***Online Dating Support Thread***

Are you ladies soo particular about stuff like that?!

^^^Yes. I call it sloppy and it turns me off.
Agree with you both @Bublin and @AnjelLuvsUBabe. It's a complete turnoff. I never take guys seriously who've obviously haven't seen the academic setting past high school. Not all are like that, but I'm finding sooo many! Or maybe they think because it's Online-ese it's OK. Not in my camp!
Ok here's my rundown:

#1: Philly... b/c he just moved here from Philadelphia. We've been messaging since July 15th. He is Indian and works in finance. The conversations have been good but he's a little corny. Anyway we're going on our FIRST DATE tomorrow.
Good luck with your date tomorrow enpointe! Let us know how that goes. I went out with an Indian dude I met on OKC and chatted with a few others. It was...interesting! :look:So it would be cool to know how your experience will be!
DarkJoy thanks!! I was just headed back in here to say he answered more questions on his OKC profile and the infamous "preference to date someone of the same race" and "have children with someone of the same race" or whatever they are popped up. And of course he said yes on both.

So I hate to ruin the date but that's gonna have to come up :/ I'll keep y'all posted!
Okay need yall help. Older guy called me yesterday and expressed immensely how much he really wants to see me and spend more time with me. Said also something on the lines that he wants to focus on me. Our last date didnt occur because he said he had to take his daughter to the e.r. we planned for today but i have to work tonight. He said that he really wanted to see me and said that the morning will do. Its now 11:26 and i have not heard from him. There are more little details that i have also told my dad and he thinks that i should let him go. He thinks that he is lying and is putting me on the back burner. My dad said that if he should call that i should not respond and kim.

Im a weenie when it comes to men and often get played but i have an inclination to know why he stood me up again after expressing how much he really wants to spend time. Ugh idk
2 stand ups in a row without a call, but an 'explanation' after the fact mallysmommy?

This fool has no respect or consideration for you. It should be pretty much a done deal. Your dad is right. KIM.
Ok he texted a few mins after i posted going through all of the formalities when i just cut to the chase and ask what was up (ive always been hard headed) and he said that he hasnt gotten paid yet and was waiting on a call from his job. He said that he went to bed late and just woke up and thats why he is just now contacting me. I told him that i have 5 hrs til work and that i was going to take a nap.

I'd been up all morning expecting to meet up with him. :sad:
Ok he texted a few mins after i posted going through all of the formalities when i just cut to the chase and ask what was up (ive always been hard headed) and he said that he hasnt gotten paid yet and was waiting on a call from his job. He said that he went to bed late and just woke up and thats why he is just now contacting me. I told him that i have 5 hrs til work and that i was going to take a nap.

I'd been up all morning expecting to meet up with him. :sad:

im noticing a pattern with the dudes you talk to having strange financial issues
Please mallysmommy.. dont even talk to him anymore. Don't bother responding when he texts you with some lame ish again. I know its hard to not be polite sometimes but he's being a rude douche himself.

Plus, he ain't got his money together. It sounds to me like he's got just-graduated-from-high-school finances type crap going on! A well defined adult would have thought about that. Even better, would not have to be waiting by the mail for his check to take someone out for a simple coffee or whatever.

Are you ladies responding to every guy that sends you a message or attempting to screen out the lames from the start? Sometimes I think a lot of the issues women have with online dating could be avoided from proper vetting and using gut instinct.
Are you ladies responding to every guy that sends you a message or attempting to screen out the lames from the start? Sometimes I think a lot of the issues women have with online dating could be avoided from proper vetting and using gut instinct.

i'm wondering this too. i have been out with A LOT :look: of guys (all on OKC, only 1 on POF) and only the POF guy was a handful.:lol: i've had some pretty good experiences with online dating.:yep: i'm VERY particular about the men i respond to. sometimes i would go 1+ month without responding to anyone.

i think a lot of women feel guilty ignoring men who take the time to send a message but some of y'all gotta get over that.:lol:
I'm over that too. I ignore one liners, cliche profiles (even if they have well thought out messages) and those who don't have command of the english language.

As for others, I think curiosity gets the best of me. Lol. Unless someone really grabs my attention I take them with a grain. Not worth the energy.
i ignored damn near everybody unless i actually LIKED what i saw and would have messaged him first if he had never messaged me. but its very easy to spot the losers online. just ignore the ones who cant articulate an interesting thought, sentence, or opinion. that's gonna cut like 80% of guys right there. if their profile says absolutely nothing of interest just let it go.

heres a tip. their profiles all say the same thing. (i mean really i think if a woman doesnt know this already, she really doesnt need to be dating until she learns to pick up pertinent cues when she sees em, but ima spell it out anyway.) itll say something along the lines of "im a laid back guy who likes to laugh/have fun/have a good time." if he describes himself as any of the following:

laid back
"a nice guy"
a [nice, cool, sweet, funny, romantic] guy
"looking for the right girl"
i can be quiet around people until i get to know them
i like to stay home and just chill but i also like to party and go out

and basically any other combination of a generic personality trait with its exact opposite HE IS A BORING LOSER WHO CANT GET WOMEN WITH ANY EASE IRL. real people with actual personalities rarely describe themselves with adjectives. they have enough brains to express those traits indirectly. they dont have to tell you.

people without personalities aka people with nothing to offer who only suck the time and energy out of others hoping to extract whatever it is they want describe what other people are because they know it's what you'd want them to be :lol: they wouldnt be able to get that across without saying it directly, because theyre not it.

