***Online Dating Support Thread***

After a few days I deleted my accounts at POF and OKC. I got tired of the perverted messages as well the lack of effort to send something substantial. "Wassup sexy" will not interest me. Anyway, 97% of these guys only want sex. I decided not to waste my time anymore. I'm better off just approaching a guy if online "dating" is going to be all like that. What would I have to lose?
I really want to try online dating but don't want my ex to see my profile. I turned him on to BP a couple of years ago and hes been hook on dating sites ever since. Really, I'm not even sure why I care if he sees my profile...
Welllll, I'm back in the saddle with online dating (I used to hang out in this thread and then had online dating overload, fatigue, got despondent, and finally just shut them all down :lol:)
I liked OKC best of the sites I tried in the past, so I've reactivated my profile.
Confession time: My on and off ex and I broke up and then I created a POF profile. I got a lot of messages from some sexy and interesting dudes. Well come to find out...one was my ex's best friend's friend.
They told the ex. I felt weird/panicked and took down my profile. We got back together and then finally broke up for good for real this time. :look:
And now I wanna get back on there because there was this one guy who I was really feeling.

OKC moves too slowly for me. Although POF is full of dudes who play games....there are also a few men who aren't like that at all.
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Ladies, is it normal for men to message you only to say Hi? This has happend to me 3x's in one day....ninjas only saying hi. I haven't done the online thing in 10 years, please tell me this ain't the way it works now :(
Confession time: My on and off ex and I broke up and then I created a POF profile. I got a lot of messages from some sexy and interesting dudes. Well come to find out...one was my ex's best friend's friend.
They told the ex. I felt weird/panicked and took down my profile. We got back together and then finally broke up for good for real this time. :look:
And now I wanna get back on there because there was this one guy who I was really feeling.

OKC moves too slowly for me. Although POF is full of dudes who play games....there are also a few men who aren't like that at all.

WOW! I felt like I was reading a novel LOL Are you going to reactivate your profile? You can't leave us with a cliffhanger like that :lol:

Ladies, is it normal for men to message you only to say Hi? This has happend to me 3x's in one day....ninjas only saying hi. I haven't done the online thing in 10 years, please tell me this ain't the way it works now :(

Unfortunately, this seems to be part of the package when you do online dating :nono: I get plenty of messages that are like "Hey, how are you?" & put forth no real effort to get a conversation going...I usually ignore or reply "Good. How about you?" so they can see how it feels to get nothing to work with LOL It just depends on if I am in an ignorant mood :giggle: But lately, I have gotten long messages that demonstrate the men have actually READ my profile and are interested in learning more about me bc of it :yep:
Ladies, is it normal for men to message you only to say Hi? This has happend to me 3x's in one day....ninjas only saying hi. I haven't done the online thing in 10 years, please tell me this ain't the way it works now :(

It happens, but most messages aren't like that. I got more messages like that when I was on POF and match than I do on OKC, but I imagine it depends on your area.
I find that having interesting photos on my profile helps to get good responses. Most of the time they are excited to talk to a woman who is even more enthusiastic about comic books than they are. If you looked at my photos and all you have to say is hi, then I don't need to talk to you :lol:
Daeuiel- I completely agree! Interesting photos are good conversation starters! I have one posted with me in a shopping cart and one dressed up as Cleopatra :lachen::lachen: Those two definitely cause men to mention them in their messages :lol: If they think that is childish, they aren't my type anyway...I think it is good bc it shows them a bit of my personality so they know what they may be getting themselves into :look:
Daeuiel- I completely agree! Interesting photos are good conversation starters! I have one posted with me in a shopping cart and one dressed up as Cleopatra :lachen::lachen: Those two definitely cause men to mention them in their messages :lol: If they think that is childish, they aren't my type anyway...I think it is good bc it shows them a bit of my personality so they know what they may be getting themselves into :look:

:yep:x1000 to that! I'm sure y'all know what kind of photos I have up :lachen: I take it to a whole other level of interesting :superman: If he's not down with that, then I'm outta here :hero:
Ditto on the photos. I really focused on having clear, interesting photos and little conversation starters within my profile this time around and I notice a consistent difference in the number of views I get, plus actual messages mentioning things on my profile or commenting on a photo.
I originally had a decent headshot as my main pic, and it got okay # of views, and then I changed it to something a bit more interesting or more mysterious/artistic I guess you could say, and the number of views I got that night immediately shot up. I was in near disbelief as I had JUST posted the photo (probably I showed up in the recent activity as a result), and dudes were popping up all over the place. It was crazy--and the # of views has stayed the same since then. I knew your pictures mattered, but even I was surprised at the difference that initial pic they see could make.
@Daeuiel- I completely agree! Interesting photos are good conversation starters! I have one posted with me in a shopping cart and one dressed up as Cleopatra :lachen::lachen: Those two definitely cause men to mention them in their messages :lol: If they think that is childish, they aren't my type anyway...I think it is good bc it shows them a bit of my personality so they know what they may be getting themselves into :look:

i love pictures like that :yep: tells a lot about the person and also because i'm too chicken/moody to ever allow myself to be photographed that way :lol:
Ok, I have exciting news! So two weeks ago, I went on a nice date with an intelligent, tall, attractive black male…the dating scene is so whack in Michigan I almost felt like I found a previously extinct species :lol: I was excited and he seemed like he was having fun, but after our date, he didn’t contact me for almost TWO WEEKS :shocked: I am not into chasing men, so I let it go and started cyber mingling again LOL

