***Online Dating Support Thread***

Two different guys have sent me a crazy message then blocked me before I can even respond :nono:. Just silly @$$ men. The one today said I looked like buckwheat, I'm guessing it is because of my natural hair :rolleyes:.
Shay72 said:
Two different guys have sent me a crazy message then blocked me before I can even respond :nono:. Just silly @$$ men. The one today said I looked like buckwheat, I'm guessing it is because of my natural hair :rolleyes:.

The audacity! He knew he was going to get an eyeball full if he didn't block you. He's probably one of those miserable guys that go around, trying to put women down that would never give them the time or day.
So tomorrow I'm going out with #2, whom I'll call R. We're going to the Science Center. I don't know what else he has planned for the day. My goal is to learn more about him tomorrow. He's still a mystery to me.

On Wednesday, I'm supposed to be meet #4 because we're going to the art museum but he hasn't given me a time yet.

So the 5th guy, we're having dinner Wednesday evening at this vegetarian place..

Friday I'm meeting #6 for dinner. I'm really curious about him. He's another Carnegie Mellon grad with a degree in "computer science with minors in robotics and psychology-with a focus in AI".

As for T. I really like him. He's a sweet guy and we text and talk on the phone. He wants to see me all the time but I'm making sure I set the pace. I like going out with different guys.

By the end of this week I"m going to temporarily take down my account. Its just hard to keep up with all of the messages I'm getting. Plus I work and its hard scheduling dates too. I'm also surprised I'm having success with online dating this 3,4,5(?) time around.

I'm just having fun!

aww so happy for you! im feeling the same. this is my 3rd or 4th time around and i am having more success than ever. i like dating around rather focus on one guy at a time like ive done in the past. all of these personalities and dates are making my summer a very interesting one. im considering taking my profile down as well. im up to 6 almost 7 interesting prospects and i am having trouble keeping up. i woke up today with 8 messages filled with "good mornings" and questions. one message was at 6 this morning :spinning:
It's my first time dating in my life Bublin--but from my own new experiences and what my friends have gone through---yes!

I always go by this (my own little bit of advice): Out of the 100% of the people you meet, less than 1% will be worth your time. The rest won't vibe with you or be on the same wavelength. Most are in their own orbits...

Cynical? Maybe... I think of it as a practical mathematics...lol
Met the Virginian on an impromptu date. ~le sigh~
First: As I was literally walking out the door to my car to meet him he texts and says, "expect me to be wearing all black with a silver cane." Cane, I ask? What's up with the cane? He then goes on to reveal that he is disabled and this disability prevents him from being able to drive as well...
I have nothing against this, but considering we've been speaking several times a day over a week and a half, it should have been brought up, yes?

Second: He reveals he was in the Army in the Gulf War. He then explains he needed therapy when his tour was over. Why? Because he enjoyed the killing too much! So much so, his CO had to have him evaluated.

What... The... Phluck... ?!

A disabled killing machine? Game over....
^^^ Oh bloody hell. (no pun intended). Yeah, I would throw that one back for sure.

I need to stop coming in this thread, it's making me really reluctant about giving this online dating thing another try. :look:
ok but also, serious question, when is there going to be some self reflection in this thread as it relates to the outcomes?
^^^ Oh bloody hell. (no pun intended). Yeah, I would throw that one back for sure.

I need to stop coming in this thread, it's making me really reluctant about giving this online dating thing another try. :look:
lol! dont let that get to you MzLady78! I didn't. Just won't go out with him again. pretty simple. it DOES make for interesting and funny conversation with my friends--I dont take it serious...just KIM... :lachen:
lol! dont let that get to you @MzLady78! I didn't. Just won't go out with him again. pretty simple. it DOES make for interesting and funny conversation with my friends--I dont take it serious...just KIM... :lachen:

Exactly, that is what dating is for. To get to know and then walk away when you don't like what you see or hear. It's a learning curve.
There are some things I have done/haven't done that I won't repeat (that would be the self reflecting :look:). I expect next time you know someone is a Vet you will know to ask if he has had therapy and if he has been injured.
ok but also, serious question, when is there going to be some self reflection in this thread as it relates to the outcomes?

If over 80% of the posts in this 200 page thread are negative, is it the fault of the poster or is just the nature of online dating?
If over 80% of the posts in this 200 page thread are negative, is it the fault of the poster or is just the nature of online dating?

its the fault of the poster if all their posts are negative and then they have negative experiences. also, you might be aware that theres a trend in polling or feedback where people who have had negative experiences are more likely to complain than those who have had positive experiences (ie a restaurant might be totally fine and reviews from unhappy customers may have no accuracy on all the happy customers who didnt bother to leave reviews because they left happy).

anyway. just my observation. im not one whit surprised that people are having the experiences they are having just going off the things being posted in here. *yeshrug*

eta: let me ask you this. for posters like myself who have had no issues with internet dating or the sites being used, what do you attribute that variance to? i promise you i am not that pretty.
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Exactly, that is what dating is for. To get to know and then walk away when you don't like what you see or hear. It's a learning curve.
There are some things I have done/haven't done that I won't repeat (that would be the self reflecting :look:). I expect next time you know someone is a Vet you will know to ask if he has had therapy and if he has been injured.
Exactly Bublin! How ya gonna know if you don't get out and meet people? He did pull a sneaky one--how would anyone have know either of those things until face to face? *shrugs*

I never dated before, much less spoke to a Vet. Pretty much married right outta high school. This is all new to me--and very interesting!

