***Online Dating Support Thread***

Hey- on OKC if it says someone chose you.. what does that mean? should i be messaging these people? :look:

It means they rated you a 4 or 5 in the quick match thing. Sometimes you'll get a message saying "we chose each other" which means you both rated each other highly. I used to always send a message to someone who rated me highly and who I also found interesting--basically just a quick "thanks for the rating" kind of message and maybe a comment about their profile. But that never amounted to anything, even if they replied at first.
Honestly I rate guys highly even if they aren't necessarily my "type" or someone I want to talk to, I just think they're good-looking and/or I like their profile (especially if it's really funny or whatever). I assume men often do the same thing, so that's why a lot of the time they won't actually reply to a message you send after they rate you. *shrug*

Guy3 wanted to meet up this week, but I'm busy with various activities I've signed up for with my meetup groups and my art class. Also messaging with couple new guys--one wants to meet up but we're both busy this week, so we'll see what happens next week. The other I just started messaging with a couple days ago. It may be too soon to judge, but I get the feeling he will want to message a whole bunch (or at least that he typically does) before he'll ask to meet. I'm pretty clear about my feelings on the issue in my profile, though, so hopefully he'll step up.
After cutting loose yet another online guy - I was asked out THREE times last week by real, walking, talking, approached-me-first men!

I had started to believe that such a creature was just an urban myth or had gone the way of the dinosaurs only to be replaced by cyber dudes who think texting is romantic!
My replacement for the Virginian Vet (lol) is a blue collar brother.

He gets +5 for loving natural hair on black women. :D
As we all know....the one turned out not to be THE ONE.
So I've moved on to finding THE TWO.

J/k but I'm back online.
I have a date with a Peruvian dude this weekend. He seems really mature and respectful. I've never done the interracial thing so this will be a first. But either way, he seems to be a great guy.
I also have a date with another guy tomorrow. He seems like a super Christian which isn't bad but he's already hit me with a few sexual jokes. He's older but seems to be a bit overly emotional and immature. He wants me to come all the way to where he lives for some dang ice cream. He didn't even offer to meet me half-way. I had to bring that up. I got to figure out a way to call off the date. I'm not feeling him.
Ladies, what are your defult FIRST questions to ask men... Lol, I find that I either ask how many kids, or what line of work in, etc... :perplexed
So today #2- R.- and I went to the science center. I noticed that he was occasionally lost in thought, probably job related. Anyway, we were there for a long time and I really enjoyed myself, especially since I hadn't been to the science center in years. He said he wants to see me again. And yeah he walked me to my car and gave me a kiss, which came out of no where.

So tomorrow I'm going to the museum with the engineer and then later I"m having dinner with a guy who is in the national guard. I'll let everyone know how that goes.

So far I'm still liking R (#2) and T(#1).
Guy # 4 will be in my area tomorrow and asked to meet up. he is truly hilarious, i laugh so hard while talking to him, guy # 2 called while i was on the phone with him and i ignored it because i was laughing so much and enjoying the convo.

Guy #5 is off from work all of this wednesday and wants to meet up as well. i just found out that he is not a drinker. (:look: this may be an issue)

im up to 3 dates/meet ups this week. wheeew! i dont want to get caught up so i have to make sure not to schedule these dates so close together in the future.

:lol: You startin' to sound like Charlotte in Sex & The City. Remember that episode where she double booked? :lol: You bookin' em up girl!!
Ladies, what are your defult FIRST questions to ask men... Lol, I find that I either ask how many kids, or what line of work in, etc... :perplexed

I just ask the usual questions about work/school, how they spend their free time, siblings, where they grew up...Sometimes that will lead to deeper conversation (mainly if we're talking in person), but mostly I keep it simple in the beginning.
I tend to ask a lot about work/school, because I want to know what they are truly interested in and why, what drives them, etc. It's an easy topic for people to talk about, and is also a good way to understand them better.
DarkJoy said:
My replacement for the Virginian Vet (lol) is a blue collar brother.

He gets +5 for loving natural hair on black women. :D

Hmmmm...been talking to replacement for a couple days. His grammar is terrible. If I meet him I'm hoping he speaks better than he writes. He also made some sexual innuendo and I hard checked him and almost deleted his contact info. He apologized and said he's feeling a real vibe and doesn't want to ruin it and promised to keep it pg-13. He's on probation.

As far as the virginian, he's getting creepy. Sending me poetry several times a day via text and begging to call. Ugh..after 1 date? I gotta 'break up' with someone after just a 3hr meet? Lordy...
kweenameena said:
Ladies, take note. We're gonna see this dude on the 10 o'clock news. I can't believe he posted a pic of himself with a gun.

His trifling a55 couldn't even take the time to write a complete sentence. He copied and pasted his one or two sentences to meet the character quota. That just oozes that he's lazy, trifling, a wanna be thug, that's not worth an ounce of time. People like him, that get arrested due to incriminating pics like this deserves to get locked up.
Had two dates today. One at 4 and he just texted 30 mins ago asking what i was doing. Smh (uh waiting for you) i told him eating and he hasnt repsonded since.the other was at 8. After no response from the first dude i texted to ask if we were still on. He informs me that he has been in a car accident. And his car is jacked

Le sigh
mallysmommy said:
Had two dates today. One at 4 and he just texted 30 mins ago asking what i was doing. Smh (uh waiting for you) i told him eating and he hasnt repsonded since.the other was at 8. After no response from the first dude i texted to ask if we were still on. He informs me that he has been in a car accident. And his car is jacked

Le sigh

Mallysmmommy so you didn't see either? Double le sigh...
DarkJoy said:
Mallysmmommy so you didn't see either? Double le sigh...

