Hey ladies, after a long break from online dating I'm back!!! I had previously decided to give up on dating all together as clearly I was not going to meet anyone anytime soon and concluded I was probably going to be single forever.
On Tuesday I got home from work and just decided to create a very quick profile on POF (yeah I know). Made a 5 line profile and one picture.
I decided to message the 2nd profile I looked at. Like most of you, I don't like to message a guy first but I thought what the heck.
Within 30 minutes he messaged me back with a lovely, full response. We messaged back and forth and he asked for my number. We spoke that evening for 2 hours.
Since then we have spoken for about 3 hours every evening and he texts me during the day.
We are like 2 peas in a pod and neither of us can believe how alike we are. He ticks every box on every level. Boxes that I had decided that were never likely to be ticked in meeting a guy. I feel a sense of calm after I speak to him....not that crazy excited feeling that usually fizzles out. We seem to 'get' each other.
Now the other weird thing is that I always have a full inbox, especially when I first create an account but I have not had a single message from another guy. I haven't even logged in since first speaking to him to see if anyone has viewed me but not one single email notification from anyone else.
We can't meet up for 2 weeks due to our schedules clashing but neither of us have real problem with that.
At the very least it is so refreshing to actually have the most wonderful conversations and 'real' laughs with a man.
I have always believed that too much talking before the actual date can be dodgy ground as in it could lead to disappointment but with this guy I really don't care and am throwing that rule out of the window. I can wait and at this stage I am enjoying the convo and connection.
ETA - so I just went online to hide my profile whilst I'm getting to know this guy and it turns out that my profile is already hidden. Guess that explins why I had no other messages
. But I honestly don't remember hiding it in the first place. Spooky.
And yeah, you know I did. I checked to see if he had been online and he hasn't