I'll have great stories to tell once its all said and done. :yep:
Adding: Negativity is all in how you interpret the experience. I consider it life's experience. As long as no one is hurt, no harm no foul.

Why take it all so serious? That's just silly and a waste of good energy...
its the fault of the poster if all their posts are negative and then they have negative experiences. also, you might be aware that theres a trend in polling or feedback where people who have had negative experiences are more likely to complain than those who have had positive experiences (ie a restaurant might be totally fine and reviews from unhappy customers may have no accuracy on all the happy customers who didnt bother to leave reviews because they left happy).

anyway. just my observation. im not one whit surprised that people are having the experiences they are having just going off the things being posted in here. *yeshrug*

eta: let me ask you this. for posters like myself who have had no issues with internet dating or the sites being used, what do you attribute that variance to? i promise you i am not that pretty.

Dang, you said that straight no chaser (I ain't mad at cha).

This thread or this board is not a good representation of real life. So if 80% are negative, that is really not valid data. Remember, we are all unicorns and rainbows here.

I just wanted to add that you can see this on other parts of this board. Some of the same folks always post "woe is me", "why aren't I winning", and "I am negative Nelly." I am not deep into law of attraction (LOA) stuff, but I will say no one, even someone negative, wants to be with someone negative.
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Dang, you said that straight no chaser (I ain't mad at cha).

This thread or this board is not a good representation of real life. So if 80% are negative, this is really not valid data.

I just wanted to add that you can see this on other parts of this board. Some of the same folks always post "woe is me", "why aren't I winning", and "I am negative Nelly." I am not deep into law of attraction (LOA) stuff, but I will say no one, even someone negative, wants to be with someone negative.

:yep: this used to be one of my favorite threads now its like :nono:
I think this thread is excellent. We are all learning from each others experiences. Having laughs. Asking questions. Giving constructive advice :look:. Tis all.
The purpose of this thread is to share experiences, both good and bad. Sure, there may be a Debbie Downer here or there. There is one in EVERY thread.

The point of the thread is to learn from one another. If some experiences are negative, I see no problem with them being shared.

The thread needs to be left to those it applies to. No one should feel discouraged to post because their experience has not been perfect.
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I don't see the negativity. All I see honestly are women speaking of their experiences and KIM to the next. So I don't see what's so negative about posting about the daily nonsense we have to sort through on these dating sites. How come it's not okay to share experiences with other ladies? I'm happy that this thread exists, because I realized it wasn't just me going through this. Positive or negative mindset, we're going to meet bad people regardless. Your experience has been great, good for you! Some people like me I can't say the same. Honestly, It's more negativity online because there are a huge amount of frogs and a shortage on princes. I'm sorry if I don't settle for a wanna be rapper, or some other sort of dreamer. But that's just me.
Damn...I'm sorry but the way you told that story made me laugh. Loud....

Don't you hate when they don't give you impt info?

Wait, be positive, keep believing, and all will surely be yours. Sent from my iPhone using LHCF
I'm scared to call this guy.

He sounded so good online (on paper) that I'm scared he's going be the opposite on the phone or something.

I gave him my number after he offered his. He should call first. I am so lazy with this dating thing. I dont want to initiate sh!t!
Damn...I'm sorry but the way you told that story made me laugh. Loud....

Don't you hate when they don't give you impt info?

Wait, be positive, keep believing, and all will surely be yours. Sent from my iPhone using LHCF
tinkat--please do laugh! it was hilarious!! It was actually more annoying that he mentioned his disability minutes before the date.

And as for the rest... it was actually a great date! He was polite, respectful, no pauses in conversation, very attentive. One of the best dates yet. His mention of war days was about him giving the whole picture of HIM rather than trying to wow me and brag. He seemed quite ashamed and remorseful. He's therapied and better now--gave off quite the serene and peaceful vibe. Just not for me... I hope he finds what he's lookin for.
Guy # 4 will be in my area tomorrow and asked to meet up. he is truly hilarious, i laugh so hard while talking to him, guy # 2 called while i was on the phone with him and i ignored it because i was laughing so much and enjoying the convo.

Guy #5 is off from work all of this wednesday and wants to meet up as well. i just found out that he is not a drinker. (:look: this may be an issue)

im up to 3 dates/meet ups this week. wheeew! i dont want to get caught up so i have to make sure not to schedule these dates so close together in the future.