its really easy to spot, but one has to actually KNOW what certain types of people are before they can know how to watch out for them. and that starts from learning from previous experiences and stop doing the same damn thing over and over.
meesch your post above contains a lot of helpful hints, thanks! I've had what I would call moderate success with online dating...but I've also had my share of annoying experiences. I'm interested in any other tips you would like to share :yep:
I messaged this guy on OKC about 5 weeks ago. I was at my parents place and bored out of my mind. I was about to go to France for the month and he had on his profile that he loved the country so I sent a brief question about things to do, etc. He responded quickly and at length despite my lack of profile pic. Anyway, we have kept consistent email exchanges and now that I'm back in the states I'm waiting for him to take the lead and ask me on a date.
If a guy messages hello, I hello them back, kinda mundane... I am gonna change my settings so you have to write a message...
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I certainly do not reply to all my messages. I have quite a few new messages every day and like meesch says, only the ones I would have messaged myself get a reply. Out of these I can guarantee that after few messages I have decided not to continue communication with the majority.
meesch said:
im noticing a pattern with the dudes you talk to having strange financial issues

You too huh? Well he is the last of the lasts. Im benching myself indefinitely unless someone decent irl calls me back into the game. Im such an optimist though. i hope i will keep it up. I dont want to become hard and bitter after awhile.
itll say something along the lines of "im a laid back guy who likes to laugh/have fun/have a good time." if he describes himself as any of the following:

laid back
"a nice guy"
a [nice, cool, sweet, funny, romantic] guy
"looking for the right girl"
i can be quiet around people until i get to know them
i like to stay home and just chill but i also like to party and go out
meesch... The last few days I have been so annoyed with the goddamned cliches! You forgot one:

"living life to the fullest"

If I see that one more time!!! Urgh!

I think we should keep a running "crappy online profile cliches" list.
INNSMOM, i am trying to think of tips that are specific to making online dating more efficient (not just commentary about men in general), i will report back if i think of anything particularly helpful :yep:
Sorry DarkJoy I'm finally back. This turned into a busier weekend than I expected.

The date was ok... nothing bad but just ok. He seems like a nice enough guy and we wound up talking for 2 1/2 hrs. The conversation was good, he's funny, and we got along well. No romantic connection but I feel like we could be friends. I had planned on asking him about the OKC questions at the end of the date but he pretty blindsided me when he abruptly ended the date. Granted the date went way longer than I'm sure either of us expected but the end of the date went something like this:

Me: Yeah I'm more of a night...

Philly: Yeah so this has been great. I had a lot of fun. *Hugs* *Disappears like Batman*

Me: *Confused*

So I'm gonna guess he double booked himself. Interestingly enough, he texted me tonight and we msg'ed for awhile.

On another note, I got a message from a really cute guy that just moved here from Utah. I guess my new thing is guys that just moved to the area.
I forgot to say I was messaging with this guy who's a lawyer from Louisiana but ended things with him today b/c he's too serious for me (...also new to the area).

About 2 hours later my friend tells me that he just messaged her.
DarkJoy said:
meesch... The last few days I have been so annoyed with the goddamned cliches! You forgot one:

"living life to the fullest"

If I see that one more time!!! Urgh!

I think we should keep a running "crappy online profile cliches" list.

And ladies, please be aware of if your own profile is full of lame clichés. You can probably attract better men if you put your personality on display. Just as you can't get excited by someone who describes themselves as "funny and nice" why do you think a man will?

If you're funny, show it- write something funny. Clever? Show it. Adventurous? Show it. etc.

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Are you ladies responding to every guy that sends you a message or attempting to screen out the lames from the start? Sometimes I think a lot of the issues women have with online dating could be avoided from proper vetting and using gut instinct.

ITA. i don't have an active profile anymore. and when i started using okcupid, i had an "open mind" (and didn't date a lot prior to my only serious relationship ending anyway so that was probably it too). but now, on the few times i can stand to have an activated profile (very rare, i stick with okcupid b/c it's free/i like the look of it, but men are a mess), i am super picky. you have to impress me to get a response. otherwise i've found in general, it's just not worth the effort. there is a reason some men have to use the internet to find options.

& completely agree with meesch on all points.
And ladies, please be aware of if your own profile is full of lame clichés. You can probably attract better men if you put your personality on display. Just as you can't get excited by someone who describes themselves as "funny and nice" why do you think a man will?

If you're funny, show it- write something funny. Clever? Show it. Adventurous? Show it. etc.

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It's funny how often I see MEN mention this in their profiles too. I see the same stuff--people who are guilty of the same old lines, people who complain about people who use the same old lines, insisting that you be able to spell/know English grammar, not be looking for a hookup, women taking a bunch of "sexy" pics of their cleavage and whatnot, men taking shirtless bathroom pics, etc--in both men and women's profiles :lol:
Well. I'm shocked. I had a great time out with someone I consider significantly younger. I actually thought he just didn't read my age on my profile so I reminded him :look: I felt girlish around him, which is something I always love to feel--and he is def mature and def stepped up to the plate. And his momma raised him right :yep:

I'm so surprised. Whatever roll with it.

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I have no words other than happy Monday?

Dearest Angel,

I am utterly transfixed by you and your magical profile.

You are a breathtakingly, earth-shatteringly beautiful, radiant vision from above.

I sense that you possess an immense amount of strength and intellectual and emotional maturity, which I crave in a potential mate.

In short, you're pretty much the most amazing woman I've ever encountered, and I think we would make amazing partners in crime.

Crossing My Fingers,


Well I guess I did ask that they write thoughtful messages :look:
Well, I'm finished with online dating- at least for now. T and I are exclusively dating! Hes just so wonderful. We went bowling last night and I had a great time. Things are really good between us right now and I hope it'll last. I appreciate the free meals and outings from the other guys ive met and now its time to move on.