***Online Dating Support Thread***

please explain how sending me a half naked pic of yourself...with the words good morning is supposed to make my day? especially after we only had 1 conversation that wasn't all that great. That's like me sending a pic of me in a bra with "how's your day going?". who does this???? why?? if i wanted to go thru this i would have went straight to craigslist personals

not quite the same thing. lol i think that actually would brighten his day. lol :lachen::lol:
New rundown:

Guy 1: Philly is out. After our date, it's been a few text messages here and there but nothing more. Which is for the best bc he seemed like he could be a really good friend... nowhere near a love interest.

Guy 2: Connecticut is horrible at messaging. He just answers questions and doesn't ask any. Which doesn't make sense to me since he's the one who messaged me first but whatever. He gets one more chance then he'll probably be out.

Guy 3: Utah seemed promising... then nothing. Again, he messaged me first so the sudden loss of interest confuses me. Another oh well.

Guy 4: Oklahoma is winning this race. We exchanged numbers today and texted for almost 4 hours! He has the same sarcastic humor as me but really sweet at the same time. My schedule is keeping us from meeting so I need to do some rearranging (which is breaking one of my rules but he doesn't have to know that). Our first date probably won't be for another two weeks, though. I just have a good feeling about this one! We'll see where this goes :grin:

On a side note, I'm getting a lot more quality messages on OKC. I literally asked them to message me only if it's thoughtful and almost everyone message since then has been. I'm impressed. I've only gotten 2 one-liners/copy-and-paste messages. Huge difference.

I also finally got on the list for a Stir event. It's another week and a half away but it should be interesting. I'm bringing my other two online dating friends with me.
So, I try to be nice. But there's always that one A hole that has to test me out. Here is a message I received from a guy today:

"Your profile currently makes you seem boring. But I decided to hit u up anyway."

My response:

Okay, well since we're judging profiles, how about I do the same to you. You're huddled up in a group of people that looks like they don't even know who you are. Then, you have 2 beers in each picture and your middle finger up in one you just look plain stupid and ghetto. Then! You have a picture of u in bushes, that just makes u look like a creep. Oh, and BTW, I only date men over 5'7 sorry u missed it by an inch. Good day little man, I said good day! ;-)

Here is one of his pictures. He attached the ones I referred to in the message back to him, but I deleted his message before I thought to save them. Lol they're not in his profile for some reason, so i couldn't go back and get them. He's 5'6, I actually prefer guys over 6', but I decided to be a B word and just make it just one inch difference that disqualified him. Even though he's not even close to 6'. Lol.

This is what he has in his profile:

I'm 100% Jamaican,i was born there.

I'm easy going i will be successful in the future.

I'm not into "Salon girls" id rather date a girl that wears no makeup then a girl that wears Red Bottoms


Really? But he's judging mine. Lol.


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MizzKutieQ said:
So, I try to be nice. But there's always that one A hole that has to test me out. Here is a message I received from a guy today:

"Your profile currently makes you seem boring. But I decided to hit u up anyway."

My response:

Okay, well since we're judging profiles, how about I do the same to you. You're huddled up in a group of people that looks like they don't even know who you are. Then, you have 2 beers in each picture and your middle finger up in one you just look plain stupid and ghetto. Then! You have a picture of u in bushes, that just makes u look like a creep. Oh, and BTW, I only date men over 5'7 sorry u missed it by an inch. Good day little man, I said good day! ;-)

Here is one of his pictures. He attached the ones I referred to in the message back to him, but I deleted his message before I thought to save them. Lol they're not in his profile for some reason, so i couldn't go back and get them. He's 5'6, I actually prefer guys over 6', but I decided to be a B word and just make it just one inch difference that disqualified him. Even though he's not even close to 6'. Lol.

This is what he has in his profile:

I'm 100% Jamaican,i was born there.

I'm easy going i will be successful in the future.

I'm not into "Salon girls" id rather date a girl that wears no makeup then a girl that wears Red Bottoms


Really? But he's judging mine. Lol.

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MizzKutieQ that story reminds me of this:

I was staring at this line for the longest by this young guy on his profile that he clearly didn't proofread. He wrote:
"im 24 i work full time and go to school. I like to laugh i watch about of martin and waynes bro's sh*tlike that. i like to go to clubs and bars and out to eat. "

wayne's bros? i'm like who is wayne's brothers? oooooo u like to WATCH Martin & WAYANS brothers. .......

and now for the comedy...(i'm gonna poof his pic later)
This grown arse man msged me and when i looked at his profile it said 30 YEARS OLD...now does this look like a 30 year old to you?


so a couple days later...i saw he changed it to 33 years old!!!
LOL. ...really dude. You think you can get away with that. Who are you trying to fool????
"im 24 i work full time and go to school. I like to laugh i watch about of martin and waynes bro's sh*tlike that. i like to go to clubs and bars and out to eat. "

perfect example of the typical bout nothing bringing nothing to the table boring dull dull dull dude
Darn OLD(Online Dating) shouldnt be this hard...

Guy #1
- gave number to never called, but constantly send messages like whats up

Guy #2 - we have been talking on phone, had great conversation but no date set up.. He is the type that will text day of, like lets do something... I told him no spare of moment link ups, especially after a certain time, but nope the same and when spoke to him last about it, he stated he is not that type of guy, he goes with flow of day...:perplexed
ugh...i knew this would happen.
A guy i know IRL msged me. I'm so embarrassed lol. But not as embarrassed as he should be. He is totally lying about his height. He said 6ft...but he's really no taller than me and i'm 5'6. He also put up a pic of this ripped guy with no face, to make it look like its him. A guy with a completely different skin tone than him. LOL. i am having a ball with this site. this is purely for entertainment now.
It's a bit weird to add me to your Favourites list after you start messaging me. What's that all about?

Eta so now i'm trying to break up with someone I've never met...
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so i stood someone up for the first time ever....kinda

wm chatted me up online and then we talked by phone. he seemed like a real good candidate until he said 2 things: no car. no education (these were not in his profile). i had nothing to do yesterday and he asked me out. better than being bored, right? i always aim for a free meal. ugh, he nailed the coffin: meet him in his city downtown at JACK IN THE BOX, 30 MILES AWAY FROM MY HOUSE.

well, i pulled a muscle in my back and couldnt even turn my upper body! Yay!

apparently, his phone doesnt have voicemail setup?!? i called 2hrs ahead to cancel. i figure he has some bs goggle or skype number because theres no mailbox setup. dumbass. i texted. he never received either cuz he leaves a vm that he's waiting at the jack and the box. anyway, i didnt get the messages at first because i was passed out on muscle relaxers. it was 2 hrs after when i woke up.

now if he would just stop calling....
^^^pah he'll stop calling, give him time.

I actually decided to write on my profile that I am only interested in guys that have a car. I have tried to compromise but it just isn't happening.
There is one guy who has 3 company (his company) vans but no car. He said he would hire a car for a week if he needed to. I don't want to be picked up in a works van for dates....and I am not driving my car.
See, @Bublin... I should put that on my profile. Do you get shyt for it?

Funny, dudes have complained and whined to me numerous times:

All women want is STUFF. They act like they too good if a guy doesnt have a car or cant take em out all the time!!

Now, this dude has 2 strikes...jack in the box (which is just the same as McDonald's for those not in the US) AND no car! And mind you, my dating pool is the 35+ age group--so really, they SHOULD have some wheels! I'm not dating college students!

I should do that too. Put it in my profile...though that makes me feel like one of those "gold diggers" these dudes be whining about! But no car is a dealbreaker....it really is!
I've decided put a profile up but im not having too much luck.

Guy 1- He called me and got mad when I asked him about his profession even though he has tons of pics of him working. Then a week after our conversation he asks me to text a pic of myself.:ohwell:

Guy 2- We seem to have alot in common but we've been messaging back and forth for two weeks and he hasnt asked for my number yet.

Guy 3- He seemed ok until he sent me this message "Lol..u must b funny..wel am cul n nice..tel me sumfin bout u" :nono:
I wrote that I would like to meet someone who owns a car and that i'm not asking for anything that i dom't have.
The response has been better. Guys who have No or N/A for a car still message but bcus of what i wrote in my profile they have no problem clarifying what they mean. Strangky alot of them do have vehicles but have works vans and say they are happy to hire or order cabs or they put No to avoid 'gold diggers' - Whatever. In any case stating it in your profile makes it easier to bring up the subject.

My dating pool is 35+ too so i expect a car.
Posted from mobile so excuse typos.
Bublin said:
^^^pah he'll stop calling, give him time.

I actually decided to write on my profile that I am only interested in guys that have a car. I have tried to compromise but it just isn't happening.
There is one guy who has 3 company (his company) vans but no car. He said he would hire a car for a week if he needed to. I don't want to be picked up in a works van for dates....and I am not driving my car.

dont put that on your profile. just make it clear when you are setting up the date.
I have a date on friday with Mr. ATL
He was supposed to be coming up here to get his daughter and then making time to see me since he'd be up here anyway.
Well his daughter ended up flying back down to the ATL early.
But he told me that he is still coming up here but just to see me. **swoon**

At first, it took forever for him to call me, we just emailed forever. He is very slow and methodical about everything. I was beginning to think that he wasn't really interested. He also seemed really shy and reserved.

Allladat has changed. OMG he is such a talker!!! And he calls me often now. He excites me. I pray we have great chemistry in person.
dont put that on your profile. just make it clear when you are setting up the date.

Well I really don't have the time to exchange messages with a man whose profile states that he doesn't drive, exchange numbers, chat/text and then tell him he needs to have a car :nono:.

I need to start filtering out certain types of men. I really don't care if anyone is put off by my requirement of owning a car, he wouldn't be the man for me anyway.

In any case I am arranging a date with someone who has alot of potential AND he has a car :grin:.
I wrote that I would like to meet someone who owns a car and that i'm not asking for anything that i dom't have.
The response has been better. Guys who have No or N/A for a car still message but bcus of what i wrote in my profile they have no problem clarifying what they mean. Strangky alot of them do have vehicles but have works vans and say they are happy to hire or order cabs or they put No to avoid 'gold diggers' - Whatever. In any case stating it in your profile makes it easier to bring up the subject.

My dating pool is 35+ too so i expect a car.
Posted from mobile so excuse typos.

that sounds like some bs. sorry what does a golddigger have to do with him owning a car unless she expects him to buy her one too. so now requesting that a man owns a vehicle is "golddigging"? and doesn't being a gold digger require that the man purchase you certains items and give money, which last time i checked is something he'd have to be willing to do. not like you are holding a gun to his head demanding he purchase you gifts. he has free will to say no. these sounds like the statements of losers who know they are losers but hide behind the facade of "gold diggers" i only hear broke a$$ men ever complain about this mess btw too. man it must be pms time for me b/c men and their bs are really pissing me off. :nono: sorry for my mini rant lol :drunk:maybe i need some black cohosh. :yep:
so now requesting that a man owns a vehicle is "golddigging"?
these sounds like the statements of losers who know they are losers but hide behind the facade of "gold diggers" i only hear broke a$$ men ever complain about this mess btw too. man it must be pms time for me b/c men and their bs are really pissing me off. :nono: sorry for my mini rant lol :drunk:maybe i need some black cohosh. :yep:
you said it @Glamorous_chic! I rant too everytime I hear this BS too. Yes, they are losers... and wanna blame the chick for pointing out their shortcomings! You are dead on, my deah! :lol:

Well I really don't have the time to exchange messages with a man whose profile states that he doesn't drive, exchange numbers, chat/text and then tell him he needs to have a car :nono:.

I need to start filtering out certain types of men. I really don't care if anyone is put off by my requirement of owning a car, he wouldn't be the man for me anyway.

In any case I am arranging a date with someone who has alot of potential AND he has a car :grin:.

@Bublin, this has happened to me at least 4 times. Chat online, text, phone...then on the phone BOOM they hit you with the no car BS. I will put it in my profile politely to the effect of "I love my car and ask that you have your own vehicle too" or somethin...

Might as well add "Must live alone" besides kids--(kids OK with me cuz I have one). Of those 4, one was RENTING A ROOM (42!)! Another 50 year old (!!) had FOUR roomates. They expected me to host everything. *** that... Sorry, I know times are hard, but if I can rent a place for me and my kid with ZERO support then I expect no less from an SO.

"MUST HAVE CAR AND LIVE ALONE" Maybe it should go in just like that. lol
DarkJoy because i sometimes post from my phone i don't go into great detail but of course I put it all in subtly and make it clear that i'm not asking for anything i don't have. On pof profiles state if they have a car or not so this makes it easier to filter but there is no way i could build up a rapport with a guy to find out he doesn't have a car or whatever is a must for me.
I agree with the poster that said only losers moan about gold diggers. Clearly from their profile they don't have ish to offer and it's a way of filtering out women who want a man of substance.
Well I really don't have the time to exchange messages with a man whose profile states that he doesn't drive, exchange numbers, chat/text and then tell him he needs to have a car :nono:.

I need to start filtering out certain types of men. I really don't care if anyone is put off by my requirement of owning a car, he wouldn't be the man for me anyway.

In any case I am arranging a date with someone who has alot of potential AND he has a car :grin:.

im glad you said this because this is exactly what i was going to say about why you shouldnt put that up there. i mean, you can do whatever you want, but my unsolicited advice is that in general one doesnt want to come off as desperate or clue men in to the fact that they have a history of dating less than great men (men without cars), which only attracts MORE less than great men bc they already know you go for it :yep:. i was gonna say the reason why you put it on there instead of doing it the other way is because you are in a hurry and dont have time to get around to it the long way... which a.) comes across as desperate and b.) probably works against you in the long run anyway since if you dont have enough time to find out if a man has a car before going out with him, you surely dont have enough time to screen for other red flags that are going to waste your time :look:

but thats just what i would do, i say that as someone whose not ever in a hurry to get a man so feel free to ignore me.
I'm just sick of mf'ers wastin my time chattin and then they drop the bomb. Its not like I go for it'. I stop talkin to them when they confess that nonsense. Would like to not even get there.

Okc doesn't have a 'own car' in the stats section. I always. Took it for granted that ppl own cars here. Public transport is terrible in this area. Oh well. Need to get that pof profile up.
Ok so Oklahoma is coming here next weekend! I am very excited :grin: Our conversations are amazing and he seems to be feeling the same way I am. It's getting hard for me to play coy and such when I'm talking to him... and that's usually the sign that I'm really into someone.

Umm, I thought Philly got the hint that nothing will come of me and him but he asked me to a movie... and I said yes :nono: I turned down his offer for drinks tonight, though. I need to grow a pair and tell him we clearly wouldn't work out but I'm horrible at that.

I've pretty much been neglecting my profiles while I let the Oklahoma situation play out. I'm kinda (really) hoping he could be the end of my online dating adventure. :crossfingers:

ETA: He's staying at a hotel.
Ok well after a 3 month hiatus on the online front I started back last weekend. Well it's been cool. I have had a lot of interaction in comparison to my former times. I have one who asked me if I could come for drinks that day but it was 12am. Like no dude. He seemed hostile when I said that's not a lady like hour. I just had another one ask me to go out now but I was like I'm a lady I need time and was like I respect that. So I give him a half of a star lol. There another who is asking me the questions about what I like and such. He has kids but I can deal with that. The idea of no kids for my age group is gone sadly. I will report back if anything manifest.
Ok well after a 3 month hiatus on the online front I started back last weekend. Well it's been cool. I have had a lot of interaction in comparison to my former times. I have one who asked me if I could come for drinks that day but it was 12am. Like no dude. He seemed hostile when I said that's not a lady like hour. I just had another one ask me to go out now but I was like I'm a lady I need time and was like I respect that. So I give him a half of a star lol. There another who is asking me the questions about what I like and such. He has kids but I can deal with that. The idea of no kids for my age group is gone sadly. I will report back if anything manifest.

For some reason I thought you were in your late 20s to mid 30s. Im in my early 30s and have no problem meeting decent men with no children. Kids are one of my dealbreakers. Then again, I have no racial preference so maybe it widens my dating pool.
But if you really aren't bothered by dating a man with kids, there isn't anything wrong with that too.
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Sosoothing I am in my late 20's. However it seems I can't find a nice guy in his late 20's so I'm having to chat with dudes in their early to mid 30's who have kids. I would prefer none or the minimal amount. I'm open to race but it seems other races don't dig me too much or they come off wrong. I don't know I'm just open to a great man.
my roommate seemed really judgmental when i mentioned i "meet" men online. it hurt my feelings kinda. :lol: ifeel like people my age are like "NBD!" or "OMGWHATWHYNOOOO!" either extreme :look:

i reactivated my okcupid for a week and deactivated it since i don't really need/want new prospects. i did end up going to lunch with a guy that messaged me during that short window. he's asian (my first non-black or white date ever!), late 20s, & just finished up a master's program. i enjoyed it, wouldn't mind seeing him again.

the guy i've been talking to for a month JUST moved out here and we have a date next week. i am really enjoying talking to him, so i'm actually looking forward to meeting him in person finally. hopefully he is what he seems ;)