting up it always goes down hill.

I carried on with the small talk until he asks me if I like to slow dance. I ask him 'what??'. He says....'you know, cheek to cheek'.
I made my thoughts clear and now he is messaging me begging for forgiveness and that he didn't mean to offend. :perplexed
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Still on the scene :sekret: this online dating thing can become an addiction because I took a break and jumped right back in.
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Didn't you meet someone before? What happened?

lushcoils I actually "met" several ppl but two of them IRL. One was too possessive and wanted an instarelationship. He stayed upset because I was seeing other people even though we were never in a relationship and he stayed busy. I finally told him to loose my number a few months ago.

The other I still talk to but we're not in a relationship and we're just friendly. He's younger than I am and good on paper (college educated, stable career, nice car, nice place, volunteers with the youth, goes to church, has the no kids every other woman is looking for) but he's enjoying his 20's. Maybe one day but I just don't think its the time right now for him and I.
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Why they all gotta lie..........uugh. Get your unemployed, 3 kid butt off the dating site and google for a job.........:nono:

.....and why do all the don't-have-a-car-men message me and the ones who seem to have the full package don't even view me?

I started to send out messages to guys I like because I'll be in my grave before some of these dudes send me a message....just trying another angle.
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I received this message............:ohwell::nono::lachen:.....I am hiding my profile for a while.

Hello, I am Duane I hope you are ok. Today, as with many recent days and nights, I am at my wits end :/

I have decided to try my hand at dating again but I want you to know about a problem that I have before you might get to know me, I think it is only fair.

For roughly half of the week (it used to be all of it) I suffer a problem that robs me of sleep and energy. I suffer night emissions but not in the true sense. It is more difficult. I know which evenings are to be affected as i will secrete mild stringy white ejaculations 3 or 4 times in the early evening while I am watching TV. I find it impossible to sleep from the pressures. Eventually I do sleep but awake, typically at 3ish, to a very strong ejaculation but no seminal fluids secrete for about 10 or more minutes and my toes curl very strongly and my thighs contract ansd lock out, as does my scrotal sack. It is very tiring and very high pressure when i eventually pass very pressured watery semen and after that very thick white sperm so it is like it seperates.

i am telling you this as at the moment it is a big part of my life and is lowering my confidence and conviction in myself so I hope to get some understanding from someone on this or maybe to seek to help me understand this. it is a tough time at the moment but seek someone to be supportive until i get through this. As you can see it has rather grabbed hold of my life! x

I would prefer to talk on the phone and will give you my number.

If you need to know anything else about me, or this, then please feel very free to reply and you will soon know that I am a very genuine personand am sincere.

I would like to add that I am saying this in a first email as this seems to be my life right now and i want to share this with someone but understand completely if this seems a bit much to talk about at first. Sorry x

With gratitude and sincerity

Duane x