Well last Saturday, another interesting guy popped up in my matches. I gave him 4 out of 5 stars so it would let him know I was interested, but allow him to make the first move. Well he messaged me the single best message I’ve ever gotten during cyber dating :yep: It brought a smile to my face to see a man who put forth the effort to craft a thoughtful and funny message! It clearly demonstrated that he read my profile and was interested in learning more about me…and he never once commented on the physical, even though he gave me several compliments ☺ +100 points for him :grin: It was just the boost I needed after the last couple months of one date wonders and half-*ssed pursuit from some guys…

I gave him my number and he called several times before he could actually reach me on the phone! And during respectable hours…it is the little things that make me happy :giggle: We have spoken several times on the phone and it has just been a natural and easy vibe with him. He asked me out on a date, so we are going out tonight for jazz and dinner! I just had to share my excitement with yall because this online dating journey has been discouraging (especially lately)…so I celebrate every ray of hope that this experience may be worth it in the end :yay:

BTW, as soon as I started talking to this new guy, the old date from 2 weeks ago called a couple times and asked me out…go figure! I swear they have a spidey sense about these things. When you don’t care anymore, they start calling :lachen::lachen:
Going on a second date with OKC guy #1 tonight. He picked a casual coffee shop place that I like. My objective for the evening is to find out when his birthday is so I can go check things out in the astrology thread :lol: j/k...sort of...
alwaysinchrist said:
I deleted my pof account once and for all LOL
Im surprising not missing it.....

I have been thinking about deleting mine too. Its rachet!

But some guy recognized me from work and was like I know you. I'm like and??? Ugh I hope he doesn't say anything to me. He looks very teddy ruxpsten (sp?) like the dream :look:.

Wait, be positive, keep believing, and all will surely be yours. Sent from my iPhone using LHCF
Let Victorian's OkCupid Circus commence! :lol:

Date #2 with Guy1 was wonderful and involved Wrigleyville, Old Town, and a park bench in Lincoln Park :drunk:

Date #1 with Guy2 today was sort of disappointing. I didn't feel an attraction vibe and he's kinda full of himself (guy1 is extremely self-absorbed but it's in an authentic, charming way--it's really hard to explain :look:).

Guy3 and I have just made plans to meet for the first time after work on Tuesday.

Guy4 is the newest--we've moved on to exchanging numbers and he keeps texting me and it's starting to annoy me. He's my age but seems kinda juvenile. It occurs to me that I might be more tolerant of him because he's black and I feel like I should give him a chance. I can't even believe I just typed that.
You ladies in this thread definitely convinced me to never try POF :lachen::lachen: I don't need any extra rachetness in my life, it finds me enough as it is :look:

@Victorian- The OKC Circus :lol: Sounds like you have your hands full...sounds like you like Guy1 the most :giggle: Are the other three mostly serving to keep you balanced while you wait for things to develop with Guy1?! *:look:* That is my plan for the summer hahaha

OKCupid (OKC) has produced the best results BY FAR of all online dating sites I've used...Match was meh & BlackPeopleMeet (BPM) was super WHACK :grin: All the men on BPM look old and dusty :look: The dates I have had through OKC have been with mostly well-educated, attractive, and open-minded young black men! I have encountered a few duds, but mostly decent guys. Just so happens most of them I just didn't click with...
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So ladies...I officially have a crush :giggle: The date with Mr. Awesome Message was so GREAT! I got lost and was uber late for the date, but he was so cool and understanding. We had a lovely time at dinner and talked for hours afterward...he is a musician and showed me his studio where he works since we didn't want the date to end :yep: He even taught me some basics of playing piano and started teaching me to play a song *swoon* I have to admit it was pretty hot :drunk: Nothing sexier than man who can teach you something :) And he was a complete gentleman, even though our date ended at 4am :look: Definitely in my Top 2 best dates of all time :grin: We have talked every day since and he asked me out again before our first date ended, so we are going out again today :yay:

I was supposed to also go to a music festival with the first guy, but today he called & said he doesn't want to go there anymore :rolleyes: It was early when he called, so he said I could call him back later since I was half asleep...I don't know if I even will. He seems a bit controlling for some reason. Like he tells me things, doesn't always ask me, which kinda pisses me off! But I don't want to cut off dating other guys until my favorite guy indicates he wants something more exclusive. So what to do?
LilMissSunshine5 Aww! That sounds so fun. I hope it keeps working out for you.

Yeah, we've only had 2 dates so I'm trying not to get all attached. Plus, he's...a very complex person (he gave fair warning on his profile :lol:), so I feel like I definitely need to take my time and make sure I know what I'd be getting myself into. That's so funny, guy1 is a musician too (plays guitar).

Well...guy4 and I are supposed to meet on Thursday now, so I'll get to see how he really is in person...
dumbazz....if you like skinny chicks why the hell are you responding to my profile talking about how pretty I am and you wanna get to know me............stupid......
crlsweetie912 said:
dumbazz....if you like skinny chicks why the hell are you responding to my profile talking about how pretty I am and you wanna get to know me............stupid......

Cause he just wants a physical thing with you, I would just KIM