Nope. And the guy in the accident just informed me that he had a sister die in a car crash. So he is a little shook up right now. The other still hasnt responded. He did the exact thing yesterday and apologized me to death saying that he'd make it up to me today at 4. Its now 5:13.

Le boooooooooo
Had two dates today. One at 4 and he just texted 30 mins ago asking what i was doing. Smh (uh waiting for you) i told him eating and he hasnt repsonded since.the other was at 8. After no response from the first dude i texted to ask if we were still on. He informs me that he has been in a car accident. And his car is jacked

Le sigh

Sorry to hear this. I would definetly forget the first guy.
So last week I met this guy, J, at a coffee shop. Black male, 33, engineer, post doc. I thought he was nice but a tad boring. He just seemed really reserved. So he contacted me last week and asked if I would like to go to the museum (he likes art) and I said yes. Today I met him at the museum and I had to pay for my own ticket. Yeah, I cancelled my breakfast date with T just to hang with this cheapskate. After a couple hours I told him I had to go and we shook hands. His cell phone was still in his hand so it was a very half-a$$ed handshake. But he has been deleted and blocked.

A while ago I had dinner with C, the military man. His profile stated he was 5'7 but I'm 5'5 and taller than him? He's very cute though, in shape, beautiful teeth, and manly. He comes from a well-to-do family and has his own property. I know this because that's what he put in profile and that's what he told me over dinner. The restaurant we went to was expensive but it wasn't fancy. He paid for my meal. He said he wants to see me again. We'll see what happens.

But tomorrow, I'm having breakfast with T. I haven't heard back from R. yet. I still really like those two. Friday evening I'm having dinner with the robotics guy and Saturday I'm having dinner with U (we spoke on the phone today). I took my pictures down from pof, so I'm getting few messages except from the guys I'm already messaging. But that's pretty much it. I"m having fun and it would be nice if something leads to a relationship.
have an empty okcupid profile that lists myself as seeing someone, offers no details in the sidebar, and has a picture of me taking from a weird angle where you can only see part of my face and none of my body. the only text is some weird one liner about not really being here.

i still get "someone chose you!" emails every other day. guys are so full of it.
I dont want to go meet a guy and be his first online dating experience.

He wanted to meet for lunch or coffee and it was fine til he told me he's never met anyone online before. I really dont feel like being anyone's FIRST online experience.

I dont like being the experiment.
mallysmommy said:
Nope. And the guy in the accident just informed me that he had a sister die in a car crash. So he is a little shook up right now. The other still hasnt responded. He did the exact thing yesterday and apologized me to death saying that he'd make it up to me today at 4. Its now 5:13.

Le boooooooooo

Get rid of that wishy washy one. If he's showing how careless he is of your time this early, it'll only get worse. I wouldn't even give him the benefit of the doubt again. Drop his a55!
thanks yall. i got a little discouraged today and hid my profile. i'll entertain the four guys that i have left until the fizzle ends and deal with the men that i may meet irl. the older guy just texted me asking for my pic. ive given out pictures to previous guys and had something happen to where we it didn't work out so im not too hyped about sending one to him. we have a lunch date planned for tomorrow and i told him he can get one afterwards. i figured if we meet and i like what i see and we at least mesh then i could give him one. if he canx or some weird phenomenon happens that'll be one less guy without a pic of me. its weird, ive met all of these nice guys and have yet to go on a real date.
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he said something about for his phone to put next to my number. if i give him a picture it will be based off of how well/not well this meet up will go tomorrow. idk yet though
Well T and I had breakfast this morning. He had to go to work so there wasn't time to do anything else. He's just so easy going and laid back. He walked me to my car and held my hand. It's just great going out with a guy who wants to take me out and be seen with me night AND day. This is still the dating phase but I've never been involved in an interracial relationship before. He's so kind, patient and hardworking. I really, really like him and who knows where this will lead.

I like R as well, but I don't really hear from him that much. He still hasn't repsonded to my text from the other day. C is a nice guy too, but he told me doesn't cry or have feelings- are most military guys like that? He told me he was a sniper as well. But anyway I'm going to go on these other dates and see how those go.
Well T and I had breakfast this morning. He had to go to work so there wasn't time to do anything else. He's just so easy going and laid back. He walked me to my car and held my hand. It's just great going out with a guy who wants to take me out and be seen with me night AND day. This is still the dating phase but I've never been involved in an interracial relationship before. He's so kind, patient and hardworking. I really, really like him and who knows where this will lead.

I like R as well, but I don't really hear from him that much. He still hasn't repsonded to my text from the other day. C is a nice guy too, but he told me doesn't cry or have feelings- are most military guys like that? He told me he was a sniper as well. But anyway I'm going to go on these other dates and see how those go.

He actually told you he doesn't have feelings????
Well I say hear and believe what he is saying to you. He ain't gonna have true feelings for you. Imagine being around him when you need to talk or are upset? Shudder :nono: